All six where in the social area in a panicking situation. As someone came it was Father Luigi " What do we do first?" ask Davis " Don't fear" Father Luigi announced, " you all get out of thy pyjamas and I'll phone the ambulance. 911" May and Ash had a lot thrown at them by Willis, Izzy and Davis. Which eventually turned into a row. Pikachu used a huge thunderbolt to shut them all up. After the row the ambulance arrived "OK" Dr Mario announced, " Peach let's get this boy sorted" " I think there'll more than one casualty" " Why" May asked then she noticed her arms bleeding and blood tipping down from them. Since her clothes where red the bleeding did not show. " We've got more than we bargained for" Dr Mario " Luigi tell the teachers to teach first aid. They desperately need it" " Peach get two beds," Father Luigi demanded " Ok" nurse Peach replied. "How could I have not noticed? My body was bleeding" May thought " Actually it's my fault" Ash replied, " You saved my life. I should've noticed" " K year 9" Davis boomed in the trendy Grinal impressions " Mr fucking Paki" Willis sang " bugger, bicthes, wankers shagging each over sod piss off fuck off " OH SHIT" Davis and Willis screamed together " I better go" Izzy announced " see ya later". As soon as Izzy left. The hospital beds where ready. May and Ash where pushed on the beds Pikachu on top and they zoomed away. It was about six in the morning and the mr Paki expressions woke about the whole monastary. The news about the injury spread quickly as T.K and Kari found out they where at each other's throats " You idiot" T.K snapped at Kari " What" Kari snapped? " We like left them to die" T.K roared, " We should never have left" " Your as bad as me" Kari screamed " You got drunk made a prat out ya self and when Ash and May WHERE THERE YOU LEFT THEM" " HOW WAS I SUPPOSE TO KNOW THEY WOULD BE IN HOSPITAL TODAY" Kari snapped " SO YOU ADMIT IT! " T.K ROARED " you silly little girl". Kari had it she slapped T.K across the face so hard he hit the floor. He was alone T.K stood up and slapped Kari so hardback on the floor as twice as hard. Kari skidded across the floor she cried. T.K took steps closer to her " Kari" T.K whispered " FUCK OFF" Kari screamed " YOU WHERE ALSO DRUNK AND A PRAT SO WHY DON'T YOU GO TO HELL I DON'T WANNA SEE YOU AGAIN" Then that was it the Takari couple was over. " What have I done?" T.K reflected, " Was I Jealous of Ash or was I just protecting Kari. Either way I lost her I lost every thing my dignity, personality, strength, hope I got nothing." " I took stuff for granted" Kari thought to herself " why am I not stopping " " Why am I not running after her"? Song 12: Sorry seems to be the hardest word T.K and Kari Every one was called to the hall Mr Cowell and Mr OGrady was absent .Rei head girl of Davis's school, Kotono deputy head girl and Mr Sirou where standing in single file near the altar. " Ok" Mr Sirou started " I decided to call you all here because there has been rumours around the world that world war three has begun. ...It is true" " We will have an extended trip that may last a month. All competitions, transport of any kind have been banned for all" Rei continued for Mr Sirou. " Now I think Kotono would like to make some prayers " Lord, We pray for all our relatives and friends currently in our own countries and pray for all those who have died from the atomic bombs in America, Europe, Asia and Africa. We pray that God keeps us safe, that he is by our side all the way amen" Then a nun marched in " Very good" she hissed as people with evil expressions marched in " Sister Arui" Mr Sirou smirked you've joined the party " Yes" Sister Arui hissed " the world is fading into an utter chaos we want it that way for our glory and our revenge on Shelito Paz" Sister Arui pulled a gun of her rosary beeds then shot ALL the teachers EXCEPT Mr Sirou. Sister Arui stripped her uniform and then a blast from the past arrived red dress and white as the ghost hair " Aruikenimon" gasped Davis " Indeed" Aruikenimon hissed "now Shelito Herrs Paz prime minister of Jetiendo will get our sweet revenge like giving a cookie to a child. Of we go to the tower of Jado the fighting king!" " Wonderful prayer" Rei barked at Kotono then knocked her out in one hit with a dagger she cut her hair to a boy's style then she and Mr Sirou marched with Aruikenimon and the villain colony and walked away At the monastary every one was still shocked of what they had seen. Max had a shock he couldn't move all there was is breath, flem and salvia oozing from his mouth. An endless supply of fratricide was waiting right outside the gates of the monastary.
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