Double Date Nida and Xu waited calmly by the front entrance of Balamb garden. Nida looked down at his watch expectantly. "Where are they?" He said in frustration, he was a man of strict order and didn't like things getting out of synch. "They'll be here." Xu assured him, hugging his arm. "Why is Fujin coming again?" "She happened to be nearby and said she liked opera's" "I don't know her to well but that doesn't seem like something she'd be into." "You think to much." Xu smiled and kissed him lightly. "Hey guys." Quistis smiled as she walked out of the darkness. "Oh wow look at you!" Xu whistled brightly as she approached. Quistis giggled and spun around lightly. She wore a sleek red mandarin dress complete with a gold patterned orient dragon. It was dangerously slit and showed a gracious amount of leg when she walked. Her golden hair was pulled up neatly and held in place with four elaborately jeweled pins. The make up she wore was dusky and brought out the blue of her eyes with a startling intensity. "Nice" Nida said awkwardly, earning a look from Xu. "You like." Quistis beamed merrily. "Very, very naughty." Xu winked. "You look like you're out for the hunt." "You're one to talk." Quistis laughed and spun Xu around so she could take in the short, form fitting black dress she was wearing. Simple elegance completed with diamond necklace and matching earrings. Quistis nodded approvingly. "Nice, very nice, and Nida." She grinned from ear to ear and sauntered to him. "Um Quistis." He mumbled. "I dare say I've never seen you dressed up before." He laughed nervously and scratched his head. "Where's your friend?" He queried. "Fujin? I'm not sure I haven't seen her since earlier." Quistis shrugged. "What took you so long anyway?" Xu asked. "We're going to be cutting it close." "Selphie and I had something to take care of." Quistis responded. "Oh you guys aren't still fighting are you?" Xu frowned disapprovingly. "No I think everyone has other things to worry about." Quistis said with a cryptic smile. "Xu." Nida said quietly and tapped his watch. "Quisty?" Xu said with a soft, apologetic smile. "We gotta go." "She not coming." Quistis told herself. The thought of it tore at her heart and she had to fight not to show it. "Okay, I guess she not coming. Lets go." She said quietly. The trio walked towards the waiting limousine Nida had kindly rented. "HOLD!" Fujin yelled as they where getting seated. She jogged towards them. She wore black dress pants and shoe's and was fumbling with the top button of her white dress shirt. Xu and Nida exchanged glances and Quistis smiled broadly. "APOLOGIES." Fujin nodded to them. "No worries." Quistis chuckled and aided her with the troublesome button. Fujin blushed slightly and ran a hand through her hair. She'd tried her best to do something with it but settled on letting it flow down the left side of her face to hide her eye patch. "I think we're all ready?" Quistis smiled brightly. Xu watched her then shook her head chuckling. "What's so funny?" Nida asked as they slid into their seats. "Nothing hon." Xu smiled and kissed him. Fujin sat down next, followed by Quistis. Once everyone was settled Xu told the driver to head out. The limousine pulled out and headed up the main road leading into Deling city. "Well we're off." Xu clapped her hands together and smiled. "This is going to be great. Quisty you and me haven't been out like this since." Xu paused and looked thoughtfully. "About five years ago." Quistis said quietly. "Has it been so long." Xu frowned. "Yes it has." Fujin looked about the limousine nervously. She felt like a complete and utter idiot. Everyone was dressed like movie stars and here she was dressed like she should be working in an office somewhere. However she was thankful no one was paying her much attention. Her relief was short-lived as Nida, having decided that since Quistis and Xu where talking amongst themselves, that he should talk to her. "Hey Fu?" He said with a friendly smirk that Fujin found far to informal. "FUJIN." She said with unintentional iciness. "Oh, sorry." He slumped slightly in embarrassment. Quistis glanced at Fujin out of the corner of her eye but said nothing. "Ever been to an opera?" He continued, in a valiant attempt at small talk. "NO." She said with a certain finality that caused him to shirk. "Oh.. um well...sorry." Nida fumbled his words and decided to just be quiet. Fujin suddenly felt claustrophobic and lowered the nearest window. Quistis and Xu stopped their conversation and looked at her. Ignoring them Fujin just stared out at the passing buildings. Sensing the need to break the dangerous silence that was growing Xu smiled wide at Quistis. "So Quisty, how do you think you're class will do on the finals." Quistis blinked and looked back at her. "What? Oh the class. Well, I think they'll do fine." "You don't think all the excitement this semester will be a problem?" "Nah, It'll serve them in the end. Unexpected events help build ones problem solving skills." Quistis smirked. "Good point." Xu nodded. Quistis regarded Fujin and her expression changed to one of concern. It was obvious that being out among strangers was stressing to her. Quistis wished there were something she could do to help her relax. "You okay?" She said softly, putting a hand on her thigh. Fujin glanced at her quietly and gave a slight shrug. Quistis gave her a gentle smile and squeezed her thigh warmly. Xu observed the exchange with subtle interest while Nida fidgeted with his tie, which he'd swear was trying it's very best to choke him. He finally caught Xu's attention and she stared at him until he stopped. "What? The darn things uncomfortable." He said defensively. "I told you to just buy one, renting clothes is just unnatural." She said with a bit of vindication. "You two seem to have hit it off quite nice." Quistis said, turning her attention back to them. "Thanks." Nida said brightly. Xu smiled and snuggled against him. "So when are you going to meet someone Quistis. I mean teaching isn't everything, heck if I can make time for a relationship I know you can. Attractive woman like you, I'm surprised guys aren't knocking down you're door." The silence was deafening and Quistis made a baffled face. She caught Fujin watching out of the corner of her. "Well.." She started cautiously. "Driver!" Xu interrupted and leaned over the front seat. "Is there a bar in here?" "Yes Ma'am. The second panel on either doors." The woman said courteously. "Great, I could use a quick drink before we get to the opera house." "Hey me too." Nida nodded in agreement. Quistis took a relieved breath. She flinched lightly as a hand squeezed hers gently. Surprised, she saw that it belonged to Fujin, who still gazed quietly out the window. Amid getting drinks and the dim light neither of the other passengers noticed. Genuinely touched by the gesture Quistis found herself smiling broadly for the rest of the trip. The limousine made it's way through Deling's crowded streets. People where out in droves and the lights and sounds of the busy city was making uncomfortable. She usually didn't react this way but considering the situation she had a clue why. They where getting closer to their destination and she felt her stomach tying itself in knots. She took comfort that Quistis was with her, but also realized that in a grim way she was also the cause of her worry. "You're being ridiculous." She scolded herself. "I'm going to make a fool of myself. Quistis will be embarrassed and I'll ruin the whole evening for her." She bit her lip and frowned. It was much easier to deal with these sorts of pressures when there was no one important in her life. It used to be that if someone asked her somewhere she'd just refuse or not show up, as if anyone ever bothered to ask. She didn't fit in at social gatherings, wasn't accustomed or equipped for such niceties or mingling with the so-called decent crowd. "A drink?" She heard Quistis ask. She turned and regarded her and the glass she held. "CONTENTS?" Fujin eyed the glass curiously. "Something to help sooth your nerves." Quistis whispered with a soft smile. Fujin took the drink and started to down it then paused. Remembering her disastrous first encounter with champagne she looked at Quistis curiously. "What?" Quistis smirked at the startled look on her face. "SIP OR DRINK?" Fujin said in a hushed whisper. "Sipping is fine." Quistis giggled quietly. Fujin looked at the glass a moment before taking a sip. Quistis smiled and settled back in her seat to nurse her own drink. "So where are we going to dinner." She asked curiously. "DeGrav's" Nida answered with a prideful smile. "Impressive." Quistis said in shock. "I don't know how he managed it. They usually have a back log of three months." Xu laughed and eyed him suspiciously. "What can I say, I'm the man." Nida chuckled. "Oh here we go." Quistis laughed. "We've arrived." The chauffeur announced as they stopped out front of the restaurant. Fujin set her drink down and opened the door. The driver had meant to come around and open the door but Fujin was already exiting the vehicle. "Everything okay Ma'am?" The young woman asked worried. Oblivious to the fact she was being talked to Fujin ignored her. Confused and somewhat taken aback the chauffeur settled on holding the door as the others exited. Nida tipped and thanked her before telling her to return in about an hour and a half. Quistis walked up behind Fujin and whispered in her ear. "You're supposed to let her open the door hon." Fujin shifted and looked back at her nervously. "No harm done." Quistis winked. "Lets go inside." Lavish, elite, spacious, grand, all these words and more could be used to describe the restaurant and still none would do the place justice. "EXQUISITE." Fujin breathed. The ornate walls held a history's worth of photo's of the rich and famous. Actors, musicians, artists it was little surprise when she spotted Quistis, Squall, Zell and the others in one of the photo's. "Oh wow." Xu laughed in surprise as she walked over to inspect the photo. "I forgot about that." Quistis said uncomfortably. "Hey, its official you guys are famous." Nida teased. "Hardly." Quistis said rolling her eyes. "We came here to celebrate after the war and someone took our picture." She explained. "Come now, be proud, you guy's saved the world." Xu elbowed her playfully. Nida laughed brightly and smiled at Fujin, who stood stoic and oddly silent. "Please, you guys had a hand in it too." Quistis blushed. "Can I help you." A tall man in a sharp suit said with rich heavily accented voice. Nida stepped forward. "Yes please, we have a reservation for four, it should be under Sinclair." The man went to counter by the entrance and scanned the logbook. "Ah yes, Sinclair, for four. This way please." He said with a bow and bid them to follow. Nida and Xu walked hand in hand as they followed the man to their seat. "Love you." Quistis whispered sweetly to Fujin before following. Fujin smiled softly, a blush creeping to her cheeks. With a wary smirk she quickly caught up them. "Surely it won't be all that bad." She tried to console herself. Their table was in a cozy booth towards the back, that much Fujin was thankful for she was glad not to be so out in the open it left her exposed. She was however feeling more and more out of place. Everyone in the restaurant wore suits and evening gowns; she'd even caught a few patrons eyeing her suspiciously. Even the waiters and waitresses were better dressed than she was. Quistis let her slide into the booth first then scooted comfortably next to her. Nida and Xu sat opposite of them. "Your waiter will be here shortly." The host said with a smile before heading back to his desk. "He was checking you out Quistis." Nida said with a sly grin. "No he wasn't Xu interjected without skipping a beat." "He was too." Nida argued. "Nope." Xu shrugged and looked about for their waiter. "I'm not interested, but thank you for noticing." Quistis said politely. "Ah you set you sites to high." He said in defeat. Fujin clucked her tongue in her mouth irritably. Quistis chose to remain silent. Their waiter arrived with flourish and handed them their menus. He was an impish looking gentleman with a receding hairline, a lisp and an air of superiority. "Order when you are ready." He said with a snobbish smile that Fujin found downright punchable. "I can go ahead and bring you drinks if you like?" "Thanks." Nida said and looked at the ladies before him. "Well?" He said expectantly. "I'm thinking wine." Xu said thoughtfully. "Works for me." Nida shrugged. "I'll have little I guess, could you bring me a water too please." Quistis added. Everyone looked at Fujin who was silent as a grave. She looked at Quistis nervously unsure what to ask for. "She'll take a water." Quistis winked. "Very well then ladies and gentleman. The wine list." He handed them the laminated sheet with the list of wines. "HOLY." Nida blurted when he saw the prices. "Hush." Xu slapped him on the shoulder lightly. Quistis giggled and looked at Fujin who was thankful the attention was off her. "Um the..." Nida started to point a name on the list. "Oh lets try this one." Xu said excitedly gesturing towards a name. "Err..." Nida looked worried and laughed nervously. "No, no, no, that one!" Xu said eagerly and picked another. "Pick one hon." Nida sighed. "That one." She finally settled. "Rose'a Monetello?" The waiter said approvingly. Nida gulped and sank into his seat. Quistis watched the exchange with amusement. Fujin sat quiet and thankfully overlooked. After getting their drink order the waiter left to let them decided on dinner. "Well what looks good?" Nida said eagerly, he picked up a menu and started scanning its pages for potential culinary treats. "I don't know about you guys but I'm going for the scallops and Estarian salmon." Xu said with a wicked smile. Quistis looked quietly over her menu. Written in classic Delian, one of the romance languages of old, she was curious if Fujin could even read it. It she was having troubled she gave no sign of it. Catching Quistis eyeing her Fujin glanced over at her. "PROBLEM?" She asked curiously. "None at all, just wondering what to order. Got any ideas?" Fujin knew Quistis was trying to see if she needed help. She was both thankful for the concern and slightly insulted at the same time. "LINDARA' RE ZEVUO." Fujin said with a flourish that caught the attention of all present. "Pardon?" Quistis blinked. "Emerald salad." Xu translated, thoroughly impressed. "You can speak Delian?" Quistis looked at Fujin, pleasantly surprised. "READ BETTER." Fujin explained. "Why? I mean how?" Nida asked. Fujin soured slightly, she was glad to see everyone assumed she wasn't cultured. She didnt feel the need to tell them, that in her youth she'd dreamed of being a poet. Or how her mother taught her the language so she could read the epic classics of old in their native tongue. Better she thought, to let them wonder. "WHY NOT?" Fujin said evasively and went back to her menu. "I guess I'll try the emerald salad." Quistis smiled. After deciding what they wanted the waiter returned and everyone ordered. Dutifully he refilled their drinks and brought them an appetizer of cheese sticks and garlic bread before disappearing into the kitchen. Quistis nibbled quietly while Nida and Xu went on about a trip Xu had once taken. Apparently in the mountains near Trabia she encountered an old man claiming to be a famous pirate. Fujin meanwhile was lost in her own little world staring intently at an aquarium settled into a nearest wall. "Watcha thinking about?" Quistis said quietly. Fujin's gaze turned towards her thoughtfully. "PAST, FUTURE." Quistis scooted a little closer, interested. "Sounds deep, care to elaborate?" Fujin studied her for a long silent moment then smirked slightly with a glance at Xu and Nida. The two we're laughing loudly at some joke Nida had made. "NOT NOW." Fujin mumbled. "Ohh." Quistis nodded with a saucy smile. "Anything I should worry about?" She whispered playfully. "NO." Fujin said cautiously. "Oh darn." Quistis pouted, her eyes dancing with mischief. Fujin shook her head and rubbed her eye with her palm. She felt herself blushing. Quistis was flirting in an attempt to unsettle her. Fujin didn't mind though it was rather flattering if not worrisome at times. She much preferred the attention rather than being alone. Besides she was learning two could play at those games. "THE OPERA?" Fujin asked, wishing to curb Quistis's antics for a moment. "What about it?" "ABOUT?" "Ohh you don't know?" Quistis smiled devilishly. "I...." Fujin started then stopped immediately when she saw that smile. She'd seen that smile before and she knew it meant trouble, for her. She suddenly realized she'd been trapped by her words the other day. "NO," She said in as soft a voice as she could manage. All the while keeping her expression wooden and guarded so as not to draw Xu and Nida's attention. Quistis loved it when she used that voice and she couldn't help but shiver slightly. "Stop that." Quistis scolded in a harsh whisper then continued. "Yesterday you said you loved Opera's. La Nautica Forever is only one of the most famous opera's ever. Funny you never heard of it." She winked and took a sip of her drink. Fujin sat with blank expression still not wanting to give anything away. "Oh and here you told Nida you'd never been to one?" Quistis arched a brow. "Now I wonder why you said you like opera's when you've never been to one?" Fujin stuck her tongue in her cheek slightly flustered. She'd hope Quistis's didnt notice her error. Fujin sighed and smirked dryly. She was busted and Quistis was teasing her for being jealous. "WELL." She said expectantly, waiting for Quistis to finish. "I was going to ask the same thing?" Quistis grinned hugely. "So what are you two going on about?" Xu asked abruptly. "Oh nothing we're was just talking about the Opera, Fujin hasn't seen this one yet. I told her she's in for a treat." Quistis said with an innocent smile. "You haven't seen it?" Xu gasped in shock. "Hey I haven't either." Nida noted. "Well you have no taste." Xu teased. "Like she does!?" Nida joked good-naturedly while grinning at Fujin. "Heh." Fujin laughed sarcastically back at him and rolled her eye derisively. Quistis looked at the two from over the rim of her glass and nearly laughed aloud. "Nida be nice." Xu scolded mildly as she grabbed a cheese stick. "No harm intended I just joking." Nida shrank in his seat. "Sheesh." It was several long minutes before the waiter arrived with everyone's plates After carefully setting everyone's meals before them he straightened and smiled. "Anything else?" He asked courteously. Quistis was about to ask him to refill her drink when she felt a gentle, feathery caress slip past the slit in her dress and along the bare thigh above her stockings. She gasped aloud and her eyes went wide with shock as she glanced around the table. Nida was slicing into a steak large enough to choke a shark while Xu did the same with her baked salmon while Fujin sat stone faced, reading the back of the dessert menu. "You okay Quisty?" Xu asked worriedly having heard the gasp. Nida and the waiter looked at her curiously, as did Fujin even though it was her hand that rested on her leg. Blinking to clear her head Quistis looked back at the waiter. "Ma'am?" He asked, somewhat baffled. "I'm fine, never mind." She said quietly then focused on her meal. "Evil." She mumbled under her breath in Fujin's direction. Fujin didn't respond and quietly went about eating. The dinner went fairly uneventful; Nida did the majority of talking. Fujin kept occupied wondering how he was able the breath while eating and talking nonstop. Xu hung on every boring word, apparently smitten with him. Bemused Fujin looked over at Quistis and couldn't help but smile softly. Something she did a lot whenever they were together. There was a time she'd thought she'd never smile again, never know joy. She found it ironic that to discovered peace with someone she despised not to terribly long ago. Such thoughts seemed ludicrous now. "Fujin." Xu called again, snapping her out of her thoughts. Fujin looked at her curiously. "I said, how do you like the food?" Xu asked. "ADEQUATE." Fujin said with a shrug. Her salad was more than a little dry and she saw no need to heap praise upon it. "Adequate?" Nida said sourly and made a face and Xu kicked him under the table. Quistis could only grin and shook her head. She made it a point to help Fujin learn to be more tactful. She slid her plate away from her with a sigh. "That was delicious. I can't eat another bite." "Thats all you're eating?" Nida balked at the remains of the salad. "We aren't all pits like you hon." Xu teased. "A lady has to watch her figure." Quistis laughed. Fujin shook her head choosing not to get involved. It wasn't too much longer till everyone had finished their meal and ordered dessert. While they waited Quistis slipped off to the ladies room. Lost in thought Xu sat quietly as Nida prattled on inanely about Balamb Garden's flight capabilities. "Excuse me." Xu said quietly and bid Nida to let her out of the booth. "Where ya goin?" Nida asked. "Restroom." Xu said and kissed him on the tip of the nose. "Oh okay." Nida nodded as she left. He then looked at Fujin "I guess, it's just you and me." He said with a broad smile. "JOY." Fujin droned sourly. Quistis stared in the mirror checking her eyeliner and retouching her lipstick. She only barely heard the door open behind her. "Hey." Xu said quietly. "Oh hi hon what's up? Quistis smiled glancing at her in the mirror. "Nothing, just needed to get away from the table." "Uh-oh that sounds bad." Quistis looked worried. "Nah." Xu smiled. "Dinner was great, thank for inviting us out. "Don't mention it. It's been a interesting night and it's only just started." Quistis smiled thoughtfully. "Fujin seems a nice enough. She really not as bad as everyone makes out. She doesn't talk much though." "She's sweet." Quistis responded warmly. "You two make a cute couple." Xu said idly with a shrewd smile. Stunned, Quistis had no idea how to respond. She wasn't so much embarrassed as shocked that their relationship was so obvious. "You knew?" She said warily. "I do now." Xu walked towards her chuckling merrily. "Oh you!" Quistis swatted playfully at her. "Don't worry I had my suspicions anyway." "Hyne is it that obvious." "To me it is, but I'm trained to pay attention to details." "Who else suspects?" "I dunno, Nida seems clueless enough." "What are you going to do?" Quistis asked guardedly. "Do? Nothing silly, it's none of my business. I'm just glad to see you so happy." "Really?" Quistis smiled "Of course." Xu responded as if it was obvious. Quistis hugged her warmly. "Hey, hey now don't be getting funny idea's." Xu laughed. "Your horrible!" Quistis laughed. "So how long have you guys been together." "Ever since we went to Snow Ridge." "I knew it!" Xu giggled proudly. Quistis blushed. "So then is this like a big secret, hush, hush and all?" Xu said in a loud whisper. "Thats actually a funny question." "Why?" "Well I'm not worried. I've got no reason to hide." "But?" Xu said sensing there was more to it than that. "Fujin wouldn't worry either but she thinks it could jeopardize my position and get me in trouble." "Thats a legitimate worry. You are her teacher after all. This falls under that category of getting to close to students I was complaining about a few weeks ago." "Ouch, don't say it like that, you make it sound dirty." Xu laughed brightly. "Sorry but it's true." Quistis shook her head and sighed. "I honestly don't think it would be a problem though." Xu said thoughtfully. "You're both about the same age and she's only taking refresher courses. Just don't go flaunting it yet, just to be safe." "I'll take your advice. Thanks Xu." "Whatever for?" "For being understanding, seems like you're the only one." "Hey what are friends for. I have one question though." "Sure, anything." "How on earth did you two hook up? I mean you don't make a likely couple." "You'd be surprised. She was there when I really needed someone." Quistis said quietly. "I understand." Xu smiled softly. "I'm glad you approve." Quistis giggled brightly. "Now I have someone to talk to." "No one else knows, Rinoa, Selphie?" Xu looked surprised. Quistis looked at her as if that was the stupidest thing she'd ever heard. "Eh.. I got ya. Stupid question, they'd go ape." Xu grinned sheepishly. "Yeah I don't think either of them needs to know just yet." "It's only a matter of time hon, you two aren't doing terribly good job keeping it under wraps." "I know." Quistis grinned guiltily. "Wow, this is so cool. I thought you'd be single forever." "So did I." Quistis responded darkly as the door opened. Fujin walked into the restroom looking somewhat lost. She perked up noticeably upon seeing Xu and Quistis. "FALL IN?" "Sorry, we got to talking?" Xu smiled widely at her. Unsure what to make of it Fujin turned to Quistis. "DESSERT ARRIVED." "Oh great." Quistis smiled. "Nida been boring you to death?" Xu laughed. "AFFIRMATIVE." Fujin admitted. "He tends to prattle once you get him going." "Come on lets get back before he snags the waiter then." Quistis joked. Nida sat quietly at the table looking utterly lost and alone. He brightened considerably as the girls returned to their seats. "What is there to do in the restroom that takes so long?" Fujin started to speak and Quistis shook her head briskly sensing the impending surge of sarcasm. "Oh Ice cream!" Xu said giddily and snatched up a spoon. "Hey I have an idea!" She piped up eagerly as she dug into the large strawberry float sitting before her. "What?" Nida asked. "Let's go to a nightclub after the show. I haven't been dancing in ages. What do ya say Quisty? It'd be like old times." Quistis shrugged absently. "Sure why not, who know it could be fun." "Nida?" Xu asked, looking hopefully at him. He was about to protest but thought twice about. "Sure, what the heck." "Fujin?" Xu looked at her expectantly. Fujin could think of a dozen different places she'd rather be than a nightclub. Her years with Seifer had made her develop a roiling hatred of such establishments. She'd get to sit in some dark corner watching while Seifer and her brother caroused with whatever harlot or bimbo crossed their path. Or he'd get drunk and poke fun at her. "Gee Fujin you're pretty when I'm drunk." He'd say among other things. She recalled with icy clarity how he once offered to pay some bum to sleep with her. He said it'd be a charity case. She'd just ignore it all and keep quiet, content to be in his shadow. Her stomach heaved at the thought of how subservient she'd been to him. "What the hell was I thinking?" She screamed inwardly. "Fu?" Quistis asked quietly. Fujin blinked and looked at her. "WHAT?" "You okay? You where off in la la land." "I asked if you wanted to go to a nightclub after the show?" Xu chuckled. Fujin looked at Quistis and saw the merry glow in her eyes. "WHY NOT." She said evenly. "Great!" Xu clapped merrily. They finished their desserts and the waiter handed them the bill. Nida tried to keep from looking horrified as he handed the waiter his bankcard. "Nida I'm capable of paying for myself." Quistis assured him offering him her card. "Tisk, put that away." Xu smacked at her. Nida gave an embarrassed smile. "It's okay I got it, my treat." "Alright then." Quistis said unsure. Everyone stood as the waiter returned with the Nida's card and receipt. "Thanks for coming, I hope you all have a good evening." The host said politely as they left. Fujin paused and grabbed a couple of mints out a bowl by the door. Xu stretched her arms and spun about merrily as they waited for the Limousine. "What a lovely night." She sighed. "Sure is." Quistis agreed. Fujin moved beside her and offered one of the mints. "This a hint?" Quistis smirked, and popped it in her mouth. "LIMO." Fujin pointed to a pair of lights coming towards them. The limousine pulled up next to them and stopped. Fujin went for the door and Quistis entwined her arm in hers to stop her. "Let the driver do it hon." She whispered. "FOOLISH." Fujin sighed. "Think of it as a tradition." The driver exited and smiled to everyone as she opened the back door. "How was dinner?" She asked cheerily. "Lovely." Quistis smiled as everyone got in. "How long it this play anyway?" Nida asked curiously. "Little over three hours." Quistis said thoughtfully. Fujin shifted uncomfortably at the thought. It was a quick fifteen-minute drive to the Opera house. There was large crowd of people out front and it took them another fifteen minutes just to get inside and be seated. The building was gothic in style, impressive and grand. Enormous crystal chandeliers hung above the sea of seats bathing the hall in a shimmering glow. The low, dull roar of people chattering amongst themselves and erratic notes and sounds of the orchestra tuning up was enough unnerve Fujin's senses. She wasn't accustomed at all to being around so many people in such an enclosed space. It made her nervous, and she found herself sweating slightly. She undid the top button of her shirt to get some air. Quistis leaned over and regarded her worriedly. "You okay hon?" Fujin nodded quietly. She felt silly for getting so bent out of shape of such trivial nonsense. It was twenty minutes before everything settled down and the lights dimmed. Fujin breathed a quiet sigh of relief. Quistis's hand found hers and gripped it gently. Fujin was thankful for the contact it calmed her considerably. The orchestra began playing a haunting lonely tune and soon was joined by a lone woman singing on the darkened stage. Without realizing it Fujin found herself captivated by the song. Even though she had no idea what was being said, the sheer emotion of each scene enabled her to follow easily. The tale was about a woman whose husband had been lost at sea. She'd waited for him each day calling to the gods to deliver him home safely. A local man, a shepherd loved the woman and tried to earn her affections. Though she grew to care for him. He loyalty for her husband would not let her find love anew. The end of the opera was a tragic one. The woman, giving into loneliness went to the shepherd and they shared a night of passion. In a fit of grief over having betrayed her husbands trust the woman threw herself into the ocean. The shepherd, having lost his love and blaming himself for her death joined her. By the end of the opera Fujin was transfixed and nearly in tears. Quistis however was weeping openly, as was Nida. Sadly at some point Xu had fallen asleep and was snoring blissfully half out of her seat. "What did you think?" Quistis said quietly, as she wiped her eyes. "TRAGIC." Fujin mumbled. "It's a wonderful story." "DEPRESSING." "Yeah." Fujin looked at her thoughtfully and smiled. "What?" Quistis glanced about warily. Fujin reached out gently to wipe a streak of smeared mascara from Quistis's cheek. "Oh dear my makeup's running." Quistis sniffed and blushed. "Hyne that was horrible!" Nida choked. Quistis and Fujin turned to look at him. He sat bent over resting his forehead on his knees. "I thought you'd like it?" Quistis looked hurt. "I love it! It was still horrible though, why'd it have to end like that." "Not everything has a happy ending hon." "LIFE IS UNFAIR." Fujin added knowingly. "Ugh I'll be depressed for the rest of the night now." Nida sighed. Quistis smiled and looked at Xu, who was still out cold. "I can't believe she fell asleep." "XU!" Fujin barked. "YES SIR!?" Xu sat up abruptly in a daze. Quistis exploded into laughter. "What happened?" Xu blinked and looked about. "You fell asleep." Nida said sourly. "I did!?" Xu cried out in dismay. "Yup." Quistis nodded sadly. "You didnt wake me up!?" Xu smacked at Nida's shoulder. "Last time I did that you kicked me in the crotch." Nida said dodging her swipes. "ARGH!" Xu held her head in aggravation. "AIR." Fujin said, looking at Quistis. "Oh okay, hold on I'll come with." "I'll be a moment." Xu said. "Gotta go to the restroom." "Me too." Nida added as they made their way through the crowd. Fujin was thankful for the cool night breeze that greeted her as she stepped outside. She walked away from the bustling crowd to a lone street lamp off to the side of the building. She looked up at the sky and frowned in dismay. The glow of the city's light obscured the stars. Arms wrapped around her waist from behind. "You okay?" Quistis whispered in her ear. Fujin nodded and leaned back against her and sighing softly. "You look lovely." Fujin whispered richly. Quistis was surprised by her tone and shivered warmly. "Thank you, so do you." "BAH." Fujin laughed and turned around to face her. A couple walked by looking at them suspiciously and whispering. Quistis stuck her tongue out at them. Fujin chuckled and shook her head. "Now then, no bah's." "APOLOGY." "For?" "YOU WERE RIGHT." "About?" "CLOTHES." "Oh piffle." Quistis shook her head disregarding the comment. "BUT." Fujin protested. Quistis kissed her. Xu walked out of the opera house with Nida in tow. "Where are they?" Nida asked looking about. Xu looked about and her eyes went wide as she saw them. Nida started to look their way and Xu threw her arms around his neck pulling him to her. "Kiss me." She said huskily. Not one to pass up a good thing he did as he was told. Xu waited till Quistis and Fujin noticed them before letting Nida go. He staggered back somewhat shocked. "That was umm intense." He said awkwardly. "Wait till tonight." Xu said saucily and winked. "There you two are." Nida said as Quistis and Fujin joined them. "We ready to go?" Quistis asked brightly. Xu, standing behind Nida waved to get Fujin's attention. Fujin oblivious to what she was doing waved back awkwardly. With a look of exasperation Xu made wiping motions across her mouth. Quistis saw her right as Nida caught her movements out of the corner of his eye. He turned around perplexed. "What are you doing?" Quistis quickly put two and two together and turned around to face Fujin. Fujin took a step back not understanding why everyone was acting weird. With a quick series of motions Quistis wiped away the lipstick marks Fujin had recently acquired. Fujin reeled and sputtered still not understanding. "WHAT?" She blurted in shock. Quistis quickly turned back around as Nida looked to see what Fujin was yelling about. Quistis smiled sweetly and Xu made pulling gestures at her hair and stormed of towards the limousine. "Did I miss something?" Nida asked worriedly. "I dunno." Quistis said breezily and hurried after Xu. "What happened." Nida asked Fujin in confusion. Fujin shrugged. After everyone was settled in the limousine pulled out into the busy streets. "Driver?" Xu asked leaning over the seat. "Yes Ma'am?" The young woman responded. "Do you know any good nightclubs around here?" Quistis moved and squeezed by Nida to join Xu. "Nothing too rowdy." She added. "There's a place called, Friar's 18." "What the heck is that?" Xu laughed. "Just a little back alley nightclub, it's off the beaten path. Sometimes I go there after work. It's small and not too loud, tonight's karaoke night if you're into that sort of thing." "Sounds good to me." Xu said eagerly. "Sure." Quistis agreed and fell back to her seat and looked at Fujin inquisitively. "Are you enjoying the evening?" Fujin regarded her for a moment. Things had gone better than she'd hoped. Regardless though she was uncomfortable with her surroundings and the nightclub talk didnt help matters. Quistis was happy though and the night wasn't unbearable so she endured everything graciously. "INTRESTING." She said slightly evasion. "I glad you came with us. I know how much you dislike this sort of thing." Quistis said quietly. Fujin only smiled in response The limousine turned and quietly made its way down a well-lit back alley. People mulled about out front of a small brick building that looked to be a furniture store. "Where is this place?" Quistis asked curiously. "Oh sorry it's under the furniture store, the basement actually. But dont let that fool you, it makes for a nice cozy atmosphere." The driver laughed. "BASEMENT?" Fujin looked out the window. "Sound neat." Xu said. The driver parked and got out. This time Fujin waited patiently for her to open the door. "Here you go." The woman smiled and pointed to a descending stairway near the edge of building. "I'll be out here when you folks get ready to go." She said before getting back in the vehicle. "Well let's go see what the place is like." Xu said in a take charge fashion and walked briskly towards the small nightclub. A couple of well dressed men in smoking jackets stood out front and eyed the girls approvingly. Nida bristled slightly as one of the men gave Xu a look over. "This should be fun." He said sourly to Fujin who nodded in agreement. The group walked past the two and they whistled wolfishly at Quistis who only smiled and made her way down the steps. Fujin, bringing up the rear gave the duo foul look as she passed. The place was hazy with smoke the smell of beer, cigarettes and time hung heavily in the air. The bar was dimly lit with small lamps hanging from the many support beams that rose amid the tables and booths. The walls where wooden and stained red brown giving the place a relaxing feel. The bar, aglow with neon beer signs and lined with a multitude liquors, was short with only eight or so stools, only half of which where full. The bartender was a tall, thin, fellow with a pencil thin mustache and small round glasses framing his gray eyes. The other patrons sat chatting or dancing to the upbeat music that came from speakers above the small, but functional dance floor. "Quaint." Quistis nodded approvingly. "Eh." Xu shrugged, not terribly impressed nor disappointed. Fujin stood in the door, not having any desire to go further. She didn't realize she was stalling until Quistis took her by the hand playfully and pulled her along. It didn't take any time at all for Xu to drag Nida onto the dance floor. Quistis, still holding Fujin's hand looked about for a place to sit. Sensing Fujin's apprehension she picked a table in a far dim corner. They'd just gotten comfortable when a waitress wearing skirt that could've served as a belt and personality so saccharin it nearly sent Fujin into diabetic shock, asked them if they needed anything. "Diet Sora." Quistis smiled. "WATER." Fujin said with near contempt. "Okay one Diet Sora and a water." She woman giggled brightly then tittered off. "What was that?" Quistis chuckled curiously at Fujin's attitude. "BAD MEMORY." Fujin grumbled. "Do I want to know?" "SEIFER'S TYPE." "Ew enough said." Quistis winced then laughed brightly. Fujin glanced to see what she found so funny. Nida looked downright miserable but bless him was trying his best to keep up with the music and with Xu, who was tearing up the dance floor. "Let's dance!" Quistis giggled brightly. Of course she knew the answer even before the question registered with Fujin, who didn't even deem such a ludicrous suggestion worth answering. "Come on it'll be fun." Quistis teased playfully. "SO YOU SAY." Fujin folded her arms and eyed her incredulously. "Oh poo." Quistis pouted and slumped in her chair. "DON'T DANCE." Fujin said firmly. "Can you?" "OF COUR..." She started then soured. "NO." "Then I'll teach you." Quistis hopped up and pulled on Fujin's arm to no avail, she flat out refused to budge. "Oh fine then, I guess I'll go all by lonesome." She feigned disappointment in an attempt to guilt trip her. "BY ALL MEANS." Fujin waved her on grinning. "Oh you brat!" Quistis wrinkled her nose cutely at her then stomped off to join Xu. Fujin shook her head and rubbed the bridge of her nose dully. Quistis's wasn't alone long until a trio of young hopefuls joined her on the floor trying their best to upstage each other. Fujin felt a tingle of regret and anger, more at her own lack of social bravery and skills than at Quistis's would be suitors. She rested her head in her hands wearily. "Here you go sir." The waitress said with a bubbly smile and setting the drinks on the table. Fujin looked up sourly and wore an expression that promised pain and suffering on an epic scale. "Oh sorry Miss." The waitress balked and scampered off. Sighing heavily Fujin took her drink in hand and tried to get her mind off how annoyed she was. She was just calming down when someone all but fell into her jostling her water into her lap. "HELL." She snapped sourly jumping up. "Whoa sorry lady!" A long hared youth that reeked of beer said with drawn out drawl. Another man, cleaner cut and wearing the latest fashions shoved him aside and bowed politely. "So sorry ma'am." He said blushing slightly. "Paul here has had way to much to drink tonight." Fujin was actually taken aback by his politeness and quickly calmed down. She settled back in her seat and the gentleman handed her a handful of napkins. The other man was still behind him laughing up a drunken storm while being supported by a trio of women that seemed cut from the same pop idol cloth. "I saw you come in with you're companions and I must say I'm impressed." Fujin couldn't believe some guy was hitting on her, much less a cute one. Not that she was interested in the least; it still did wonders for her moral for the evening. The man sat down at the table, as did the two of the girls who giggled at each other excitedly. The other girl lead the drunken friend to a near bar stool. Fujin was about to protest that the seats where taken. She looked out on the dance floor and saw Xu and Quistis dancing with Nida in between them. The fool was grinning like a total idiot as the two women gyrated around him. Fujin grumbled slightly and realizing they'd be out there for a good deal longer so she decided to humor her guests. "My name is Hayden." The man said smoothly. "FUJIN." "Interesting name, means war doesn't it?" Fujin nodded. The two girls sitting with them went into a fit of giggling and fell over each other excitedly. Fujin arched a brow at them. "Don't mind them they're my sisters. Christy and Misty." He pointed to the two girls who waved back giddily. "The other one Mandy, is around here somewhere. They've been partying hard all night I fear their minds left them six beers ago." Fujin looked at the girls a moment; something seemed familiar to her. She dismissed it to the fact that they where triplets. "Have you been to Deling before now." "SOME." The girls went into another tittering fit. "Would you two go somewhere." Hayden snapped irritably them. The girls got up, waved goodbye and staggered back to the bar. Fujin was glad for it, they'd about gave her the creeps. "So who's you're friends?" Hayden asked with a curious nod to the dance floor. Fujin pointed to each and named them. "Ah interesting." He smiled. "OH?" Fujin eyed him with a cautious smirk. "I need you to do me a favor, thats why I'm over here." Fujin's whole demeanor started changing for the worse. "You're friend, Quistis, you say, cute name. I was hoping you'd talk to her for me...." He started. "LEAVE." Fujin snapped loudly. "What?" He blinked in shock. "NOW!" "Will you tell her I'm...?" He quickly got up as Fujin stood threateningly. He nearly tripped over himself as she stalked after him. "Remember my name is Hayden! I'll be over here at the bar." He called out as he quickly moved away from her. Fujin's head throbbed she was so aggravated. With a solid curse she sat back down in her seat. Immediately the trio of girls slid into the seats around her. She nearly jumped up and attacked them. "WHAT!" She barked. "Wow! Like sorry for our brother and all. He's like a total jerk sometime." "LEAVE." "Okay, okay we gotcha. First we have a question." The trio giggled in unison. Fujin nearly went mad. "You're Fujin right?" "YES, LEAVE!" The trio clapped and hopped in their seats excitedly. "This is wonderful!" The first girl said eagerly. "Awesome!" The second looked as if she was about to faint. "Wow!" The last girl said dreamily. Fujin coiled in her seat like a snake. "Then you are Seifer's friend. That means he's around here somewhere. When's he coming in. He promised to take us to visit Balamb Garden. He's such a stud; you are so lucky to be hanging with him. Does her remember us? Tell him I love him!" All this came out of the trio in one long string. Most was illegible but Fujin caught more than enough to send her into a royal fit. Without so much as a word she stormed out of the bar. ******** Laughing merrily Quistis, Nida and Xu returned to their seat." Quistis picked up her drink and drank it down slightly winded. "Where's Fujin?" She asked curiously. "Probably in the restroom." Xu sat down heavily. "I'm going to get a drink." Nida said still laughing. A young man walked up to the ladies smiling broadly. He was tall, tan and very cute. He smiled a perfect smile at Quistis and bowed. "Quistis I presume?" He said with a rich deep voice. "Who are you?" Xu snapped defensively Quistis smirked and waved her away. She looked at man as if sizing him up. She was not buying into his politeness. "My name is Hayden." "How do you know me?' "You're friend Fujin. She was most helpful are nice girl." "Oh really." Quistis laughed in his face. "She offered to introduce us but she left in a hurry. I'm sure she'll be back, in the meantime we can... " He said with a smile, Quistis raised her hand and stopped him. "Left?" She asked. "Yes. Now as I was saying. In the mean time we can get...." He started and again Quistis stopped him. "You mean outside? How long ago." Quistis asked. Hayden sighed and rolled his eyes. "I don't know about five minutes ago I guess. Now then...." Quistis brushed past him and headed outside. Hayden turned to go after her but Nida appeared in front of him. "Hi there I'm Nida nice to meet you." He said cheerily with Xu at his side. Quistis walked outside, she didn't know what happened, but she could sense something was wrong. A tingle of fear crept into her heart and she began to worry that Fujin might have run off again. She'd been uneasy all night and Quistis could easily imagine a number of things that might have driven her away. "She seemed in a pleasant enough mood though notwithstanding. Surely I'm just worrying to much" She reasoned. Looking about in the darkness her apprehension grew. "She probably felt like you were ignoring her." She chided herself "This didn't turn out at all like I hoped." Quistis sighed sadly. Then she saw her. Standing by the limousine chatting with the driver. Quistis let out a heavy sigh of relief. "Fu." She called and walked over. Fujin turned and grinned. "I was worried." "WHY?" "You left without saying anything." "ANNOYING IN THERE." "What happened?" "SEIFER GROUPIES." "What, and who's that Hayden guy?" "QUISTIS GROUPIE." "Ew okay never mind." "Rough night I take it." The driver grinned. "AFFIRMATIVE." Fujin nodded. "Your friend here came storming out madder than a hornet." The young woman chuckled and adjusted her hat. Quistis looked at her then back at Fujin. "You just have no luck with people do you hon?" Quistis smiled sadly and caressed her cheek. "IRRELEVANT." Fujin shrugged. "This was a mistake, I shouldn't have made you come with us. You're miserable, I feel horrid." The driver, feeling it was time to but out, pulled her head back inside and rolled up the window. "IT IS OKAY." Fujin assured Quistis with a gentle smile. "Not it's not." Quistis huffed and knocked on the driver's window. The window slide down once more. "Yes?" The woman asked. "When the others get out here, tell them we left please and that we'll meet them back at Balamb later." Quistis said with a serious tone. The driver nodded. "If they ask where you went?" "Tell em I'll explain later." Fujin eyed Quistis curiously. "WHAT?" "You'll see." Quistis stated with a sly grin before turning to the driver and tipping her generously. "Thanks." The woman smiled hugely. "Come on." Quistis said warmly taking Fujin's arm in hers. Fujin was clueless as to what she was up to but didn't protest. They made their way out of the side alley and onto the main sidewalk. It was fairly late but the city's nightlife was still going strong. Quistis scanned the road for a moment lost in thought. "PROBLEM?" Fujin said curiously. "I'm looking for...AHA!" Quistis giggled and pulled Fujin into a run. "WHERE?" Quistis led them to an ornate horse and buggy. The driver, an old distinguished gentleman was busily feeding the horse apples. Fujin looked at the buggy cautiously then back to Quistis. "KIDDING?" She smirked. "It's romantic." Quistis cooed and leaned against her. "VERY WELL." Fujin chuckled, shaking her head. The driver saw them and looked startled for a second. "Can I help you ladies?" "RIDE." Fujin pointed at the horse. "You have to ride in the buggy Miss." The old man said sternly. "That's what she meant." Quistis giggled. "YES." Fujin nodded. "Where's your rout go." Quistis asked curiously. "Deling park, around the pond." The old man sniffled and climbed up on the carriage. "Perfect." Quistis smiled. "In that case climb aboard." The man smiled a toothy false toothed smile. Fujin helped Quistis into the buggy, then promptly hopped in with her. Smiling happily Quistis snuggled against her. "Much better." She breathed. Holding her close Fujin had to agree. The night was warm and the air smelled of dogwood and cherry trees. Blossoms billowed about like snowflakes and under the pale light of the moon the park took on a seemingly supernatural beauty. The pond rippled under the breeze, the gentle waves looking like a glittering sea of stars. Neither woman said a word during the entire journey. Quistis rested quietly against Fujin's chest. The sound of her heart soothing her like a lullaby. Quistis curled closer as Fujin stroked her hair lovingly. Though the journey was little over an hour it seemed a lifetime and yet all to short. The driver stopped and climbed down. Regretfully Quistis slipped from Fujin's embrace. She smiled thoughtfully before pulling her into a sweet kiss. The old man coughed slightly and looked away embarrassed. Fujin saw him and couldn't help but laugh in mid kiss. "What's so funny?" Quistis pouted slightly. "NOTHING." Fujin chuckled and hopped down to the pavement. She helped Quistis down and walked to the driver. "THANK YOU." She said politely and paid him. "You gals have a good night." He nodded as they walked into the night. "See now wasn't that nice?" Quistis said teasingly. "Love you." Fujin whispered. "Love you too hon." Quistis smiled darkly, hugging against her arm as they walked. They found themselves back at the pond. Quistis sat down in the grass and motioned Fujin to join her. "Things are so different now." Quistis said quietly. Fujin nodded in response as she sat down beside her. "I'm glad though. I'm glad you're here, with me." Quistis continued. Fujin felt herself blushing. She sighed; she had the words but lacked the way to speak them correctly. She'd once expressed herself through writing poetry, perhaps, she reasoned, it was time to start again. "I know how you feel love. Don't worry." Quistis whispered. Fujin sighed and laid her head in Quistis's lap. "I can't imagine my life without you. To go back to the miserable existence that I had been living." Quistis frowned at herself. "That sounds so selfish." She sighed and rubbed her temples. Fujin reached up and caressed her cheek soothingly. "It's just. You're the best thing that ever happened to me. I never knew life could be so wonderful. Now that you're with me I... " She paused and wiped her eyes. Fujin frowned worried. "I'm okay hon." Quistis laughed and sniffed cutely. "I'm prattling on. I'm sorry." Fujin took her hand in hers and brought it to her lips kissing it gently. "Love you too." Quistis smiled. They sat together for what seemed like a wonderful eternity. The dawn's first rays stuck them through the trees and Quistis gasped in shock that they'd stayed out so late. Fujin settled her back down. "SUNRISE." She said with a soft smile, pointing to the horizon. "It's lovely." Quistis smiled warmly. "You realize we have class in three hours." She sighed wearily. Fujin shrugged impassively. She was happy and she wasn't going to let anything take that from her.
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