Frozen (part 77 of 100)

a Final Fantasy 8 fanfiction by Chendzeea Li

Back to Part 76
Laughter and Tears

It was winter, six months after the tragedy that claimed so many lives 
and nearly destroyed Balamb Garden. Zell stood on the rooftop of the 
presidential palace in Esthar, gazing out over the snow-capped city. In 
the distance, he could see Balamb Garden, hovering nearly motionless 
amid a tower of scaffolding. It had taken nearly two months for Esthar's 
best engineers and salvage teams to recover the damaged Garden and bring 
it back to the city for repairs.

"Damn that’s a glorious sight." Irvine whistled, as he approached from 
behind, a cup of steaming coca in his hand.

"Yup." Zell said dully.

Irvine said nothing more and stood quietly beside his friend. Long 
moments of silence slipped past before being broken by Zell who sighed 

"Let's get back inside... It's cold out here." He said quietly.

"Yeah, yeah it is." Irvine nodded, glancing once more at Balamb.

As the two men walked back down stairs they could hear Selphie carrying 
on about something.

"Oh she's rowdy today." Zell grinned.

"Welcome to my hell." Irvine chuckled.

"I heard that!" Selphie shouted, looking up from where she'd been going 
over a list with Celest.

"Busted." Zell mumbled as Selphie, who was now looking very pregnant, 
waddled over to them.

"Hey babe." Irvine grinned down at her.

"Don't babe, me." She said sourly, jabbing a finger in his chest 
sharply. "You and goofball here are supposed to be picking up Watts and 
Zone at the airport."

"Oh crap..." Zell winced.

"Un huh." Selphie nodded.

"Um, we're just leaving...." Irvine blushed, running a hand through his 
shoulder length hair.

"I thought so and hurry up! You both still have to get dressed!" Selphie 
giggled, shooing them away.

"Boys will be boys." Celest sighed, folding her arms. Selphie glanced at 
the list she'd been working on and made a check on it.

"Well that’s that." She smiled. "Zone and Watts will be the last ones to 

"Kevin isn't coming?" Celest frowned.

Selphie's features darkened slightly and she shook her head.

"He never returned my calls..."

"Kind of crappy, but with all things considered...who can blame him." 
Celest mumbled. "Anyway... lets not talk about that." She sniffed, then 
beamed cheerfully. "I mean, think about it! You're finally getting 

"I know!" Selphie squealed giddily grabbing the taller woman in a hug.

"Are you sure you're okay with the dual wedding?"

"Even if weren't, it'd be a little late to do anything about it now. 
Besides, I think it's a wonderful idea."

"I just can't believe Squall suggested it." Celest smiled.

"It's cool, and best of all, now I've someone to relate to, Rinoa has 
been a blessing."

"My ears are burning." Rinoa giggled, walking towards them.

"Noa!" Selphie giggled, waddling over to embrace her.

"Hiya mom, It's almost time." Rinoa chuckled.

"I know and I'm about to die!" Selphie moaned in mock distress.

"Oh you'll be fine." Celest laughed.

"Have you seen Irvine, I wanted to ride with him to pick up Zone and 
Watts." Rinoa asked hopefully.

"Awe hon you just missed them." Selphie frowned.

"Poot..." Rinoa pouted.

"It'll be okay, we need to get you ladies ready for the wedding anyway, 
it'll take a while." Celest said firmly, throwing her arms over the two 
girls' shoulders.


"How are things going, are we set for reinstatement?" Cid asked Laguna 
as the two men stood watching Balamb Garden from the bay window in 
Laguna's office. Clouds of steam erupted from various sections of the 
scaffolding and it slowly began to fold and curling away from the Garden 
like a wilting flower.

"They're about done removing all the scaffolds and restraining docks." 
Laguna sighed thoughtfully, the engines are running smoothly and she's 
hovering under her own power now.

"Excellent." Cid smiled.

"And fitting, it's nice to see her back. It was a good idea to have the 
weddings on the date of the re-launch, very symbolic."

"It seemed right..." Cid smiled then looked at Laguna worriedly. "You're 
not upset about us changing the location then?"

Laguna looked insulted.

"You should know me better than that Cid. How long have we known each 
other? Besides, Balamb is their home, what better place to be married."

"Well said, I only wish everyone could be here to see it." Cid sighed.

"They will be, my friend, in spirit." Laguna smiled, clapping him on the 

"Excuse me." Kiros said, announcing his arrival.

"Yes?" Laguna responded, turning to face him.

"It's about time."

"Good, good." Cid nodded.

"Lets go then." Laguna said with a broad smile, clapping his hands 


"You're pacing." Ellone giggled.

"I can't help it." Squall grumbled making his way around the small 
gazebo in which she sat.

"You're going to make yourself sick if you keep worrying so. There's 
nothing to be so worried about."

"Easy for you to say, you're not the one getting married."

"True." She said quietly. "Still, you're making me dizzy so sit down, 

Squall sighed and clomped towards her and sat down.

"It's funny."


"Seeing you like this."

"Oh great, I'm funny." Squall scowled.

"You're not usually so jittery; you're practically chewing at the bit."

"Oh yeah, its hilarious, ha, ha, ha." Squall grumbled sourly.

"Stop being a baby." Ellone laughed, punching his arm, prompting Squall 
to shoulder her slightly.

"Don't shove me you ox." She gawked in surprise.

"You started it."

"Humpf." She pouted, folding her arms.

"You sound like Fujin." Squall said with a grin then paused a moment in 
thought before growing somber. Ellone frowned and touched his shoulder 

"Are you okay?" She asked gently.

"I should have been there.... I could have helped them...." He said 

"Oh Squall." Ellone sighed sadly. "Don't do this to yourself again."

"I can't help it...." He said quietly. "It's my fault.... I...."

"Stop it, no one blames you."

"I blame me."

"No one's to blame but Norg."


"Squall, stop it!" She snapped angrily. "Everyone has put the tragedy 
behind them and moved on, it's time you did the same. You're about to 
get married, just try to be happy, they'd do the same."

"You're right... It just.... Hurts." He said softly.

"I know, I know." She sighed, resting his head against her shoulder.


"When are you and Zell going to tie the knot?" Xu asked Nicole as the 
two women sat on the front steps of the palace.

"I don't know, not for a while I think." Nicole grinned.

"He's not ready?"

"Actually I think he is, we even talked about leaving Balamb."

"Are you serious!?"

"I'm serious, but we decided to stay."

"Wow..." Xu whistled.

"He feels he'd be abandoning everyone if he left though. But now, with 
everything that’s happened... I can't say what we’re going to do next."


"Even if we got married we'd leave, I wouldn't want to raise a child in 
this kind of environment...."

"Ouch, keep in mind some of us grew up here."

"No offense hon, it's just that, there is too big a chance of something 
happening. I mean look at what just happened..."

"Fair enough, but then again, no place is truly safe."

"Perhaps not. Still though, I'd prefer to live elsewhere."

"You're serious about this aren't you."


"Well I hope you guys don't rush off too soon. We'd miss you."

"Oh, I think we'll be around for awhile yet. Zell has his hands full 
teaching Quistis' class."

"How's he liking it?"

"He's proud to do it, but it gets depressing. There's so much of her in 
that room, and though they never say so, the students know he can't hold 
a candle to her."

"Who could?" Xu grinned fondly.

"I feel old." Nicole sighed.

"Don't we all." Xu responded sagely. "Things are going to be changing."

"I know."

"Cid and Laguna have been talking. They're going to open a Garden in 

"What! Really, you're joking?"

"No joke, they've already found a site."

"Wow, who's going to be headmaster? You should apply."

"Me?" Xu scoffed.

"Sure, why not, with Quistis...." Nicole started, then frowned. "I mean, 
you're next in the chain in command."

"I wouldn't want it." Xu shrugged.

"But you always wanted to move up!"

"I know." Xu said quietly. "A year ago, I would have jumped at the 
chance, but now. Now, I've different priorities. I like my position, 
it's more hands on with the children than if I were headmaster."

"I understand." Nicole smiled.

"Who knows, perhaps Nida will go for it, or even Selphie or Irvine."

Nicole laughed aloud.

"What's so funny?"

"Could you honestly see Irvine in charge of a bunch of teenage girls?"

"That’s not funny." Xu scolded her laughingly.

"I'm sorry, that was mean."

"Yes it was." Xu grinned.


Zell and Irvine waited patiently as the shuttle carrying Watts and Zone 
prepared to land. Irvine looked at his watch impatiently.

"We need to hurry." He said quietly.

"We've got plenty of time, calm down." Zell noted, looking at his own 

"Why'd I volunteer to come all the way out here?"

"Same reason I did. To catch a breather."

"I guess." Irvine sighed, leaning back on the car they drove to pick up 
their guests. Casually he slipped a pack of cigarettes from his vest. 
Zell looked at him incredulously.

"Ew dude, I thought you quit!"

Irvine flinched and glanced at him sheepishly.

"Cut me some slack..." Irvine frowned, lighting up. "All things 
considered, I think I can be allowed to indulge myself."

"Bah, man, the body is a temple, you have to treat it like one."


"You sound like Fujin."


"Cute." Irvine chuckled.

"Yeah well, what do you expect." Zell smirked then nodded towards the 
shuttle. "Here they come."

"Hello Sirs." Watts saluted.

"Stop that, his ego is big enough as it is." Irvine snorted, eyeing 

Ignoring the remark, Zell shook the two men's hands.

"Been awhile." Zone said solemnly.

"Since the funerals...yeah." Zell mumbled. "You guys talk to Kevin 
lately? Folks were wondering if he was going to come or not."

Zone and Watts looked at each other then shrugged.

"I doubt it." Zone said dryly.

"He took everything kinda hard. But, I saw him about three months ago. 
He's hooked up with a nurse from Dollet." Watts added with a smile.

"That’s something." Irvine smiled then clapped. "Well, guys if you don't 
mind, I have to get married in a few hours and I sure as hell don't want 
to be late."

"Oh crap, you're right." Zell gasped shepherding Zone and Watts into the 

As the car sped off, Zone leaned forward to talk to Zell.

"How's um...?"

"Who?" Zell asked, screwing up his face in wonder.

"Celest." Watts chuckled.

"Told you." Irvine mumbled cutting Zell and knowing look.

"Aw dude, would you just talk to her and be done with it." Zell snapped 
irritable at Zone.

"I'm biding my time." Zone grumbled sourly.

"For nearly a year now." Watts added quietly.

"I'm a slow mover, I want to be sure." Zone said defensively.

"Gotta take the bull by the horns man, just suck it up and ask her out 
or something."

"You're one to talk." Irvine laughed, mocking Zell.

"Hey, that’s different. Nicole is a proper lady. I wanted be a proper 

"Suitor!?" Zone laughed. "Who the heck says that anymore."

"Proper lady!?" Irvine scowled. "What are you implying!? My sisters not 
a proper lady?"

"What!?" Zell balked.

"Hey now, don't be talking about Celest like that." Zone growled.

"I didn't mean it like that!" Zell blurted.

"Oh, oh, right." Irvine frowned.

"No really, dude! I was just...." Zell sighed, then folded his arms. "Oh 
never mind."

Irvine smirked to himself and glanced at Zone who was grinning in the 
rear view mirror.


"You look beautiful." Celest smiled, clapping her hands together in awe 
as she made the finishing touches to Rinoa and Selphie's wedding 

"I feel look like a boiled egg." Selphie whined.

Rinoa smiled sympathetically at her. "Well you're a cute egg at least."

"Humpf." Selphie sighed, and looked at herself in the mirror. Though 
very pregnant, she carried it well considering her small frame. Turning 
this way and that she shrugged in acceptance then grinned.

"Well." She huffed. "I am rather adorable ain't I?" She giggled.

A bright flash blinded the three of them and they turned to see Nicole, 
holding a small camera with tears in her eyes.

"This is wonderful!" She all but screamed before all four women exploded 
into giddy tears and merry laughter.

Hearing the racket coming from the other room Squall looked over at Cid 
who was tying his tie.

"I think it all caught up with them." Cid chuckled.

"Sounds like it." Laguna grinned, sitting nonchalantly nearby.

"I remember when Edea and I were married. Believe it or not she acted 
worse, she was beside herself and giddy as a school girl." Cid 
reminisced fondly.

Laguna and Squall looked at him skeptically and Cid had to stop himself 
from laughing at their expressions.

"She wasn't always like you remember her." He assured them. "Ultimecia 
brought out a grimness in her." He sighed then smiled thoughtfully. "Oh 
no, she wasn't always like that." He said absently, going back to 
fiddling with his tie.

"Irvine's going to be late." Squall frowned, looking at a nearby clock.

"He shouldn't have went with Zell, I told him." Laguna shrugged as the 
door to the dressing room opened.

Kiros and Nida walked in and the sounds of a massive crowd followed him.

"How's it look out there?" Laguna asked.

"Whoa..." Nida mumbled then poured himself a drink from a small bar 
conveniently nearby to ease nerves.

"That’s a lot of people." Kiros whistled.

The door burst inward once more and Zell and Irvine charged into the 

"I told you we'd make it!" Irvine nagged, as Cid arched a brow at the 
two of them.

"Yeah, yeah." Zell grumbled, grabbing his tuxedo from a waiting hanger.

"Shut up and get dressed." Irvine grumbled, moving to get his dress 
uniform. Cid intercepted him and stood, arms folded, with a disapproving 
frown on his usually jovial face

"You've been smoking." He said, his heart heavy with disappointment.

"Busted." Zell laughed, hopping about on one foot as he tried to pull on 
his pants. He tottered towards Laguna who gruffly pushed him upright. 
Irvine shot him a dirty look then looked sheepishly at Cid.

"Um, only one." He said meekly.

Cid held out his hand.

"Aw come on." Irvine whined.

"Kinneas." Cid said in a low, fatherly tone.

"Aw shoot." Irvine grumbled and relinquished the pack of cigarettes 
stored in his vest.

"I have half a mind to tell Selphie." Cid said threateningly.

"Do it! Do it!" Zell cheered.

Squall sighed, trying his best to ignore them as he finished dressing 
and sat down by Laguna.

"You stay out of this." Irvine blurted, pointing at Zell then turned his 
attentions back to Cid. "Oh come on Sir, It was my last pack, surely you 
can understand." He pleaded.

"Okay." Cid said after a moments thought. "I won't tell her. Considering 
how good you boys were in not having some wild bachelor party."

"Oh that reminds me, those photos came in." Nida blurted to Zell as if 
remembering something important.

"Dude! Dude!" Zell panicked swatting at him to be quiet.

Cid soured and looked around the room.

"You didn't..."

Squall rubbed his temples while Laguna looked about innocently..

"It was Squall's idea." Zell blurted, pointing a finger at him. Squall 
looked up with a bolt of surprise.

"What!?" He squawked.

Laguna burst into laughter.

"What are you laughing at? You were there too." Squall frowned, giving 
him a look of disgust.

"Squall!?" Cid mouthed in surprise.

"Hey he's lying..." Squall growled, pointing at Zell. "I mean, it was 
his suggestion." Squall explained thumbing his hand at Laguna. "I just 
knew a guy in town who worked at a... um club..."

Cid looked completely befuddled.

"Fujin's pal, ya know, that big biker guy. He works part time as a 
bouncer at the Red Bottom lounge. Squall got him to hook us up with a 
discount." Irvine explained, trailing off.

Cid was slack-jawed and stunned speechless.

"Don’t' worry." Kiros said nonchalantly. "It's a good club."

"Don't look like that." Zell said, looking at Cid. "It's no worse than 
what the girls did!"

"What!?" Irvine and Squall shouted in unison.

"Um...well. Nicole said it all started with Celest...." Zell mumbled, 
scratching his head nervously.

"I don't want to hear it!" Cid blurted, putting his hands to his ears.


He had heard about the cataclysm that had befallen Balamb Garden. Mostly 
rumors carried on the wind through various somewhat unreliable sources. 
He had arrived in Fisherman's Horizon days ago. His ship had been 
damaged in a storm and he was forced to wait patiently for repairs to be 

Despondent, he had taken to drinking in one of the ratty pubs that 
dotted the island of rusted steel and forgotten memories. Looking up, he 
caught his tanned and weathered expression reflected by the long dusty 
mirror behind the bar. A sigh of disgust escaped his lips and he pushed 
the bottle of liquor he'd been nursing for several hours away.

"There's out hero!" A craggy old seaman cackled, from under a wide 
brimmed leather hat. "What's you're name again hero?" The leathery old 
man asked clapping him on the back."


"Suffer? Eh?" The old man mumbled, stroking his dirty salt and pepper 
beard. Seifer didn't correct him; it was as fitting a name as any his 
long forgotten mother had given him.

"Seriously though lad, I heard what you did. Saving that girl like that, 
it took a lot of brass to jump into ocean during the storm. Lucky you 
weren't squashed on breaks." The smelly fellow recounted, referring to 
Seifer's impromptu rescue of a local who'd fallen into the sea soon 
after he arrived.

"Yeah well..." Seifer sighed as if preparing to say something, but 
stopped. Instead he looked down at the biting oblivion found at the 
bottom of his glass, eyes heavy with loss and grief.

"Another drink for our hero!" The stranger bellowed, waving to the 
bartender. The other patrons of the bar cheered in agreement.


Howling winds, icy curses of wrath against the lone intruder who dared 
scale it's summit. Raijin welcomed the protests of the mountain, in 
fact, he dared it to try and stop him. He'd made the journey several 
times without success. During one particularly disaster attempt he'd 
lost a couple of toes to frostbite and broke his left arm. Now though he 
was close to success and it was exhilarating. He looked up as his head 
cleared the ominous rock wall that had denied him for so long. Finally, 
with a grunt, which came out more as an enfeebled wheeze in the thin 
air, he pulled himself atop the last precipice and peered out over the 
horizon. He'd made it, the world lay out below him in all its grandeur 
and he couldn't help but cry at the beauty of it.

The tears froze to his cheeks and threw his arms into the air and let 
out a hearty laugh.

The trip down the mountain was decidedly shorter, consisting of madcap 
repelling and skiing down nearly vertical sheets of ice. Two days later, 
he finally returned to the small camping village that sat nestled at the 
base of the mountain. Pushing the door open to the local lodge, he let 
out roar of triumph that scared the few guests that sat around a large 
central fireplace.

"Well look who's returned." A dark skinned beauty with long black hair 
and piercing green eyes purred.

"You made it man!" Another fellow, broad in the shoulder and sporting a 
nasty scar across his square jaw bellowed.

"Jaya, Miguel." Raijin laughed, grabbing the two in a bear hug. The 
three of them had been travelling the world together and had stopped to 
rest out the winter. That is until Raijin felt the need to try his hand 
at mountain climbing.

Jaya, kissed him squarely on the lips and slipped a sealed letter from 
her blouse.

"Here you go lover, it came for you the other day."

"Huh, who'd know where to find me, I kinda move around ya know." Raijin 
laughed, the envelope was somewhat tattered and had stamps from various 
cities over it. It'd apparently seen as much travel as he has.

"Dunno, guess they kept forwarding it."

Inspecting the envelope curiously Raijin shrugged.

"Has Balamb's seal on it."

"Ohhh sounds official." Miguel laughed.

Raijin scoffed and opened the letter then scanned over it. A dark shadow 
crossed his powerful features and for a moment his companions thought he 
would faint.

"Rajin?" Jaya frowned, moving to steady him.

"What's wrong man, you get hit with a bill or something?" Miguel 

Dropping the letter, Raijin looked up slowly, his expression flat and 

"My sister...." He mumbled hoarsely, before heading towards the door.

Onwards to Part 78

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