Paine had often forced herself to think about the bad things that had happened in her life. Thinking so hard about it, until she could think about it with a straight face and a silent heart. She began thinking about the time that Rikku had tied her sword to the tip of the airship. That one had sent Paine's heart racing. They had been in the woods the day before and her mind immediately raced, thinking maybe she had lost it in a fight in the woods. She searched the beds frantically in an attempt to find it. Rikku had drug Yuna down the stairs early, before Paine had awakened, saying that Brother had been meaning to tell her about a sphere that left no doubt that Tidus was alive. know Yuna and how much she cares for him, so of course she jumped at the opportunity. When Paine had awakened, she rubbed her eyes sleepily and reached under her bed for her sword...only..grabbing...well...air...nothing at all. Her heart stopped for a moment and then it began racing, as she searched around the bed, and under them in a failed attempt to find her sword. The sword was like a lover to her, that she always kept close by. She rubbed her face and sighed, punching the floor hard, before beginning to search for her clothes as well. When they weren't where she had left them, then she really began to worry. She was clad in a black thong and a haltertop...not exactly something she wanted to show off to the public. With that she slowly tiptoed down the steps and sneaked around slowly, trying her damnest to avoid anyone on the airship. She continued to search and somehow, found herself on the deck of the airship. As she looked up she spotted her sword, about 25 feet in the air, on the flagpole like thing on the airship. She walked up to the pole and looked around...thankful the sun hadnt rose yet and began to climb, up...and up...and up...and up some more. Unknown to her, Rikku had been hiding in a little corner near the door to the deck and had taken zoomed in snapshots of Paine climbing the pole. Then blew it up and posted it around all over the Celcius, and captioned it with lewd comments about Paine being a "pole rider" or something along the lines of a "striper" and "pole dancer" None of the crew ever looked at her the same way again. They always gave her lewd looks or smirks, which she promptly glared at them with a look on her face that read "Hurt time!" Paine continuosly ran the event over in her mind, until she felt, neither hurt...nor upset. After running the event over in her mind for days and weeks, and even months, she realized that she felt nothing of that nothing..she felt nothing at all about that event...succeding in emotionally detaching herself from one event she slowly went on to the next one.
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