
a Neon Genesis Evangelion fanfiction by Dreiser

	"It's snowing!"

	Turning to regard her companion with cool red eyes, 
Rei murmured, "Yes. It tends to do that in winter."

	"Funny, wondergirl," said Asuka in droll tones. 
Forming a smile a few seconds later, she lifted a hand up to 
gently catch some snowflakes and said, "But I bet you can't 
tell me that you don't enjoy the snowfall."

	"Enjoy it?" Rei repeated as her eyes clouded over and 
she gazed off into the distance. "I'm not sure."

	"What's to be sure about?" asked Asuka while she 
turned to regard Rei. "Either you like it or you don't."

	"Why do you like it?" Rei asked quietly.

	"Why?" Asuka blinked at this question before she 
squinted and mulled over it. "Well, I think mostly because it 
reminds me of my childhood back in Germany. Before my 
mother got... sick she and I used to make snow angels 

	"Snow angels?" echoed Rei.

	"Don't tell me you don't know what snow angels are!" 
cried Asuka incredulously as she gaped at Rei.

	"Should I know?" asked Rei.

	"Should you know?! Of course you should know!" 
Asuka ranted as she waved her hands about. "What sort of 
person are you, wondergirl, that you don't know this?!"

	"An Eva pilot person?" offered Rei.

	Heaving an exasperated sigh, Asuka pushed back her 
red bangs and said, "All right. That's it. I know what I have to 
do and you're going to help me do it whether you like it or 

	"Help you?" Rei asked with wide eyes.

	Before she could say anything more, Asuka grabbed 
Rei's hand and pulled the other girl after her as she said, 
"That's right! You're going to help me make snow angels!"

	"Snow angels?" Rei repeated. "But why?"

	"Because of that," Asuka said stubbornly as she came 
to a stop in front of a snowy hill in a nearby park.

	"Of what? I don't understand," said Rei and for the 
first time Asuka actually heard confusion in her voice.

	"Because of the fact that you shouldn't have to ask me 
why," said Asuka in slight frustration. "Haven't you ever done 
something with someone just because of how fun it is?"

	A long moment passed then Rei said, "No one has 
ever wanted to do something fun with me before."

	Lifting her head, Asuka looked into Rei's gaze with 
sad blue eyes and whispered, "Oh, Rei. I'm so sorry."

	"For what?" asked Rei simply.

	"For what?" echoed Asuka as her eyes went wide. 
"Don't you even know what that means, wondergirl?"

	Turning away to look into the distance, Rei said, "It 
means nothing. It merely is. I can't change reality. All it means 
is that you are the first to ask and that makes you special to 
me." She paused to look at Asuka then said, "I would very 
much like to make some snow angels with you if you still want 
me to, Asuka."

	Her vision slightly obscured by the falling snow, Asuka 
rubbed her eyes quickly to get rid of the tears she felt forming 
and said, "Of course I want you to."

	"Good," said Rei with a smile. "How do we start?"

	With a shake of her head, Asuka set about explaining 
the difficult task of making snow angels to Rei.

	But it was a task that she felt was well worth the effort 
and when they'd made several dozen of them after an hour 
had passed Asuka felt happier than she ever had.

	As she lay in the snow, Asuka looked up at the sky 
and noted sadly, "It's stopped snowing." 

	She then turned to look at Rei and felt a wave of 
surprise as her eyes met luminous red ones. Apparently Rei 
had been studying Asuka for quite some time now without her 
even noticing.

	Although Rei said nothing her eyes shone with an 
intensity that Asuka had never seen before. One that shook 
her to her very core and warmed her snow bitten flesh.

	They were silent for a long while before Asuka 
swallowed the lump in her throat and said, "This was fun."

	"Yes," replied Rei quietly.

	"Wondergirl," said Asuka softly as she slowly reached 
out to touch Rei's cheek. "Come home with me. Don't be 
alone anymore, be with me instead."

	"Home," Rei repeated. She studied Asuka closely for 
a long moment then said, "Yes. I'll come home with you."

	"Good," said Asuka with a sigh. "I'm glad."

	The two lay in the snow for a bit longer then rose to 
their feet and began a leisurely walk back to the place that 
now they would both be calling home.

	Asuka suddenly paused in her walk as a snowflake 
landed on her nose and smiling widely, she looked up into the 
sky and cried in delight, "It's snowing again!"

	Spinning around in circles as she continued to look up 
into the sky and the new snowfall, Asuka said happily, "Look 
at it, Rei! Don't you see the beauty of it? The purity of it? 
Nothing else can be as pretty as the falling snow."

	Turning back her light blue head, Rei looked at Asuka 
out of the corner of eyes and whispered, "You are."

Both characters are from Neon Genesis Evangelion. This is 
my first Christmas (sort of) themed story and I hope I did an 
okay job with it. Again, if you haven't guessed I like the Rei 
and Asuka romantic pairing. Yes, I'm strange. This was 
partially based off of another cool pix of the girls.

Here's the nifty Rei/Asuka pix:

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