Frozen (part 16 of 100)

a Final Fantasy 8 fanfiction by Chendzeea Li

Back to Part 15

Luccian sat on his bed and opened the box, inside was a black stone 
wrapped in cloth. The stone was small and unimpressive, its surface 
black and smooth like dark glass. Luccian held it up to study it and 
couldn’t help but smirk. Archibald sat on his bed opposite Luccian’s; 
they’d been roommates since coming to Balamb Garden. Though they tended 
to get along, they did have their disagreements and now was one of them.

"I hope that was worth what you paid for it. If you ask me the old man 
was yanking your chain." Archibald grumbled bitterly, he had not 
forgotten Luccian’s assault earlier.

"Why Arch, I don’t recall asking you for your opinion." Luccian said 
with a politeness that was all together unsettling.

"Yeah whatever." He mumbled. "I don’t see what that rock is going to do 
for us. I mean, surely you ain’t buying that crap the magazine said." 
Archibald said as he reached down to pick up a large dumbbell at the 
edge of his bed. He gave Luccian a grim look and began to do several 

Luccian tossed the stone into the air and caught it.

"It’s going to make all the difference in the world my friend."

"This about that stupid Tyrannous mess?"

"You’re an imbecile." Luccian said bitingly.

"Whatever." Archibald was having a hard time listening to Luccian 

The fact he got his ass kicked twice by a girl. Combined with how much 
of an ass he’d turned into lately, he just couldn’t take him to 
seriously. He used to look up to Luccian like a cool older brother but 
recently that had been changing. He was still his friend for better or 
for worse, but things where gonna change.

Luccian found his companions lack of faith disdainful. He’d need his 
help though if was to stand any chance of success, and to do that he had 
to make him understand.

"I’ll spell it out so that even you can follow." Luccian said with tone 
that one would use to tutor a retarded child. "Guardian Forces exist we 
all know that, so why can’t you believe that the Tyrannous is real?"

"Hmm because it’s full of shit?" Archibald huffed nonchalant.

"So you say." Luccian tossed the stone again and caught it. "I am going 
to need your help if we’re going to try and subdue it." Luccian’s voice 
took on a respectful quality.

"Subdue what, a fairy tale!? You’re losing in man."

"Arch." Luccian said darkly. "Why do you say these things." He stood up 
and walked over to him.

Archibald glared up at him warily.

"So help me if you touch me again Lou. I’m gonna go off." He said 

"We need to stick together on this Arch."

"No deal man, It’s crazy shit."

"Look I’ve done the research myself. That and what the old man said.." 
Archibald cut him off.

"The old man it out of his mind! You honestly believe some crazed story 
about how this Tyrone thing destroyed some dinky country?"

"It’s Tyranous, and the dinky country as you call it was one of the most 
powerful of all time."

"Yeah yeah the Cemptura or some crap."

"Cetra, glad to see you where paying attention."

"Eat me."

Luccian had to fight the urge to destroy his friend in that moment but 
held it at bay. He had grown somewhat used to dealing with lesser 
people. That much at least he thanked his father for, the old bastard 
was bound and determine to make him in his own image. Luccian held a 
grudging respect for the man after all, his father was, the great, 
unfailing Artemis Czar. Head of the richest family in all of Dollet 
Providence. He had sent Luccian to Balamb more than two years ago

"To learn patience and responsibility." He had said. Something Luccian 
found vastly amusing considering the man was a notorious womanizer and 
drunkard behind closed doors. Of course what’s wrong with enjoying what 
you have. Luccian just found the whole mess hypocritical and ridiculous, 
but was determined to him prove himself.

He knew what must been done and whether he liked it or not he would need 
Archibald’s help.

His first impression was to throttle his companion into line but knew 
cooler heads would prevail.

"Arch listen I’ll make a deal with you." Luccian gave a shark like 

Archibald set the weight down and regarded him.

"I’m listening."

"Help me out on this and if it turns out to be bunk I will never mention 
it again."


"You’re the one who’s always going on about never getting to see action. 
I can guarantee where we are going you’ll see plenty.

Luccian caught his curiosity and he looked up.

"What are you talking about."

"Ah see, I knew that would get you." Luccian held up the stone. "This my 
friend our ticket."

Archibald looked at him dully.

"Okay let me make it simple, we’re looking for two Centra temples easy 
as that."

"Whoopie doo, sounds pretty lame Lou."

"Hear me out, here’s the interesting part." Luccian smirked excitedly.

"The old man says the temples are on located Islands of Heaven and Hell 
how’s that for action."

Archibald smiled hugely.

"Islands of Heaven and Hell ehh." He said merrily, then exploded. "Fuck 
that! Your out of you god damned mind! We couldn’t even handle some 
albino waif! Shit we aren’t even SEED’s yet and here you want to get us 
killed on some half baked quest!

Luccian soured.

"Can’t handle it then?"

"Get real man, your tough but that’s way out of our league. You’ve heard 
the rumors, even Squall and his friends barely got out of there alive."

"Yeah but imagine what everyone would say if we could do it, just the 
two of us."

"I hear ya, but we aren’t ready man, it’s suicide." Archibald was 
getting the impression Luccian would go regardless if he went or not.

"Okay then, we’ll do this. We’ll train, train hard. You keep taking 
those courses with Zell, hell I may even join ya." Luccian smirked.

"I dunno." Archibald did like the idea of the fame it would bring if 
they could bring some trophy back. However he still held no illusions 
about their chances for survival.

"Come on man." Luccian said with eagerness that was infectious. "Think 
about it at least."

"I still think the old coot was yanking ya. If that rock was so 
important why did he sell it."

"The same reason your not wanting to go, he was afraid to try. Plus the 
money I paid him, he’ll be set up for life."

"Alright I’ll think about it, that’s the best your getting." Archibald 
said with sense of finality.

"That’s all I’m asking." Luccian clapped him on the back.

Satisfied he went back to his bed to sit down.

"Things where looking up. Now all he had to do was keep out of trouble 
until he could make his move. With a smirk he placed the stone back in 
its box and locked it in his footlocker.

Onwards to Part 17

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