Intro: Work with me here, people. I am mostly just improvising... this is my first shoujo-ai fanfic... I have plenty of shounen-ai... but no shoujo-ai. I suppose that's beside the point. Like any partially insane or hentai/yaoi/yuri slob like me *teehee*, you would think Tifa Lockheart is hot *pppppuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrr...... ~_~*. Therefore, using distastefulness to piss some people off ((*wink*)), I have decided to write a shoujo-ai fanfic, creating a character for myself. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The doors to the bar where Tifa Lockheart worked flew open ((I do not know the name of the bar... work with me here, people. ^^)). The nasty and drunk, scruffy men who were in there, looked up. There mouths fell open in appreciation and sexual turn-on-yness when they saw who stepped into the bar. It was a girl about 5'4" feet tall with tannish skin. She was skinny, and wearing a VERY sexy outfit including: a tight crimson belly shirt and a tight leather navy blue skirt. Around her waist, was a loose-fitting violet belt. She had jet back hair that went down to just below her shoulder blades and full, open juicy-red lips. She also resembled an Asian; at least, on Earth, it would be an Asian. But enough of a desciption. You get the idea, right? She was HOT. *heehee* In stepped the girl. The guys all stared at her. They all instantly became horny; well... at least most of them did. Some of them were either passed out or gay, so they remained uninterested. ^_~ The girl ((who also had a gun holster around her right thigh)) walked up to the bar, behind which Tifa was standing. She looked at Tifa and smiled. "Gimme a beer." She said. Tifa looked at her, a little suspiciously. "Beer?" The hot-new-no-name girl smiled again and nodded her head. Tifa, not wanting to argue or even ask any questions, shrugged and handed the girl a beer. She accepted it, brushing her hand against Tifa's. Tifa noticed this; the act was not at all accidental. For some reason, the girl tounching her skin made her hot. Her heart thumped and she even felt her cheeks begin to grow a little hot with blushing. /Why?// She thought to herself, very confused. /This girl is no Cloud... And I'm not a lez... So why am I so... turned on by her?// Tifa's gaze was locked onto the girls. The more that they looked at each other, the more Tifa began to feel weak with sexuality. When she realized this, she instantly cleared her throat and turned away from the girl. Not looking at her, she started to wipe down the bar as the no-name girl took a seat on one of the stools and still gazed at Tifa, smiling. Tifa knew what she wanted. She got that same look from every scumbag, drunken douche-bastard who came into the bar; all looking for a little action. Because of her love for Cloud, however, she never let them touch her without SERIOUS consequences. Tifa tried then to make a little idle converstaion. "What's your name?" She asked the girl. Her gaze did still not return to the girl's eyes. She was somewhat scared of looking into her eyes again. She was a little scared by her sexual feelings for this girl. All of it was all too new to her. The girl laughed lightly. "My name is Chii." ((side note: NO RESEMBLANCE TO 'CHOBITS'! >.<)). The light and somewhat even flirtateous and mysterious way the girl laughed and talked drew Tifa to her even more; with no explanation why. "How old are you?" Tifa asked, still not meeting this Chii-girl's eyes. "Nineteen." She replied. She then reached out her hand and touched Tifa's forearm lightly. This surprised Tifa and she no longer avoided Chii's gaze; she looked up and met her eyes. Tifa felt her heart 'ba-dum, ba-duming' within her chest. She felt her cheeks grow darker with blushing. "Why do you not look at me?" Chii asked curiously. Tifa was speechless. She did not know what to say. Her mouth grew more dry with each second that passed by that she held Chii's gaze. Finally, after about 15 seconds, Tifa pulled her arm away from Chii's touch and she mumbled, "I'm sorry." She then moved away from Chii, as if she was intimidated by her. Leaving the bar, she went in the back to the bathroom. Inside the bathroom, she turned on the water and let it flow in front of her as she tried to catch her breath. When she finally did, she looked up in the mirror that was hanging above the sink. She was quite surprised to see that her face was a deep red. She had beads of sweat along her face and she was still breathing harshly. She had no idea why. She was shaking. What was it that was coming over her? It was like this girl had control over the entirety of Tifa's body, and she had no say in what was happening. Running her fingers in the cool water that spilled from the faucet tip, she cupped a little bit of the water in her hands, brought them up to her face and washed the sweat off with the water. She was trying to calm herself down. Trying desperately to control herself, she then turned off the faucet and placed her hands on the sides of the sink. She convinced herself that Chii's so-called 'control' over her was all in her head; that she just missed Cloud and thought Chii would replace him in some way. Those thoughts she convinced herself were not real. She was just tired. Yes, that was it. She was tired and stressed out. She missed Cloud. There were no feelings that existed for this Chii-person. Besides, she was straight and in love. Making up her mind, she then headed back into the bar to continue working. She avoided the bar for a little while, allowing one of the other workers to tend to it. But there was this nagging feeling that plagued her, begging her to go back to the bar; to Chii. She ignored these feelings, continuously telling herself that the feelings were not real. They did not exist. They could not exist. Admist her pleas and thoughts and hopes, though, Tifa did find herself once or twice gazing back to the bar. She caught Chii looking at her, watching her. Chii was not drinking too much of her beer; at least not drinking enough to get shit-faced drunk like the rest of the idiots plaguing the bar. When Tifa saw Chii looking at her, Chii was slowly licking counter-clockwise around the rim of the beer bottle and smiling at Tifa. For some strange, unknown reason Tifa had to grasp the edge of the table and her breathing rate increased ((*teehee* sounds SO porno-cheesy, eh? ^_~)). She felt warmness and sexual aching within her vagina. She could not explain why, but she suddenly felt so turned on and sexy. When she regained control of herself, she looked again at Chii. Chii was not looking in Tifa's direction, however; she was talking to the new bartender. The bartender seemed turned on by Chii too, much to Tifa's disappointment. When Tifa realized that she was jealous, she was taken abck. /Why?// She thought to herself. /Why should I care?// But she did. And there was nothing she could do about it. ((*teehee*)). After an hour, Tifa returned to the bar. She was quite surprised when she found that Chii had not left; she was still sitting there as sexy as always. Only this time, she had had more that one beer. There were two empty beer bottles next to her on the bar and one half-empty in her hand. Tifa looked at her, a little confused. "Why are you still here?" She asked. "I'm here for something." Chii replied simply. "Business." Tifa was curious now. "What business?" Chii smiled micheviously; a smile that made Tifa feel sexy again. "I came for you, Tifa. I want you." Tifa's face then flushed. Chii giggled lightly, smiling in her success. Within Tifa's chest, her heart was pounding against her ribs. With her mouth devoid of any moisture, she choked out, "M-- me?!" Chii smiled once more and nodded her head. "Why?" "You're the one I saw first, Tifa." She replied. Tifa's cheeks burned. Chii placed her beer bottle down on the bar and laughed lightly. "I know you like me, Tifa. I can tell. Just let me know when you want to make it happen, okay?" "Yo-- you mean...?" Her voice was quiet and she was a little embarrassed. Chii smiled and nodded her head. "Sex, Tifa." "Bu.. but I..." She could not say that she was saving herself only for Cloud. It was not because she was embarrassed to admit that she was a virgin. It was because she knew that, admist her wanting to be with Cloud, she wanted to be with Chii. Her sexual pull towards Chii was too great to ignore. She had to have her. And Chii knew this. She could read it on Tifa's face. Laughing lightly, Chii said, "You sweet girls are all the same. You show all your emotions too easily. I can tell you want to do this, Tifa. Let me know..." Then, licking her upper lip in a quick sexy manner, Chii then got up and headed towards the bathroom. Tifa somewhat-reluctantly watched her go. She watched how Chii's body swayed with such ease and gracefulness despite her having three bottles of beer. Tifa's sexualness had met it's peak at that moment. Tifa decided what she wanted just then. She wanted Chii. Tifa left the bar to go follow Chii down to the bathroom, when she stopped herself. She saw a picture of her and Cloud hugging, hanging on the wall. Cloud was a good friend of the owner of the bar. She had been in love with him since they were little. When she saw that picture of them together, she instantly stopped and second-guessed her decision. Did she really want to do this? She still wanted to save herself for Cloud. Why did it even cross her mind to go and sleep with some girl? Even if the girl WAS sexy and adorable and seemed to make Tifa's head spin with want and desire... Tifa leaned up against the wall and closed her hand around her golden locket that Cloud had given her before leaving. She held it and closed her eyes. "Give me strength, Cloud." She said quietly. She then went back to work, deciding to turn down Chii's offer. Indefinately.
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