Im going to try something a little different with this chapter: switch between Aeriss and Tifas(this is the one I use usually...I think Im playing favorites) POV here and there. If you prefer this way after reading the chapter, tell me please. If you dont...well you can tell me that too. ~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~ Before going to Junon, Cloud instructed Tifa to follow him and the others to "the place with the bird on it." Tifa had chuckled and shook her head at his choice of words, and Aeris had giggled. Oddly enough, Tifa was somewhat pleased Yuffie had decided to join the party. This meant that she had help on the offensive side of her party, and Aeris could spend more time using healing spells. "Ahead on our way, were journeying cross the world! Come along with us, and watch our adventure unfurl!" The singing, however, was not something she enjoyed. "Would you shut up?" she grumbled, walking ahead. "Geez," Yuffie said, running to catch up, with Aeris at her heels, "what a sourpuss. How can anyone resist my singing skills?" "I liked the was very um...creative," Aeris said, grinning weakly. Tifa sighed exasperatedly. "Do you ever smile?" Yuffie asked her, frowning. "She smiles," Aeris whispered, "but shes been grouchy lately." "Really?" Aeris nodded, and when she was out of earshot, she smiled softly and whispered to Yuffie, "She should smile more often. She has a lovely smile." ~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~ "Welcome to Fort Condor," the man at the entrance said placidly, staring at the three young women in front of him. "Thank you. By any chance, did you see a man with spiky blonde hair pass by here?" Tifa asked. "Yes. Are you a part of his group?" "Occasionally," Tifa muttered. "What was that?" "Oh, sorry, I mean, yes, we are." "Ahh...well then, hes right inside, go up ahead." ~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~ After Cloud agreed to help the people of Fort Condor with the Shinra, the two groups separated again and headed for Junon. "Geez, this place is a dump!" Yuffie said loudly as soon as they arrived. Tifa covered her mouth and Aeris gave her a pained look. "Would you learn to keep your mouth shut?" Tifa hissed, blanching when she realized the people of the town were staring at them. "Come on..." Aeris murmured, pushing them both toward the meager inn. "We dont want you two to start fighting again." "Of course not Aeris...I wont fight her if you dont want me to," Yuffie said, smiling brightly at the flower girl, who gave her a tentative smile back. "See, you two can get along just fine! You should take Yuffies example, Tifa," Aeris said somberly. Tifa bit back a retort, and walked toward the inn, looking over her shoulder at Yuffie, who was talking animatedly to Aeris. "Suck up..." she muttered, fighting the odd urge to pout. ~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~ She was dreaming. This did not happen often while they rested at odd places along the road, because her thoughts were too jumbled to collect as she drifted off into sleep. The Planet itself regularly kept her from sleeping; sometimes, the screams would be too loud for her to block out. Tonight though, it was peaceful, and quiet. "Hey, Aeris!" a voice she remembered all too well yelled to her. "Zack?" she whispered, staring around. It was far too dark to see where she was, and the direction his voice was coming from was too hard to pin down. "Yeah, its me. Im sorry you cant see anything. Hows life been?" This is...weird, Aeris thought, still trying in vain to see into the inky blackness, my dreams are never like this. "Its been...interesting. How about you?" "Ahh, Im here and there. Umm...met anyone?" Aeris laughed; this was still the same old Zack. "Ive...met a whole group, actually. My friends...were going to save the Planet." "From Shinra? Good luck, they rule everything." Thats not quite it...something greater, Aeris thought. "No...from them...yes, but from something...from another force, greater than Shinra, greater than...everything." "Geez, youre still mysterious, I see. Thats what I always liked about you. Greater than everything, hmm? You scared?" "...A little...Im not sure." "Ahh...I see, I see. So...met interests? I hope youre not still pining after me, I know how great of a boyfriend I was." Aeris laughed, shaking her head. "Theres someone that reminds me of you...and, well..." "You like him?" "Yes, but, theres something...odd. Odd about him, about the way he speaks, the way he acts. Its much like you. I want him find...the real him, his real self." "...Hmm. That is odd. Does he have a girlfriend?" "He has...a friend. I think she loves him very much," she winced inwardly, and she wasnt really sure why, "but...something is holding her back. I think she knows that she isnt talking to the real him." "You like her? I mean, are you two friends?" "I...dont know what we are. She seems so strong, but so angry sometimes, and sad. I want..." "What do you want Aeris?" Zacks voice was softer now, and it mingled with another voice that vaguely reminded her of her mothers. "I want to help her too. She...I can help her, alone. The other...he needs more than I can give, but I...Ill still try." "Does she care for you?" "No...I think...she hates me," Aeris whispered. Saying it was more painful than she had first thought. "Hey, nobody can hate you. Shes probably just a little angry, is all. Go talk to her." "But its late..." "Wake her up then. If she hates you, shell probably deck you one. If she doesnt, shell stay up and listen. Now, go give it a try!" With that, Aeris was roughly pushed out of her dream. "...I really hope she doesnt deck me." ~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~ Tifa was a very light sleeper, so she heard someone enter her room before she saw them. She immediately tensed, but was careful not to move. "Tifa?" Just Aeris, she thought. I wonder why shes in here? "What is it?" she grumbled, turning around to face Aeris, who still stood hesitantly at the doorway. "Um, I just wanted to see if you were awake..." Tifa growled under her breath and pointed her finger in the direction of a snoring Yuffie. "Yeah, some of us dont get special treatment, so I was forced to share a room with her." In reality, Tifa had been able to tune out the noise, but the wicked part of herself just wanted to see Aeris squirm. Aeris did indeed squirm, looking down at her feet. "Im sorry..." An idea hit her and she perked up. "How about you just share my room with me? I wanted to talk to you anyway." Tifa blinked, and looked around the room. Oh no...thats not what I was going for, but I cant refuse now, after I did complain about it...arrgh, stupid! She gazed in the direction of Yuffie, and then to a slightly hopeful looking Aeris. "Well...alright..." ~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~ Aeris almost skipped back to her room, with a slightly disgruntled Tifa in tow. Wow, I cant believe Zack was right... She made it to her room and Tifa followed after, sighing and sitting down on the edge of the bed. ", what did you want to talk about?" Tifa asked, toying with the bedspread. "Do you hate me Tifa?" Tifa blanched and looked up quickly. "Of course I dont! Why would you think...oh..." "Right..." They both sat in an uncomfortable silence, until Aeris spoke again. "If you dont...then...why are you so...mean to me? What did I do wrong? If I did anything, Im sorry, really." Tifa couldnt remember a time where she had felt more embarrassed and foolish. "You didnt do anything wrong, Aeris..." "Then why?" "I...I dont know. I guess..." she trailed off. She didnt want to say she was jealous. It seemed like such a petty emotion. Aeris looked down at the bedspread, trying to sort out her thoughts. "I...I want you to like me. I know its a little pathetic, but I look up to you. I just...I dont know if I can deal with...all of this." Tifa was about to say something else, when she heard barely audible sniffles. Oh please dont tell me shes crying. "...If I bother you so much, Ill leave, I promise," her voice cracked a little. Yep, crying. "Listen...Aeris...dont cry." The sniffles grew louder, and Tifa patted Aeriss shoulder gently. "Please stop crying?" Aeris didnt stop, and Tifa was beginning to lose her patience. "Please? Oh, come on...Im really sorry Aeris..." she pulled the girl into a stiff embrace, hoping she would cease her sniffles, but they only escalated to sobs. So frustrated was Tifa with the distraught flower girl, that she did the only thing she could think of. She kissed her. Aeris eyes shot open, and she almost opened her mouth, until she remembered she was being kissed. When Tifa was sure Aeris had stopped crying, she pulled away, slightly proud of herself. She stared at Aeris, and her silly grin evaporated into a dumbfounded look. What in the HELL did I just do? ~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~ End of chapter three Haha...I suck, I know. Um, next chapter: The gang meets Priscilla, and we finally have suspense! Yay!
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