My second SoixYui fic. ^^ This one, however, is set when the 2 are
already in a relationship. ^^ Cold, rainy nights are always a good setup
for a romance fic...right? ^_^;
Again she couldn't sleep. Why did it have to be so COLD?
"I hate the rain," Yui muttered, pulling the covers tighter around
herself. Every time it rained, her room suddenly became too cold. Not just
any ordinary cold, mind you, but FREEZING, as if she was sleeping in a
"It's not even winter." Sighing, she tried to stop thinking about the cold
and closed her eyes. If she fell asleep, it wouldn't be so bad.
Ten minutes later, she was still wide awake.
"I've had enough of this," she sighed. Slowly, she got out of bed, threw
her robe on, and walked down the hall.
Soi blinked her eyes open, hearing a knock at her door. She didn't have
to ask who it was. Stretching, she got out of bed and opened the door.
"Come in, Yui," she said, smiling tiredly as she slipped an arm around
her miko. "Jeez, you feel like an ice brick!"
"I hate the rain," Yui whispered. Soi let go of her for a moment, closed
the door, and got into bed. She patted the space next to her.
"Come on, get under the covers," she whispered. Yui gladly complied. The
rain was slowly becoming a storm now.
Once they were settled in, Soi gave Yui a stern look.
"You know, you could have come to me when the rain started," she said.
"Yeah, I know. Sorry I woke you up, Soi," Yui sweatdropped.
"Ah, I would've woken up sooner or later myself. Besides, it's not that.
If you hadn't come to me when you did, you would've frozen half to death,
Yui!" Soi pressed a hand to her girlfriend's cheek. "You still feel cold."
"I know, but I had to be sure everyone was asleep so I wouldn't get
caught sneaking into your room." Yui sighed. "Of course, it might be
easier if we could just sleep in the same bed to begin with..."
"It would...but you know that'd be too risky," Soi said.
"Riskier than one of us being caught sneaking into the other's room?"
"...You have a point." Soi laughed a little, kissing the top of Yui's
head. "And if whoever moved out of their room kept the door closed at all
times, no one would suspect anything," she said. "Still, we really need
to be careful about this..." Soi hated to put so much pressure on Yui to
keep the relationship secret, but lately Nakago seemed more hell-bent
than ever on winning the war. Last night he'd even told Suboshi to stay
away from their miko, romance would be distracting to her.
"I wish we didn't have to keep this a secret," Yui sighed.
"I know. But think of it this way-it's fun tricking them all into thinking
we still don't get along," Soi said. Yui giggled.
"Yeah, now that you mention it..." She snuggled closer, yawning. Soi
tugged the covers around them a little more.
"Feel warmer?"
"Oh yeah," Yui murmured as she closed her eyes, "much warmer..."
"Good." Soi rested her cheek against Yui's hair, her own eyes closing.
"I love you, Soi."
"I love you too, Yui."
As they fell asleep, a crash of thunder outside signified the beginning of
the storm.
YES! Another story finished in a day! XD Ah, how refreshingly
short this seems compared to my first writing time AND in length.
O_o I guess I felt after all the angst I put em through in the first one,
it was only fair. ^^
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