Foreword And it’s time for the last one. This one will be done in two parts. That has more something with style than necessity though. This is the first part and this one will have a few more mature themes, the delicate stuff will be handled in special, additional file though. ****************************** M&M DreamWorks Presents The Forbidden Cards Seal Cards: Epitomes of Love A Soul Lights Side Story Based on the works of CLAMP Card Captor Sakura(c)CLAMP ****************************** <July of 1997 (Sakura> There was a lasting silence in the small room. The curtains were closed and only the soft glow of daylight shining through their veil illuminated the table in front of me. But I could see perfectly well. I wouldn't even need to see the eight cards spread in front of me. This was a much more complex method of card reading than the simple one Kero hat shown me all the years back. Yet, judged by the situation at hand, this was rather appropriate. I stared intently at the two middle rows and the top card. Once again the same. Just like every time I attempted to see what the cards could tell me. I had tried this countless times in the past but the big picture would just not change, nor would it completely make sense to me. There was just one thing that was for sure. The premonition, beyond doubt, was about Her. I squeezed my eyes shut. I thought I had conquered those memories but after telling Tomoyo three months ago, I couldn't help but recall some of the horrible scenes that had driven me straight from that future into this one. Kuso, I hated myself for making Tomoyo worry so much. The accusations had cut right through my heart. I knew on some level they were mostly frustration but... *Don't you trust me?* That one had hurt. Of course I did trust her. She was the cause of why I had come back here, she was why Time had even let me, she was the sole reason that I was able to settle back into a remotely normal life - as normal as life can be for one of the most powerful people on Earth. I had long since given up on the notion that I was the most powerful person. Maybe being the strongest mage was true. However, in my old time I had met enough other groups of magic users to which my power seemed to be a trifle... And none of them had stood a chance against Pandora. Amazingly enough, after the talk with Tomoyo the tension within us had pretty much been turned upside down and nowadays we were almost inseparable. I feared that closeness a little since that had been one of the things that had troubled me back then. It still did. I would feel embarrassed but my mind was too old to be ashamed of the thoughts. And I wouldn't think twice about letting Tomoyo know just how much I loved her if not for the simple fact that we were both only fourteen. I had never quite imagined this would become a major problem of the transition but it seemed I had miscalculated. Lately my feelings for the lavender-haired girl had blossomed more and more into something greater and more passionate. My adult mind and teenager body were having a hard time coming to terms how to react to this. 'Kami, I am a little pervert!' Okay, maybe it wasn't this bad but I was wondering what the hell was wrong with me. This had begun about a year ago, slowly at first but then more steadily. At first I thought it was just my teenage body beginning to mature but at times the love, and the desire spreading from that love, became so strong I was barely able to keep my hands off of Tomoyo when we were snuggling or something. I had to put some distances between us, yet I had chosen the wrong method as it seemed. The resulting frustration from both sides nearly drove a wedge between us. That was dealt with and resolved now, the feelings between us though had only been intensified and I was silently already preparing a last will, because if I should really lose control and Sonomi-kaasan found out... I chuckled ruefully. I WAS overreacting, not to mention distracting myself from the reading and its expected and depressing outcome. Compared to that, my little physical problems were rather insignificant. Sighing audibly, I slowly turned around the last card. Woody was the association, the first card. Woody stood for many things, for which one was nature itself, or Life if you want. In short, I assumed, it meant Earth itself would face a crisis soon. At least that made the most sense from what I expected to come. So basically, it was a call from Earth for help. Then came Mirror, Time and Illusion. They were the cause of the current situation. From experience I knew that Mirror and Illusion often were substitutes for other unknown elements the cards couldn't represent, or at least couldn't represent with the cards available. Together with Time at the center it would normally not make much sense. However, I knew that Mirror and Illusion most likely pointed at the two other Forbidden Clow Cards, those that were responsible for Pandora's release in my time. I hadn't known that then but I knew now after talking to Time - as little as she did reveal -, Kerberos and Yue. And the more I learned about this, the more my belief grew that Clow was just as imperfect as any other human being and not nearly as foreseeing as Eriol said his prior incarnation had been. The Light, the Dark and Erase in the next row, presenting the 'solution'. Alright, the solution was not so more like a pointer, a guide, a way of what had to be done to assure an outcome in the mage's favor. The solution could point at powers, people, a lot of things. It could also be a gamble, since the solution could also turn into an aid for the problem. The combination was a little weird for my taste. While I could see Light and Dark together, I couldn't really place Erase. Erase could be another substitute or it could mean something completely different. I had some vague theories but that is all they were. Vague. Which leaves the last card. The location, the Where. Shadow. As expected. Once again, the location was clouded into shadows, unrevealing darkness. I had desperately hoped that for once I would get a clue where to look for the Seal Cards but once again no hint was given to me. The thing was I could feel the distant presence of a card but by their sheer magnitude I suppose they were probably very far away. Picking up the cards, I returned them to the book and stretched. This was getting me nowhere and tomorrow we would all make a small trip. I had agreed to the idea readily, seeing this as a chance to make up it up to Tomoyo for our little fight and just relax for awhile. Summer break had just started and the weather was ideal. A part of me wished that we could go alone but I didn't really mind the rest of the family coming along. This was going to be fun and maybe I could forget about the cards, the uncertain future and dark memories for awhile. ****************************** (Tomoyo) Whistling a happy tune, I made my way to the front of the Kinomoto residence. It had been a nice day and the evening sun was still warm and pleasant. Perfect weather for a vacation. Adjusting the bag over my shoulder I made a note to myself not to pack so many things the next time. Of course I had reminded myself the last time to do so and look where it had gotten me Not that the little problem was of any significance to the more important things in life at the moment. Sakura and I had finally come around and while I was pretty sure that she hadn't told me everything, I was simply too happy right now to care. I had overreacted after all and chided myself enough about it already. I knew deep down that questioning Sakura's trust had hurt my girlfriend and I wished desperately I could take it back somehow. Being confronted with how much Sakura depended on me when she revealed some of her secrets to me had made me feel so ashamed of myself. Sakura was quick to scatter those worries though. And since we both felt too guilty about the whole matter for different reasons we came to the agreement that this would simply just not happen again. And the make up was definitely exquisite. I never thought you could be so close to a person. I had also thought I was already much more attached to a person than normal, even back then in Elementary School, at an age there that was rather strange. Especially since the relationship part hadn't come for another two years. However, seeing us now, aside from school we barely spent a minute alone anymore. The strength of our feelings was rather overwhelming even by me. Not that Sakura wasn't worth every last ounce of attention but it was as if our guilt over the whole accident had undergone the drastic change from "turning fire into water". My thoughts were interrupted as I looked up, coming to a stop a few feet from the front door. Touya stood there with a grin. "I suppose saying "Welcome" as if you are a guest, just doesn't do it anymore, hmm?" It was remarkable how much the two of them had in common. While physically not all that similar, Sakura and her older brother had a lot of hidden character traits that often made them more alike than they'd ever admit being. He moved forward, taking the bag not even waiting or actually expecting a request. After all this time I was still a little surprised - pleasantly so - as how easy Touya had accepted me. Compared to Syaoran that is. Knowing me prior probably had helped things a little and even with most of his sight gone - Sakura said it was returning very slowly - he had always been rather perceptive. Something I admired about him in a way. "Arigato," I said, following him into the house and slipping out of my shoes. Okaasan had made it pretty much clear to Sakura that she was to treat our home as hers and while it had never been said this way from the Kinomotos before, the offer was obvious in small things like this or the way the treatment had gradually changed from that of a normal guest to that of a permanent houseguest or resident even. Sakura's home had also become my home and it didn't really matter anymore where we were or who would stay with whom. Either way, IF we were together, we were at home. Touya shrugged, putting the bag down next to the staircase. "It's okay. I'll bring it up later. The monster has been in her room for awhile again, maybe you can get her to come down and eat something." I wasn't sure whether to give into the humor or the sigh. On one hand it saddened me to hear that Sakura obviously was still troubled by her worries. I couldn't fault her, knowing what I did learn so far. Sakura had such a good heart and she wanted to protect everyone, especially the people she loved and feeling so helpless had to be hard. I never really realized how hard it had to be until I learned the truth of the events of her timeline. Still, I wished she wouldn't think that she had to take all the responsibility upon herself, almost as if she was desperately trying to do it all alone. That is why I insisted so much on the vacation when the idea was brought up one evening we had all sat together in this very house. The idea for a little boat trip was spontaneous but once everyone had gotten into it, the plans were quickly made. Hopefully this could get Sakura's mind set on something different at least for a little while. I finally managed a small giggle. I found it funny that Touya still called her "monster", even more so than when my girlfriend was younger. I supposed that it had become more of an affective nickname than the gentle teasing it had once been. Already a few steps up the stairs I stopped and turned slightly to look back at Touya. "Doesn't it bother you at all?" I had meant to ask the question for awhile now. Sakura had come clean about her time travel by now. While both her brother and father had suspected something already, Sakura had felt obligated to talk to them about this after realizing how much concern it had caused me and how much it had to have an impact on her family. The whole thing was taken relatively well, she had let out a few things she told me exclusively, but other then that most of what I learned was revealed to the rest of the family. Touya looked at me thoughtful for a moment. "Not really. It's a little weird sometimes. And I admit I feel helpless knowing all that has happened already or will happen or... well, you get the point." I smiled wryly, knowing full well the confusion talking about this caused me sometimes. "I am just amazed that YOU are taking all this so well. Doesn't it bother you in the slightest, I mean... She's not exactly the girl you fell in love with anymore. I believe it is much harder for you, as her girlfriend, than it is for me, as a brother." I didn't really need to think about my answer. Staring directly into Touya's eyes - well, as much as you can from a higher vantage point -, I said softly but with a firm voice nonetheless, "I wouldn't be that - her girlfriend - if Sakura-chan hadn't done what she did. She is still Sakura, all the little details are still there. You can see it too, I know that. When you truly love someone, you love everything about that person. The positive as much as the negative. Tell me, Touya-oniisan, would you turn down Yukito-san if the same would have happened to him." The dark-haired, young man stared back stunned for a moment, then his eyes softened and he shook his head slowly. "No. Never." I smiled fondly. "Good. Then we understand each other." I turned back to resume my ascent. "We'll be down for dinner in a few minutes." I swear I heard him mumbling something along the lines of "if you were able to separate long enough to walk down the stairs", smiled to myself and proceeded to Sakura's room. ****************************** (Sakura) As I leaned back after putting the cards back into the book, I realized how stiff I had become. This happened a lot. Often I tried to figure out a reading for hours not even realizing the passage of time. It was a good thing I still did physical activities frequently to keep my body in shape. It would be a little early to suffer from back problems... My eyes had drifted close for a moment and now they only fluttered open for a short moment before the movements of skilled hands rubbing my shoulders made me sigh blissfully - though I hadn't made up my mind if it was involuntary or not yet. I had to be pretty absorbed to not even notice Tomoyo coming up or slipping into the room. Usually I could tell from far away already when she was present. Not to mention that I tried not to show her just how much I took the whole thing to heart... and often failing miserable at that task. "Do you have to torture yourself. Even a day before vacation?" Tomoyo asked softly, her voice barely a whisper and close to my ear. I suppressed the shudder wanting to run down my spine at her closeness and the feelings her warm breath tickling my skin invoked. I wished nothing more than to... What was wrong with me? Fighting down the primal urges of my - entirely too young - body I focused on her question, with some effort. "You know I must. If I don't find a way to prevent the seal from breaking than..." I trailed off, not wishing to speak further in fear of calling back the haunting images of a future long since past. A future that might become reality again if I didn't... "I know you will find a way. You always do. But that you still have a few years, right? Don't push yourself so hard." I let go of another content smile as the hands moved from my shoulders to my neck and further down my back with patient precision. Tomoyo could really give one hell of a massage. "How can you be so calm about this. I told you what happened. I stood no chance against that... thing. I..." I turned around albeit my body's vehement protests, fixing a startled Tomoyo with an intense gaze. "She killed you, right in front of my eyes. I... I won't..." I could feel tears stinging in my eyes and was a little bit surprised at the emotional surge that had triggered such a strong response. I usually was much calmer nowadays but Tomoyo managed with her mere presence alone to create that overwhelming urge to love, to protect, to cherish and always hold onto this incredible gift. I couldn't maintain my shields around her for long. "I will never let this happen again," I finished, trying to make my voice sound firm but it was more a croaked whisper. "Never..." Before I even knew what was happening we were kissing. And not just the chaste kiss of children or young teenagers but laced with a mixture of passion and need. My arms went around Tomoyo's waist on instinct drawing her closer, basking in the heat of the contact. Not just the physical but also the spiritual one. Our kisses had become that much bolder lately and they weren't always initiated by me. Tomoyo proved very quickly that this important aspect of life was as much one of the skills she was so good with, just like all the others. And so I found myself relenting briefly as the kiss began to involve tongues rather quickly, that sweet scent, so distinctive Tomoyo, filling my mouth, literally drinking up all the troubles, concerns and fears of only a few moments ago. Finally Tomoyo drew away but only a few inches. I am sure my face was flushed since hers definitely was. A part of me was disappointed at the lack of contact and wanted to reengage right away, taking this to places I steadfastly refused to even let myself think about. The beautiful lavender-haired girl had her fingers tangled in some strands of my hair falling in disarray over my face. "I know, Sakura-chan. I know you will always be there to protect me. I told you that a long time ago and my belief has not changed. You have taken all those risks and changed your future already. Your beautiful heart will find a when the time is right. Please, don't burn yourself out. That won't get us anywhere and brings you only more pain. I hate to see you suffer." I stared in amazement at this magnificent creature. What in all the world had I done to earn such trust, such loyalty, such love from this gentle and kind girl. When I was young and unknowing of her feelings I had often felt a little embarrassed. But never scared. I knew some people who experienced our interaction wondered why I wasn't scared of Tomoyo's devotion. Yet, I could never be scared of such a wondrous thing. Now, I was simply amazed and every time she looked at me like this, so completely without doubt, utter faith in her gaze that I would never let her come to harm, I knew that I wasn't worth it. But yet, it always created a confidence in me so strong that I felt like being able to strike down any foe ever trying to harm this otherworldly creature that I could dare call my girlfriend. "I don't deserve you," I whispered, one hand softly stroking the pale skin of her cheek. I had never felt like this before. Not with Syaoran, never with him. That realization had come gradually but by now I was certain that while a part of me would always love him, my statement that the love for him and Tomoyo was an equal one had long since expired. The magnitude of love I felt for Tomoyo know had definitely exceeded what I ever had felt for the Chinese boy. "But I love you more than anyone or anything else in this world," I said, making sure she understood completely what I was implying. Tomoyo's smile was radiant, her blue eyes sparkling as if the sun was reflecting on the clear surface of a lake. I leaned forward again, touching my lips to hers, leaving my gaze glued on those brilliant orbs. Sensual at first I felt that inner fire once again igniting with renewed intensity and for several seconds I completely lost myself in the feelings, tongues meeting in a slow dance, passionate but not forceful. So much unlike Syaoran's kisses. This was... softer, slower and at the same much more intense. "Hey, monster! Get down here, dinner is ready!" I blinked my eyes, realizing only now that somehow Tomoyo had found her way into my lap and my hands were resting on her buttocks, Tomoyo's arms were around my neck, clinging tightly as if afraid to fall apart if she should let go. I blinked again, slowly drawing away and tentatively altering my grip from my girlfriend's behind to hold her around the waist again. I didn't want to let go but there was that slight spark of embarrassment that I had let myself go so far. But I didn't really feel all that bad about it, after all Tomoyo seemed quite content where she was. "Wow..." I whispered, my breath a little shallow from the exchange. I could feel some sweat on my forehead and was rather aware that both of our body temperatures had definitely risen to a noticeable degree. "That was..." I wanted to say "too close" but honestly, I had to agree with Tomoyo's definition. "Intense. Amazingly intense..." Tomoyo responded, equally breathless and I was fascinated at how much that sparkle in her eyes had even more increased but now it was more like... I wasn't sure I actually wanted to know the answer to that because I wasn't sure right now if I could control the following consequences. "We should... uh, get downstairs... Dinner, you know...?" I tried lamely, my mind not yet fully restored from one of the most passionate moments between us yet. Tomoyo just nodded, also a little out of it. It was only with a lot of effort and after another few minutes of regaining some composure that we managed to follow my brothers request. Touya was giving me the most annoying smirk all evening. ****************************** <About two days later (Tomoyo)> There was one thing that was for sure about life with Sakura. It never was boring. I had known this right away when I met her. I knew that I just had to put an effort into at least befriending the genki brunette or my life would be so much duller. This experience had only grown when Sakura came back for me and devoted her attention almost solely upon me. The things we did on a regular basis when going out, other couples probably never even encounter half the excitement and the wonders Sakura managed to produce. I had noticed that Sakura liked to use the cards rather often for those special occasion but also other everyday life stuff. For example creating a nice atmosphere with Glow or Flower, lightening candles with Firery or often just flying around with Fly. Sakura had developed a close bond with her cards, that much was for sure. "Don't they mind doing all those things for you?" I asked, turning my head towards Sakura. The question was more a rhetorical one with just a touch of curiosity I could guess the answer already. Sakura laughed lightly and I could feel just the tiny bits of a ripple around us that 'felt' like... giggling. "Don't worry about that. The cards actually want to get out and play whenever I let them. While they don't mind being in the book, they like to do things outside, interact with the world, you know." Sakura gazed at me adoringly and I felt my cheeks flush, a reaction the lovely girl had managed to bring forth more and more in the last days. The passionate scene from the evening two days ago was still present in my mind and this hasn't been the only occasion. "And they like you, too, so they like to do things that make you happy." The blush deepened and I melted into the following kiss that was much to brief and chaste for my taste... Blinking I tried to clear my foggy mind, snuggling closer to Sakura who had one arm around my waist so that we wouldn't be separated, not that any of us minded the contact. The water around us was cool but not freezing. I believed this to be an added side effect of Watery other than providing an air bubble to breath and right now the movement as well. We already had been swimming quite some while but right now we were content to enjoy each other's presence and let Watery do the stirring, so to say. The ocean down here was a captivating sight. Especially this way, without diving gear or other such limitations. Only our bodies and normal senses experiencing what no ordinary human would usually be able to do. Not for that long and surely enough not as deep as we were already. This definitely had been one of Sakura's best ideas involving the cards up to now. We had left the world above the surface already far behind, exploring the wondrous depths of the ocean. I hadn't expected something like that - Sakura always managed to surprise me with those things - when we set out yesterday morning for the beach and then a trip with our family yacht. Okaasan had actually been glad to have a use for it after all that time. In all my life we had only gotten to make use of it once and I had been almost too little to remember it then. Now, the yacht served as the perfect tool for some nice, relaxing days. Okaasan had been excited to participate in the family vacation and readily provided the boat even though it visibly got to her to spend so much time in close company to Sakura's father. They managed to behave most of the trip but a few hours ago the tension had escalated and everyone had retreated hastily to other parts of the yacht to evade the coming war zone. Yukito and Touya had went below deck and Sakura came up that we should probably go even deeper with a twinkle in her eyes. I had had barely enough time to prepare myself - thankfully we already had been in our bathing suits for the purpose of sun bathing - before Sakura grabbed me and jumped into the calm ocean, activating Watery in the process. The feeling was extraordinary. The ocean was calm on this clear summer day and the flow was gentle, encompassing the two of us. Somehow Watery had managed to make it so that we could breathe underwater but still feel the water and move freely. Therefore we were treated by the embrace of the wet element, washing over our skin. It didn't even sting in the eyes! Right now we were resting from swimming so much, gently floating through the vast ocean, letting Watery push us forward. And once again we found ourselves in one of those moments. The place was a little odd, I admit, but as usual neither of us cared very much and while we weren't even kissing, just the contact was enough to hold us captured in the moment. I could feel Sakura's hand lightly stroking my bare skin and shivered. Not from the cold of the water but from the sudden heat coursing through my body, making my skin tingle. Oh, I wasn't stupid. I was pretty much aware of the sexual tension. There was just no other way to describe it. Both of us were rather mature for our physical age and that was even more true in Sakura's case. It had taken me some time to figure out that the whole Pandora issue hadn't been all that had my girlfriend bothered lately. I hadn't been totally sure at first but the level of passion in our kisses, the lingering touches, the closeness. The encounter the evening before our departure wasn't the only one and they had become even more heated. No, by now I was pretty sure that Sakura had definitely trouble suppressing urges she surely felt entirely to improper for our physical age. How did I feel about this? I honestly wasn't sure. I would lie if I said that the rising passion between us didn't scare me a little. Just a little. I hadn't thought in this direction at all until a few months ago but now I found myself wishing at times that Sakura would just go ahead and... See, that's what I meant. Where I could understand and tolerate that Sakura's older mind might harbor such thoughts, I know that for me they were rather... early. Not impossible, but early in their appearance. And entirely too strong to be natural. At the same time the feelings were exhilarating and I felt myself craving the attention, the sensations of drowning in Sakura's love and passion, wishing nothing more than to just let go and feel. This was frightening in itself but more like a thrill, a good, exciting thrill I had entirely no idea how to deal with. I just knew if Sakura as much as asked I would jump at the chance and that scared me again, just a little. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted something and was partially grateful for the interruption of the moment. Because as much as a big part of me wouldn't object I think the setting would be more than a little awkward. Not too mention, we'd probably traumatize poor Watery! "Hey, there's a cave down there!" Sakura blinked, a look of disappoint crossing her features that almost made me giggle. I suppressed that reaction though and pointed down. We were rather close to the bottom I think. The water was getting murkier here. Less light was reaching us from the surface and it was a little hard to make out the cave's entrance. Sakura and I looked at each other, confirming our mutual curiosity and made our way into the cave. ****************************** (Sakura) Emerging from the water we were both surprised and amazed to find a cave that huge. Sure, there probably were enough on the ocean floor but when did you ever get the chance to see them. Not that any of us was paying much attention to our surroundings. Watery went back into card form and then to subspace for the moment with nothing more than a thought. My eyes were pretty much glued to Tomoyo and there was a conflict inside of me whether to praise or curse myself for my impromptu idea. Kuso, Tomoyo was sexy in that dark blue bikini, drenched by the ocean water and therefore highlighting the young girl's curves pretty well. This was ridiculous. Something was definitely going on here. I mean something other than my dirty adult mind and developing teenage body. As much as I did love Tomoyo this was getting out of hand and I was pretty sure that my control was only a few percent from evaporating into thin air. I mean, I had actually kicked Touya for flirting with Tomoyo. He did that sometimes and I know very well that it was never more than teasing. And still I had actually hit him, he had been throwing wary glances my way the whole trip. And the poor boy from when we arrived at the beach who dared to... wanted to ask Tomoyo out or something. I swear he must have run straight to his mommy after the menacing look I had given him - thankfully that had been all. My emotions couldn't suddenly be so out of control. Not naturally... "Sakura?" 'Gah!' Tomoyo was standing right in front of me, blue eyes focused on me in a wordless, yet demanding expression. I was being drawn into the liquid pools, drowned in a sea of happiness and love. I might have jumped at the touch, her hand on my cheek, caressing slightly in a circular pattern. "What are you afraid of?" Crap, she always knew me so well, that hadn't changed in the most aspects of my life even after traveling back in time. With the exception of the Pandora happenings and my growing desires she had always managed to read me like a book. It seemed the latter was about to experience the same fate. "Tomo-chan... I..." I breathed, my voice taking on a husky tone, feeling her other coming around me, one hand settling on my back. A surge of immediate desire rushed through me and my mouth couldn't decide whether to be dry or the complete opposite. I couldn't finish the sentence but looking into her eyes, I knew it wasn't necessary. "You don't have to be afraid for my sake, Sakura-chan." I gasped when she dipped her head slightly to the side and moved forward to run her lips over the skin on my neck. My arms tightened around her, almost crushing her lithe form against mine even if that small voice that was calling me names was still there. It was fading fast. "I... I don't want to hurt you... This is not how..." Tomoyo looked up again and before I could even guess her intentions her lips were upon mine. The kiss was sending hot waves of tiny flames through my whole body. Her lips were crushed against mine and I leaned into the passionate, desperate contact without even thinking. The last bit of rational thought was more or less leaving me right now. Coming up for air after almost a full minute, I realized that our hands had become much bolder. Tomoyo's hands were just resting under the hem of my bikini top and mine were already all the way there. The desire created between us had reached the force of a tornado. I could see the desperation and need reflected in Tomoyo's eyes. "Do you really want to fight this?" Tomoyo asked in her usual soft, lightly musical voice but still somehow managing to let it sound seductive. "We can't fight this any longer, you know that." Can't fight...? A jolting sensation of recognition passed through me and for just a single moment I managed to tear myself away from the powerful thrall both of us were under. No, not so much a thrall as the rise of emotions to its maximum. Right here, right now, around us... Love was here. Love, one of the Seal Cards. Time had told me that the reason I felt its presence nearing was because the original seal was more or less encompassing the whole planet, both elemental powers overlapping each other. It had been a steady stream, unyielding and without a flaw. Until Clow tempered with those ancient archtypes and bound powers where he should have not. After realizing his mistake and that he couldn't control the elemental powers, he had placed the cards inside the original seal, reestablishing the power but not the flow. The flow had been destroyed, its flawlessness lost. To make the flaw as tiny as possible the cards were moving around in the seal in a more or less stable orbit. It was no surprise to realize that this had given Pandora her opportunity. Clow's actions to fix his mistake had not been enough after all. The realization came at a rather bad moment though and most of my thoughts on the matter were just like a background image. I was aware of it, I was aware of the enormous presence so similar to Time back then, yet I couldn't do anything about it. I didn't have the willpower anymore to call upon some counter spell. I simply didn't want to stop! And with a groan of resignation I brought my hands up around Tomoyo's neck, drawing her in. My breath was creating tiny goose bumps against her skin, my voice long since having lost the battle to hold pack the passion and longing. "I love you so much, Tomo-chan. Even if this is not entirely our doing, I want to make you happy. Do you trust me enough with this?" I said the last bit with the utmost seriousness I could still muster in this situation, yet I was unsure if I could take a negative answer anymore. "I told you already," Tomoyo whispered back, her voice mirroring my own open desire. "I will always be safe with Sakura-chan. I have faith that Sakura-chan will always save me and keep me safe." Proceeding to kiss me again, I simply let go, my body almost sighing in relief, welcoming whatever shall come. ****************************** (Tomoyo) Slowly, with the speed of a turtle climbing a hill my senses returned to awareness, my spirit floating back down from that place somewhere far above the heavens where it had climbed to... some time... ago. I really had NO idea how much time had passed, how long we had been in the cave or lying on the cold ground warmed by a small friction of magic - but I really didn't care where it came from right now. The tremors had finally subsided and my body lay in total peace, every muscle relaxed and surely not able to obey any command in the near future. And I felt GOOD. Kami, did I feel good. I had really been a little... unsure when I gave in to my desires. Yet, seeing Sakura suffer even more, trying to hold herself back, inhabitations had been thrown out of the window. Very, very far away. And it wasn't like I had not wanted. We loved each other after all, so it couldn't be a bad thing, just... a little early maybe. It wasn't like we were still ten or something. That would have been rather illogical. Feeling Sakura move slightly from her position spooned up behind me, I shifted slightly and craned my neck to look behind me. Her face was producing a stronger result than the Glow card could... even though I was sure the expression was mirrored on my own. I smiled widely, feeling giddy and in a state of utter bliss. I've never felt so much in the right place like now. I was sure that was what I was meant to be, where I belonged to be. Right here, in Sakura's arms, enveloped in a warm blanket of love. Body, mind and soul. I could see the hint of regret and shame in Sakura's eyes though and was quick to dispel these feelings. With some effort I managed to command my body to turn around in the tight embrace. Brushing some of the brown hair that had fallen into Sakura's face out of the way, I leaned in to place a soft, lingering kiss on her lips, gazing adoringly into green eyes. Sakura smiled faintly. "You keep giving the most special gifts in the most special ways. You are such an amazing person." Sakura's smiled turned into a more genuine one. "That wasn't all my doing. Don't you feel different somehow?" I was puzzled at her question. "What do you mean? Of course I feel different!" I said lightly teasing. Sakura laughed heartedly and the sound was such a lovely thing to my ears. "No, no, I mean. About the desire between us. Just until a few minutes ago..." She let the sentence linger and I suddenly realized what she meant. The whirlwind of feelings had ceased to be more gradual, more normal. I had first though this was only and effect of the afterglow but there was a little more to it. I didn't know how I could tell the difference, I just did. So when Sakura said this wasn't completely her doing then did that mean... I blinked almost audibly and was already in the process of sitting up despite the protests of my body before Sakura pulled me down again gently but persistent. "Yes, I am sure its one of the Seal Cards. I told you about them, right?" I nodded, wondering why we were still lying here. Not that I WANTED to move, mind you. "It must be Love. But its moving very slowly. We can easily catch up, don't rush now. I, personally, feel like being defiant and not rush after it the way it played with us." Sakura chuckled and run one hand through my open hair, drawing out a sigh from me in the process. I had went to tie it into a ponytail in the last months but was seriously considering to leave it open again in order to experience the wonderful sensations my girlfriend's fingers in my hair produced more often. Hmm, girlfriend didn't seem right anymore. Lover? Mate? It had felt a lot like mating on a level and I couldn't quite believe that this all had been the card's doing. "You mean Love made us do all this?" I asked curiously, showing my disbelief at the possibility. Sakura shook her head slightly, drawing me closer until my head rested contently under her chin, almost nestled comfortingly in her small chest. I let go of another sigh and could practically feel Sakura's smile in response. "No, the way I understand it is that Love cannot produce false feelings. It can only take what is there and amplify them. The stronger the feelings the more they are amplified. And Love doesn't do something on its own since the card is embedded in the seal. It is a natural side effect. Clow played with something you can't just simply control. The magic he bound into a card was so strong that, even ineffective, it puts out incredible power." I listened carefully and would have nodded, had I not been so comfortable right now. Instead I said in a lightly teasing voice, "So you DID want me THIS way..." I grinned to myself, feeling Sakura shift a little... not uncomfortably but surely enough embarrassed. Even if her mind was older she was still such an innocent creature at times. "It's okay. You didn't hurt me and it was the most wonderful gift other than your heart that you could ever have given me." Sakura's arms tightened around me even more. "I love you. I really do. More than anything. That wasn't just because of Love. I promise you, I will always love you, forever." I lifted my head slightly, meeting her downward gaze of unrestrained, unconditional love with one of my own. "I love you, too. More than I could ever put into words." ****************************** (Sakura) You'd expect after the whole mess I'd feel guilty. You'd expect I would want to harm myself for ever letting my urges get the better of me. You know what? I really didn't care anymore. The experience was just so... glorious. And Tomoyo didn't regret it either. You could see it in her body language or every other part of her. She could probably be lightening a Christmas tree right now and I surely wasn't very far behind. I wasn't sure whether or not to give Love a piece of my mind when we caught up with it though. On the one hand I knew that logically seen the card had pretty much no control over its effect. Yet, the timing was rather... inappropriate. I still couldn't believe we did THAT down THERE. I mean, sure, I love to treat Tomoyo to special things in special places. The cards really like to be useful and they really like to make Tomoyo happy too, both of us actually. However, this was rather shooting over the top. As I said, now I didn't regret it anymore. It was done with and I was not about to destroy this eternal memory of a first time with thoughts of self-blame and guilt when my... lover looks like I couldn't have possibly made her happier today. Anyway, after resting a few minutes longer, we finally returned to the surface. The recovery was only one reason why I wanted to stay down there for awhile. No, and the other was NOT to enjoy the feel of Tomoyo's naked form against mine... Kami, I must be blushing madly at this thought, I could tell from Tomoyo's almost smug look - Tomoyo and smug! No, that had not been the reason... although it was an added bonus. Staying still for a short while would allow Love to pass on a little further and therefore lessening the chance of a fallback into emotional overload. I was very glad I decided on that because I REALLY didn't want to know what happened up here on - and mostly likely in - the yacht a few minutes ago while we had our own encounter below the surface. We might have just stood there for another minute or so before either of us could override the shock to our system at the scene playing in front of us. I glanced at Tomoyo with a totally bewildered look and saw my girlfriend - I would stick with that for now, the other term sounded TOO mature for our physical age - equally flabbergasted. "Didn't you say Love only amplifies what is already there?" she asked. I turned pack to the couple at the helm of the yacht, engaged in a - pretty intense - lip lock, blissfully unaware of having an audience... and probably just as unaware of what they were doing in the first place. I shrugged at Tomoyo's question, rather perplexed myself. "I honestly have no idea. It's not like even Clow himself understood what exactly he created there." Grinning slightly I put my hands on my hips and cleared my throat loud enough for the two adults to hear. There was a very short silence and it seemed as if the world itself just stopped breathing for a timeliness moment, awaiting the inevitable apocalypse. Then, as if someone dropped a sledgehammer between them the two parental figures of our group literally jumped several feet apart. Otousan looked rather baffled... well, stupefied actually and I could see from the look on Sonomi-kaasan's face that was just about turning from speechless consternation into smoldering rage that he would probably not survive the following moments if I didn't intervene. "Save it!" I shouted, drawing their attention immediately and succeeding in flustering both of them speech- and motionless again. Right now I regretted not explaining to them about the Seal Cards as I had done for Tomoyo but I really didn't want to waste anymore time. I could sense Love was actually picking up speed... which was strange since the paths of the cards were supposed to be stable. "We don't have time for this now. There is a card here I need to catch and its moving away right now. So if any of you would be kind enough to get us moving." Granted, I would normally never take such a... commanding tone with my father or Tomoyo's mother. But I knew where this was leading when I didn't intervene and I really had no time for this. I could feel in every fiber of my being that this was my chance, my only chance to change something about the future I had experienced. Just that moment Kero-chan choose to make his appearance, coming from below deck and looking rather agitated. "What's going on?" He looked around at the scene, arching a tiny eyebrow at the still rather shell-shocked-looking adults and then turned to me. "Sakura? I felt the presence of a card. Is that...?" I nodded at his unfinished question, already trying to track Love. That was funny, I cold feel something else too. Was that the other one? If yes, that would be more coincidence when I believed in. Isolating Love for now I felt it rapidly moving westwards. "Quick, Otousan, turn the boat around, its picking up speed for some reason!" I yelled running to the back of the yacht, staring out over the ocean intently. I could see something moving in the distance. It was to tiny to really make out and for someone without magic probably impossible to see at all. Otousan meanwhile had snapped out of his shocked state long enough to take over the controls and pull the boat around, pushing the engine to top speed. "Tomoyo, get Yukito, I'd rather like everyone together and who knows if I might need Yue. Love isn't actually dangerous - I think - but I'd rather be safe." Tomoyo nodded and took off. I was pretty sure Yue must have sensed what was going on too and was probably already on his way. Hopefully he was because I could more or less guess what Love did to him and Touya, considering what it did to the rest of us. I really hoped Tomoyo wouldn't catch them in an embarrassing situation. "I better take care of this before we all go crazy trying to go near that thing," I said more to myself, only realizing Kero was next to me at his squeak when he obviously figured out what exactly I was implying. Well, that couldn't be helped now. Taking the key from its resting place I invoked its ancient powers and drew Time from subspace. Better to fight Fire with Fire, or something like that. "Time!" I called out. "Encase us in a bubble of your power!" There was a bright flash of crimson-purple energy and the sensitive eye could see the dim, almost completely transparent field of temporal energy enveloping the yacht. I heard Otousan gasp and realized suddenly that he actually could see all this. Of course he could, I told myself, since he has part of Clow's magic now. "Don't worry, just stay on course." I reached out once again, confirming my earlier observation. "See the small object in the distance?" Otousan nodded. "Follow it!" If I could have it any other way I really wouldn't want to endanger everyone. But seeing as if I might never be able to come so close again, I had hardly a choice left. Besides, the Seal Cards were not really... active. Therefore I 'hoped' it wouldn't be all that dangerous. ****************************** (Tomoyo) I found them alright. And I found them just as expected in their cabin doing... err, the same that we did... Not that I would tell them that. Of course I had had the decency to knock or wanted to... until the cabin door was flung open and I was almost flattened by an agitated Yue. Thinking back on it I should really not be surprised but the sudden change from the powerful yet sweet experience below the surface and the serious situation above was rather sudden and I was a little nervous, I admit. I knew this was important for Sakura - heck, it was important for all of us in the long run. I didn't think I've seen Sakura so... confident before. She usually was not the type to give commands like that. That was a fact that was easily reflected onto her cards who she treated more as friends than as tools. I hadn't even realized I complied with her order without a question before I was halfway below the deck. That was an amazing discovery in itself because I found out just then that there was something else to Sakura I was sure neither of us had seen so far. The attributes of a natural leader. Not some great military genius or whatever you want to call the equivalent for a mage. No, years of training had given her an air of confidence that often leaked through in many aspects of every day life but really developed in a serious situation like this one. Making new discoveries about Sakura has always been one of my favorite things, especially since I knew so much about her already, seeing new things was rare and often served to add another special flair to her magnificent personality. As I said, I literally bumped into Yue, Touya following looking a little as if he just woke up - which might be true. I shot him a knowing smirk - to which the older Kinomoto sibling just shrugged and grumbled something - before I turned back to Yue. "You better go up. Sakura wanted you there just in case. I get it, you are quite aware what just passed us?" The faint blush tingling on his cheeks was answer enough for me. Yue nodded and was already up the stairs before I could make any more comments. I glanced back at Tomoyo and raised an eyebrow at his questioning stare. 'Oops, he isn't suspecting anything, is he?' The young man didn't elaborate on the look, just grinned and then shrugged his shoulders. "Let's go up as well. I must admit I am curious. I have heard about all this from Sakura and you but I've never really had the opportunity to see it." Emerging outside a short while later I spotted Sakura standing in the middle of the spacious deck, her star wand transformed into a size I had never seen before. It was reaching a bit over her head and was planted firmly into the ground below. Sakura had her eyes closed, seemingly in deep concentration. Kerberos - transformed into his real form - and Yue stood a couple of feet behind her and seemed a bit unsure about their actual purpose. "What's that?" Touya asked next to me and pointed ahead of the yacht speeding westwards towards the small group of little isles in the distance. Funny, I hadn't noticed them before. There were several things I took note of that I know I definitely shouldn't. First of all their was a very faint glimmer around the ship. Like a force field of some kind. I had felt the emotional increase fade when I went under deck and was pretty sure now that whatever Sakura did was responsible for it. But I didn't think I should be able to see the magic at all. Yet I did and I also saw the sparkling sphere in the distance, coming closer very quickly. The orange-golden orb seemed to radiate purest light to my eyes. "Um... That's Love, I think. I hope the shield is going to hold its effects off." I said, not sure why I revealed my knowledge of actually seeing all this. I guess I was subtly seeking confirmation that I wasn't going crazy. Sakura had told me that Touya's second sight was gradually returning so he should be able to pick up those things. "Yeah, it's heading straight for that isle. I have the feeling that is no... wait a second... You can 'see' all this?" I shrugged helplessly. There was no time for further research on the subject though. Sakura's father had finally managed to catch up with what was apparently the card. Suddenly the boat jerked, the engine almost coming to a complete spot. I flashed Touya a grateful smile for the steadying hand but my attention was quickly drawn back to the glowing sphere. Love was hanging in the air looking for all it was worth like a tiny star in the middle of the day. I was a little surprised at the sudden stop in movement but either the card realized that she couldn't escape - not that the term was accurate in the first place - or she sort of knew what was going to happen. Kero-chan told Sakura once and she told me in return that all the Clow Cards were automatically drawn to the new Master or Mistress. There was a connection between the one that was chosen to become their wielder and the cards themselves. I had no idea if this was the case with Love but I believed it to be very likely. I could see the sprite-form of the card - another thing I wasn't sure whether I was supposed to do this or no - and Love looked a little confused and uncertain. There was something else there though. I didn't know how I could tell. It wasn't my observations skills that much I was sure of. However, somehow I just KNEW that Love was tremendously lonely. Glancing at Sakura I waited to see what she would do or if she detected the same thing I just did. The Card Mistress had applied a lot of unorthodox methods capturing some of the Clow Cards, often rather trying to make the cards trust her and let themselves be captured rather than to engage into a heated battle. Therefore I wasn't really surprised seeing Sakura's tense and concentrated demeanor suddenly change. For a moment confusion crossed her features before she relaxed, her eyes softening and her grip around the staff not so firm anymore. Kerberos and Yue were about to move forward when without even a command Fly's wings materialized on Sakura's back. My girlfriend looked back with a reassuring smile that halted the two guardians even though one could tell they weren't really fond off the idea. The winged girl was about to ascend, then stopped and turned a look in my direction. Her eyes finding mine. Quite frankly I had no idea what exactly happened but when Sakura held out a hand towards me I stepped forward and took it in my own without a word. There was not even the thought of hesitation or surprise when I felt something wash over and through my body. Identical wings to the ones Sakura was sporting burst into existence but my movements were almost trance-like. Only one thing was for sure that I trusted Sakura, complete and unconditional trust. The level of communication at this moment was higher than anything before and somehow we just knew what we had to do. To the casual observers though - even the magical-apt ones - the moment we were on a level with the spectral figure of Love, we literally vanished from sight. TBC Author’s Notes Yes, I know I am evil. I said it would be two parts and I actually planned this out a little differently. The second part was supposed to take place some time later. Love was supposed to be captured already… I just realized that for what I wanted to do I had to do it in a shorter period of time and the particular scene was just such a nice point to end the first part. Don’t worry though. I suppose I’ll be out with the next part very soon. Maybe even before Christmas (don’t hold me to that). I hope I managed to describe the emotions in here in the way I wanted them to be represented. This installment started a little slow on the writing side but began to pick up pace and intensity fast. I admit the moment I chose to reveal about what the Seal Cards are was rather… odd. Forgive me please, Maia decided to let this story run wild halfway through, I actually planned on… say, two more scenes from the start of the trip… I really think it’s awkward and maybe I actually add those later on. Please tell me if it seems too out of place and I change that. Anyway, things are slowly picking up on the suspense end. The last part will probably actually have some action and wrap things up for that little pre-series. I am not sure if I’ll write the actual lemon scene or not. I planned to but am not so certain right now. I hope you enjoyed yourselves again. If you did, then leave me a note (mail, review whatever). Ja ne, yours Matthias
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