Paine walked into her room quickly and grabbed a hi-potion, then walked back to the bathroom and reached into the tub, hoisting Rin up by his collar and slung him over her shoulder, then exited again, kicking Rikku in the head firmly, getting a satisfying groan from her "victim" once again. Paine shook her head and drug Rin back to her room where she, all but forced him to drink the hi-potion. Though the blood stopped flowing and the cuts healed, she still needed to drain the blood from his eyes and fix his broken nose. She sighed and got to work, grabbing a single bladed utility knife and cut a slit across both of his eyes that were swollen shut as he jerked up quickly from the bed, trying to get off of it. She shook her head and punched him square between the eyes, knocking him out cold. "I can get this done quicker now..." She said, as she reached over and clinched her hand around his nose. "Good thing he's knocked out.." Paine gripped his nose firmly them jerked it to one side, then the other, breaking it and rebreaking it and placing it back to the correct position. She wiped the blood up from around his nose and everywhere else as best she could with a red washcloth. Paine stood up and deposited the bloody washcloth into the trashbin, then stretched and sat down on the floor. Brother had finally gotten to his feet, his nose still dripping blood and looked over to Buddy, who was just beginning to awaken and opened the bathroom door to check on Rikku, who was laying there on the tiled floor, a bloody mess. "Help! Help! Help! Dammit!" He screeched out and began running in circles until Paine slowly walked out of Rin's room and spotted Rikku, then looked to Rikku and looked at Brother. "What now?" "What do you mean, what now? Rikku is dying!" He scooted down on the floor and cradled her head in his arms. "Come on can make it!" He shivered and began crying in that high-pitched voice we all know. "She will live." Paine mumbled and went back into her room and slammed the door, beginning to pack her bags. There was no way she could stay here..especially with "her" here. Paine walked back over to Rin's room and smacked him hard on his left cheek, jolting him awake. "YR! FRYD DRA VILGEHK VILG?" He screamed out. (AH! What the fucking fuck?") "I need to talk to you, Now! Rin." She said before sitting down on the bed. "I think I better listen to you before I get the hell beat out of me like Rikku did.. "That's exactly what I need to talk to you about, Rin...I can't stay here...with her just causes problems. Rin was about to object, but seeing the look in her eyes he thought it be better to keep his mouth shut and let her continue. "Here.." Paine reached into her pocket and pulled out a note. "There's a clue to where I'll be...give that to her for me.." Rin took the note and opened it, reading aloud "It's a place that is not to far from where Operation Mi'hen was conducted, the climate is moderate and alot of Al Bheds hang out there...there's also a cafe where the Ronso hang out at." He nodded then folded the paper and put it in his pocket. "Thank you Rin...for allowing me to stay long as you did.." She grabbed her rucksack and headed out of Rin's room, before his hand grasped her wrist. "Paine..Oui yna ymfyoc famlusat tyikrdan...E tuh'd lyna ruf aynmo un ruf myda ed ec...oui femm ymfyoc...ymfyoc...ryja y bmyla du nacd ouin" (You are always welcomed daughter...I don't care how early or how late it will always...always...have a place to rest your head...ok?) Turning around she smiled slightly and hugged him tightly, but not tight enough to knock the wind out of him. "Dryhg oui vydran...dryhg oui cu silr..." (Thank you father...thank you so much...) He nodded slightly and waved as she walked out the front door of the Travel Agency. Though you couldn't see it just from the direction you were looking at him but, his eyes did began to water slightly, as he turned and walked to the bathroom and pulled a potion out of his pocket, to administer it to Rikku...
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