Far Beyond Friendship
FOREWORD: Inspired by Racewing's "Friendship" series. With apologies to
Racey's usual audience, I didn't write about any game characters in this
one. Instead, I went back to the roots of the term "yuri"... I always
felt Kei got dealt a bad hand when they left her name out.
This is probably the only story of this kind I'll ever write, because it
took me too damn long. But I wanted to make it good - it's a
slow-building story, I warn you; the Good Stuff doesn't even enter the
equation until about 2/3 of the way through, so if you're just looking
for a stroke story, look elsewhere. But if you're looking for some
romance to go with the Good Stuff, you're looking in the right place.
So here we go... --Jake "Moment of" Wickness
It was a tall block of apartments on the edge of downtown. Though fairly
new, it still showed traces of charring on its northwestern face and a
distinct cant to the southeast; visitors from Earth were reminded of a
centuries-old monument in a country called Italy. This pronounced lean,
the result of certain unfortunate events involving some of the
building's earliest tenants, actually made for a rather chic and dashing
design alteration; indeed, after the landlord corporation had collected
on the insurance they had flung themselves (and large amounts of
insurance money) into reinforcing the building as it was and re-leveling
the floors of every room in the place.
As for the tenants responsible for the tower's tilt, one of them was now
sitting by her 22nd-floor living room window with a late-night cocktail
in hand, awaiting the other's return.
Kei looked away from the Elenore City skyline and raised her cuba libre
to her lips, wondering for the umpteenth time where, exactly, 'Cuba' was
and why it was so important that it should be 'libre.' <<Should've paid
more attention in Interstellar Social Studies, dear,>> she thought to
herself. The classic drinks had such odd names, didn't they? -
Manhattan, Cuba libre, Tom Collins, Sex on the Beach, Pan-Galactic
Her thoughts drifted yet again from Cuba to Yuri. <<Some friend SHE
is,>> Kei fumed silently. <<Three weeks' paid vacation, and on top of it
she tells me to ask the Doc to take care of Mughi because she's planning
on having some _fun!_>> Another sip of her rum-and-cola. <<Hell, I
thought we'd be having an actual VACATION on an actual RESORT planet by
now, but no-o-o-o-o - out comes her little black book and she starts
chasing after every fine piece of meat in this damn town...>> "The way
she's going, I wouldn't wish HER on my worst enemy!" she said aloud to
her reflection in the windowpane, smiling with a vindictiveness she
didn't really seem to feel.
Then Kei sighed. Why didn't SHE feel like going out and finding some
action? Especially now that she had nothing better going for her the
next few weeks. It was reticence she felt, almost a _reluctance_ to kick
back, relax and indulge; it was the kind of thing one would expect from
- well, from *Yuri*, really. Yuri's libido in overdrive, while hers was
stalled out? Was she just not interested anymore? <<Twenty-four and
already past my prime - gods, what a *depressing* idea!>> she thought.
From the distant 22nd-floor lobby came the ding! of the elevator. Kei
turned to the door, hoping the footsteps in the hall weren't those of
yet another richnik neighbor returning from yet another wild night.
There was a fumbling at the lock - whoever it was couldn't get their ID
through the reader properly - then, very slowly, as if requiring great
concentration, the five-number entry code was keyed in. The front door
swung in, settling flush with the wall; there stood Yuri's silhouette,
teetering just a little.
"Well," Kei said, "are you gonna be swaying back and forth in the
doorway all night or are you coming in?"
"Don't be stupid, Kei," came the reply. "I'm not THAT drunk. As you can
see," Yuri said, stumbling past the door (which shut behind her),
handbag dangling at her side, "I am only SLIGHTLY drunk."
"Drunk enough that I know something went wrong, yet again. What was it
this time?"
Yuri sat carefully down on the couch and sighed. "Well, let me see. I
put on one of my GOOD on-the-town outfits, went down to the rendezvous
point at about 1930 hours, and waited by the bar for him to show up. And
waited and waited and fucking WAITED until approximately 2200, when I
realized the bastard had stood me up - at which point I gave up, and dug
deep into their supply of Captain Morgan's. - That a cuba libre?" she
asked, pointing. Kei sighed, rolled her eyes, and handed it over; Yuri
took an uncharacteristically large sip, and exhaled heavily as she
placed the glass on the coffee table. "Why is it," she continued, "that
all of the best and nicest guys in this world - in this *galaxy*, for
that matter - are either gay or already taken?"
"Oh, that's not true and you KNOW it," Kei scoffed. "There's plenty of
decent guys out there - you just need to sift out all the assholes..."
She found herself interrupted by another sigh. "Okay. What?"
"This is just fricking RICH," Yuri said, slumping back in her seat and
crossing her arms. "Here I am," she continued sulkily, "getting lessons
on how to find Mr. Right from a woman who's always looking for Mr. Right
"WHAT?! That is NOT true! Not in the least!"
"Yes it IS, Kei! You're as much of a tailchaser as any woman I know!
You're WORSE! You don't think I've been able to *hear* any of those
one-night stands you've had in your room?"
Kei blushed, and said nothing.
"Hell, I was starting to figure your way was the best," Yuri said, her
jaw locked in a desperate smile. "After all, I'm such an incurable
romantic, always looking for the Right One - that one guy, you know, the
one that'll finally totally knock me off my feet. And I *have* been with
a couple of guys, but it never lasted..."
"I always kept thinking, this is it, I finally have a chance with this
guy - and then what does he do? Fucker lets me down easy, or hard, or
however he likes, and I'm high and dry." Yuri was hunched over now, her
words coming out thickly. "I'm the romantic, but YOU'RE not romantic at
all - and... and YOU'RE the only one who ever gets to have any FUN!
And...a-and that's why I've been racing around like this all week! I was
thinking that maybe if I just let myself go, you know, just a little...
an-and if I stopped being so damned uptight... I might... you know...
ah, fuck ME!" And the dam burst; Yuri plunged into what Kei recognized
as the beginning of a good, long drunken cry. Kei could think of nothing
better to do than just hold her best friend in her arms and let her cry
it out.
And maybe the alcohol was getting to her as well, because she felt a
kind of despairing pity for Yuri. God, if she had all these problems and
worries, why didn't she ever TALK about them? It wasn't as if they
didn't *trust* each other - they would have never been a success in the
W.W.W.A. if there hadn't been any trust between them; if you're with a
team of Trouble Consultants, you've got to know your partner (or
partners) like the back of your hand before you go on a mission.
And this whole romantic thing... Kei marveled at Yuri's ability to hide
such facets of her personal philosophy, even from her fellow TroCon. It
was just so - hell, *romantic*. What better word was there for the idea
that somewhere in this crazy universe, you could find a soulmate? - a
little fanciful, granted, but still a beautiful idea. <<But damn it,
that wasn't fair of her to say! Even if I think looking for your One
True Pairing is a sucker's game, I can still be romantic!>> Kei thought.
<<But how can I make things better for her?>>
The sobbing was dying down, and Yuri was into the final stage of the cry
- the heavy-breathing-and-watery-eyes stage. Kei patted her reassuringly
on the side of her cheek, and raised the collar of Yuri's shirt to wipe
the tears. "N-no, don't," Yuri said, quickly but non-maliciously taking
hold of Kei's hand and pulling it away. "Th-thih-this... this stuff is
dry-clean only. I, um, I don't even know what tears and mascara might do
to it." They laughed, and Kei tried it again with the sleeve of her own
"Hey, listen..." Kei began tentatively.
"*sniff* Yeah?"
"You know, if you're really serious about finding someone who'll treat
you right..."
"I am. You know I am."
"Well, I think I might be able to help."
"Oh good grief, Kei. *sniff* You're not talking about setting me up with
one of your USUAL studs, I'm hoping."
"No. Not one of my usual 'studs'. And I'll thank you not to call 'em
"I only call it as I see it," Yuri said, fishing a packet of disposable
hankies from her purse.
"All that ASIDE," Kei pressed on, over the noise of Yuri clearing her
sinuses, "do you want me to find you someone who'll show you a good
Through the last of her tears, Yuri smiled at Kei. "Sure. Why not? Can't
be any worse than the last few have been."
"Great," Kei said, smiling. "I'll have some calls to make once we get up
True to her word, Kei was making calls almost from the start of Saturday
morning. No sooner had they finished breakfast (fried eggs by Yuri,
bacon by Kei, and Bloody Marys for a little hair-of-the-dog) than she
was pulling her own little black book out of her bedside dresser and
making calls left and right. Throughout the whole thing, she never left
her bedroom.
Yuri knocked on the door about noon and asked: "Is it really taking so
many calls to find this guy of yours?"
"Please, Yuri! Not now!" came the reply. "I'm just getting a few details
worked out."
"Details? Why?"
"Because," Kei said, opening the door, "*I myself* am planning on
finding something entertaining to do tonight."
"Lucky you," Yuri sniffed. "I'm getting to live out my fantasies, and
meanwhile you're looking for yet another man to shack up with..." Kei
slammed the door in her face.
Fifteen minutes later, she was out of the bedroom and preparing to
leave. "Just a few errands to run," she told Yuri. And she was gone most
of the day. Yuri, for her part, spent most of the day watching TV (700
channels and still nothing she liked) and trying not to be nervous about
what was to happen that night. <<If this guy is anything like Kei
promised,>> she thought to herself, <<it is going to be SUCH a good way
to end the week. Three bad dates, one no-show, and six guys who wouldn't
return my calls... there are times when I get sick of our reputation.>>
The phone rang and Yuri went to answer it. It turned out to be Dr. Kyue
from R&D. "Have you heard from Kei lately?"
"No, she's been gone half the day. Why?"
"Well, one of my staff told me she was in here picking up a piece of
equipment while I was out getting lunch from the commissary. I haven't
the slightest clue what precisely it was she took - I can't see that
anything's missing..."
Yuri sighed. She knew how Kei tended to treat the Doc's equipment.
"Don't worry, Doctor. She probably knows enough to bring it back in good
"I should HOPE so!" the Doc moaned. "Well, if you do happen to see her,
could you please find out what it was she took and how long she's going
to have it? - Yes, thank you, m'dear. Goodbye."
The only other call Yuri received that afternoon was from Kei: "Your
'dream date' offers the suggestion that you put on your best clothes -
you're going to a VERY nice place." Yuri hung up and excitedly laid out
her favorite ensemble - the dark red dress with the slit up the side,
the matching fake-fur boa and arm-length gloves, and the black shoes;
she dithered for a while on the heels before ditching them and going
with the flats. <<Might be doing some dancing tonight.>>
She pondered, for half a moment, what else she might be doing - and then
added her concealed-carry pistol in its thigh-garter holster. It would
fit nicely on the leg that wasn't revealed by her dress.
It was almost 1630 when Kei returned home, a neatly folded garment bag
in one hand and a small cardboard box in the other. "Picking up some dry
cleaning," she said by way of explanation; Yuri, who did not personally
recall Kei going out to drop off any dry cleaning, merely nodded in
understanding. She had better things to think about than Kei.
Worries and nervous jitters were quickly relieved by a steaming shower,
out of which Yuri emerged, razor in hand, with the warm glow of the
freshly scrubbed. Kei banged on the door, demanding the shower to
herself; Yuri told her as politely as possible that Kei could have the
whole damn bathroom when she was done with it. She eventually wrapped
herself in a towel and marched out of the bathroom, past a fuming Kei,
and back to her bedroom.
She kept her makeup light, put on a discreet pair of gold hoop earrings,
and squeezed herself into the dress. She didn't usually think of herself
as narcissistic, but she spent close to an hour adjusting and
readjusting her dress and hair in the mirror; she wanted everything to
be perfect. And she managed a reasonable approximation of perfection;
even the pistol nestled against the outside of her thigh created no
visible bulge in the dress's fabric.
She checked her watch one last time before pulling the red velvet gloves
up her arms; 1815, it said. She had 45 minutes to get to the rendezvous
point - just enough time. "Kei," she called, "I'm going." No response
from inside the other bedroom. <<Maybe she already left,>> Yuri thought,
as she shrugged her shoulders and went out to catch a taxi.
Elenore City Park was not so much a park as a large, secluded plaza,
overlooked at one end by the City Parks Administration building with its
famous clock tower. In the grove of trees across from the big clock sat
a number of wooden and stone benches, and on one of these sat Yuri, torn
between romantic fantasies of what the evening might hold and the
crippling fear that this might just be one more setup. She was watching
the clock's minute hand moving, ever so slowly, toward the 19:00 mark.
It felt to her as though time were freezing up - if only *he* would
show, then it would start again.
She became aware of a large black car that had pulled to the curb in the
middle distance. A large, LONG black car. And she had been told to
expect a limousine, too... Yuri rose and approached the vehicle; the
driver's side window rolled down, exposing the face and shoulders of a
tall side of beef stuffed into a chauffeur's livery. "You Yuri, ma'am?"
he asked.
"Yes," Yuri said.
"You're expected," the driver said as he exited with unexpected
gracefulness. He led her to the rear door, held it open for her, and
having closed it behind her returned to the driver's seat.
As the car pulled away from the curb, Yuri found herself in a nearly
pitch-dark interior - an additional film had rolled up on the windows to
obscure even more of the outside light. The person in the far corner was
just a silhouette. "Good evening, Yuri," came a deep, soft voice.
"Good evening," she replied with some hesitation.
"We meet like this for a reason," the low voice continued. "Now I beg
you not to be offended, but the truth is that we've already met, and you
already know me."
"You've known me for YEARS, in fact. We haven't done much in the way of
recreation, but I've worked with you and I flatter myself that I
understand you."
"No," the voice said, laughing, "I'm not Gooley, and I'm not Gooley's
boss either. I'm just someone who sympathizes with the situation you're
in. And for that reason, I want to give you a night without worries,
with no cares - a chance to relax and enjoy yourself, because that's
something I know you want." The voice paused. "I'm doing this because I
want you to be happy. Now, given that, will you promise me one thing?"
"What's that?" said Yuri.
"That when I turn these lights one, you won't be angry - you won't try
to jump out and run home. Because this is NOT a prank or a joke, and
it's NOT me trying to get a laugh at your expense - it's just me trying
to treat you with the respect a lady deserves."
"Wait a minute," Yuri said, the seed of an outrageous idea germinating
in her brain. "...No. You can't possibly be - "
"Oh, *can't* I?" the voice grinned, and suddenly there was a click and
the tinting on the windows disappeared, and the lights of the city
illuminated an unmistakable shock of red hair.
"What in the HELL - " Kei set down the voice changer she had borrowed
from Dr. Kyue and put her finger to her lips. "What," Yuri continued in
a lower tone of voice, "is the big idea, Kei? What's the meaning of
"Exactly what I said it was," Kei said, stretching out against the seat
back. "If there's not a man in this town who can give you a good night
out, I figure it's up to me."
Yuri was blushing with barely-suppressed anger. "HONESTLY, Kei! What do
you think this IS, some kind of - "
"No," Kei interrupted, "it's NOT a joke; I thought I made that clear. I
really do want you to enjoy yourself tonight, and I really do intend to
give you the best night out you ever had. ...If you can't see it
happening, then I'll admit it was a crazy, stupid idea, and - and if
you're offended then I'm sorry I did it. ...Yuri?" Kei was beginning to
get anxious about the silence from the other seat.
"I - I guess I'm NOT offended," Yuri said slowly. "More shocked, maybe.
Geez, you really DO mean it, huh?"
"Absolutely," Kei smiled.
"Okay. Well, as long as I'm playing along here: Where are we going?"
Kei's smile widened. " Harney and Bloomfield's."
"WHAT??" Yuri said, gaping. "That's expensive as hell! Do we have
reservations? How'd you manage THAT??"
"Saved up some spare cash from our last New Year bonus. And as for the
reservations, what'd you think I was doing on the phone all day?"
"I guess it makes SOME sense, at least in retrospect... Um, Kei?"
"Not to complain, but what the crap are you WEARING?"
"Oh *this?* Rented it. I figure if I'm going to play your dream date,
the least I could do was try to look the part...."
Harney and Bloomfields was a dinner place like no other. The back wall
consisted entirely of huge leaded glass panes, giving an almost
panoramic view of Downtown; a few gold-colored sconces on the
deep-crimson wall provided the only other light, which gleamed off the
teak-inlaid bar and the red leather booths. The place was dark, warm,
comfortable, and positively smelled of money.
The maitre d' had seen some fairly interesting types come through the
door in his time, but he was unvaryingly polite as he personally led
each party to their table or booth; it was hardly his place, he felt, to
tell anyone what he thought of them. Therefore, he did not even flinch
when two young women entered arm in arm - a dark-haired, pale-skinned
girl in a wine-red evening gown, and a redhead wearing (of all things) a
tuxedo. "Reservations for two at 20:15," said the redhead, pulling ID
from inside her jacket.
The maitre d' blinked once, checked the name against the reservation
list, and smiled. "Please follow me, ladies." He led them to a cozy
secluded booth in the far corner, by the window, and then promptly went
to inform the wait staff that under no circumstances were they to refer
to the tux-wearing customer at Table 19 as "sir."
The menus arrived. Yuri opened to the first page and her eyes boggled.
"My god, Kei, the PRICES - "
"Yeah, I know."
"But if the APPETIZERS are this much - "
"Yes, I *know.*"
"Are you actually going to PAY for this?"
"I'll pay for it, Yuri. This is all for you, remember? Don't sweat the
"Well...okay," Yuri shrugged, eyeing the crab cakes on the appetizer
The music at Harney & Bloomfields was provided by an unusual ensemble -
drummer Piotr Andriakovic leading the Omnipresent Jazz Octet. Piotr was
the only band member actually present on the stand at H&B; the other
seven were beamed in by holoprojection from the other seven locations
the Octet was currently playing, and his own image was beamed back to
each of them. With each musician at a different venue, the projectors
allowed them to play up to eight simultaneous gigs a night.
Piotr's bassist had suggested a Mingus-heavy set list, but unfortunately
(as he himself had remarked) the music of Charles Mingus is not easy to
dance to. Which apparently hadn't stopped some people from trying; the
pianist was laughing at something only he could see.
The sparsely populated dance floor at H&B was deserted during the faster
numbers, but a few couples took a waltz during the slow pieces; in a
booth in the corner, two pairs of eyes looked longingly.
"Can't they play something slower?" Kei said through a mouthful of filet
"Why?" asked Yuri. "Want something you can dance to?"
"Well, yeah! As much as I'm enjoying this meal, something's - missing,
you know what I mean?"
"Can't say I do. Want a piece of this lobster?"
"Oh, COME ON. Don't YOU want to dance?" Kei got up from the table.
"Of course I do. Pity we've got no one to dance with."
"That's why I'm wearing the penguin suit," Kei said. "Why not dance with
"I'm busy enjoying this meal," Yuri said, spearing another forkful of
"What are you, too full to move?"
"The hell I am!" Yuri grinned, putting her fork down and getting up from
the table. "But I bet that martini YOU had erased all your best dance
moves from your memory..."
"And what about those TWO Cosmopolitans YOU had?" Kei shot back. She
reached out and grabbed Yuri's hand. "Why don't we just go *see* who can
out-dance whom?" And Yuri could think of no objection.
Piotr Andriakovic looked out past the translucent images of his
bandmates as the octet kicked into _Hora Decubitus,_ and realized that
someone was actually out there trying to dance to it. Obviously not used
to the kind of music the Octet played - the two of them looked like
ravers trying to swing dance. But by the time the song ended a good
seven minutes later, the two dancers had not only kept up but were
achieving a reasonable approximation of the Lindy hop.
Piotr finished his last drum flourish and announced in his soft Martian
accent that the band was due for a 20-minute break. His bandmates winked
out of view, and he descended from the stand alone and approached the
Screwdriver awaiting him at the bar - when a hand on his shoulder
stopped him. He turned, wondering who was getting between him and his
alcohol - and found himself facing the dancer in the tuxedo.
"You guys are good!"
"So were you," Piotr said, fishing in his vest pocket for a cigarette.
"Or at least you were *enthusiastic.* I love to see that - tells me that
I'm not working with a dead art form yet."
"I was wondering," the girl said, "if I could make a request."
"Hey, why not. What is it?"
"Well - could ya play a few slower songs in your next set?"
Piotr laughed. "As a matter of fact, that's exactly what we were
"Oh, thanks! But there was one in particular I was thinking of - "
"Sure. Which one?"
Fifteen minutes later, Yuri was finishing off a particularly delicious
Bananas Foster (Kei, predictably, had chosen the white-chocolate
cheesecake) when the band counted into _Goodbye Pork Pie Hat._ Yuri
looked up, stunned: "I *LOVE* this song! Kei, did you tell them to play
Kei grinned and proffered her hand. "Wanna dance, Yuri?"
"You bet."
They stepped out onto the floor, a little tentatively, and joined the
other slow-dancing couples. Kei led, of course, as thought she were used
to it, and she and Yuri found themselves swept away. They stayed on the
floor through the end of _Goodbye Pork Pie Hat_ and the next three
songs. Kei didn't recognize any of them, but she too was losing herself
- disappearing in the music and in the dance.
And they danced and kept on dancing. And Yuri thought, "Is it all the
drinks we've had, or do Kei's eyes ALWAYS shine like that?" And Kei
thought, "Is it the booze, or does Yuri look particularly glamorous
right now?"
"...Not that I usually think things like this," Kei said, "but you have
a beautiful smile. Makes your whole face look that much cuter."
"...Wow. Thanks!" Yuri blushed. "What brought THAT up?"
"Nothing. Nothing. It's just - you look really good in this light."
"...You know something, Kei? So do you."
And they both giggled and blushed, and held each other tighter. And the
room spun around them in a delirious waltz.
At 00:52 that night, a taxi pulled up to the Elenore Tower Conapts and
disgorged two women. Yuri had pulled off her gloves and fake-fur boa,
and was holding them in one hand; Kei's bow tie was now in her jacket
pocket, and the starched white shirt was open at the neck. Kei got out
first, and held the door for a slightly unsteady Yuri; they tottered in
through the lobby door hand in hand.
"Y'know, Kei, I don't remember thanking you for this lovely evening,"
Yuri said as she pushed the call button for the elevator.
Kei had to think about it for a moment. "Uh...no. No you didn't."
"All right, then - thanks for this *lovely* evening. I think - and I'm
not lying - that this was the most fun I've had in at least a few
"Same here," said Kei. "I can't remember the last time I enjoyed
anything this much."
The elevator bell rang once, and the doors opened; the two ladies broke
eye contact long enough to step in. "Seriously," Yuri said as the doors
slid shut, "to think that you did all it for ME - all this crazy shit,
just to cheer ME up? Geez, talk about making someone feel special. I
don't know if I can thank you enough..." Yuri was silent a moment, then
darted in and planted a kiss on Kei's cheek.
Kei suddenly got an idea; maybe it was the booze that put it in her
head, but definitely it was Dutch courage that drove her to *act* on it.
"Hey," she said, turning toward Yuri, "what kind of a kiss was that? I'm
supposed to be your DREAM DATE, y'know. If we kiss, it'll be like
this..." and before Yuri could respond, Kei cupped her hands on the side
of Yuri's face and kissed her on the lips.
Yuri was surprised, but not unpleasantly so; she felt her own Dutch
courage kicking in, and in a split second she upped the ante, pushing
her tongue between Kei's lips. Kei reciprocated, and they remained
locked in the French kiss until the elevator signaled the 22nd floor.
When the bell rang, the reverie was shattered; blushing furiously, they
pulled away from each other and gasped for breath.
"Wh-wha...what the fuck were we just DOING?" Kei stammered.
"I don't know," replied Yuri. "I sure as hell didn't PLAN it."
"Funny thing is, I think I *liked* it."
"...Yeah. Me too. Nice way to end a date."
Kei's eyes glittered dangerously." "To end a date? You sure you *want*
it to end there?"
"What do you... Ohhh no you don't. You're nuts." Yuri blushed even
"Oh, come on, why not?"
"It's not exactly rational, Kei," Yuri said as she exited the elevator.
"You're only saying it 'cuz you're drunk. Hell, we're both so drunk we
probably won't even remember it tomorrow."
"Exactly. What have we got to lose?"
Yuri groaned. "Now I *know* I'm fucked up."
"Why?" Kei asked as she slid her ID through the lock on the apartment
"Because it's starting to sound like a good idea."
The door shut behind them; with Mughi gone, they were alone in the
apartment. As soon as the door locked, they were again in each other's
arms, leaning against Yuri's bedroom door, losing themselves in another,
deeper kiss, two wet tongues meeting and withdrawing and meeting again
and sliding across each other.
Kei moaned. Her hand moved slowly off Yuri's bare shoulder, and slid
down Yuri's shapely back to her butt, where it came to a rest. Yuri
squeaked in surprise, then drew back and laughed. "You're REALLY taking
this role-playing-as-a-guy thing seriously, aren't you?"
"Absolutely," said Kei, and laughed herself. "And when I'M done with
you, you'll never want any other man again, sweetie."
"Oh re-e-eally?" Yuri said archly, fumbling for the catch on her door.
"Is that a PROMISE?"
"You'll find out."
The door swung open and they entered, still loosely embracing. Yuri
broke free of yet another kiss, sat down on the bed, and playfully
kicked her shoes off. Kei stepped out of her own shoes and tugged off
her socks.
Yuri grinned. "You can't have been very comfortable wearing that getup
all night... How about letting me get you out of it?"
"If you'll let me shuck you out of that dress of yours," Kei replied,
shrugging off her dinner jacket.
And with a near-frantic intensity they came together again. Their hands
groped and fumbled, reaching for buttons, zippers, belt buckles, snaps.
A flurry of clothes flew across the moonlit room and fetched up against
the door of the wall closet, and finally they stood almost naked in the
moonlight, breathing with exertion. Kei looked down and smiled broadly.
"You naughty girl, are you wearing a thong?"
"Had to find something that wouldn't show under the dress," said Yuri.
"I like it. Matches your gun," Kei said, and with one hand undid the
velcro holding Yuri's concealed-carry pistol against her thigh. "Now lie
Yuri complied, flinging herself back on the downturned sheets, her long
hair forming a bluish-black halo as it spread out around her head. She
bit her lower lip in anticipation. "Well, Kei, I'm at your mercy. Do as
you will with me," she said breathily, and crossed her arms behind her
head. Her skin glowed a soft alabaster white in the light from the city
Kei crawled up the bed and lay down on her side next to Yuri. She slowly
ran her finger down Yuri's side ("C'mon, stop it," Yuri giggled, "you
know damn well I'm ticklish"), stopping at the waistband of Yuri's
panties. "These'll have to go," she said, and hooked her index finger
around the band, tugging gently. The thong began to slide, and Yuri
obligingly canted her hips to let Kei pull it down off of her ass; she
raised her legs from the bed as Kei slid it the last few inches, and
watched it fly across the room and into the pile of clothes.
"Honestly, Yuri," Kei sighed, "you're beautiful."
Yuri smiled and arched her back, giving Kei an even better view of her
perfect breasts. Kei leaned over and began to kiss her again; her hand
went to one of Yuri's breasts and began to knead it gently. Between
kisses, Yuri gasped out, "Kei... mmmm... I guess you DO know what I
like." Her nipples were rock hard, and Kei moved down Yuri's beautiful
body to play with them, first licking one, then sucking on the other.
Yuri was responsive - she moaned and sighed and half-whispered Kei's
name again. Kei shifted a little and kissed Yuri's cleavage, then began
to move down her torso, planting a soft kiss every few inches. Yuri's
face was flushed, her head tossed almost involuntarily and she had
clamped her thighs together as something slowly began to build between
Kei kissed down Yuri's stomach, feeling against her lips the other
girl's soft skin and the deceptive steel of the muscle hidden behind it.
She reached Yuri's bellybutton and, on a whim, started to lick at it,
tenderly French-kissing Yuri's tummy. Yuri shivered and squealed and
laughed, "I said I'm TICKLISH, Kei! You're KILLING me here!" Kei
chuckled and moved on before the mood was spoiled.
Yuri's long legs were pressed tightly together. Kei gently prised them
apart, moved in between them and continued kissing down Yuri's belly.
Yuri was practically writhing with anticipation: "Oh god, Kei, *please*
- "
"Please WHAT?" said Kei, looking up from the Mount of Venus.
"D-d-don-don't keep me waiting!" Yuri pleaded.
Kei looked down. "Tell me, do you ALWAYS shave?"
"Yes I do I like the way it looks now Kei will you PLEEEEASE - " Yuri
groaned and began to buck her hips underneath Kei's chin.
Kei took a deep breath, then moved down and stuck her tongue out to
explore Yuri's lower lips. The taste was tangy, sweaty, and not as bad
as she had expected, and the response from Yuri was better than she'd
hoped for; the minute she touched the little bud at the top, she heard a
shrieking gasp from the head of the bed, and Yuri's whole body stiffened
up for a second or two. Kei wrapped her arms around Yuri's thighs and
dove in.
Yuri was overwhelmed by sensation - pure sensation, radiating out from
her pussy and spreading in wave upon wave throughout the rest of her
body. Her face flushed deeper and her nipples tingled; one of her hands
came down and began to fondle her breasts, and the other came down and
clutched the sheets so tightly that her nails almost tore them. Kei was
relentless, and Yuri found herself quickly losing control. She writhed
on the bed, moaning, groaning, and sighing, in words whose meanings she
no longer quite remembered, a long litany of ecstasy: "Oh Kei oh yes Kei
mmmm oh god so good Kei yes oh god yes oh FUCK yes mmmm I'm so hot oh
fuck Kei ahh yes yes oh god Kei please ahh oh yes oh yes yes yes YES oh
fuck me mmmm oh my god Kei I'm so ahh YES oh please Kei you're gonna
make me come ahh FUCK oh GOD YES mmmm my god PLEASE KEI you're making me
aaah fuck I *LOVE* you Kei I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, OH YES I'M
GOING TO - " And she lost all her words as the tornado that had been
circling around her body finally touched down. She felt an explosion of
heat in her pussy, and shockwaves of absolute bliss crashed across her
entire nervous system. And it wasn't stopping, it wasn't even close to
stopping, because Kei wasn't stopping, oh hell no, she had that
*gorgeous* mouth clamped tight on Yuri's clit and she wouldn't - let -
go - !!! !!! !!! !!!
After a seeming eternity, Kei stopped. Yuri lay on the bed, quivering
and inarticulate, sweat soaking the sheets and making her body glisten.
Kei crawled back up to her eye level and lay there, herself flushed and
breathing heavy; a wet patch had begun to form on the front of her own
white cotton panties. "You know what I said about you being beautiful?"
she murmured. "Screw that. You're a fucking sex *goddess*, Yuri."
Yuri was still short of breath, but she managed a weak laugh anyhow.
"What...about...YOU...'n' your fuckin'...Magic Tongue?" Kei began
giggling with her. "I mean...god DAMN...where'd you learn...to do THAT?"
"Simple. Just figured... I'd do to *you* what I like done to *me.*"
Yuri giggled again. "Hee...well, it WORKED...Love to pay you back...but
I'm too...weak to move."
"Don't worry," said Kei, stripping off her panties. "I've got an idea."
"Another one?" Yuri grinned.
"You just lie there and I'll do the rest." Kei slowly got up and knelt
over the prostrate Yuri, straddling her shoulders. Yuri immediately
realized what this gave her access too, and before Kei could speak,
brought her head up between Kei's legs and gave her slit one long, slow
"Oh FUCK!" Kei almost collapsed right then and there, but she maintained
long enough to know exactly what was going on; the tables had turned,
and Yuri was now the one with her arms wrapped around Kei's legs...
Suddenly Kei felt something probing at her entrance that was NOT a
tongue. Shocked, she looked down at Yuri, and saw that Yuri was
accompanying her licking with the ministrations of one index finger; the
sensation increased in intensity as Yuri slipped it into Kei's pussy and
began to stroke her from inside. Kei gasped. "Yuri - oh my god Yuri..."
Yuri took this as a cue to increase speed, and Kei began to find it hard
to remain upright. She leaned back and supported her body with one hand,
teasing her swollen nipples with the other. Yuri added another finger,
and the feeling coming from Kei's tunnel multiplied, squared, cubed
Kei was moaning in a language that had no words, when she felt the Heat
building deep inside. She moaned louder: "Oh Yuri, it's coming - mmmm,
I'm about to - " Almost involuntarily, she began to pump her hips. "Oh
FUCK, I'm gonna, Yuri I *LOVE* YOU - " and she screamed to the ceiling
as the Heat rose up and overflowed inside her. It felt like every muscle
in her sun-browned body was simultaneously tensing and relaxing, tensing
and relaxing, as she came; she could feel her pussy squeezing and
releasing Yuri's fingers.
She was losing her balance; with a supreme effort she pulled away,
flipped over and landed on her back next to Yuri. They looked over at
each other, and Yuri licked her lips; Kei, still descending from the
heights of orgasm, was not even able to laugh for lack of breath. They
lay there, panting for air, staring with a sort of pleasurable
incredulity into one another's eyes.
"I hope," Yuri said, breaking the silence, "that THAT was even half as
much fun for you as it was for me."
"Think it's...the...other way 'round." Kei was feeling short on oxygen;
she forced herself to take one deep breath, hold it, then release it.
"Heh heh. Called you a sex goddess, I didn't even KNOW how right I was.
Ooh, geez, my legs ache..."
Yuri wiped her face with the back of her hand, and wiped the hand on the
bedsheet. "What part of it did you like best?"
"Silly question, babe. But let me think... There was this point where
you started doing *this* with your fingers - " Kei demonstrated by
crooking two fingers and making a gesturing motion with them. "That felt
weird, but - INCREDIBLE...it was like you were tickling my G-spot. Where
the hell did you come up with *that?*"
"Well, I, uh..." <<Oh for fuck's sake! I pick NOW to get embarrassed?>>
Yuri thought. <<Just SAY it!>> "I came up with it while I was, um,
experimenting with myself once. And *boy* - if it did to you what it
does to *me* - "
"I think it DID," Kei said. "Heh. In fact I'm pretty sure it did."
"I, um, I think I'm ready to go again." Yuri looked steadily into Kei's
eyes. "In fact, if we DON'T go again, I'm gonna be extremely pissed."
"Don't sweat. I don't think I'm done with you, either. But - " Kei put a
finger to her lips. "No more words, okay? Just do as I show you." And
she rose to a sitting position, pulling Yuri up with her.
Yuri stopped wondering what they were about to do when Kei kissed her
again. As they kissed Kei maneuvered the two of them together, ever so
gently, facing one another. She withdrew from the kiss long enough to
slide her left leg under Yuri's right, wrap the other leg around Yuri's
ass and left hip, and direct Yuri to do the same to her. Yuri looked
down at herself and Kei, and asked: "Are we really...gonna do this?"
"I can't think of any more reasons not to," Kei said.
There was a moment of stillness in the room, two sweat-shiny bodies in
proximity and two pairs of eyes gazing longingly into one another.
"I love you, Kei," one sighed.
"I love you, too," the other whispered.
And they could not wait another second. They wrapped arms around each
other's backs and pulled themselves together tightly. They embraced,
making contact with each other at every point their bodies would allow -
mouth to mouth, breast to breast, belly to belly, thigh to thigh, and
pussy to pussy. When the last contact was made, they both shivered with
a sudden rush of pleasure. Kei, taking the initiative, began to slowly
rock her hips; the little tuft of hair on her muff began to tickle
Yuri's, and Yuri laughed and gasped as Kei's patch brushed ever so
softly against her clit. Yuri began a counter-rhythm to Kei's - whenever
Kei moved up, she moved down, and vice versa. They held onto each other
tighter, embracing and fondling and kissing and humping. They moaned
into each other's mouths; their tongues caressed each other
languorously; their pussies were so wet they practically gushed.
Yuri suddenly gasped and began pumping her hips faster and harder. "Kei,
I think I'm - "
"Me too," said Kei breathlessly, herself beginning to move against Yuri,
faster and faster. They began pounding, relentlessly, grinding their
pussies together, clits and bellies and nipples and tongues all moving
back and forth in delicious friction. It was coming, and neither one of
them could stop it - neither one WANTED to stop it...
"Ohh fuck, Yuri - "
"Ohmygod, Kei - "
"I love you - aahh - "
"Mmmm - I love you too - "
And the dam burst. They clutched tightly at each other, squirming and
cooing and caressing and wailing in simultaneous orgasm, and they
practically sang in enraptured harmony as sheer bliss overwhelmed
Yuri awoke, staring at the early-morning light reflected on the ceiling
of her bedroom. Her head swam for a frightening split second, then
readjusted itself.
<<So let's take stock. Where am I? - I'm in my own bed, it must be early
in the AM, about 0830, and I'm naked under these sheets... Wait. I don't
sleep in the nude. How did that hap--OH!!!>>
Her memories of the previous night cut like a thunderbolt across her
drowsy brain, and she turned to stare into the eyes of...
"Mmm hmm hmm," the familiar voice chuckled. "Mornin', lover." There lay
Kei, gazing at Yuri with the sweetest smile Yuri had ever seen.
"Kei...oh, *wow,*" Yuri said, hands against her temples, "did we do what
I THINK we did last night?"
"If you're remembering the same things I am, yeah."
Yuri thought for a moment, a smile starting to form at the edges of her
mouth. "I think I *must* be."
"Listen," Kei said, "if you're starting to regret it, I totally
understand, but *I* don't regret it at all. It was beautiful and
wonderful and I loved every moment of it, but...wherever you want to
take things from here, I'll understand."
Yuri replied by leaning in and kissing Kei on the lips; their eyes
closed, and their tongues sought and found each other again.
"Well," Yuri said a full minute later, "does THAT tell you where I want
to take this?"
"Ohh, most definitely," said Kei, grinning. "I bet you want to spend the
rest of today in bed with me."
"Try the rest of this VACATION. I don't think I'll EVER want to get out
of this bed."
Kei laughed at that. "...Yuri?" she said after a long, comfortable
silence had passed, "I think I really DO love you. I mean, that's not
just something I scream out when I'm having sex - when I said love, I
meant it."
"So did I," replied Yuri, enfolding Kei's shoulders in an embrace.
"...You were right, you know."
"About what?"
"About me never wanting to chase after another man. Hell, I don't think
I NEED to... Everything I want is right here."
Kei smiled. "Told you so."
And again they held each other tightly, knowing that something had
happened between them that put them far beyond friendship - it was love,
for better or worse.
THANKS TO: Racewing and Mads (for the inspiration) Johji Manabe (for the
awesome dojinshi)
© Jacob Wickness. Berne Conventions apply, I imagine - but you can
spread the story around all you like as long as I get credit.
"I can think of a couple of things we didn't try last night."
"Heh, really? Like what? I MIGHT be interested."
"You serious? All right, turn around..."
"I didn't mean like that, silly! Here, I'll do it."
"What are you - ohhhhh. Hee hee. I get ya."
"You know, you up there and me down here?"
"Mmm. This'll be fun."
"You bet. ...mmm..."
"Oh, Kei..."
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