Millia collapsed to the ground, taking in viciously low gulps of air as she stared up at the victor. The fight had started quickly, almost meaninglessly, but it had stared and it ended in Millias unlikely defeat. The frustration on the scarred samurai was more than obvious. She stared down at the floored Millia, her sword still drawn. The outcome had annoyed Baiken (To say the least). Millia was holding back the majority of her strength. And Baiken wasnt the type to let her feelings go unknown. Why are you holding back? Baiken yelled. If Millia heard that, she certainly wasnt showing it. She only sat there, with a look of indifference painted on her face. Millia spoke in a low-key voice. Destroy me. Frustration transformed into anger. Answer me! I said destroy me. Baiken scowled hatefully at her. Youre a coward. I wont dishonor my blade by slaying you. If youre that afraid to face him, why search? For once, something grabbed a slice of Millias attention. Yet it always came down to him... Millia looked up at Baiken. What do you know of me? Baiken closed her eye and sheathed her sword. I saw you at the tournament. You defeated the man of shadows. Then they overtook him. Possessed by his own weapon... Millia scowled lightly as Baiken said that. Zato ruined her life didnt he? Why was she feeling this way? I said finish me Millia said, a little more frustration in it then intended. The victor looked curiously at the defeated. Why should I? I said kill me! Millia screamed, stunning Baiken for a second. Baiken let out an ironic grin. Emotion? In an icy soul such as yours? If any part of Millia was angry, that part showed itself as her eyes flared, directly from fury and she stood up, with her hair contorted enough to assume that she was going to throw a Lust Shaker at Baiken. The grin on Baikens face widened, as if to welcome the challenge, but as soon as it appeared, Millias anger deflated. Who are you? Millia breathed. Needless to say, Baiken was pissed off that Millia didnt awaken her powers, but she assumed it would all come in due time. Baiken sighed and walked closer to Millia. My name is Baiken Seishino. ********* Back at the grotto, Dizzy left contentedly with May and Johnny, heading back to the May ship. In spite of his trust, Testament still carried some misgivings about Johnnys intentions with Dizzy. However Johnny assured him that he wanted nothing more than to help and protect the young Gear. After a moment of indecision, Testament accepted this and allowed Dizzy to go with Johnny and May without any problems. So as soon as all the loose ends were tied up, the three returned to the May ship. Later on, when they got back to the ship, Johnny introduced Dizzy to the whole crew, showed her around the ship and gave her a mildly cut sailor uniform to wear. Johnny led Dizzy to her living quarters inside the ship. A nice room for a bandit airship. Although Dizzy had agreed that she wanted to come along with him and May, Johnny could sense that Dizzy was a little bit nervous. But it was understandable. The girl had had such a ruff life at the hands of humanity and now she was about to embark on a journey with humans themselves. Dizzy sat down on the plush bed in her room, whilst Johnny leaned back on the right wall, bracing his body with his left leg. So Dizzy, Johnny started. What do you think of my ship? It is nice. Very different from were I used to live. Dizzy said quietly. Im glad you like it. Cause its your new home. You dont have to worry about any bounty hunters attacking you here. Johnny said. Dizzy sighed sadly. I am glad. That action got Johnny thinking. Were you troubled a lot? Back at the grotto? Dizzy nodded. Yes. Recently someone called Sol Badguy attacked me, but he spared my life. I dont really know why. Johnny winked at Dizzy. Maybe cause youre just too nice, huh? The young Gear smiled briefly and thought to herself. This all seemed so strange. Humans had considered her a threat since she was an infant (Well shes only 3 now, but still...) and now Dizzy had met these caring, gentle humans that completely contradict her original views of them. It didnt seem possible for Dizzy, but at the same time, she felt as though it was understandable. There were still so many things Dizzy had yet to learn about the world. Dizzy shifted her legs and fiddled with her hands a bit. Mr Johnny, why did you take me with you? Huh? Humans have been terrorizing me for so long now. But then I meet you and the others, and you seem so...kind. Kind to me, but why? Johnnys blasé disposition morphed into one of a serious yet warm contemplation. The chivalrous pirate stopped leaning on the wall and sat down next to Dizzy on the bed, beaming a distant gaze in his eyes. I guess it started with my father. Johnny said. Dizzy looked at Johnny, no longer fiddling. Your father? Johnny nodded. Yep. You see my old man was killed by a Gear. The minute Johnny said that, Dizzys eyes fell in sadness, and Johnny picked up on it fairly quickly. Dont worry, Im not blaming you. Dizzy didnt look at Johnny, but nodded in understanding. Anyway, when he died, I was left all alone, orphaned. When I grew up, I came to understand how hard it could be for orphans, and I wanted to do something about it. I wanted to be like my old man, a caring and trusting soul. And I swore that Id help out anyone who felt as though they needed help. So I eventually formed the Jellyfish pirates. Were all orphans, dedicated to helping out others. And if it means we have to steal a few things to survive...well... Dizzy looked at Johnny again. Thank you Mr Johnny. For taking you along? No need. I gotta help out anyone who needs it. Johnny stood up off Dizzys bed and made his way to the door. Well Ill see you later. I gotta take care of a few things before we move out. You okay here all alone? Dizzy nodded sweetly. I will be fine Mr Johnny. After a quick smile and a nod of his hat, Johnny exited Dizzys room and made his way to the bridge. While walking in the corridor, May ran up to Johnny from behind. The surprised Johnny looked down to see the young girl smiling at her. Johnny unconsciously smiled back. Oh, hey May. Whats up? May giggled. I was worried about you, Johnny. Youve been gone for a while and I couldnt find you. I was showing Dizzy around the ship. Nice girl. Johnny said. Yeah she is. A bit quiet though. Is she in her room? May asked. Johnny nodded and nudged his hat up. Yeah. I think Ill go see her. May quickly walked back in the direction she came from, towards Dizzys room. Johnny chuckled to himself for a second, and walked back to the bridge. ********** A knock came at the door to Dizzys room. The fledgling pirate leaned up from the bed she was lying on, and called out to the knocker. Please come in. The oval shaped metal door opened slowly to reveal May at the front of the doorway. Dizzy let a small smile surface over her lips, and looked to the ground bashfully. May smiled brightly at Dizzy, not noticing the change in the young Gear girls behaviour. Hi, Dizzy! Dizzy didnt look up. Hi... May closed the door behind her and took a seat next to Dizzy on the bed, temporarily forcing Dizzy to look up again. May lifted her legs up off the ground and smiled again. So how do you like the May ship? Pretty cool, huh? Yes, I like it. Your ship is very big. Dizzy said. Mays voice lowered in its joy. Johnny showed you around, did he? Yes. Mr Johnny is very nice. The auburn haired pirate lowered her legs to the ground, and looked at Dizzy with a serious expression on her face. Dizzy saw that and felt a bit uneasy. Me and Johnny are meant for each other you know, so I'd really appreciate it if you'd just back off, okay? Dizzys eyes widened at *that*. The young gear shook her head profusely and blushed a plentiful crimson. No...n-no...Im not, I mean I dont...Mr Johnny is just a...I really am not... The gear could barely get out her sentences without stammering, and May started to take note of the few things she could make out from Dizzy. Mays smile returned to her face. Youre not interested in Johnny? Dizzy shook her head again. No. May whipped her arms around Dizzy and giggled childishly, drawing Dizzy into a playful and friendly hug of appreciation. Thats great! Now we can be close friends! May said. Dizzy blushed again and smiled a bit. She was happy that she hadnt upset May. For some reason, Dizzy didnt want to do anything to upset the pirate girl. Mr Johnny that way? Asked Dizzy. May sighed a longing sigh and stared off dreamily. Yep. Johnny is such a hunk! Dont you think so? Dizzy looked away. I...wouldnt really know... Mays dark eyes became confused. Whys that? Dizzy stood up, and ran a hand through her dark blue hair nervously, her wings dropping a few light and dark feathers. May continued to look curiously at Dizzy. Um...I...dont think...that I really... Dizzy trailed off. But Mays curiosity wasnt satisfied with that, and nudged for an answer. Yeah...? Dizzys blush deepened. N-nothing... ********** A few hours later, Baiken and Millia had left the grassland trail that they were previously fighting at, and made their way to a nearby bar. It was in the ruins of a city partially destroyed by Justice in the Crusades. Although around 60% had been wasted, a few dedicated souls remained in the city, surviving from aid and financial help from the Union of Nations. Baiken had been watching over the place for quite sometime now. There was no threat from a Gear, but Baiken always kept her watchful eye open for anything. It was only today that Baiken had decided to move out and continue her search for The Man, in the hopes of executing her revenge. Then of course, she ran into Millia. The two went the bar that Baiken had described, in the lower levels of the ruins of the city. When the two walked in, gasps of panic were surrounding the two of them. Millia had no clue as to why they were treating she and Baiken in this fashion, but Baiken realized that these folks were still intimidated by the raw ass kicking she served up to Chipp Zanuff the other night. Baiken didnt mind it. A little fear keeps you in line. Millia and Baiken sat down at a table off in a silent far corner, albeit a few stares and murmurs. Millia looked at the samurai with a genuine gaze of enquiring need. She had absolutely no reason to be here, in fact staying in one place for too long might be a bad thing, but Millia didnt feel the need to leave. The blonde wanted to know more about Baiken. Simply because the war-withered woman made so many accurate estimations in regards to her when in reality she knew very little about Millia. Millia didnt like the idea of being so easy to read. But at the same time, she felt as though this was something that was unique to Baiken, and a mild curiosity was enough to make Millia want to know more about her. ...Baiken, Millia began. What is it that motivates you to fight? Baikens concentration was fixed on the people staring the two of them, but it was directed back to Millia when she spoke. Her peach eyes darkened to think of her past. What makes you ask? You strike me as a person who has a history behind her missing arm. You can stop me if Im wrong. Baiken stared at the claw and chain attached to her body in the place of her left arm, and frowned darkly. Oh this? This is just a scar of the past. A helpful reminder of my true desire. When I was younger, I lived in an institution in Japan. Millia looked openly confused. Thats means youre- Its more complicated than that. My institution was devastated by the Gears, all of my friends and family killed. Throughout the mass destruction, I lost my left arm and my right eye. It was only by good fortune that I managed to survive. I dont remember much else about that day, except for the heat of the flames, the plangent smell of roasted flesh, the smoke and the screams of terror. However one image still remains fresh in my mind. Baiken closed her eye. The image of a man...surrounded by them... {Them?} Millia thought. Baikens eye opened. I know that man is my adversary. All this body really lives for is to seek vengeance for my fallen kin. While Baiken was talking, a waiter brought them a bottle of Sake and two western glasses. Baiken poured out the sake for Millia and herself respectively and gulped it down. Millia sipped some sake also. She wasnt much of a drinker but it felt appropriate at the time. I see. So you want revenge. Maybe we are not as different as you first assumed, eh? Baiken said. Millias eyes narrowed, and she looked at Baiken with that same old icy expression. How do you keep doing that? Doing what? Millia sighed. Accurately predicting me and my past. Baiken let out a haughty chortle. So Im right? Maybe. Baiken stopped laughing enough to pour some more Sake and swig a fresh sample of it. Staring at Millia, the cerise haired samurai became curious to know about Millias past. So...what might your motivation to fight be? Baiken said. Millias eyes grew even more distant. Why would you want to know? Baiken grinned ironically. An eye for and eye. I told you my story, now I want to know yours. Its the warriors code. I never desired to be a killer. Yet you have the power of one. Being a warrior and a murderer are two different things. I didnt take you for a person who would be confused by that. Baiken stated. Millia just sighed and rolled her eyes, sipping more Sake. She had begun to get a taste for it. I did not want to be a warrior either. I dont think that there is much of a difference. They both slaughter people, do they not? Baiken looked hard at Millia. Stop avoiding my question. From what I was told, I came from a small hamlet in Russia. I dont know what either of my parents look like, they were killed in the crusades and I was too young to get a suitable mental picture of them. I was apparently found as an infant in the ruins of my village, by an assassin organization. I was taken to the Guild of Assassins in Russia, and was raised there by the leaders of the group. They taught me how to control and manipulate the dexterity and flexibility of my hair, and use it as a weapon. But I...did not want to be an assassin. I did not want to kill as a way of life. I tried to take my own life a few times, but never succeeded. I guess the guild thought losing me would be a waste of their primary assets. Then, the biggest mission of all came up. Led by the famous...Zato-ONE. The man whos following in the organization is almost as big as that of its founder, Slayer. So, I was given a key role in the assignment, and was positioned separately from Zato and the others. But instead of following the orders I was given, I took the time to flee. I didnt find out until later that my actions had I direct effect on the mission. The assassins were caught in the act and Zato was imprisoned. Since then, the guild has been after me. Whether to kill me or bring me back I dont know, but thanks to them I now live my life as a recluse. I decided that I would never be happy until I stopped Zato and the assassins from terrorizing me. So I resolved to enter the International fighting tournament when I heard that Zato had escaped from jail and he would be competing in it. I did not know anything about it being a farce, just there to resurrect Justice. All I really cared about was destroying Zato. I felt that I would truly be free if brought him to the grave. And that the guild would be put into disarray subsequent to Zatos defeat. I did manage to beat Zato as you know. But as she lay there, beaten, his body was overrun by the very shadows he thought he had control over. After his defeat, as I expected, the assassins have been put into disorder. And even though I more or less succeeded in the majority of my goals, for some reason I felt...strange about Zatos fate...he was my master, but... Baiken listen intently to Millias story. But you still felt guilty. And now the only way you can see to alleviate that guilt is to kill your own benefactor? Millia nodded, a grim look in her crystal blue eyes. I understand. It must be difficult for you. I can now see why that man troubles you so. Baiken said sympathetically. Millia sipped more of her sake. I have to kill Zato. His soul will not stop torturing me unless I do. Will that cleanse you? Will killing this...Zato-ONE character really free you? Baiken asked. not know. But I cannot allow him to live any longer. I cannot have these dreams haunting me for eternity. I will not rest until Zato is dead...or I am. ********** Darkest Body, Brightest Soul part 3: Be it born It had been two months since had Dizzy joined the Jellyfish pirates and become a part of Johnnys all female crew. At first, Dizzy had found it hard to settle into life on the May ship. It was just so much different from her previous experiences that it caught her off guard. Despite that May had helped to get Dizzy settled in and the two of them had become fast friends. However Dizzy could not help but feel a deepening closeness between she and May. It may not have been mutual, but Dizzy was becoming attached to May in a way that could not be considered to be just friendship. May on the other hand, was clueless. In her eyes, Dizzy was just a friend, and the only one that had a place in her heart was Johnny. But things change... ********** Dizzy was back in her room, grooming her wings. It was one of those little traits that she had picked inside the grotto, and it had stuck with her. Normally she would take this time to reflect on the past, but lately, Dizzy had been thinking about nothing more than May. A mild crimson blush rose unto Dizzys cheeks the very second Mays name came to mind. Dizzy knew how important May had become to her. Although Dizzy liked all of the crew, May was the only one that Dizzy felt genuinely comfortable with. No one could put her at ease or console her as well as May could. Even the fact that May was human seemed irrelevant. None of it mattered anymore. All that Dizzy cared about was getting even closer to May, and just maybe get her to look a little deeper. As Dizzy finished grooming her wings, she dusted away the stray feathers and pulled out a book from under her bed. No matter what happened, Dizzy would always have a yearning for more knowledge. A knock came at the door, as soon as Dizzy flipped open a few pages. Without looking back, Dizzy ushered them in. Come in. Dizzy said absently. The door opened up, and May walked in happily with a tray full of food in her hands. Morning Dizzy! Dizzys eyes widened in surprise, and a second blush came on her face. She didnt even have to look up to tell that was May. Dizzy put the book she was about to read down, and smiled bashfully at May. Good morning, May. How are you today? Dizzy said timidly. May grinned a toothy grin. Im fine, silly! But you didnt come down for breakfast, so I brought breakfast to you! May brought the tray in her hands right up to Dizzys nose, and Dizzy sweat-dropped at Mays forthright nature. So very blunt. Um...thank you... May winked. No problem! But as soon as you finish eating, could you help me out with something? Dizzy set the tray down on her lap, grabbed the fork and began to eat, just as May spoke to her. Certainly May, what do you need help with? I just need some help with a few things and youre the only one I can trust with it. May said.
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