Mothers and Daughters It was later the next morning before Kadowaki let Selphie have any visitors, stating that mother and daughter needed time to rest and recover. Cid was the first one in and beamed hugely at the site of mother and child. Irvine, ever the proud father, stood by the bed grinning like a fool. "Hi Sir." Selphie smiled in greeting. "Well hello there." Cid chuckled, handing Irvine a small box candies and some roses. "Um thanks sir, but I'm married now." Irvine said jokingly. "They're for me you cad!" Selphie snipped, swatting at him. "Quite right." Cid laughed. "Now then, who is this young lady?" He continued, leaning over to smile at the bleary eyed baby looking up at him. "Well." Selphie said quietly. "We decided to name her Edea, if thats okay. I mean, I think Matron would've liked that." Cid straightened and smiled softly. "Yes, I know she would, thank you." He sighed, then regarded the child once more. "She's beautiful." "Yeah I make em pretty don't I." Irvine said with a drawl. "At least she didn't have your ears." Selphie giggled. "What about my ears?" "Never mind." Selphie giggled. "Daddy has the car doors, doesn't he Edea?" She whispered laughingly to Edea who just yawned. "Great, even now I don't get any respect." Irvine sighed with a grin. "Knock Knock!" Quistis called, as Fujin poked her head in the door. "Oh hey! Quisty come in!" Selphie waved brightly. "Cid backed up to make way as Fujin wheeled Quistis into the room. Making excited little noises Selphie leaned over to hug her gently. "Thank Hyne! I'm so glad you're okay!" "I'm fine, and getting better everyday." Quistis assured her. "But enough about me, how are you two doing?" "We're great! This is the best day ever!" Selphie teetered cheerfully. "I'm fine too." Irvine interjected. Selphie turned and stuck her tongue out at him. "Hi Irvine." Quistis giggled, motioning for a hug. "How are you been big guy?" "Hiya Trepe, looking good." "Oh please." Quistis scoffed, pushing him away. "Um Fujin." Selphie mumbled, shyly. "YES?" "Sorry about all the awful things I said yesterday." "UNDERSTANDABLE." "Still, I was mean, to all of you guys, I'm sorry." "It's okay hon, really." Quistis grinned, ruffling her hair. "Anyway, we just wanted to say hi and check in on you." She continued. "Aw you're leaving already? You just got here?" Irvine frowned. "Yeah Quisty, I have to fill you in on all the gossip." Selphie pouted. "I'll come by later I promise, besides, you guys need some time alone." Quistis giggled. "Thats what got us here in the first place." Selphie countered with a sly grin. "Girl has a point." Irvine chuckled. "Okay you two." Cid coughed awkwardly. "Anyway, I'll see you guys later." Quistis laughed, then regarded Cid with a look of seriousness. "I need to talk to you." "Okay." Cid nodded then waved farewell to the new parents. As they left he looked to Quistis questioningly. "Where too?" "Your office." "Very well." Cid nodded, then glanced at Fujin curiously. She had no answers for him and merely shrugged. Upon arriving at his office, Cid turned on the lights and settled behind his desk. Fujin wheeled Quistis' chair in front of him and stood quietly nearby. "You can sit." Cid smiled, nodding to one of the large leather seats near his desk. "STAND." Fujin said simply and put her hands behind her back, assuming a military stance that was typical of her. "Very well then." He chuckled then focused his attention on Quistis. "Now then, what can I do for you?" "I just wanted to talk." Quistis smiled shallowly. "It's been awhile." "Yes it has." "So, are you looking forward to your retirement?" "Yes actually. I'm too old for all of this, saving the world is a job for the young." "I suppose so." Quistis grinned. "Good choice picking Xu as your replacement by the way. I'm sure she'll do a wonderful job." "You're not angry with me are you?" "She and I've had this discussion. I'm okay with it; I think I'll have enough to worry about just getting up and around again." "True, to true, besides, who knows what the future will bring." "You're right. So, I hear your going back to the orphanage, plan on rebuilding?" "In a sense, but not how you think, I figure it's something to keep me a busy, that and it'll be nice to have a place to spend my days." "No kids then?" "No kids, I have all of you." He smiled, eyes crinkling. In that moment, Quistis realized how old he appeared, tired, fragile, worn from years of stress and pain. She had come to confront him about what Edea has said in her dream but now though, looking into his eyes, those old, careworn eyes she didn't have the heart. Sighing softly she looked to Fujin who stood ready to stand by her as always, to the end. "Tell me about my parents." She asked quietly, looking back at him. "Parents?" Cid mouthed, somewhat taken aback. "You once told me you knew them." Cid removed his glasses and washed them awkwardly on his vest, something Quistis knew meant that he was ill at ease. "Yes, I knew them, well, knew of them." He elaborated. "What made you think of them?" "Nothing really, its just that with the new arrival. I mean, you know, it got me thinking is all." "Good thoughts I hope?" "Yes." She smiled. "I just wished I could have known them." "I'm sure they'd be proud of you." "I hope so." Quistis smiled. "They would be; they loved you more than anything." "I just wish..." Quistis sighed sadly. "I've so much I'd love to tell them..." Quietly, Fujin put a calming hand on her shoulder and she palmed it comfortably. "Are you okay?" Cid asked gently. "I'd tell them..." Quistis whispered, looking down solemnly. "I'd tell them that I know they had their reasons for leaving, and that they only did what they felt was best for me." "You hate them don't you...?" Cid mouthed quietly. "No." Quistis whispered, a soft smile coming to her lips. "I'm not going to lie though, I used to. But over the years, I found myself more confused than anything else; I just wanted to know why, but now." "Now?" Cid asked, his brow furrowing with concern. "Now." Quistis smiled gently, looking up to regard him thoughtfully. "Now, I'm okay, I know they loved me, and I'm not alone any more." She said wistfully. "And besides, I have Fujin now." She grinned, looking up at Fujin who stood quietly by her side. "I'm sorry sir." Quistis sighed, looking back at Cid regretfully. "No, no, it's okay." He beamed. "I'm glad you talked to me about this. I just wish I could've done more to help." "You have Sir, more than you know." Quistis smiled then sighed heavily. "Okay, welp, Fu, are you ready?" She said, looking up at her curiously. Fujin nodded solemnly, her gaze fixed silently at Cid who looked away awkwardly. "Well, you girls, have good afternoon." He mumbled, waving farewell. "We will, thanks again." Quistis waved as Fujin wheeled her out. Once in the hall, Fujin looked down at Quistis curiously. "I know..." She mumbled. "NOT CONFRONT?" "I couldn't" "BUT FATHER." "Perhaps..." "IS, YOU KNOW!" "No I don't." "EDEA?" "It could've been a dream." "FOOLISHNESS." "Look..." Quistis sighed, looking up at her wearily. "Did you see him, I mean really see him. He's tired, he's lost everything; I didn't have the heart. If it's true, then I know why they kept it from me." "BUT." "What Fujin? What do you want me to do?" "TELL HIM...?" "Fujin...they had their reasons for keeping me in the dark." "REASONS GONE." "True, but what good would it serve now, it'd only hurt us both further, it's better this way." "HOW?" "Fujin, look." Quistis sighed, rubbing her brow. "He's always been like a father to me, to all of us. There's no need to dredge all of this up." "QUISTIS..." "Fu, it's okay, really, it would only make things awkward between us. At least now though, he knows I don't hate him." "ARE CERTAIN?" "Yes, I'm sure, things will be fine." "VERY WELL." Fujin said with an unsure shrug. "Let's change the subject, before you get aggravated." "NOT ANGRY." "Fujin..." "CONFUSED." "I know." "I'D TELL." "You're not me." "OBVIOUSLY." "Hey now." "APOLOGY." Fujin sighed regretfully, leaning up against the elevator wall. "It's okay." Quistis smiled understandably as the elevator opened. Fujin looked at her watch then blinked. "THERAPY." "Oh no..." "YES." "I'm still sore from yesterday." "NO PAIN..." "Yes, yes, no gain." Quistis sighed. "WANT TO WALK?" "Of course." "GOOD." Fujin smirked, as they headed towards the gym. "You're a sadist." "PERHAPS." "Thats not funny." "NOT TRYING." "You need work on bedside manner." "NOT IN BED." "You know what I mean." Quistis snapped then looked up startled as they nearly ran over Raijin. "Whoa, slow down ya know." He blurted, moving aside. "Hey Ray, how are you?" Quistis smiled, slightly embarrassed. "I'm fine, Miss Trepe, hey Fujin." The large man smiled hugely. "RAIJIN." "Yo, I was hoping I'd see you, now that everything has calmed down I'm thinking it's time for us to go ya know." "LEAVING?" "Tomorrow." "Celest?" Quistis asked grimly. "Hey, she still wants to come too, her and Seifer are getting pretty tight ya know." "STUPID." "Fujin..." "IS." "It's her decision, I think it's a mistake too, but she can make her own choices." Quistis interjected quietly. "She's right Fu, let em be, it's what they both want ya know." Raijin shrugged. "DON'T CARE." Fujin finally said with feigned impassiveness. "Fine." Quistis sighed. "Well ladies, I have to go get ready." Raijin smiled sympathetically. "Okay, take care; don't go sneaking off without saying bye." Quistis ordered sternly. "Oh, no way Miss Trepe. No way could I leave without giving my love ya know!" The large man guffawed then embraced her tightly. "Ray, Ray!" Quistis hacked. "Not so tight." "RELEASE." Fujin snapped, elbowing him atop the head. Unfazed, Raijin raised up and moved to grab her in turn. "GIVE LOVE ELSEWHERE." She blurted, taking a defensive stance. "Bah, I'll get you later." He grinned. "Anyway I gotta run, you two behave." He chortled then hurried off. "Jolly." Quistis smirked, watching him jog away. "IGNORAMUS." Fujin sighed. "He's your brother." "AND." "Oh don't give me that, I know you love him." "BAH!" Both women blurted at the same time. Quistis giggled as Fujin gave her a sour look. "What?" She asked innocently. "INCORRIGIBLE." Fujin huffed, rolling her into the gym. After settling in they began work on the parallel bars and it didn't take long until the slow and painful session began to take its toll. Though she didn't voice her frustrations, Quistis' began to loose heart and Fujin picked up on it. "QUITTING?" She asked bluntly. "What...?" Quistis grumbled dryly as she struggled to make her way forward. "GIVING UP?" "No..." "LOOK LIKE IT." "You try it." "TAKES TIME." "Easy for you to say." "NO, IT'S NOT." Fujin frowned sadly. "PAINS TO SEE." "I'm sorry." "DON'T BE." "I just hate being helpless and this is taking so long. It's like I'll never walk again." "JUST STARTED." "I know, I... okay, you're right." Quistis sighed and set her jaw. "I'm just feeling sorry for myself." She huffed and renewed her struggle. "I'm not going to let this beat me." "GOOD GIRL." Fujin smiled, watching over her protectively. "Thank you Fu." Quistis said quietly as she reached the end of the bars then turned around carefully. "FOR WHAT?" "Everything, you've given up so much dealing with me." Fujin couldn't help but chuckle. "What's so funny?" Quistis asked curiously. "BELIEVE THAT?" Fujin answered bewildered. "Well, you have to admit, you've been spending a lot of time, helping me through all of this." "LOVE YOU STUPID." Fujin sputtered; startled that she'd be surprised by her devotion. "I, well okay, I'll shut up." Quistis blushed, feeling foolish. "SILLY." Fujin sighed, shaking her head. After a moment, Quistis looked up thoughtfully. "Run away with me." She said quietly. "VERY WELL." Fujin responded easily. "You're serious?" "AREN'T YOU?" "Well no..." Quistis frowned, moving forward shakily. "I mean, not really, but I've thought about it." "TIRED?" "I don't know... well, yes, sort of..." "THEN REST, VACATION." "I've been asleep for six months; I think its time for me to get back to work." Quistis said dryly. "NOT WHAT MEAN." "I know..." "HEAL MIND." "I wonder if thats possible." "TRY?" "Yeah, I guess." She paused. "You know what?" She said thoughtfully as she reached the other end of the bars and turned around once more. "I was serious about taking you to the Grandia." "NONSENSE." "Seriously, it'd do us both some good." "COST, PROHIBITIVE." "You keep saying that silly, it's my treat." "UNFAIR." "What? Why?" "HAVE NOTHING..." Fujin sighed regretfully. "Oh please, you've given me plenty just by being here, besides, what is this?" Quistis smiled deliciously, motioning to the ring that adorned her finger. Fujin smiled softly. "Let me do this for you, for us." Quistis purred smilingly. "OKAY." Fujin relented with a childish grin. "Yah!" Quistis cheered happily then lost her balance. Fujin moved quickly to catch her. "My hero." Quistis chuckled. "ALWAYS." "Get a room you two." Squall said jokingly as he made his way towards them. "Aren't you the comedian." Quistis huffed, resuming her struggle. "Couldn't resist, how's it going?" "As well as could be expected..." "TROOPER." Fujin said proudly. "I know." Squall said darkly. "Thats why I'm here." "What?" Quistis asked warily. "Nothing bad, I just wanted to say thank you." "Huh, for what?" Quistis blinked in confusion. "On behalf of the children and the others you saved." "What about those I didn't. Save the thanks, I don't deserve it." Quistis grumbled. "QUISTIS..." Fujin frowned in dismay. Unfazed by the comment, Squall continued. "I'm not going to sit here and debate this with you Quistis. You did good; never think otherwise and we're all grateful. If you need anything, anything at all, just let me know." Quistis seemingly ignored him, focusing on the task at hand. Squall looked around awkwardly a moment then looked to Fujin who simply shrugged. "Okay, well I'll see you two later." He mumbled, then turned to leave. "Squall..." Quistis sighed, pausing. "Yeah?" "Thanks..." "Thank you." He smiled softly, then gave a polite nod to Fujin before going on his way. "RUDE..." Fujin commented curiously. "I know, I'm sorry, I can't help but think I could have done more, I should have realized something was wrong sooner." "DID BEST." "But was it good enough...?" "COULD'VE, SHOULD'VE." Fujin coughed slightly. "TEAR APART." "You're right, but still, sometimes... I get to thinking of all of those we've lost...Aeka." Fujin frowned in dismay and moved to caress her cheek. "shhh." She murmured kissing her brow softly. "I'm sorry, all of you..." Quistis whispered softly, closing her eyes.
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