“So this is China, huh? It’s pretty.” The sky flyin’ captain of the May ship smiled as he and his younger crewmember, Dizzy, took in the sights of Fuzhou, China. Nothing particularly elegant, tall buildings, busy crowd, musky smell. It was slightly reminiscent of the old 20th century cities. Johnny loved the place. It blended well with his own sense of characteristic. It took him back to the days when he was still very young, the days when his father was still alive. When he was younger, his father always used to tell him stories about the world, before the Crusades. Of course his father knew nothing of this, he too was born during the Crusades, but his father, Johnny’s grandfather, also told him about the 20th century. It had sort of become a tradition in Johnny’s family. Johnny loved to hear stories about America in the 20th century. Johnny pictured old USA in the same way he saw Fuzhou. It was bright and magnetising, the kind of place you could get absorbed in very easily. Back in those days, things were simple and safe. He had his dad for security. Until some stinking Gear wiped Johnny’s father off the earth. Still, that was a long time ago. Things had changed. More or less they had changed for the better. Dizzy on the other hand, was a little browbeaten by the amount of people here. She had never really experienced congestion of this magnitude before, so it was sort of awkward, but whatever the less, our blue haired heroine persevered. Dizzy had often wanted to get her feet on some soil once again, though she was a little fearful of the outcome. Since the Spain thing was a bust, Dizzy did have a few misgivings about coming onto the surface and facing the world of humanity again, but so far things had been okay. Of course, Dizzy had to conceal her wings and tail, beneath her sailor-ish pirate uniform to avoid unwanted attention. However she seemed to be getting a few stares anyway. At first, Dizzy thought that her cover might have been blown, but then she realized that they weren’t angry stares. The people that were looking at her were smiling. Dizzy couldn’t really understand this, but Johnny did. Dizzy may have been a three year old Gear, but aside from that; she was an incredibly attractive woman. And that fact didn’t escape the notice of China’s residence. Even though he hated to break the dreams of Dizzy’s all-Fuzhou fan club, Johnny made sure they kept their distance. It was more for their good than anyone else’s. If one of those guys got too close to Dizzy, then a certain scythe wielding Gear would have their heads. Dizzy herself had to admit it, she got a distinct feeling of warmth from these people and this town. It was a community, and the people here were not threatening even in the least. It gave Dizzy a better chance to adjust. The two pirates dodged their way through the large crowds of onlookers, drifters, shoppers and businessmen, all to reach their goal. A small shop that sold rare Japanese-style sushi, a delicacy that was often overlooked for the upper class. But Johnny knew this man to be anything but a snob, as he had recently moved to China to support his family. The purpose of this little trip was simple. To meet up with Johnny’s old buddy, then evaluate the worth of the gold that May and April had busted out from Berlin. If it were in his power, Johnny would sell it to his old acquaintance, and reap the benefits of the sale. After a long half hour of trudging through wave after wave of commuters and consumers, Johnny and Dizzy finally reach the sushi shop of their desires. It wasn’t exactly impressive, a rather small building lodged in between two larger buildings, but it had a quiet charm to it. Johnny nudged his hat up. “This is the place, Dizzy.” “This is where you’re friend lives, Johnny?” Dizzy asked quietly. Johnny rested a hand on Dizzy’s shoulder and smiled. “Come on, let’s make tracks. You’ve got the bar of gold that April polished up for me, right?” Dizzy nodded in conformation and pulled out the gold bar from the woven basket on her wrist. She had taken the basket to pick up some things for June, basically some Korean carrot and apricot sake, but nothing fancy. Anyway, Dizzy handed over the gold brick, and the captain of the May ship stuffed the thing into his pocket. “Okay Dizzy. Lets just take care of this, then we can go back to the Inn.” ********** May tiredly opened her eyes to the unwelcoming chorus of chirping birds, noisy yammering from the people outside, and June’s disturbingly indelicate wake up call. The anchor-wielding pirate was sleeping (or at least trying to) in her mildly comfortable bed at the Inn. But June seemed to have something against that... “Come on, May!” June yelled sternly. “Get up!” Taking no notice, May growled lowly, rolled over, and smothered her pillow over her head to block out June’s incessant yelling. “Oh gimme a break, June...” May stressed tiredly. “Just lemme have a couple...more...hours, then I’ll...get up.” June’s eyes narrowed as she took in her friend’s relaxed aura. May might have been as strong as an ox, but she wasn’t a morning gal. Even for someone with her energy. Not wasting a second of time, June yanked at May’s torso, and pulled her up into a sitting position. “May!” June said while she heaved. “Get up, already! It’s no wonder Johnny and Dizzy left without you!” That pulled May into focus. Tiredly, May rubbed her eyes a bit. “What did you just say?” “I said Johnny and Dizzy left without you.” June repeated. May stopped rubbing her eyes. “Dizzy left without me?” From then June remembered what was going on between May and Dizzy, and that they weren’t exactly on the best of terms. “Well...yeah. Johnny asked Dizzy if she wanted to wait for you to wake up and she said no.” May expression turned downcast as she looked away. “Oh. I see.” June felt a sudden wave of guilt pass through her whilst she looked at May’s sudden change in expression. The cook could really tell that this was whole situation was hurting May. She looked almost heartbroken. Some would say that it was her own fault, but June didn’t see it that way. No one was to blame. But this whole affair had to come to a resolution. {Darn, I stuck my foot in it again...} June thought. “Are you okay?” May closed her eyes. “I’m fine.” May didn’t immediately answer, but her eyes said everything. June could tell that was a lie. May wasn’t fine at all. ********** About an hour later, May and June left the Inn where they were staying at, and went out into Fuzhou’s large open-air market. June wanted to go see this new restaurant that everyone was going crazy over. It was important to June, she wanted to pick up some new tricks and taste some new foods. But before then, the cook wanted to buy some herbs, spices and seasonings to take back to the ship. One reason why June was so excited about this was because China stocked some of the rarest spices in the whole world. Even ones that were thought to be lost (Japanese spices for example) after the Crusades. None of these were cheap of course, but with the money the crew were likely to receive from the gold, the price would be no problem whatsoever. So June decided to do some herb hopping before she went to this new restaurant, and as a bonus of requirement, May just had to come along. The two girls were at present walking around the huge open market, and as June eagerly observed the dozens of spices and goods in one of the stalls, May just sighed and nodded along. For some reason, (A cute little blue haired reason, with a tail) May could not concentrate on what June was saying or doing. May was not in the mood for this at all. All May could think about...was Dizzy. This feeling was becoming so redundant. Nothing seemed to make sense anymore. Why couldn’t May get Dizzy out of her head? Why couldn’t she stop thinking about their kiss? And why was she so relived when she found out that Dizzy and June were just friends? Everything about this situation clouded May’s mind. None of it added up. Not even in the least. It should be so simple, right? Johnny was her one and only love, nobody could break the bond that she shared with him. Then Dizzy came along and that whole theory was turned on its head. Did Dizzy really hold so much significance in May’s heart? May sighed again. She wished that April were here. April could always make sense of these kinds of things. Rationality was always her strong point. June heard that distinctly perturbed sigh and turned her attentions away from the stall to centre her worries on May. “May...” June said tenderly. “Something’s wrong. You’re far too quiet. Are you sure you’re okay?” “Well...I...no. I guess not.” May said. The look on May’s face indicated that she needed to talk to someone, and soon. So June nodded over to a small alleyway right behind the stall they were standing in front of. May and June then walked over to this alleyway and quietly settled down. June rested the basket in her hand on the floor, and walked over to May, placing an arm around her to ease the pirate girl’s nervousness. That was all May required to open up, but June was the first to address it. “So what’s up? Are you gonna tell me now, or what?” May took a deep breath to prepare herself to say this. “If I tell you this, June, do you promise not to freak out or get angry?” “Sure I-“ June got cut off before she could continue. “Because if you’re just gonna yell at me, then I’d rather not say anything at all. I mean everything that I say and I don’t wanna feel bad about it, so if you’re just—“ This time June cut May off. “It’s okay, May. You can tell me anything you need to. And if you don’t feel like saying anything that’s okay too. I don’t mind. Whatever is fine with you is fine with me.” “Okay...well...lately I’ve...kinda been feeling...different about someone. Someone who is really special to me.” May whispered in sincerity. Now June began to understand. She had a feeling that April knew about this too. Something was defiantly going on between May and Dizzy, June was sure of it. June held on to May a little tighter. “Go on.” “...I think...that I might be...interested in someone.” June tried to hide her smile. “Is this someone...Dizzy?” May said absolutely nothing to that, but with the brief mention of Dizzy’s name, the tiniest of blushes sprinkled upon her cheeks, in deep contrast to the maddening pounding of her heart. June noticed it. Dizzy was by far the issue. “It is Dizzy, isn’t it?” June asked curiously. May nodded slowly. “I just...don’t understand why...” “What do you mean?” May stared blankly at June. “I love Johnny. I always have. I always will. How can one girl just change all of that?” “Well...” June started. “I know you love Johnny, we all do. But are you sure you’re *in* love with him?” May looked down. “I dunno. I think so, I mean...I just thought that...y’know...” “You assumed that it’d all fit into place? Is that it? Be serious May. Nothing is ever that simple. Not in regards to love. It’s unpredictable and at times, unfair. You’re not sure of yourself, are you?” May shook her head. She actually wasn’t. But then, very little made sense in her life nowadays. Being sure of what she wanted was no exception. A new thought popped into June’s head. “Is that why you and Dizzy aren’t talking? Because you think you have feelings for her?” “No.” May said. “It’s kinda complicated. Dizzy likes me too, but she and I...well...” “What is it?” June nudged for a response. “Why is that a problem? If you like Dizzy and Dizzy likes you, then why are you not talking to each other?” May’s blush deepened. “She and I kissed a few days ago and I kind ran away from her...” The marble toned eyes in June’s head thinned out. “You ran away from her? After she kissed you? You know how shy Dizzy is! Why the heck did you-“ “I know!” May yelled. “April said the exact same thing, and I’m sorry. But she put me in an awkward position. I just couldn’t think straight about it. I was confused. Dizzy had never shown an interest in boys. Aside from the Johnny and that guy with the scythe, Dizzy doesn’t even talk about men. Yet, despite all that, I never saw it coming. I had no idea that Dizzy felt that way about me until she kissed me. If I could do something to change it, I would. I...I would have handled things so much better. But I can’t do that. And now, Dizzy will barely even look at me.” June now felt sorrow for May rather than anger. This whole thing was getting to May too. “I’m...sorry, May.” May continued as if she hadn’t heard June’s apology. “And, after it all, I can’t stop thinking about her. Her eyes, her voice, her smile, the way she moves, the cute way she always backs me up, even if I’m wrong. She’s special, June.” June smiled. “I know.” May shut her eyes tightly as if to block out tears as she added, “And now she...I don’t think...that Dizzy loves me anymore.” June hugged May tightly, in an effort to cheer her up. “It’s okay, May. Don’t be sad. You don’t know that for sure. I see the way Dizzy looks at you. I swear, the girl’s crazy for you.” May rubbed her eyes a bit. “Really?” June nodded. “Yep! Really. But you know what you have to do now, right?” May shook her head. She hadn’t a clue. “You have to make a decision, May. You can’t string Dizzy along if you think you love Johnny. You need to make a choice, and soon. Because as beautiful as you may be, Dizzy won’t wait around forever.” May nodded. June was right. She had to make a choice between Dizzy and Johnny. If anything, it would clear the air around the situation. It was finally time to settle the whole thing. Dizzy or Johnny. ********** This was it. May stood inside the upper hallway of the Inn. It was around six hours since she had gone shopping with June, and Johnny and Dizzy had come back from the gold appraising thing. Apparently, the gold was worth quite a lot, but May wasn’t really concerned about that right now. All day she had thought long and hard about this. On the one hand, May had Johnny, this wonderful man who had taken her in when she was nothing more than a kid, a man who she thought she had been in love with since then. On the other hand, May had Dizzy. This amazing girl who made May feel so...safe and warm and cared for. A girl she just could not get out of her head. Now it was time to choose between them. May had to make a choice. Dizzy or Johnny. May was now currently standing between two doors. One led to Johnny’s room, the other led to Dizzy’s room. In her hand, May held the love rose. The one she had picked up in Berlin. She was going to present to the one she loved. Taking a look at both doors, May caught her breath and finally made her decision. She was going to be with the one who made her truly happy. It was their destiny. May then turned to the left door and knocked on it quietly. “It’s me, May. Can I come in?” She was called for to come inside. May’s smile brightened, as she stepped into the room, May greeted the one she saw in there... “Hiya, Johnny.” ********** Ky yawned out loud, stretching out his arms tiredly. Despite all the thunder and rain last night, he got a good rest. Although the dreams he suffered were not as pleasing. Dreams of his first mission as leader. His first mission with Sol Badguy. Ky really couldn’t find any simple way to describe what he thought of Sol. In all of his battle-filled life, Ky had met no adversary that was as powerful or as confusing as Sol was. Ky couldn’t understand such a man. Or at least, why a man with such power would act in the manner that Sol does. In Ky’s eyes, he was nothing more than a brute. A blasphemous ruffian who would dare to challenge the wishes of Him. A man that had the sheer audacity to go against God’s will. Yet, Ky felt no greater simplicity within himself, then when he faced Sol in combat. Everything was easy then. Sol was the representation of everything that Ky needed to fight against. He was a thorn in the side of Ky’s orderly world. A thorn that needed to be removed. The way Ky saw it, was that he was chosen by God to fight for righteousness. It was Ky’s appointed task to fulfil. The very reason why he was placed upon this earth. But when it came to taking up the task of defeating Sol, the man who symbolized the corruption of God’s Earth, Ky came up short. This confused him. Why? Why could he not win? And why did Sol continually hold back the brunt of his power? How could the combination of a failed knight, bounty hunter and thief, defeat the knight of God? Was Ky not worthy? The humiliation and shame of being defeated by Sol didn’t shroud the main issue from Ky’s eyes though. As much as he hated Sol for all of his crimes, Ky only felt real purpose or feeling of security whilst locked in combat with him. It disgusted Ky to think that he needed that man for anything, but Ky did not let that confuse him. Sol was own rival. And one of the goals Ky felt that he needed to accomplish in life was victory over his rival. It was his destiny. Ky growled lowly as his eyes narrowed. “The time to settle the score is near, Sol...” Just then, Ky heard the sound of jet, flying extremely fast. It made no sense though. Technology of that kind wasn’t local to Fuzhou. Then Ky heard the sound a second time. Feeling that something was off, Ky quickly stood off of Jam’s fairly delicate couch, and hurriedly strapped on the uniform of the Order. Not exactly the modest of garments, but it helped to focus Ky’s mind on the issues. The uniform always gave Ky that dissimilar feeling of duty. Fully dressed, Ky clasped Thunderseal and made his way to the window. As he took a look outside, he was greeted to the brightest of sunny days, and that impact-borne sound. Ky looked up, and heard the sounds of a woman, yelling furiously. A woman that happened to be Jam. Ky began to think that maybe Jam was in trouble, but then he remembered that Jam had told him of her fighting skills. She was a martial artist, and one with a fairly decent following in Fuzhou. Even though he didn’t want to intrude on what might be Jam’s private time, Ky could not help be at least a little inquisitive about it. Ky slowly sauntered across Jam’s apartment and out the door, walking up the stairs of Jam’s apartment building to reach the roof. This is where he suspected that Jam was training. And sure enough, as Ky opened the door that led to the roof, he saw Jam just a few metres away, thrusting her beautifully sculpted leg into the air in a series of powerful kicks. Ky smiled as he saw this. The Chinese cook had not noticed him yet, so Ky was free to observe this scene. Although Jam struck Ky as a person with very few real concerns, she seemed to take her training seriously. You could see it in the sternness of her face. This was not a joke to Jam. And Ky couldn’t help but feel slightly amused to see a more serious side to his newfound friend. With one final kick, Jam’s workout session came to an end. The young martial artist bowed in respect of the power she used to accomplish that workout, and privately thanked herself for the power this workout would maintain. Then she wiped her face free of sweat. Even though it was tiring, it always felt good to just kick back and train for a while. “I can see that you’ve been working rather hard up here. I can see that you have a great deal of talent, Jam.” Jam gasped and turned around to see Ky, staring at her with a look that crossed between satiated pride and quiet amusement. Then Jam blushed as Ky’s compliments sunk in. It actually meant something to be praised by someone like Ky. “Thanks...” Jam said. “I guess I guy like you can recognise power when you see it, huh?” Ky chuckled. “I suppose so.” “I was gonna wake you,” Jam started. “But you just looked so tired, I thought that it’d better let you get on with your rest. Are you okay?” Ky simply nodded. “Quite. I always seem to find myself tiring rather quickly these days. I think it is due to the amount of travel I’ve been going through these past few weeks. And yet I still have a long way to go.” Jam smile fell by a bit. “You’re...leaving soon?” “Yes.” Ky then walked over to the edge of the roof, and peered over it to inspect the busy city. A city that needed to be protected from evil. Just like the rest of the world. “I have to leave. I have to discover myself so that I can fully safeguard God’s beautiful creation. That is why I travel.” Jam looked confused. “Discover yourself?” “Sometimes...I...I feel as though I’ve lost my way.” Ky said. “Well...y’know...you don’t have to move around so much. I mean, my staff doesn’t have enough male workers and plus I need someone I can rely on anyway. You could always stay here with...me.” Ky turned around and smiled grimly at Jam. Even though it wasn’t a particularly happy smile, Jam still felt butterflies in her stomach when Ky smiled at her. Ky just couldn’t leave. Jam Kuradoberi wasn’t the type to let her man go so easily... “Thank you, Jam. But this isn’t a matter that I have any choice over. It’s a responsibility that I have to take care of. I need to uncover the truth so that I can properly understand my purpose on this earth.” “How can you do something like that?” Jam asked. Ky’s smiled faded, and he tightened the grip his gloved hand had around his mighty blade, Thunderseal. “I must defeat the only man that I consider to be my rival.” ********** Millia stood quietly in front of a quiet stream, passing through the low cut grass of the ground. Though that didn’t absorb her true attention. After all this time, after all the running, fear and doubt, Millia had finally done it. She had slain Zato-ONE. That man was no longer a factor in her life. No longer would Millia have to suffer while that man’s dark shadow cast terror into her soul. All of it was over. The last overall tie Millia had to the dreaded Assassin Organization had been severed. Millia Rage was at last free. But Millia had to admit, this situation wasn’t playing out the way she had pictured it before. Even though Millia was free of him, she still felt some slight guilt. Millia thought that by defeating Zato she would no longer feel that guilt. And now here she was, partly happy about her victory, and partly blameworthy for Zato’s death. Still, the candle within Millia’s soul had been sparked again. She was ready to continue her life. To embrace the things she couldn’t have done before. To seek out new things that Millia could not have aspired to before. But more importantly, she would never have to unlock her power ever again. Her assassin abilities had at last come to the end of their use. As soon as Millia left this village, she would begin a whole new chapter in her life. And put the previous one behind her. Millia sighed. “Goodbye, Zato-ONE.” “You’ve come a long way, Millia.” The blonde assassin slowly turned around as a certain one eyed, one-armed Ronin strode up to her with an amused grin. She would never actually say this, but Baiken was proud of Millia. She had finally unlocked her true power. Yet Millia still had a long way to go before she realized that she was a warrior, not just a runaway assassin. This was something that Baiken would work on. Depending on where Millia saw her future. Baiken herself had her own aims to accomplish. ‘That Man’ was still out there. And Baiken’s soul could never rest in peace until his life was put to an end. For the first time in a while, Millia geared her muscles into a slight smile. “Thanks to you. You’ve helped me out a great deal. Thank you, my friend.” Baiken grinned and shut her eye. “It was no trouble of mine. You have power, but you’re afraid of what it can do. And afraid of what it says about you when you use it. I just had to show you the error in you’re judgement. No matter what you think, Millia, you are a warrior.” “Do you really believe that?” Millia asked. “Yes.” Baiken answered simply. “I do believe that. It’s up to you to believe this, now. With Zato out of your life, you can begin anew.” Again, Millia smiled. “And you’ll be there with me. Because I have to help you achieve your aims now.” Baiken opened her eye. “To kill that man...?” “Is that not what you desire, Baiken?” Baiken clasped her sword as she remembered the burning flames of her institution. The charred corpse of her father. The raw stink of rotting flesh. It was all down to him. He was the one who caused that great atrocity. In no way was his death enough to atone for his crimes, but it was a small step towards retribution for her family and friends. Their spirits couldn’t rest if they weren’t avenged. “It is.” Baiken said. “My sword and I...that is our purpose.” As Millia and Baiken continued to talk, a solitary figure walked over to them. The two women turned around from there positions to face this person. It was Venom. Though he disliked Millia for all the trouble she had caused for Zato, he was in her debt for defeating Zato. It was something Venom could never have done on his own. Venom could not bring himself to kill his own master. But now, his benefactor was finally at peace, and Venom could rest easy knowing that his friend would never have to suffer again. “Venom.” Millia acknowledged him. She actually wondered if Venom might have held some kind of grudge against her, she knew that Venom cared a lot about Zato while he was commander. But Millia got what she least expected from him. Venom held out his hand. “Thank you, Millia Rage.” After looking his outstretched hand, Millia put out her own gloved hand and shook accordingly. “I hope that you succeed in all that you have to accomplish, Venom.” “I will. Farewell.” Stepping back, Venom took one last look at Millia and Baiken, and turned around to leave. With his snooker case in his hand, Venom slowly began to walk towards the setting sun. Baiken held her hand to her chin. “What will happen to him now?” “Normally he would be executed.” Millia started. “He directly went against the orders given to him by the Organization. However, I hear that the Organization is in disarray. If he keeps his activities to a bare minimum, and he tells no one of his exploits, then he might not be punished for it. It’s up to him to decide which path he should follow now. As for me, I’ve had my last walk in the dusk. That section of my life is behind me. It’s time to look to the future.” Baiken smiled. “I agree. I know of a small city near here called Fuzhou. I think we should go there next.” “Agreed. So, are you looking towards your own desires?” Millia enquired. Baiken simply nodded, staring deeply into the constantly moving rapids of the water stream. “Correct. I think its high time I continued my search for ‘That Man’...” ********** A dark cloud of reckoning circled around the skies of Fuzhou. The birds hovering in the sky scattered and flew away from the city. A cool breeze strolled through the streets, leaving behind an eerie sound of dread. As if the planet itself was worried... Deep, deep in an underground laboratory, a group of scientists crowded and worked around a large test tube. All of these said scientists had respective looks of intent and glee. After months of backbreaking effort and struggle, they had finally reached their goal... Project J2 had ultimately reached a conclusion. One of the scientists walked over to the cold incubator of a test tube, and tapped in a few codes on the computer below it. He looked over to the other scientists. “His BP level is at 90,000. Should I release the restraints and begin the conversional energize process?” One of the other scientists shook his head. “No, no, no. You’re still too young to understand the magnitude of what we have done. In more ways than one. We have made history. Just be sure to hold down the restrains until our subject knows its purpose.” “Now...release the cryogenic lock on our subject.” As the scientist tapped in the codes to release the cryogenic lock, inside that chilly test tube, the beast that slept within began to awaken...His black talon like claws clutched together in the form of a fist and his blood red eyes finally began to adjust to the world after so long... ********** Far, far away from Fuzhou, deep in a place some regarded as hell, Testament stood. But not for long. In an instant, Dizzy’s scythe carrying guardian fell to his knees, and clutched his chest in maddening agony. His teeth clutched together and his heart raced as this dark feeling enveloped him. Testament’s crimson red scythe was tossed to one side as he struggled to gain control of himself. If his revelations and suppositions were correct...then... “It...it...can’t be...!?” He yelled confusedly. In a few seconds, Zio transformed from its crow form into its sprit form, and placed a concerned hand onto Testament’s shoulder. “What? What is it, Testament?” Zio asked. “Can’t you feel it?!” Testament yelled furiously. “It’s...it’s...” ********** Sol’s brown eyes widened in shock when he felt a surge of aura run through him. Aura he hadn’t felt in almost a year. A familiar aura, of the darkest and most diabolical of all creatures... And small trail of steam leaked up from Fireseal as Sol’s grip tensed around its hilt. Then suddenly all the pieces of ‘Project J2’ started to make sense... “...Justice...” ********** Kaiser’s Afterthoughts ---------------------- * Holy crap! What’s this!? After all that, May picks JOHNNY!? Or did she...heh, heh, heh...you’ll just have to wait till my next chapter to find out! * Now, before anyone chucks rocks at me for being cheesy enough to bring back Justice, just let it be known that I think it’s a good idea. It explains why Justice is a secret character in Guilty Gear X2. And since Justice is my favorite boss ever (next to Sephiroth and Dizzy) I’m going to put a lot of effort into this. * My first site is up! Go and visit my new site, Michael Sword! Nothing special, but it’s a fansite to everyone’s favorite Gear commander, Justice! Just follow this URL.../mysite.freeserve.com/michael_sword/ * This is a thanks to all the people who supported me and my site by allowing me to post their fanfiction. Thanks you guys. If anybody wants to me to post some more of their Guilty Gear fanfiction, then go right ahead and tell me. I’d be more than happy to have it on my site. * Sorry about any errors, one of these days I’ll have to start editing DB, BS. * 12 Pages...hmm. This should keep me above Zeronova, I think.
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