Arisugawa's Locket (part 28 of 88)

a Excel Saga fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 27
Mysteries and Revelation

Aoi Futaba gazed with a troubled expression on her face at the quiet 
couple sitting together at a table not far from where she and Yoriko 
were sitting. Finally, she asked Yoriko, "Do you see what I'm seeing?"

Yoriko looked over at them casually, "Well, The blonde's way too old 
for the black haired girl..." she started to say, then she frowned. 
"Are they both carrying concealed?" she turned to say worriedly to 

"Looks like it," the taller woman nodded. Aoi sighed softly, "I'd 
better tell Juri." She got up, and looked around for the bar's owner.

Juri was sipping a glass of ginger-ale when she heard from behind her, 
"How was the second date with Setsuna?"

Aoi smirked at Juri, waiting for an answer. "It was pretty good," Juri 
sighed, "until Setsuna was called away by an emergency." Juri added to 
herself silently, 'A Senshi emergency.'

Aoi patted her on the shoulder. "I hate to bring a problem to your 
attention," she said to Juri quietly, "but I think that couple in the 
corner are armed."

Juri looked up to see them talking quietly, and nodded. "I'll handle 
it," she smiled at Aoi.

"Thanks," Aoi smiled as Juri headed off.

Excel smiled at the blonde cheerfully, "What can I get you?" A hand 
was placed on her shoulder, and Juri smiled down at her comfortingly.

"Why don't you come back later," Juri made it a order, not a question.

Excel left, and Juri smoothly pulled a chair out, sitting down by the 
two women. The dark haired woman looked quite young, but there was 
something in her eyes that spoke of a great deal of experience. A 
similar something was in the blonde's eyes, but mixed with a great 
deal of cynicism.

"My name's Arisugawa Juri," she smiled, "welcome to the Locket."

The blonde and dark haired girl exchanged a significant glance, and 
the blonde smiled at Juri smoothly, "Mireille."

"Kirika," the other said softly.

"There's a rule in the Locket you might be unaware of," Juri said 
pleasantly, "we prefer that the customers be unarmed." A pleasant 
smile, "Could you please surrender your weapons? They'll be returned 
when you leave."

Juri tensed, readying herself for their reaction. If they tried 
something, they'd probably get in at least one good shot at her before 
she could get away. Or try to strike back.

Mireille looked up to meet Juri's eyes, "Can you guarantee our 

"If someone comes after any of my customers," Juri chose her words 
carefully, "they have to go through me first."

Kirika met her eyes, weighing her words. Then from under her skirt she 
produced her gun, laying it on the table. Mireille hesitated a moment, 
then she followed the other girl's lead.

"Can I serve them now?" Excel popped up, startling them all.

"Don't do that!" Mireille gasped, clutching at her chest, even as 
Kirika smiled slightly.

Juri carefully collected the guns, "They'll be at the bar with Ryouko 
and Minagi when you're ready to go."

Nabiki found herself gazing across the table at the redhead 
thoughtfully. "You're a professional exorcist?" she asked, raising her 

Nabiki had been minding her own business when she felt a gentle hand 
on her shoulder. She turned to see the woman she had danced with on 
Valentine's Day, inviting her to join her for a drink. Against her 
better judgment, she agreed.

Ayeka Kisaragi smiled back, "Yes. I... work for the Phantom Quest 
Corporation, along side several other supernatural types."

Nabiki smiled, "And I thought it was unusual being in a family of 
martial artists."

Ayeka raised her own eyebrow, pushing her long hair back as she said, 
"The Anything Goes School of Martial Arts, right?"

Nabiki blinked, "How did you know?"

"The Tendo name," Ayeka shrugged.

Victoria adjusted the microphone nervously while muttering under her 
breath, "I can't believe that I let you talk me into this." Integra 
was looking on with an impish smile on her face, so she began looking 
through the selections, until she slowly smiled. She hit a few 
switches, and the music started.

"I died, too many years ago, But you can make me feel, Like it isn't 
so, Why you come to be with me, I think I finally know,"

With a flick of a switch, she was able to jump ahead to the chorus, 
smiling a bit devilishly down at Integra,

"Let me rest in peace, Let me get some sleep, Let me take my love and 
bury it in a hole six foot deep, I can lay my body down, But I can't 
find my sweet release, So let me rest in peace!"

Victoria stepped down from the stage, and walked over to where Integra 
was sitting, looking up at her thoughtfully. "Did you pick out that 
song intentionally?" Integra asked her softly.

May hurried by, wishing she could stick around to hear the answer. 
She, Keiko, Excel and Hyatt were all on duty tonight, but they were 
barely keeping up. A dark haired figure smiled, waving to her, and she 
stepped up to take their orders.

"The special, please," Sylia Stingray smiled.

"I'll have what she's having," Linna blushed, pushing her brown hair 
back from her face. Quietly, she asked Sylia, "How did you hear about 
this place?"

A grin, and Sylia answered, "I know Juri. Not to mention that Priss is 
a regular."

The Staff: The bar's owner is Arisugawa Juri, from Revolutionary Girl 
Utena. Minagi and Ryouko are from the series Tenchi Muyo. Keiko is 
also from Utena. Cyberdoll May is from Hand Maid May. Excel and Hyatt 
are from Excel Saga. And finally, Tendo Nabiki is from Ranma 1/2.

Aoi and Yoriko are from You're Under Arrest. Setsuna is from Sailor 
Moon. Kirika and Mireille are from Noir. Ayeka Kisaragi is from 
Phantom Quest Corporation. Victoria and Integra are from Hellsing. And 
Finally, Sylia Stingray and Linna are from original Bubblegum Crisis.

The Victoria and Integra scene is from my Hellsing fic, Three Nights. 
Sylia and Linna are from my Bubblegum Crisis fic Red Eyes, Crying 

Onwards to Part 29

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