St Manga School (part 16 of 17)

a Crossovers fanfiction by C. Gholy

Back to Part 15
"I've always wanted to know what they say in the staff meetings," May 
told Ash as they scurried behind the staff room.

"They probably just discuss school." Ash said in a lack of enthusiasm, 
he watched May peak through a whole in the wall. "What do you see May? 
Is my mom there?"

"Not yet." May answered focusing on who's there. "Wait, she's there, 
Vash is there, Iruka's there, Miss Lust, Snape, Umbridge, Oak, Birch and 
Sapphire. I wonder where Kakashi is?"

May could see Blackadder and his sidekick, also known as the care taker 
and art teacher, Mr. Baldric was sat next to each other suggesting they 
were partners in crime. Snape glared at Blackadder in a look of absolute 
suspicion. The pair of them watched as Jiraya stood up showing his wild 
white hair. Blackadder hated everything about him, his wild white hair, 
his loud personality and the the he dressed, was something that 
Blackadder did not approve off at all. Blackadder assumed that his red 
eyes and red strips down his eyes would scare the living daylight out of 
the students.

"What are they talking about?" Ash whispered whilst he was behind May.

"Snape's talking to the principle." May confirmed as she saw her black 
science teacher talking to Tsunade and Jiraya. "We better keep quiet 

"I would like to discuss the behavior of certain students," Tsunade 
announced. "Before we do, Severus has some information, which I feel, he 
needs to share with the rest of us."

"Thank you Head Mistress," Snape nodded to Tsunade as he stood in a tall 
firm position. "I am well aware that you are all concerned about the 
welfare of this school and it's students, however, there is something 
else that has been caught to my attention." He turned over and faced 
Tsunade and Jiraya with a serious expression on his face. "I believe 
that someone is plotting against you and Jiraya in order to be 
principle!" Severus Snape's black beady eyes widened to Blackadder, as 
if to say that he was the culprit.

"What do you suggest we do about it?" Tsunade asked in a very serious 

"I suggest you and the vice principle should take extra care," Snape 
suggested. "I think that tougher sanctions and discipline might reduce 
the risk."

"Do you have any proof of this?" Tsunade asked in a concerned tone. "Do 
you also know who is responsible for this?"

"I have yet to identify the culprit Headmistress," Snape admitted. 
"However, I know it is someone who works in this very school and perhaps 
he or she is sitting in this very room right, as I speak." He took out a 
piece of worn out paper and handed placed it in Tsunade's hand. "I found 
this list last night and it proves to have some very shocking 
intentions. Of course the style is too elegant for it to be a student, 
so I know it's defiantly an adult." Tsunade read the note with great 
interest, she found the list structure to be quite simple to read.

"I think I'll read it out," Tsunade announced in an angered tone. "In 
order to get Jiraya out of the way, we need to search for students 
social network accounts. Save all the explicit photos and place it into 
a memory stick and plant it into Jiraya's computers once we hack into 
it. As soon as Jiraya's perverted ways take one step too far, then we 
will report him to the police, and once they see the strong proof, 
Jiraya will be arrested. I will need to talk to the Mayor and state my 
concerns for this school and once Tsunade is involved with a scandal, 
she will be locked up then Saint Manga School will be mine. " She 
cleaned the note up in her hand whilst her fury was shown in her face 
and clenching fists.

Jiraya appeared to be angry as well, but nothing near as livid as 
Tsunade. "Who ever wrote that note," the vice principle announced, his 
palm wrapped in his fingers, "That member of staff will be fired on the 
spot. Not only is that insulting, but the member of staff who wrote this 
is also a disgrace to St. Manga School and it's qualities."

"What do we do sir?" Baldric whispered to Blackadder. The rest of the 
staff turned over to them with a look of suspicion. Blackadder was the 
only one with a calm facial expression. There was total silence, which 
became contagious around the staff room.

"Who ever smelt it, dealt it!" Blackadder slaughtered the silence as 
some of their faces turned onto Snape, Tsunade and Jiraya. "On the other 
hand, it could be a students idea of a joke. A member of staff, writing 
this dribble is as likely as a man with the midnight blue wig marching 
into the school gates wearing an apple green dress decorated with 
shocking pink polka dresses. His face covered in the strongest shades of 
make up, whilst walking on bare feet asking for a hot dog with honey at 
the school canteen." Blackadder paused as he realized his statement had 
caused some of the teachers to laugh. "Overall, very unlikely it would 
be anyone in this room."

"Are you stating ridiculous words just to clear your name?" Snape asked 
Edmund Blackadder.

"Certainly not Severus," Blackadder stated. "I believe you are all over 
reacting like a chicken crossing the road with eighty tickets for the 

"This is not a time to be stating foolish words Mr. Blackadder." Snape 
muttered in a disgusted tone.

"I think," Miss Umbridge stood up as she wrapped herself around her pink 
furry jumper. "We're acting very much like students."

Meanwhile, Ash and May had been hiding below the glass window, listening 
to every single word, what was being said. They continued to stay below 
the window as they decided it was best to keep away from their site.

"Someone's trying to take over the school!" May whispered to Ash in a 
low tone of voice. "Principle Tsunade and Vice Principle Jiraya sound 

"Shh," Ash placed his hand around May's mouth. "You're talking too loud. 
Do it a little quieter, I don't wanna get caught by Mom."

"I'm talking as quietly as possible." May stated. "If I was being quiet, 
you wouldn't hear me. Let's listen."

"I think we should just let this slip, " Miss Umbridge stated. "We 
should be focusing on our policies rather than this little suspected 

"I think Umbridge and has something to do with the plot." May told Ash 
in a rather quiet tone. "Her and Blackadder have something going on. I 
can feel it."

"Like an affair?" Ash asked in a surprised tone.

"Well maybe," May replied in a quiet tone. "I think they might both be 
plotting to take over the school. They almost got caught by Mr. Sexy in 

"Mr. Sexy in Black?" Ash gasped in a loud tone. "Who is he?"

"Snape," May replied in a tone of embarrassment. "Blame Davis and Kari 
for that, they got that in my head."

"OK..." Ash was in a rather puzzled mood. "I just don't see how people 
would think Snape is sexy."

"Quiet!" May muttered to Ash. She saw the eyes of the new teacher, Miss 
Corandum glare into her. May squinted and jumped off the wall. "Sapphire 
can see us, we better go!" May grabbed Ash by the hand and scurried off 
behind the trees. "That was close." May panted as she fell onto Ash's 

"This is kinda exciting," Ash thought out. "You know, skipping class and 
spying on others. I hope my Mom didn't see."

"She didn't spot us," May confirmed as she rubber her back against the 
wall. "Thank goodness."

"Let's just hope no one's spotted us!" Ash nodded.

"Well hello there," A deep female voice behind them spoke. Ash and May 
quickly turned around and saw a girl taller than May with straight black 
hair curved around her head. "I see you guys are skipping school."

"Hi Rukie?" Ash waved as he saw Rukia's eyes squint.

"Hello Rukia!" May exclaimed in shock. "It's Rukia,Ash. So anyway, what 
bring you here?"

"I'm on patrol," Rukia informed them. "To make sure everyone's in the 
lesson. If I catch anyone, I have to order them to get back to class or 
send them to the principle. I'll let it pass this time since next lesson 
has just started. So it would be best to go to next lesson."

"What do we have next lesson?" Ash asked May in a calm tone of voice.

"You're in the same lesson as me!" May announced to him as she checked 
her timetable. "English with Miss Umbrigde."

"Oh I don't wanna go into English." Ash moaned in a disappointed tone.

"Don't you have a time table with you?" Ruka asked as her hands where 
placed on her hips.

"I lost mine!" Ash admitted whilst his palm rested on his hand. "I know 
the lessons, but I got lost and I forgot about the time."

"Good thing I showed up then," Rukia muttered. "Well I can't find Ichigo 
anywhere, he was also on patrol as well. He's most likely gone to 
English or just chilling out doing nothing."

"I never knew anything about these students going on patrol!" May stated 
as her eyes paid attention to Kakashi from a distance. "Kakashi and 
Sakura!" She whispered to herself as she hid from the bush as she caught 
Sakura's arms wrapped around Kakashi.

"Students with excellent attendance and marks are chosen to go on a ten 
minute patrol due to a high amount of students skipping class." Rukia 
stated. She gasped as she saw May run deeper into the bush, Ash and 
Rukia quickly followed her. "Where are you going?" Rukia asked as she 
caught up with the pair.

"Quiet!" May whispered as her eyes were glued onto Kakashi and Sakura. 
She was now at a view where she could understand what the pair of them 
where saying.

"I'm kinda scared," Sakura admitted, "Ino knows about the threesome and 
the pregnancy but I never told her about our one night stand."

"I don't see why she has to know," Kakashi told the pink haired student, 
patting her back. "What she doesn't know, won't harm her."

"Seriously, I don't think I should hide this, if I'm in a relationship 
with Ino."

"If you want my honest opinion," Kakashi said holding onto the girl 
tighter. "I don't think you and Ino are going last in the long term. If 
Ino actually fancies Shikamaru and she knows about your life, then it's 
going to be more like a battle than a relationship."

"I see," Sakura murmured resting her head on Kakashi's shoulder. Whilst 
kissing him on the cheek. "Of course this might be the mood swings from 
pregnancy right?"

"That's a possibility." Kakashi allowed Sakura to play with his white 
locks as she leaned over and kissed him passionately.

May gasped in horror as Ash stared in sheer horror with a feeling of 
disturbance down his spine. Rukia on the other hand, was much more 
neutral and wasn't interested in the affair. Although she wasn't keen on 
te idea of kissing a teacher, she thought that Ash and May were being a 
little immature about it.

"They're kissing!" May announced in shock. "They're having an affair!"

"What kind of rides are gonna be in the fair?" Ash asked curiously 
assuming they were talking about a fair with rides on it.

"They're riding on each other." May stated.

"May was talking about an affair, where you're dating behind someone's 
back Ash," Rukia mentioned to the dimwitted Ash Ketchum. "This has 
nothing to do with fairs with rides on. Anyway we should go back to 
lessons. It would be best if you kept this a secret."

Onwards to Part 17

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