The Hidden Mysteries "Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life." Rachel Carson ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The grass tickled. No matter where she stepped it tickled ever so delightfully on the backs of her legs and up the inside, whispering deliciously. A few times she'd caught herself laughing for no reason other than the familiar touch of the grass on her skin, coaxing out the silvery giggles from her lips and putting a vague tint of colour in her already tanned cheeks. Tifa, who walked with long legged ease beside her, showed no similar comfort which the grass offered on her very bare legs considering the short skirt she wore, a confusing mixture between bar hostess and deadly martial artist. She seemed to spend an inordinate amount of time trying to shade her face under a straw hat she'd bought before hurrying out from Kalm after the others. Aerith supposed that she didn't want to expose her fair skin to the sunlight. She couldn't understand why though. The sunshine was so alive that the warm sensation of it on her skin reminded the Ancient that she was free and flying far away from Midgar and ShinRa. The possibility that they'd never catch her now made her once-caged heart soar and sing, like the larks looping overhead with twittering, sweet song. So it was that she danced on the verge of every step, hands behind her and the staff held slightly awkwardly between her hands as she did so, the bumping rhythm of her hips setting it to swing between jouncing steps. Aerith did notice that Tifa sometimes looked at her from the side-on view, dark eyes crinkled and soft, and her pink lips parting with a small secret smile. As long as Tifa smiled though, she supposed it hardly mattered what the cause was for such humour on the pretty face. They'd been walking for two days now, with suitable supplies for walking large distances, such as a blanket each, brushes, toothpaste and favourable cooking utensils for outdoor hiking. Aerith carried what she could considering her physically weak frame, but Tifa seemed more than happy to carry what she could and more. They'd purposefully packed as lightly as they could. When they stopped each evening, Aerith made certain to help gather roots and berries, as well as use the bar of rough soap to wash their clothes as best she could, hanging them to dry by the small fire before both girls succumbed to the sweet lassitude that being under the stars seemed to draw down across them. So it was that she bore the burden of the light blankets and Tifa jangled like a rusty iron works with every step she took. But the jangle was more an accompaniment to their striding and brisk walk through the rolling countryside. Aerith had only ever seen such things in picture books, hoarded carefully at her home. The world was beautiful, it caught at her throat to think so, and seeing so, smelling so was even better. The horizon was far and where the sky ran down towards it, a deeper azure tone tinted it. The sun was bright, warm, and life-giving to this lush, verdant world. The grass grew long and now and then she saw a bobtail rabbit run with a flash of white into hidden warrens. Trees clumped together like a clique of high school friends, and waved their branches in frond-like hellos and goodbyes to them as they wandered past, towards the distant spot marked on the map that Barrett had helpfully left for them. "Tifa," she said finally, "How much farther do you think we have to go?" "Probably just another day and a half, if we keep walking at this pace." The fighter looked across and smiled again, that secret thrilling little smile that made Aerith want to blush for some unknown reason, "Can you handle that?" It sounded like Tifa always wanted to say something more, like she was deliberately stopping herself from saying extra words that would leave them only with awkward silence after they were said. Aerith humoured her hesitant wish to keep the words to herself for now, instead tilting her head and smiling sweetly, "Of course." "I just worry, you're..." "I know," the flower girl laughed and danced ahead a few steps so she could walk backwards, smiling so much that her eyes closed in a delightful manner, "I know I'm not very robust, but the more time I spend away from that place, the more robust I should be, right?" "They say nature is healthy." "Exactly. You're very much a worrywart, Teef." "I can't help it, I've always been this way." "Always?" Tifa looked out over the horizon and Aerith turned a little, knowing that it was past her shoulder, but guessing that Tifa felt slightly embarrassed by this subject. So she turned and walked ahead of her, looking quietly at the horizon. Time passed, melting the sun towards a far away sunset. "I just," floated Tifa's voice, "You... see, ever since I was young, I've always felt that time was running out. Like there was something I had to do and one day, there'd be no time left for me to do or say what I have to. When Cloud moved away from my home, Nibelheim, I felt it tick more strongly, louder than ever. After... it just kept going and going, and I'd worry over everything, wondering when that moment would turn up when I'd have missed my chance, you know." "I think so." "Then, you turned up into my life and... and the ticking stopped." "Teef," she said, unable to keep her eyes on the distance and turned to look at her in the failing light. She struck her foot badly on a hidden molehill and yelped in surprise, reaching out. Tifa's hand caught hers and gripped hard, dragging her back upright and very close to the martial artist who stared down the bare inches separating their heights at her. Aerith peered up through her bangs, blushing and cursing herself mentally for being such a klutz. "Tifa..." she repeated softly. "Aerith, thank you, for stopping the clock for me." "I didn't... do anything..." she looked anywhere other than up, feeling the heat of Tifa's gaze on her no matter where she cast her own cool, green gaze. "Really, I didn't." "You came into my life when I needed someone the most. I just... there's something I have to..." "Tifa?" "...I think... I feel, I mean..." "Hey, it's them! Tifa! Aerith! You guys awright!" Aerith blinked as Tifa stepped away in quick embarrassment and waved to cover the break in nerves, to the fast approaching blob in the twilight that owned Barrett's voice. She looked down at the grass, trying to swallow past this sudden burning in her throat and chest, pressing a hand there shakily. What was that? "We're fine but your directions weren't much help," Tifa called cheerfully. She stood there in mute silence as her friend hurried towards Barrett, the grass no longer tickling her legs, just lying there soft on her skin like a hand placed to her cheek but nothing more. Even when they called her over she walked as though in some confusion, her normally sharp tuned senses pushed all over the place and together they walked to the campfire that Barrett and the others hand made and ridiculously she told herself that she would be grateful of company other than Tifa for the first time in ages, and from the way Tifa avoided her gaze suddenly, knew they both needed some space. I wonder why she keeps tripping over words. What did she want to tell me? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Two days later, she folded her arms on the fence that surrounded the farm whilst Cloud and the others were off trying to hunt down the fluffy golden birds, leaving her and Barrett to their own devices. Barrett had discovered a small stream close by and like many men, developed this indescribable urge to fish it dry. However, this being her first time close to a Chocobo despite seeing a few drawn carriages in the slums of Midgar, she decided to spend a little time standing close by them and listening to their strange song. They automatically came to her, as every living creature seemed to do on purpose, drawing close and pushing their beaked faces into her shoulder or chest, seeking approval, affection and physical contact. Without anything else to compare such an effect to, Aerith had to simply assume that this was part of being an Ancient. So she stroked and touched their feathers gently, crooned mimicry of their warbles back to them and laughed at their antics to try and cheer her up, dancing around her each other. To her surprise however, one deposited a red toned materia in her hand. She stared at the gem and the faceted nature of it, seeing her own face peer back in reflection from the panels. Then there was a ruby flash and the face of a Chocobo warked out at her joyfully. Startled, she moved it around between finger and thumb, and then settled it into a slot on her heavy duty bangle, a comforting click telling her that it had bonded successfully with the material of the bracelet. A summon materia. Been a while since I've seen one of those, and to think that the chocobos had one... There's something in the air around here and I think they can sense it too; the sensation of dread that hasn't quite passed yet and it's rich. It saturates the very air... I can't breathe sometimes for feeling it. Doesn't that sound awful of me to say so? They'll be back soon. So saying, she dipped her hand down to where she'd spread her red jacket and drew from the folds a purple diary, emblazoned kindly by the lady in whose shop she'd bought it not days ago when they went shopping in Kalm; both her name printed in inks on the front as well as the name she'd given this work she was collecting together. With it she drew out a pack of pencils and a simple pen with which to makre her entries, as well as some tape squares she was going to use to stick bits and pieces into it. She opened it to the third page in and started writing. As she wrote, she sat down with her back to the fence so the chocobos drew close to her and tilted their heads in avian puzzlement, then squawked and flapped their wings when she didn't return the warmth of her kind attention to them, instead humming as she wrote a few passages then paused to draw out the items she was inserting into the compilation. Feathers from their rambunctious attempt to grab her passing attention drifted about herself and she laughed well naturedly, stopping to blow at some. Soon, as the suns had fractionally inched across the skyline, a dark shadow fell across her lap and with a movement that she forced to slow, deliberate laziness, she closed the diary and put the pens away. Her green eyes travelled up automatically to be greeted with the grin of the dark silhouette that could only belong to Tifa Lockhart. "We got some," she announced. "Good then, I hope you didn't have too much trouble." Aerith slid the diary into the jacket and stood up, brushing mown grass and feathers from her pink skirts, then hauled her jacket up with her. "Not too much, no. But for the first time in a few days, we get to spend the night in a real bed instead of making pillows from rocks and lumpy molehills." Tifa pulled a somewhat comical expression, heightened by her hands behind on her hips. "Come on, we'd best go check that Cloud has enough gil for this." "I can't believe there's a swamp nearby. Almost like a strange irony." "Sort of. How was your afternoon?" She knew that the fighter was dying to know about the diary but she purposefully kept her mouth shut on the subject, instead smiling sweetly as they walked towards the farmhouse together, "I spent some time watching Barrett trying to decide if a chocobo would bear his weight. When I suggested a diet, jokingly, he almost chased me round the stable!" Tifa laughed, "Can you honestly imagine Barrett trying to eat celery instead of half a cow each mealtime? Hahaha!" She laughed too; it felt a bit better than the strained silence since that moment... -"A man with a black cape?" She froze as Tifa clamped a hand down on her arm; she paused and searched her friends' face for some clue but there was only tension and fear spreading in a slow ooze over those beautiful features, the dark eyes wide and head bent to eavesdrop. Knowing it was a little wrong, but also wondering if listening would give her some more clue as to why Tifa froze so much at the mention of Sephiroth beyond what she knew already of Cloud's 'story', she abided by the hand and waited, hearing the voices continue. -"Why yes, he didn't even get his'self a chocobo. Just strode on across that swamp like 'twere dry land, I tells ye." -"Was he tall? Silver haired?" -"Aye, 'twas. Are ye friends of that stern, strange man?" -"In a sense. We're trying to catch up to him." -"It'll be dark soon, no time for anyone to cross the marshes at nigh'fall and you have with you those of a fairer disposition y'might say. We have beds aplenty for them." -"I get your drift. We can pay, we have enough, but only for the girls. I'm not afraid of the dark out there." -"Many-a-mans said that and suffered a terrible fate..." Tifa pulled back from listening, eyes distant. For a split second, Aerith could have sworn she saw tears in the dark eyes but as soon as they glistened, they were banished from sight with a toss of her head and sweep of dark fringe. "Looks like he was here," was all the fighter could offer as an explanation. "Don't worry. We'll catch him." "...I hope so. Let's get some food and then sleep, Aerith, it's a long day tomorrow." She watched as Tifa pushed from the stone wall and wandered towards the stables where Barrett was just emerging from. Her hand crept up to the braided necklace about her throat, eyes following the motion of the fighter and she hardly heard Cloud talking away until he touched her elbow - she jumped a foot into the air and came down with a startled jolt. "C-cloud," she stammered lamely. "You frightened me." "I was just asking if you're alright, you looked a bit distant there." His eyes were warmer than ever and filled with concern. She looked down and blushed. "I was thinking." "About your heritage?" "..No, about other things... Are we sleeping outside tonight?" "I thought you'd like a bed and a hot bath for once," he scrubbed his hand into his bright gold locks and she suddenly wanted to mess his entire hairstyle up beyond any gel-based repair, her fingers literally itched with the mischievous need to do so. "Because I'm a girl?" She said, slightly mockingly, but grinning. He blushed and looked to the side, "No because... uh..." "It's alright, I was only joking. My shoulders are killing me from sleeping on the floor in the grass, I'm just not used to it. I'm all frail and stuff. I keep worrying that I'm dragging everyone back time wise by being so... well, fragile?" "Fall and I would carry you, Aerith," he said softly, "I swear it." "Another promise?" "..." he smiled, a mere cock of his lips to one side in a crooked fashion and then offered the key to the room she'd be spending the night in. "Sleep well." "I will. I think I'll miss tea and just have a big breakfast. You sleep well too, Cloud." She smiled and watched him go too, her head an utter whirl of emotions and feelings she couldn't put her finger on at all. With a sigh she nodded to the old farm owner and wandered inside, putting her staff against the wall with her boots, as was the custom, and then padded barefoot to her room. Inside it was sparsely decorated, a faded flowery bedspread and a small basin with water. There was a chest of drawers, copper bathtub that longed for hot water and on a small bedside table laid a simple daisy. She went directly to the flower and picked it up, holding the petals to the light and studying it with bemusement. Where had this come from? Before settling in for sleep she went looking for a vase to hold the gift left for her... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "Higher!" cried the girl in pink. She pushed harder and higher she flew on the swing, laughing and tilting her head back on the down so her hair streamed out behind her, ribbons falling free and wild. "How is that," she asked her. She was drab, in blacks and whites, painted monochrome - the girl that flew lived in a world of colour - she would break if her hand, scarred and bloodied, tried to touch her. She wanted to touch her, she wanted to be part of that world, that life... "Wonderful!" The sky was blue and turning dark quickly. So she said to the girl in pink, but the cries for 'higher' and 'higher' went on with sweet resonance. So she pushed willingly, gave freely of herself so that she might rise higher. Higher. Higher! The swing came down empty and she peered at it. "Where are you?" But there was no answer other than the mocking cry of the hollow, abandoned wind and the black sky. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "You look tired," Aerith said softly, seeing the dark circles under Tifa's eyes the next day. She looked as though she'd slept in her clothes too, looking rumpled. Her hair was the only part of her that had escaped what would appear to be a night of tossing and turning. "I had a bad dream." "Well, you and I will be riding this chocobo together," the flower girl eyed the yellow bird side on, "and I can honestly say I've never ridden anything in my entire life." "Bit of a steep learning curve. I'll take front then, you just hang onto the back of me. Just not too tightly, I want to stay in one piece." She frowned, "But we can't take our weapons two to a bird, I don't get it." "I'll be taking them," Cloud added from where he was reining up the saddlebags to a bird, "I'll look after the weapons whilst we cross and Barrett will have to side-saddle with Red, as he needs help staying on." "Curse my evolutionary lack of opposable thumbs," murmured the reddish cat dryly as he slunk past. The birds made no single sound at his passing, as they would have done if he were an ordinary cat. Aerith stroked the neck of their bird and watched him slink towards Barrett, tongue lolling out in a grin. She knew that grin, it meant trouble. Red moved and rubbed his head on Barrett's leg, "Hold on tight, won't you?" "Damn cat!" Growled the burly man and hopped around, "Better not be marking me, y'hear! I'm my own property!" "For how much longer?" "No ideas, jeez!" he went around the other side of the chocobo... and Red followed like a shadow. Aerith cupped a hand over her sudden grin, laughing softly as they danced about the bird that began to think it was some kind of game and started following Red about, so they ran in some caucus race circle, one after the other. Tifa covered her eyes and sighed, more of a groan than a sigh, but the sigh was melded into it. Cloud just stared. "Keeping good spirits up," she said softly, "Good friends. Just what we need." They all paused and looked towards her. Aerith blushed and lowered her eyes, the day was warm and the grasslands glowed, alive with energy only she could feel. It was a wonderful day and the Planet soared with her heart as she strove to keep in those good spirits herself. "I mean," She added, "I just want us all to remember. Sephiroth is the main goal... but also, having good friends in each other, it's not something we should throw away, or take for granted." "You're right," Red said softly, his voice as ever, deceptively quiet. "People tend to take such things for granted and forget. It's a day of comradeship, let's go." "Yeah," enthused Tifa, taking hold of the reins and hopping onto the chocobo, her casual air of competence settling the beast of burden right down as she held out her other hand to help Aerith up, a hand she gladly accepted. "Let's enjoy the moment!" "A'wright, come on ya damned cat," grinned Barrett. His manoeuvre was less subtle, more of a scooping motion where Red was deposited next to him. "...let's go, everyone," Cloud concurred, soon aboard his chocobo. Aerith smiled and held onto Tifa. They lurched and soon, with a stride that was quicker than she had expected, they were off across the marsh and jumping from fetid patch to sinking quagmire. She revelled in the wind in her hair and laughed. Around them, others jumped and held onto their reins hard. She laughed as Barrett started singing away, completely off key but enjoying himself immensely, so much so that she soon picked up the tune and sang along with him as Tifa laughed at them both. Red then added his own touch by howling into the wind, but quickly stopped as several bugs tried to lodge themselves in his throat. She was so carefree that as the edge of the swamp came closer, she was jolted and lost her grip on Tifa. Too late to snag a hold again, she fell with a heavy splash into the murky water, drowning out the sounds of the others. Briefly she realised she was a bad swimmer, especially in a dress and heavy boots that she'd worn for gardening and thrashed, struggling to the surface. Her hands clawed at reeds and her head broke the thick surface, dirt clinging to her hair and skin and she coughed up some brown water. Her fingers entangled heavily with the bank weeds tugged and pulled, but the water was too thick for her to move in any form of fast swimming stroke. The others had dismounted and both Tifa and Cloud were starting to wade towards her when they suddenly stopped. Tifa's eyes widened at something behind her and with fear in her soul, she turned to see what had made her stop in her tracks. Behind her was raised an impossibly large snake with hood and fangs dripping venom, blood red eyes fixed on her slender form that cradled the bank desperately. The swamp snake. Aerith briefly wished Tifa had never made such a silly prediction and clawed to get upright, stumbling and going down on her back instead with a splash. Cloud called out her name and she tried to say something as it reared back. There was a scream - was it her or was it Tifa? Then there was a blinding flash of light and something searing hot striking the air. She lowered her hands from where she'd covered her face in helpless desperation without her staff, reeds and glop-like dirt dangling from her delicate digits and stared at the snake which was suspended, mid strike. A kanji floated before the chest, like a seal some magic had placed there. But she spent no time considering this strange turn of events, turning and grabbing at the hands of Cloud and Tifa so they both hauled her from the water to dry land, where she coughed and held her chest - she must have swallowed some of the swamp because it burned her lungs to breathe. Then with a cracking noise, the seal broke and the snake lashed forward, ramming its head onto the person-less bank. With mad red eyes turning to glare balefully at them, it sank back into the depths. She shivered, " close." "Oh my... god..." Barrett said suddenly and they all looked towards him, she finally finding her feet with weak knees. He was looking down the embankment to a small grove set off to one side of the mountain. On a tree that had been splintered to a point was impaled a snake three times the size of the brute which had attacked Aerith. Blood spattered the ground and despoiled the entire land. Helplessly they all stared at this savage display of raw power. "Who...?" she weakly asked. "Sephiroth did this," Tifa murmured quietly, "He's the only one with enough power to manage a feat like that." "How cruel," Red remarked. Aerith tried adding something, but turned to the side and coughed hard instead. The air was cooling quickly outside with the rapid indications of a brewing storm. Cloud noticed this too and took her by the hand, leading her to the mountain cave doorway and pushing her inside first, "Guys," he called out, "let's go through here. There's shelter, we'd be safe." They followed suit, each letting their bird of burden go into the wild and taking their weapons back from Cloud, all excepting Tifa who had kept her gauntlets on as they didn't impede her motions too much. Aerith leaned on her staff, clutching her sodden jacket closer to her shivering, frail frame and took a good look at the inside of the cave. It was pale blue, glowing from the inside and echoing with some kind of song from the Planet. She didn't recognise it. "It's pretty," she whispered and leaned on Cloud suddenly, "I think I swallowed some water. When we get out the other side, I'll have to rest a bit before I can use my magic on myself." "Alright, let's hurry through here then." "Aerith," Tifa said cheerfully, taking up the arm of the flower girl, "Don't worry if you lag behind-" "I won't let you be on your own," Cloud poked in atop Tifa. The two exchanged glances that she pretended not to see. She didn't have time right now for their confusing conversations. Perhaps some of the snake venom had leaked into that swamp? She thought this over, stumbling blindly behind the others into the mountain, trying to work out the contagion effects of breathing in swamp water by accident. If it was a neurotoxin designed to paralyse, such a way of ingesting it rather than a direct bite to the blood stream, she should be unconscious soon. It was likely designed to simply paralyse the prey. Aerith guessed that from the weakening state of her body, she'd be knocked out soon enough. They passed through a cave roped with gold veins, silvery quartz in the next and then an open area where tree roots had begun to infiltrate down through the cracked roof with success. She paused for breath when Cloud suddenly stopped and held his hand out. There was a clapping sound, was someone applauding? "Just a second," came a familiar voice. She raised reddened eyes to the figure on the far pillar, across the chasm of the cave, looking down. Tanned skin, formal suit and dark glasses coupled with the shine on the bald head - it was Rude of the Turks. She peered to the other figure, a blonde woman in a neat suit, not much taller than herself with an open, pleasant and eager face. "Who are you," Tifa said, holding onto Aerith tightly and also sliding so she was hiding her from view. "Do you know who I am?" he retorted, looking towards Cloud instead. "From the Turks, right?" "Well, if you know that then this won't take long. It's difficult to explain what the Turks do," he murmured, trailing off. They're the dogs of ShinRa, the ones who clean up all the little messes that ShinRa makes. Hardened assassins, thieves and professional kidnappers. But also stuck in a world they cannot escape from, in that schism... they're honest people trying to live the best they can... "Kidnapping, right?" "To put it negatively," Rude made a vexed noise, "you... could say this. But that's not all there is to it... anymore... ..." "Sir!" The younger Turk called out, taking a step on her precarious pillar, then squeaking as it crumbled quickly, stepped right back to the root and held onto it, "It's all right Rude, I know you don't like speeches so don't force it." New girl. Elena. Taking up the slack for Reno... poor Reno... "Then Elena, explain." All eyes moved to the blonde who swallowed with a nervous laugh, "I'm the newest member of the Turks, Elena. Thanks to what you did to Reno, we're short of people. Though because of that I got promoted to the Turks," she flushed and rubbed a hand into her smooth pale locks, looking confused, "In... in any case, our job is to find out where Sephiroth is headed. And to try and stop you every step of the way! Wait.. a minute," she frowned, "other way around, you're the ones getting in our way..." "Elena, you talk too much." Aerith froze and shrank back down with a formless cry, tears prickling her eyes. The calm, confident voice of her childhood, melodious, soothing and torn with love and duty; it clawed at her heart and dug deep rents there, poisoning slowly until she was bare inches from fainting against the broad back of Barrett. Red rubbed against her leg comfortingly and she drew her fingers into his fur for stability and comfort. "Sorry, Tseng. I mean sir... Sir Tseng...sir... that is... yes..." "No need to tell them about our orders. Now go, don't forget to file your report." "Oh right, very well, Rude and I will go after Sephiroth who is headed for Junon Harbour!" There was a pause and then an aggravated sigh, "...Elena. You don't seem to understand." "...Oh...I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" the woman sounded frantic. "...Go. Don't let Sephiroth get away." Together the Turks Rude and Elena chorused, "Yes sir!" As they were moving out, she could tell Tseng was now looking towards the party and she clung harder for support. Rude called out before he vanished, "Reno said he wanted to see you after the injuries you gave him healed. He wants to show his affection for you all with a new weapon." There was silence, and then Tseng spoke softly. "Well then, where is Aerith? She's not with you?" Tseng! Please don't... I'm free now, I'm happy. I'm falling, fading away... "She isn't with us, she's with the others." "Oh then, give her my regards." They stood silent as a group until the sound of his footsteps had faded away into the nothingness outside, of soft grass and dirt and the flood of sunshine she could see peeking through legs even at this distance from the exit. Tifa snorted, "Not likely." "They're... still looking for me," she said helplessly, knees giving way under her as Cloud's hands caught her under the arms. "Still..." "Aerith?" Tifa placed a hand onto her forehead, the metal plate on the inside to protect the soft flesh of the palm was cool, as cool as ice and she revelled in it. "She's got a fever." "I think... there was something wrong in the swamp water I breathed in. I need to..." She didn't get as far as telling them what she needed. She passed out with the sound of Tseng's voice chasing her far into the black, dreamless night. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The tents glowed with the camp light. She stood with her arms folded, looking at the strange shapes on the horizon, Fort Condor and further to the north, the city-port of Junon, the secondary seat of ShinRa's power. Above their small settlement for the evening rose the magnificent sky, black and indigo, seeped with shadows and backlit by countless, beautiful stars that whirled in their nightly dance. The campfire was small but merry, firelight playing from the tents, grass and rocks that shaded them and even her eyes struck by the light glowed reddish brown. Inside the tent closest to the warmth slept the fragile body of Aerith, weakened by the poisonous swamp water and not unlikely, weakened further by the emotional shock of the Turks showing up outside of Midgar. Still hunting her. Her eyes prickled with tears; pity and also deep compassion filled her heart that she should endure this horror still when she had finally managed to get out of Midgar, fulfilling one end of the promise her biological mother had given the daughter. Now all Aerith needed was her Promised Land. Travelling with them, Tifa felt certain that she would feel it eventually, would know when to stop. But a voice inside her questioned if only Aerith would be allowed there. If so, Tifa would have to move on. She'd be alone. Was she okay with that? With losing something suddenly so precious to her that protecting it went far beyond the reasonable bounds of friendship? With losing something that was an extension, she felt, of something forgotten deep inside of her. "I'm not okay with that," she half wailed, tearing her eyes away from the fire at footsteps. "Tifa, I'll take the watch now." It was Cloud, tall and dark in the night with his face shadowed with tiredness and his eyes worried. She knew he was worried for Aerith. She was too. But those few sparks of feelings she was once sure she'd felt for him had faded back again into simple friendship, fondness, companionship, a link to her past. But when he looked at the flower girl, she saw it in his eyes, in the way he tried to smile, tried to soften and melt the ice for her. Cloud Strife was in love. She looked away from him, "I know. I just don't think I'll sleep so well tonight." "We'll try some antidote tomorrow. It might help." "Anything to help. Cloud-" "Tifa..." She looked at him, and then shrugged a shoulder, indicating he should speak. He bent his head and Tifa held her breath, pensive, knowing that a moment like this with Cloud opening up would be rare indeed and breathing would dispel the illusion that he was human after all. "Tifa, ever since we left Midgar, you've been acting so strangely. Is it something I've done? You... look at me like you half expect me to steal Aerith and run away... like... like Sephiroth might do." "Cloud," she sighed, "It's just... ...I don't know. Everything's changed." "What do you mean?" "Before she came along, it was black and white, I knew what was what. Now she's here, I don't know what to think. She put colours where there never were any, you know? Now she's sick and the Turks are after her and they won't stop until they get her. She's got special powers, she is special... and what are we? Corks dragged on the tide of her destiny." She laughed a little, "Maybe it's a destiny to change the world. We left Midgar saying that we wanted to save the Planet, because -we- would do it. But the truth is, we don't know how... and there she is, a mysterious girl... with hidden secrets and a strange power." "Does it frighten you?" "No. Not at all. I just want to be there. For all her power, she's still a girl, like me... she's still liable to fall and skin her knees, moreso because she's so frail. So she needs m- ...needs us." "Tifa..." "Cloud, I'm tired. I'm going to sleep. Wake me if you need something or she gets worse, alright?" She looked across; blue eyes she'd once loved, blue eyes she'd once been frightened of, they glowed with the memory of a thousand faces and places that were his and weren't his all at once. She yearned to tell him. Instead she just smiled and went to lie down protectively at the front of Aerith's tent and cupped her cheek on a hand, that old childhood habit. Sleep came softly but slowly, flickering like fitful firelight... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "...Higher!" And she pushed her higher.
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