"Okay, great! That's fine. Great work everyone!" The photographer waved casually at the crew and turned away. Jun heaved a sigh and stretched slightly, twisting her spine. Kandagawa ran up, a broad smile on his face. "Fudou-san, that was spectacular! I've never seen someone so natural in front of the camera. I'm honored that you allowed us this privilege." Jun smiled pleasantly at the young man. "It was my pleasure, Kandagawa-san." The reporter flushed in the face of that smile. Jun had noticed that recently, when she smiled, people flushed. With that thought, she glanced around. Kandagawa was still speaking, something about a reception to which she was invited. But Jun had found what she was looking for and turned back to the effusive young man. "Thank you for the invitation," she said graciously, "but I have a date tonight that I cannot break." Kandagawa pulled up short. "Oh? Anything interesting?" his smile was supportive, if puzzled. Jun reached out her hand, as Akami joined her. She smiled down into bright red eyes, then back at the journalist. "Yes," she said firmly. "Very interesting." The Beginning
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