Evacuation Quistis felt a heartfelt pang of pride as her former students reacted to the insanity that assaulted them in a cool and professional manner. In an act of desperation to keep the floor from swallowing anyone else she closed her eyes and called forth Shiva, the guardian force of ice and winter. All the while the others tried desperately to keep the flailing mix of tendrils and mouths at bay. The blue hued guardian arrived with an explosion of icy shards and looked about in bewilderment. "Freeze the floor!" Quistis shouted over the clang of combat. Shiva nodded and aimed her outstretched hands at the floor. An icy wind howled loudly and the temperature dropped drastically the cramped quarters. The heavy moisture in the air made it snow briefly as patch of glacier blue ice spread out under the feet of all those present. Shiva did her best not to freeze anyone to the floor, but as it was everyone had to maneuver and hop about to keep their feet free of the encroaching ice. The nightmares assaulting them in the hall slowed and groaned in tortured agony before falling limp as the air about them dropped to below freezing. Everyone paused and looked around in wonder. No one had expected the attack to render everything inert so quickly. "Yes!" Nei shouted in victory. Shiva examined her handiwork curiously a moment then vanished. "Come on lets get the wounded out of here while we can." Quistis ordered. The prevailing heat of the core was quickly thawing the icy coated hallway and several monstrous appendages began to twitch anew. ********************** Irvine Kinneas knew he was going to die. He knew it deep in his gut as he struggled in vain to pull free of the thing that had engulfed his skull. He thrashed around the room clawing and staggering until he felt to his knees, dizzy from lack of oxygen. He had an idea, insane, but reasonable, or perhaps it only seemed so because he was suffocating. Either way it seemed suicidal at best, but he knew he had little time before the thing attacking him finished its horrible work. "Going to die anyway." He mused inwardly and brought both hands up to either side of his head. It struck him oddly funny how calm he was as he began to channel the spell. He felt a pressure building in his ears and could hear the dull roar from the spells formation. ********************** "So when can we expect the others to arrive?" Ellone asked as she went about the palace garden hanging colored lanterns. Rinoa, who followed and held the ladder at each stop shrugged half-heartedly. "I dunno." "Well hopefully we have time to finish this stuff. By the way, hows everyone holding up. I mean about Edea and everything." "Okay." Rinoa responded absently. "How are you doing?" "Okay." "You dont sound it." "What?" Rinoa blinked looking up at her as if shed just noticed shed been talking. "You need to talk to him." "He can come to me." Rinoa grumbled. "Shes right." Nicole added as she walked by, having overheard the exchange. "Ive made up my mind, time to see if hes serious." "Of course hes serious." Ellone frowned. "After what you two have been through how could you even question it?" "Ellone is right, you two came to far to fall apart over something silly like this." Nicole chimed in, walking back to join the conversation. "Silly, this is serious!" Rinoa pouted. "It was a mistake, careless and stupid yes but he hardly deserves you acting like this." Ellone said firmly. "He did ask you to marry him, Id thought youd be excited." "He only did that because he goofed up and felt pressured." Rinoa snapped angrily. "Granted the timing sucked but how do you know he wasnt serious?" Nicole smiled hopefully. Rinoa huffed and folded her arms. "Hold the ladder!" Ellone yelped as it started to teeter. Rinoa jumped slightly and to back possession of it. "I dont buy it, he came out of left field with it. That and weve been having trouble lately. Im sure marrying me was the last thing on his mind." "Everyone has trouble girl, thats just part of a relationship." Nicole pointed out. "Heck, Zell washed my whites with a pair of black pants the other day. I could have killed him." Rinoa looked at her hollowly. "Okay, silly example." Nicole blushed. "But Im just trying to say, things happen sometimes." "I dont care, hes being a jerk." "Um, hes been like that since you met him." Ellone said awkwardly. "Never seemed to trouble you until recently." "I..." Rinoa started then frowned. "She has a point." Nicole nodded. "Hes just so frustrating!" "Men usually are." Nicole mused. "Yup." Ellone added with a grin. "I cant believe he embarrassed me like that." "Look at it this way." Nicole smiled. "When has Squall ever said something he didnt mean." "He hardly says anything!" Rinoa snapped in exasperation. "But when he does." Nicole prodded. "Yeah..." Rinoa sighed in defeat. If anything, Squall was honest, sometimes brutally. "Then why the long face." Ellone beamed. "Huh?" Rinoa blinked. "Duh!" Nicole chuckled, smacking her lightly in the back of the head. "He asked you to marry him silly!" Ellone giggled. "I know that." Rinoa said quietly. "What are you going to say?" Nicole started excitedly then noticed Rinoas still gloomy demeanor then frowned. "Youre still upset...?" Nicole wondered. "Im not ready to forgive him yet..." "Then dont, it was an awfully bubble headed thing to do." Ellone said as she moved on to hang more lanterns. "Just dont wait to long, you said you two were having some problems. Better to do something to fix em sooner than later, holding stuff in makes it fester." "Yup, you need to go find him and let him have it, I mean yell, scream whatever, just get it out in the open instead of stewing about it." Nicole grinned. "Guys are goofy, they wont know whats eating you unless you tell them." "So you say I shouldnt wait for him to come to me then." Rinoa asked, feeling torn. "Guys like you to chase em, hell see you come to him and hell feel better, thats when you lay down whats on youre mind." Nicole grinned. "Just dont be too bitchy, that will just make it worse. Just let him know that you want to be sure hes sincere and that youre upset about how hes been treating you." Ellone added sagely. "I suppose I could try." Rinoa smiled sadly. "I mean he has put up with a lot from me, its only fair that I return the favor." "Thats true too." Nicole grinned. "What you made him do at Quistis birthday party was fiendish." "What?" Ellone asked curiously. Rinoa laughed. "Long story. But that was surprising, I didnt think hed do it. He also put up my arguing with Fujin." "Arguing, that what you call being knocked out?" Nicole grinned. "Thats not funny." "Im missing something arent I?" Ellone grinned. ******************************** Nida was not one to hide his emotions and he let his feels be known by letting out a blood-curling scream. However, it was one more of anger and revulsion than of fear. He heard the elevator door slam shut behind him and had no expectation to survive long enough to open them. Acting in the only manner he thought available, he charged the horde of monstrosities that had been the bridge crew. It had the desired effect; the monsters were taken aback by the attack and paused slightly. Nida took the split second opening and barreled through them. The towering mass of flesh and cables pulsed as numerous computer monitors thatd been incorporated into the mass showed vaguely, humanoid faces twisted into rage. Staying well out of reach of the hulking behemoth, Nida hopped over terminals and chairs in a frantic mad dash across the bridge. "Die!" A voice gurgled, from somewhere deep, yet seemingly everywhere at the same time. One of the former bridge crew sprouted sickly insect wings and leaped at him as he was in mid jump over a bank of computers. While Nida didnt fancy himself much of a fighter, he was still a SEED and could hold his own, even if he was a bit rusty. It was enough to save him and he intercepted the thing in mid air and landed hard on his back. Using their momentum, he rolled backwards and kicked the thing with both feet. The creature screeched and flailed as it tried to right itself in the air. It smashed against one of bay windows surrounding the bridge and cracked it. Opportunities were growing few and Nida knew he was running out of time. A spell of some sort exploded behind him as he got up, blowing him forward only to rebound off the same glass the beast had hit, cracking it further. The sounds of the of former bridge crew rushing towards him made him gather his wits quickly and he made a hasty if not foolhardy decision. Grabbing a chair he and threw it at the glass with all his might. As expected, the glass shattered and he jumped through the opening. The folly of his drastic exit soon made it self evident as he found himself sliding down the deeply slopped dome that made up the bridges exterior. While preferable to a straight fall to his death or whatever the thing on the bridge had planned, he didnt entertain any notions of easily surviving the ride he was on now. Smooth as glass and with few things to hold onto, he knew hed soon reach the edge of the dome and then fly off into the spinning rings that rotated under the Garden. The energy would probably cook him before he hit, he mused as he rolled over on his stomach to claw feebly at anything he could grab hold too. Raking his neatly manicured fingernails over the metal surface, he prayed hed snag a seam or something similar in the metal skin. He found what was looking for as his nails caught the lip of a small panel and were promptly ripped out. He yowled in pain but the yell quickly turned to one of fear as he abruptly found himself hurtling through open air. Spiraling through the air, his mind tried in vain to think of anything to save him. He even considered flapping his arms in hopes of flight; at this point, nothing seemed too ridiculous to try. His journey ended abruptly as he slammed into a thin but sturdy spine belonging to one of Balambs many sensor and radio arrays. He groaned, and his breath rattled in his chest, broken ribs he reasoned, then slid off his momentary perch, stunned. Another burst of adrenaline snapped him back to full awareness and he clawed madly to catch himself. Looking up wearily he realized he was lucky not to haven fallen far, but he was still in trouble. He had no clue how he was going to get back and knew that no one could find him if he stayed put. Crawling along the sensor spire, he found a nook in the base of the hull and wedged himself in it to rest. *************************** An explosion of fire erupted around Irvines skull. He screamed and fell backwards from the blast, yet he heard no sound, perhaps it was because he no longer had ears, the blast having burned them down to the bone. Or perhaps it was because he no longer had enough of his face to work his jaw or the melted slab that had been his tongue. Thrashing around in what he knew were death throes, he struggled to think past the white hot pain that assaulted his senses, his eyes were gone, melted out of their sockets. He clutched his ruined face, horrible, inhuman, bone, blood, and madness. "Choking!" "Focus." "The pain" "Focus." "Dying" "Focus!" "Selphie..." His hands trembled as the last vestiges of consciousness, indeed life itself, began to fade. Zeroing in on her memory, her used her to wash away the pain long enough for him to focus and his hands began to glow. ********************** The journey from the core was thankfully more or less uneventful save for ominous noises. Fujin was quick to seal the entrance but knew it would not stop whatever evil had awakened. The youth that lost his arms was being tended to. Everyone moved quickly with healing and regeneration magics, lest his loss be permanent. The magic flowed and his limbs reformed, albeit pale and withered, it would be sometime before he even had a hope of using them again. "QUISTIS?" Fujin asked, hoping for some answer to what happened. "I dont know..." Quistis replied helplessly. "Its nothing close to what Ive seen before, it had control of the very walls..." "What if it spreads?" Nei wondered aloud. Quistis looked at the girl grimly, one of her best students. "Well think of something, first we need to regroup and get some help down here. I think this may be bigger than we realize." "IRVINE?" Fujin asked. "I dont know, he said he was meeting us down here as soon as he gathered a group." Quistis answered then spoke into her headset. "Irvine?" No answer was forthcoming and that worried her, there should be no interference now that they left the core. "Selphie?" She tried again. "Whats up?" Selphie beamed back. "Wheres Irvine?" "Dunno, last time I seen him he was talking to Nida. Its a mess up here Quisty, the students are getting worried and the powers still out." "Get everyone to the cafeteria, somethings going on." "Huh why?" "No time to go into details but something is going on in the core, Im not sure what it is but its defiantly hostile. "Understood." "If you find Irvine, tell him to stay put, were coming back up." "Okies." Selphie frowned, as she started to worry. Quickly, she turned and started getting everyones attention. She was startled when Irvine staggered out of one of the nearby apartments. He seemed well enough but was completely and utterly bald, even his eyebrows where gone. His coat was singed and tattered and he looked slightly dazed. "Where the hells your hair!?" Selphie shouted in shock and wonder. Irvine rubbed his gleaming scalp sheepishly then hugged her tight. "Love you..." He said with heartfelt glee. "What the, where have you been?" She asked him again, seriously wanting answers. "Its okay." He smiled, eyes dancing. "You look ridiculous." She said quietly, faking a grin. Something had happened, something bad, but he obviously didnt want to talk about it. "Itll grow back." He laughed, long and loud, almost to the point of being frightening. "Youre freaking me out babe." She responded said gravely, but decided it could wait. Several students were staring and pointing at him. He didnt care; he was too thrilled at being alive. "We need to get everyone out of here, somethings going on." He finally said sternly, his mind getting back to business. "I found two students, theyre dead... Somethings gotten into the walls." He added cryptically. "Damn... Quistis said she ran into trouble too." She sighed heavily. "She wanted me to round everyone up and take them to the cafeteria. She also wants you to wait for her, theyre coming back up." "Best not keep her waiting then, lets hurry up and finish rounding up the youngsters." ****************************** "HEAR NOISES..." Fujin mumbled as they made their way through the darkened halls. Just hours earlier, these same halls were home, completely non threatening. But now, in the darkness, everything seemed malevolent, the shadows crawled and even the very walls seemed to breath with alien life. "I know..." Quistis said quietly, her eyes darting about as she watched for any sign of movement. The very air was alive with hushed, alien whispers. "Im sorry." Nei said quietly as she moved up beside them. "Huh for what?" Quistis asked, looking at the junior SEED. "The others." "What are you talking about?" Quistis asked curiously. "Some of the other students, theyve been treating you funny. You know, ever since..." She mumbled, tossing a glance at Fujin. Quistis was taken aback and shook her head. "Now, you come to me with this." "Sorry, Im just nervous..." The young woman frowned. "Me too, and thanks." Quistis grinned. Fujin just shook her head as they neared the elevator. Emergency power was still running it, but no one had any real desire to test his or her luck. Whatever could make the very walls come alive could easily turn the elevator into a deathtrap. Moving through a side door, they rushed up the stairwells and into Balambs massive lobby. They could hear excited talking and children crying coming from the cafeteria. "Good they made it." Quistis sighed in relief as they rushed onward. Irvine met them first and everyone skidded to a halt. Caught completely off guard Fujins eye went wide at the sight of him. "HA!" She blurted awkwardly, before regaining her composure. "Irvine?" Quistis said quietly, almost afraid to ask. "We have problems... youre not going to like it." He said dryly. "I dont like it already. What happened?" She asked as they strode into the cafeteria. Students and staff members crowded around her searching for answers. "Okay! Okay calm down, were taking care of it, I just need to know whats happened." She yelled with gentle firmness. "We lost at least two, confirmed. Six others are missing, not including the maintenance staff." "No ones heard anything from the bridge either." Selphie pointed out quietly. "Nida..." Quistis whispered, her brow furrowed with worry. "Weve not landed either." "What did you guys find out." Selphie asked, eager for any news. "Something is in the core..." Quistis started. "Any idea what it is?" Irvine asked. "No." Quistis answered with brutal honesty. "Its hard to explain. We only caught a glimpse of something then the walls came to life and attacked us." "Telekinesis?" One of the teaching staff asked, overhearing the conversation. "No, it was alive, the metal, the grating, all of it moved like it was flesh." Nei explained anxiously. "We need to do something quick." Selphie frowned. "Well Quisty, its youre call, what do we say?" Irvine smiled sympathetically. "Im not loosing anyone else..." She answered firmly then stood on a chair to get everyones attention. Everyone started questioning her at once and she promptly bid them to quiet down. "Listen to me!" She said in a loud authoritative tone. "As you know, weve a situation in the core. While I have no proper way to gauge the severity of the problem, I am confidant that the risk is enough to warrant a total and complete evacuation of Balamb Garden, active immediately." "Whoa!" Irvine shouted in surprise and everyone started yelling. "You are to proceed immediately the escape pods, you are not to stop to retrieve personal belongs." "Quisty?" Selphie frowned, worried by the sudden turn of events. The rest of Balambs residents didnt seem to like the idea either. "You dont have the authority to do that." One Quistis fellow staff members scowled. "I do have the authority and I am using it." She said icily then turned to the gathering of junior SEEDs. "I want all of you to watch over the evacuation. Nei, youre in charge, dont let anyone leave to get personal items. I want everyone gone ASAP." "Yes Maam." The young woman saluted. "But what about you guys?" "Irvine, Fujin, youre with me. Selphie I want you one of the transports." "Like hell!" The small woman exploded. "HEARD ORDER." Fujin barked, giving her a dirty look. "Fujins right." Quistis soured. "Its okay." Irvine winked reassuringly at his soon to be wife. "Well go kill the nasty and have things back to normal before dinner." "You liar!" Selphie shouted then scowled at Quistis. "Im helping out and thats final, what are you going to do fire me?" Quistis had no time to argue right now. "Fine, you stay, for now, but if it hits the fan I want you gone, fast, got it" She said with a severity that made the smaller woman cringe. "You and Irvine go down to the hanger and prep the Ragnarok take a squad with you and be careful. Fujin and I will go to the bridge and see whats going on." "Yes Maam." Selphie saluted as she pushed Irvine along. "You heard the lady, lets go!" ******************** It was late by time he arrived back at the palace. The guards greeted him wordlessly; everyone had heard about or seen the blowup with Rinoa. He ignored the quiet stares and made his way towards the entrance. The air was cool and crisp, and multicolored autumn leaves blew across his feet with a hushed whisper. He took a breath, and looked up at amber glow of a light shining in from several of palaces windows. He knew which room Rinoa was in and hoped to see her smiling down at him. He was disappointed, no one peered down at him, her window as dark as his mood. He looked at Fujins jacket, and frowned. He wouldve never guessed that she of all people would be better at relationships than he was. It struck him as oddly funny and he shook his head and sighed. "Fancy meeting you out here stranger. Rinoa said, stepping out from the shadows cast by a standing of dogwood trees. Startled slightly, Squall looked up and offered a thin smile. "Um, hi." He mumbled awkwardly, feeling stupid. "You missed dinner..." "Sorry." "It was nice, Kiros of all people made us a veritable feast. I saved you a plate." "Thanks..." "Who was that that dropped you off?" "A friend of Fujins." He answered, holding up Fujins jacket. "Oh, hanging out with bikers now?" "I guess she does." "I meant you." "Whatever." "Im kidding." "I know." "I...um." He started slowly, looking up at her. "Me first..." She smiled, putting a hand to his lips. "Im sorry, I really had no right blowing up like that..." "I love you." He interrupted sheepishly. Rinoa blinked. "I love you." He said again, this time more confidently. "You dont have to..." She started. "I want you to know." "I do..." She whispered, looking down at her feet. "Do you?" He smiled, lifting her chin. "Sure." She mumbled. He kissed her. ****************** Ordered chaos was the theme of the day. Everywhere, students and staff hurried to the several dozen escape transports thatd been installed after the war. Streamlined and large enough to sit roughly twenty people, each transport was preprogrammed to fly to the nearest garden in the event of an accident. One by one the transports detached from hidden alcoves along Balambs hull. Nida, who was still huddled among the sensor arrays, looked on in dismay as the small armada shot off into the distance. Things must be bad if they are abandoning ship. He shifted slightly, and groaned. It was cold, freezing, and wasnt dressed for such extremes, combined with the fact that he was going into shock didnt comfort him any. A loud hiss erupted above him and he was bathed in a cloud of steam. Large cables fell loose above his head and a panel swung down towards him. He shouted in surprise and rolled out of the way as the panel clanged loudly just inches above his head. The underbelly of an escape craft appeared as it hummed to life in preparation to take off. "Hyne..." He cursed and crammed himself as tightly as he could behind on of the radio dishes. He prayed it was enough to protect him from the exhaust of the ships departure. With a low roar the escape vehicles engine came to life and within moments the entire ship was catapulted far into the horizon. Clouds of scorching smoke washed over Nida causing him to choke on the fumes. The cloud dissipated quickly and Nida opened his eyes blearily. He moaned in pain, the blast had nearly cooked him. His skin taking on the appearance of someone whod been badly sunburned. He looked upward to the chamber that had contained the escape craft. The panel was still open and he started climbing towards it. It was a difficult and painful task but one he was determined to complete. Already the cold, biting wind was tearing at is now raw flesh. Though slightly comforting to his burns he knew he was now at greater risk of hypothermia. Once inside the housing he crawled to the airlock and peered through the window. He saw people rushing by and he banged on the glass and yelled as loud as he could. The weakness in his voice scared him. The thickness door made his attempt futile and he gave it up before he tired himself out. Calming himself, he though for a moment then brightened. Getting on his hands and knees, he searched along the bottom of the chamber for the doors manual release. He was in luck and found the lever with little effort and pulled it. A loud clang issued from somewhere deep and the door pushed open slightly. With an eagerness that comes from desperation he pulled the doors open and lurched forward. Three young women were rushing by as he fell towards them, babbling incoherently. They screamed in fright and pushed him on his rear. Thankful to be alive, he couldnt help but smile in relief. ********************* Quistis was driven, walking at a furious pace; Fujin had to jog to keep up. "QUISTIS?" She asked. Lost in thought, Quistis didnt respond. Fujin finally grabbed her by the arm and brought her to an abrupt standstill. Quistis glared at her questioningly. "GIVE ME LOOK." Fujin frowned. Quistis softened considerably. "Sorry." "HAVE PLAN?" "No." "RECKLESS." "Ill not loose anyone else." "THEY SAFE." "Not as long as this thing has control." "MAY NOT." "Well know when we get to the bridge." "BE CAUTIOUS." "Youre right, Im just upset." "UNDERSTANDABLE." Fujin smiled, brushing a lock of tangle hair from Quistis face. Quistis smiled and nodded in understanding. "Ill be careful." "LETS GO THEN." Fujin winked. The darkness was overpowering and the mist that filled the halls made their flashlights all but useless. The heat and humidity also made it hard to breathe; making the trek all the more miserable. The approached the elevator leading to the bridge and noticed a light flickering wildly in Cids office to their left. The two women looked at each other and frowned. Fujin held up a hand to pause Quistis and proceeded to take point. Quistis frowned but fell instep behind the other womans lead. Pressing close against the wall just outside the office, Fujin peeked through half open door. The mist made it hard to see but she could make out shapes, inhuman shapes slithering about and waving in the air like cobras preparing to strike. Fujin looked to Quistis and pointed to the open door with a frown. Quistis nodded and positioned herself in front of the partially closed door and focused for a spell. Remembering the effect Shiva had, she brought to mind a powerful freezing spell and hoped for the best. Fujin waited until she was ready then shoved the door open. The entities inside had just moments to react before Quistis unleashed the arctic blast upon them. A shower of frost and piercing ice crystals exploded into the room shredding and freezing everything in its radius of influence. Quistis winced, Cid would have a fit. Seconds later the only sounds issuing from the room was the pops and cracks from the ice that covered the room. Fujin peeked inside, frozen motionless, were several fleshy tendrils lined with cables and wires of all types. "Its like in the hallway." Quistis noted, stepping just inside the room. Fujin nodded grimly and inspected one of the tendrils from a healthy distance. "LOOK." She scowled, pointing to Cids computer terminal. The majority of the tendrils had merged with the computer and a bizarrely organic way. "What the...?" Quistis mouthed quietly as she followed the tendrils back to their source, an air vent. "DOWNLOADING?" Fujin wondered. "Perhaps, Cid has a lot of information in there..." "BAD." "Very..." Quistis said then thought a moment then pried a chair loose from the frozen floor and slammed it into the computer with all her might. The computer exploded into a shower of fragments and sparks. Fujin jumped in surprise and shouted. "DOING !? "If it wants our files then its imperative that it doesnt get them." Quistis sighed. "Cids going to kill me." Fujin shook her head. "CONTROLS POWER." Fujin stated flatly, looking at the smoldering remains. "I kind of figured it did." Quistis smirked dryly. "Come on lets get to the bridge." They hurried out of office and to the elevator, which was running on emergency power. Pausing they looked at the open doors then exchanged glances. "No way." Quistis said firmly. Fujin nodded in agreement and they moved towards an access ladder instead. It was a short climb and Quistis pressed the release button that opened the hatch. Peeking out onto the bridge she was startled to see that all was quiet. "Odd." Quistis said quietly as she climbed out of the hatch. Fujin joined her and blinked curiously. Everything was in order; the bridge crew where sitting around bored and oblivious to the entrance. "Wheres Nida?" Quistis asked. One of the girls turned slowly to regard them. "Miss Trepe?" The nearest girl smiled and stood. A howling wind filled the chamber with blast of cold air and the girl cringed bitterly. Quistis and Fujin looked at the bay window from which the gust of wind came. "What happened here?" Quistis said warily. "Something outside hit the window it was horrible." The girl said, shivering. "Nida left to find you." Another girl said. It was cold in the room but not terribly so, but yet all three girls were as pale a Fujin. "Why havent you evacuated...?" Quistis asked, as the girl walked towards her. Her movements seemed slightly awkward; Quistis frowned as a smell caught her attention, foul, yet familiar. "We didnt hear anything about it?" The approaching girl said in dismay, seconds before Fujins chakram decapitated her.
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