The science lab was one of the largest sections in the Watchtower, a several stories tall facility filled with technology from several different generations of the Justice League. There were pieces of Thangarian equipment provided by Hawkman, Martian artifacts, Kryptonian robotics, New Genesis technology, and more human creations as well. Some of John Henry Iron's Steel gear was enshrined in one part, Batman's security gear in another, pieces of interface equipment designed by Oracle herself, and dozens of other things. Of course, now that B-ko had moved on in, there was an increased bent towards types of mecha. Several combat suits were in various states of assembly or dismantling, while schematics covered the bottom of one wall, spilled over a desk, and then spreading out onto the floor. Along with the various armors were robots, some quite human, some not, including the machine that B-ko was showing Oracle now. "You.. finished it already?" the Oracle hologram looked at the robot in shock. "Not entirely finished," a smiling B-ko modestly corrected her, "I've just completed the core systems and started on the outer shell. We still have to customize the appearance and finish fitting it to your tastes." Oracle shook her head in admiration as she gazed at the robotic body that B-ko had built of her. Sheathed in metallic silver, it was human sized and proportioned, dangling from the ceiling via several different connecting cables. While physically appearing to be female it's features were only roughly sketched in, waiting further data before being finished off. "It's remarkable," Oracle said softly. "Want to try it out?" B-ko offered. Oracle looked at her in surprise, "I can?" "The wireless connection to the Watchtower mainframe's already been established," B-ko shrugged, "you just need to activate it." The Oracle hologram flickered, then disappeared as the processing power was diverted to the new tasks. The robot's eyes twitched, it's limbs tensing up, then a bit jerkily the head rose, looking all around her curiously. The voice was a bit rough, but it even sounded like Oracle as she said, "I can actually feel the air circulating against my skin. How did you manage that degree of sensitivity?" "By studying both the Tomorrow Woman and Amazo androids," B-ko admitted, "though I'd like to think I made some improvements on the technology." Oracle's new body staggered a bit, and the blue haired scientist reached out to grab her arm, bringing a soft gasp from her. "What's wrong?" she asked worriedly. "It's all right," Oracle tried to smile, but the artificial face wasn't quite able to yet, "it just startled me a bit, the feeling of skin against my own." "I guess it's been a long time," B-ko mused. She smiled slightly, "Have you decided on how you want to look, yet?" "I think so," Oracle agreed. She disengaged from the robot's mind and it went limp once again. The hologram appeared then morphed slightly, taking on the appearance Barbara had possessed as a teen, "What do you think?" "Looks pretty good," B-ko agreed, circling the auburn haired young woman thoughtfully. "Just download a holo of this form onto my hard drive in here, and I should have the body ready in two or three days," she said. "Thank you," Oracle smiled at her happily. "What are teammates for?" B-ko grinned. She looked at her chronometer and visibly paled, "Oh hell, I'm late!" She bolted right out of the room, leaving Oracle looking after her curiously. A few moments later B-ko skidded to a stop in front of the teleporter tubes, where a smiling Helena Wayne waited. "Just in time," the black haired woman offered. "I'm late," B-ko bowed nervously, "I'm sorry." "It's all right," Helena smiled. She hesitated, looking down at B- ko's slightly greasy clothes, "You aren't going out like that, are you?" With a smile B-ko touched a switch on her slim silver wristband and her greasy cover-alls shimmered, then they were gone. In it's place, she now wore a stylish woman's business suit in blue. "Is this better?" B-ko asked. "How..." Helena blinked, then shook her head. "Never mind, I probably wouldn't understand the explanation anyway," she grinned. She looked over at B-ko, "A-ko, Iris and Kyla are all in the training center, sparring." "Hopefully not as roughly as A-ko and I do," B-ko smiled. "They're the kids of the JLA," Helena grinned, "of course they play nice." B-ko gave her a thoughtful look, "I rather doubt that you play nice." "Neither did Batman," Helena answered with a grin. They stepped into the teleporters together, the tubes closing around them to seal off any outside interference. There was a soft hum, a sudden sense of displacement, and the two young women reappeared on a rooftop in Gotham City. Gotham stretched out in front of them, a mass of contradictions. Buildings as old as the city itself rose up beside towers of glass and steel. Slums that were some of the worst in the country, beside fenced districts of the rich and powerful. It was a paradox, Gotham City, a place often likened to a powderkeg just about to go off. "It's... interesting," B-ko managed. Helena smiled as she admitted, "It does has it's charms, but you pretty much have to be a resident to discover them." "Then I look forward to being educated," B-ko smiled back impishly. Helena led the way to a stairway, leading down into a nice apartment building. As they went down the hallway she asked, "So where are we going?" "Just here," Helena was about to use her key when she noticed it was open. "I guess they're home," she smiled back at B-ko. 'They?' B-ko wondered nervously. The blonde who came out of the kitchen was older, but looked healthy and vigorous none the less. Blue eyes twinkled as she took in Helena and B- ko and asked, "What did I tell you about bringing strange girls home with you?" "B-ko's not that strange," Helena said dryly. She turned back to B- ko, "I'd like you to meet my adopted mother, Dinah Lance-Gordon." "It's an honor to meet you," B-ko shook the offered hand, recognizing the woman from the JLA files as Black Canary. A redhead walked in after her, walking cautiously with a set of mechanical leg braces. "And this is my other adopted mother," Helena smiled, "Barbara Gordon-Lance." "It's very nice to meet you," B-ko managed nervously as she silently considered the many ways she could get back at Helena for doing this to her without any warning. Very quietly Helena whispered, "I didn't realize they'd be home." "Gee, thanks," B-ko managed to quietly answer.
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