Preface The first ideas for this popped into my head about a year ago while working on a remake for my earlier Gall Force fic "Battlezone Earth". While writing that story, I was getting more and more disillusioned with the old concept of "Bring the girls back to life, and then write about their adventures in coping with life on a developed Terra." While the concept has worked for a long time for many Gall Force writers, I myself have never been comfortable in traveling the beaten path, besides, writers such as George Pollock Jr. and Fred Herriot had already done a far better job in that task already. So with that in mind I couldn't help but notice a lot of great concepts that those writers had introduced without actually fleshing them out to the point I personally would have liked. On top of that, in both stories, the girls are often thrust into heterosexual relationships almost haphazardly while in my opinion they probably would still be more interested in each other, as a result I plan to bring more Shoujo Ai elements into Gall Force as well. There are plenty of possible pairings, but since I want to make this as Canonical as possible (I know, I know, this is a fanfic.) I plan on focusing on only a few. First of which being a relationship only hinted at in Blue Sister, by Kenichi Sonoda, is one between the Young Catty Nebulart (before she became head of Solnoid Intelligence) and a rather rough and tough looking woman named Rica. Other pairings will most likely include the classic and very much required "Lufy/Rabby" pairing, and probably a brief "Rabby/Eluza" pairing. But one pairing I can't wait to write about would have to be between Shildy and Catty (the android this time). Its hinted at briefly in Gall Force: Destruction but a few fans that I had a run-in with were in disagreement with me. ( I don't understand why really, the thought of Shildy and Catty sharing a bed sounds pretty awesome IMO.) But at any rate, that is far in the future and this is still the beginning, so without further ado, I present, the first in a complete retelling, "Gall Force: Project Exodermus"
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