And why do you do this? Rei asked Ami quietly. Amis voice became oddly flat, almost entirely devoid of any emotion as she answered, My Mother, Dr. Mizuno, helped them develop the original bio-boomer technology and Prof. Tomoe killed her once she was no longer useful. Im sorry, Rei said to her softly, now understanding where the loss Rei had seen in Amis eyes had come from. Alarms rang out in the small chamber, and Makoto cursed softly. Bad timing, she muttered, and began to strip down before pulling on a skin tight leotard. Minako slapped her on the bottom, You're looking good. She stripped too, then pulled on her golden suit of battle armor. Ami picked up a leotard from a locker and held it out to Rei. We could use your help out there, she said quietly, her eyes meeting Reis. Rei hesitated, then grabbed the leotard from Ami's hands and stripped down herself. How hard is it to pilot one of these things? she nodded to the red suit. It only magnifies your own muscle power, Ami began to change as she explained, the weapon system Ill explain on the way. Rei noticed how shapely the slim woman was, stripped down just to a leotard, and had to shake herself for a moment. She stepped into the front segment of the suit, and felt it fold itself around her. The body, arms, and legs locked into place, and Rei pulled the helmet on over her head. She took a few steps, balancing carefully on the metallic heels. Nice fit, Rei said thoughtfully. "I did some research before contacting you," Ami explained as she pulled her armor on. Rei opened and closed her fingers, looking down at the cannon built into the suit's right arm. She raised it, pointing it at the wall as a series of targeting displays came on line in the helmet's visor. She lined up where she wanted to hit, and fired. The metallic foot long needle cut through the air just like a knife, digging deeply into the far wall. After a few moments, Rei was surprised to see the spear explode into flames! Thermal charges, Ami explained to the startled woman as she shook her head ruefully adding, I dont think youll have any trouble with the weapon systems. The Silky Doll delivery truck was loaded up and they were all quickly on the move, racing to where the crisis was now unfolding. The bio-boomers were an incredible innovation, semi-organic robots that were supposed to serve humanity. But there was a grave flaw in their creation, and sometimes they would go rogue, becoming monstrous creatures. Makoto, you and I will go in first, Ami said to them intensely. She nodded to Rei, This is your first time out, so youre our back up. She looked over at Minako, Be ready to use the electronic counter measures to keep the AD Police off our backs, and the FX to cover our escape. Got it, Minako nodded eagerly, all of them sitting with their helmets in their laps. Ready to go, Makoto agreed. There's no way that Im hanging back, Rei thought to herself grimly, pulse racing, but she didn't say anything. "How do you kill these things?" she asked. "There's a crystal in the middle of the chest," Ami explained as she slid her helmet on, the others following suit, "crush it and they die." The team deployed from the truck as the misshapen creature howled in rage, gray tentacles writhing all around it as Ami and Makoto carefully moved in first. Silvery blades that trailed frost popped out of the wrists of Amis armor, freezing and cutting at the creature. Then Makoto leapt in, her suit deploying electrified cutting cables that sliced and shocked it. It staggered backward, and Rei saw it, An opening! The suit moved like a dream as Rei went in for the kill. She used her cannon to break through its weakened defenses, and then plunged her fist into its chest. She reached around in the tissues as she had been told and pulled out the heart crystal that powered it. The creature gurgled, its body breaking down into a black ooze pooling around their feet. Minakos urgent voice came over the radios, The AD Police are here! Ami, leave your calling card and lets go. The cruiser pulled up into the lot even as Minako dropped a series of strobe flares that the other three used to get clear. The police, once their eyes cleared, found the remains of the bio-boomer, and something else. Carved into the ground by a laser beam were the words, Senshi Sabers. The tall blonde with her long hair tied up in buns slammed her fist down on the top of her AD Police cruiser. The Senshi Sabers beat us to the punch again, Usagi complained, and now theres another one of them! Her partner Naru shook her head, her short brown hair moving with the breeze. Why are you so hung up on them? she asked. I dont know, Usagi sighed, I just am. Youre too tense, Naru reached out to put her hand on Usagis arm. She smiled slightly, Come home with me tonight, Ill make a new woman of you. Usagi climbed into the cruiser with a sigh, Ive got a headache. Naru pouted, climbing in the other side, But thats what you always say! The trip back to the Silky Doll was quiet, all of them lost in their own thoughts. Minako and Makoto disrobed quickly, changing and leaving together walking hand in hand. Interesting, very interesting Rei thought. The armor came off easily, and Rei stood there a moment dressed in her leotard only, gazing at the helmet in her hands thoughtfully. She sensed a presence, and looked up to see Ami Mizuno looking at her, her expression utterly unreadable. What? Rei asked. Ill have to keep in mind that you dont always obey my orders, Ami said quietly, but other than that, good job. Having said her piece, Ami should have just left, but she lingered gazing at Rei. Rei put her helmet with the rest of the suit, then advanced on Ami slowly. Amis eyes widened slightly, but the leotard clad woman didnt flee. I saw you watching me at the concert, Rei murmured softly. A slight smile, Was there another reason you asked me to join your little crusade? Maybe, Ami answered quietly. She slipped away, turning and walking out of the changing room silently. Rei watched her go with a frown. 'I wonder what's going on with her?' She grabbed her street clothes and began to change, still puzzling over the enigmatic Ms. Mizuno. In another part of the city a figure gazed out into the darkness. Sandy brown hair blew around his face, his glasses shining in the dim light. He didn't turn around to look at the redhead walking up behind him he just said, "Yes, Kaori?" Kaori cleared her throat nervously, the beautiful redhead dressed in a woman's business suit. "Director Tomoe," she said, "the progress reports are in. Bio-Boomer production is up 20%, and export of the military models is on the rise. There was some trouble with the city over the new plant but our slush fund helped deal with that." "And what of the Saturn project?" Tomoe asked coldly. Kaori flipped a few pages, "We're still working on growing the cloned tissue, but the technicians are optimistic." She hesitated, "Are you sure you wanted to use cell samples from...." "My daughter?" Tomoe turned slightly to look at her, and Kaori took a half step backward. He was smiling, but it wasn't a pleasant expression as he said firmly, "There is little enough of my daughter in the world." "Yes, Sir," Kaori answered softly. Tomoe turned to look out at the city again, "And the prototypes, Uranus and Neptune?" "Still missing," Kaori admitted, "our internal security forces are insufficient. If we could call in the AD Police via some cover story...?" "No," Tomoe shook his head, "we cannot risk our competitors discovering them."
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