Excel's True Love

a Excel Saga fanfiction by Lone_Wolf

(This is my first fic ever so it might be a tad how should I say crap 
and please forgive me if the characters seem a little OCC)


Excel and Hyatt sat in their apartment both rather bored, summer had 
just come and they hadn’t had any new orders from Lord Ilpalazzo so they 
had absolutely nothing to do. Excel had done everything she could to try 
and eradicate her boredom (including a couple of things that I wont 
mention in this fic) but even Hyatt’s two deaths which she somehow came 
back from wasn’t helping her win this war.

Just then her stomach rumbled rather loudly making her blush with 

“Are you hungry senior Excel?” came Hyatt’s sweet and quiet voice.

All Excel could do was groan and nod as even her boundless energy was 
lost when hunger strikes. When she looked up she saw the sweet smile of 
her friend and for some reason blushed.

“Well seeing as we do have some food I’ll make us something to eat”

With that the ever polite and sweet Hyatt stood up and walked into the 
kitchen to prepare a meal for the two.

“Thanks Ha-chan”

For some reason Excel’s voice was shaky which surprised her as she had 
never talked like it before. It was strange she had spent so much time 
around Hyatt and was always able to act normal (well normal for Excel 
that is) and she was never nervous not even around Lord Ilpalazzo.

She soon heard something that stirred her from her thoughts as Hyatt’s 
voice softly filled the air. Ever since they had finally got money to 
buy food (after that little accident with the taxi company which allowed 
the pair to sue them for quite allot) Hyatt had picked up the habit of 
singing while she cooked. Excel didn’t mind though because her friend 
had a beautiful voice in fact if it wasn’t for the fear of her dying on 
stage she would probably have talked her into becoming a singer.

As Excel lost herself in her friends exquisite voice she found herself 
thinking of her friend and how much different she was to Excel. Hyatt 
was always so polite and cheery, even with her tendency to die she was 
always happy and Excel found it extremely difficult to be unhappy around 
her friend.

“Dinners ready”

Excel quickly snapped out of her little daze and smiled at her friend as 
she sat down to plates for them both.

“Thank you Ha-chan”

“You’re welcome senior”

With that they started eating but for some reason Excel was only picking 
at her food. She looked across the table at her friend and lost herself 
in her beauty from her lavender hair to her amazing hazel eyes she was 
just perfection personified. It finally hit her why she was thinking 
about her friend like this she was…in love, no that couldn’t be it, she 
wasn’t into other girls…was she?

“Senior don’t you like the food”

“Huh…oh I’m sorry Ha-chan I was thinking”

“Hmmm, when senior Excel’s mind is so preoccupied that she won’t eat 
there must be something wrong, so what is wrong?”

“It’s nothing Ha-cha, really”

“I doubt it senior, something must be bothering you. Come on you can 
tell me”

Excel looked away as she knew Hyatt was smiling that perfect smile of 
her’s and she knew that she couldn’t lie to her then. She just couldn’t 
tell Hyatt but she deserved to know.

She turned back to her friend and blushed, yep there was that smile. 
She’d have to answer now. She sighed and then spoke.

“Okay Ha-chan, you win…I’ve been having these feelings for someone 

“I know”

“You do” came Excel’s surprised reply, could it be that she knew about 
Excel’s feelings towards her.

“Yes, it’s kind of obvious with the way you act around Lord Ilpalazzo. 
Anyone could see that you were in love with him”

Excel frowned and shook her head “No it’s not him Ha-chan”

Hyatt was now very curious as to who had captured her friend and seniors 
heart now “Then who is it, one of the men next door, or is it Mr. 
Nabeshin or maybe Mr. Pedro”

“No it’s none of them…” she couldn’t out right lie to her friend; she 
had to give her something she looked down as she finally found the words 
she needed “Its…it’s another girl”

She didn’t want to look up because she new that Hyatt would probably be 
right disgusted with her or at least a bit freaked out but when she 
finally looked at her she saw that same smile that she always had.

“Aren’t you freaked out?”

“Of course not, senior Excel it is perfectly natural to fall in love 
with another girl it isn’t like we choose who we fall in love with our 
hearts choose for us. So tell me who is it that has captured senior 
Excel’s heart”

She couldn’t help but smile back at her friend, it was true though, and 
you can’t choose who you fall in love with that is your heart’s choice 
and your heart’s choice alone. It also explained how she could feel this 
way towards her friend. Her joy soon faded as she realized that she 
would now have to ell her friend about her feelings, she just had to. 
But she didn’t want to risk her friendship.

“Well…” Hyatt’s smile never left her lips.

(Oh for god’s sake please stop smiling at me. Oh, I guess I’ll have to 
tell her) “Well Hyatt…”

Instantly Hyatt’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, Excel had never just 
called her Hyatt before.


Quickly Excel looked away not wanting to make eye contact with her 
friend, her eyes were closed tightly as she hoped everything was just a 
dream but as something soft touched her hand her mind and body relaxed 
and her eyes eased open.


It was Excel’s turn to be surprised; she couldn’t remember her friend 
ever just calling her by her name.

Soon she found herself turning to face her friend and what she saw 
surprised her even more. Hyatt was leaning over the table with her hand 
resting gently on Excel’s and her other caressing her cheek. Their faces 
were mere inches away from each other and Excel found herself lost in 
her friend’s Hazel eyes.

For a moment she thought Hyatt was going to say something but she then 
surprised Excel further as she closed the few inches between them and 
pressed her lips softly to Excel’s just for a second before pulling back 
to look her in the eyes.

Even though the kiss only lasted a second or two to Excel it felt like 
it had lasted an eternity as her face flushed red she found herself both 
shocked and overjoyed.

“I’m honored that your heart chose me”

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