Revenge Road (part 2 of 9)

a Crossovers fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 1
Explosions lit up the night sky as they dodged and
weaved in midair, vehicles moving with a speed and
grace that could only be described as unearthly. Izzy
Randal banked left to dodge one foe even as she
swiftly pulled the lever that triggered the
transformation of her fighter to it's robot mode. The
nosecone swung down as components shifted around,
eventually coming together to resemble a humanoid

The Decepticons tried to rally their forces against
the new foes, but the combination odf heave fire power
from below and the attacksd of the Robotech Defence
Force were too much for them. In the end they broke
and ran, using their slightly superior speed to
asccellerate away from the combined forces.

Lieutenant Izzy Randal kept her Battleoid hovwering
there a moment as she checked over her wing, the green
trimmed white robot shining in the moonlight. "All
right, back to base everyone," she said crisply, "I'll
check in with the Autobots below."

"Yes ma'am," Hunter agreed, the browen haired young
man nodding respectfully as the remainder of the wing
peeled off and accellerated into the night..

'Not that I really want to be the one to check in,'
Izzy thought, 'but I'm senior officer, and it's my

Her Battleoid decended then she pulled the center
lever, switching to the half fighter, half robot mode
called Guardian. Boot thrusters carried her forward to
the Autobots that were getting organized to move out,
the tall humanoid robots pausing at her aproach.

Popping open the cockpit Izzy stood, pulling off her
helmet and shaking out her short red hair. "Lieutenant
Izzy Randal, RDF," she said flatly, "any injuries or
assistance we can provide?" He moved forward from the
rest and Izzy felt a faint chill, a mix of primal fear
and awe at the red and silver figure who stood before
her, eyes glowing golden.

His voice was a deep rumble, but gentle too as Optimus
Prime said, "We're fine, officer. You arrived just in

Izzy met those golden eyes... and part of her wanted
to pull the trigger on her auto-cannon and pump him
full of high density rounds. At this distance armor
wouldn't be even an issue, it'd cut him down without a
pause. Deliberately she kept her hands away from her
weapons as she said, "Good to hear, sir. One of our
RDF stations is nearby if your medics need

"Ratchet?" Prime turned his head to ask.

Ratchet shook his head, "The only serious injury is
Arcee, and she's going to be fine." The white armored
Autobot smiled wryly, "Hell of a way to celebrate her
arrival on Earth."

"There's female Autobots?" Izzy blinked, feeling
faintly surprised.

Another Autobot spoke up, his golden skin shining as
he said defensively, "Of course there's female

"Throttle down, Bumblebee, few humans know us as well
as Spike does," Prime reminded him. He looked at Izzy,
"Our females run our city on Cybertron, Iacon, as well
as playing an important role in our reproduction."

Izzy opened her mouth to ask about that... then
decided she didn't want to know. "All righ," she said,
"then I'd best get back to base. Good luck to you

With a burst of thrusters Izzy's green trimmed
Veritech took off, switching to fighter mode and
soaring off into the distance, unaware of the
discussion going on behind her. "So that's the ace the
Decepticons fear?" Iron Hide asked, his red armor
scuffed from the battle.

Arcee winced as Ratchet worked on her, sparks flying
from her midsection. "Wel, her wing certaimnly saved
us from Thundercracker," the pink Autobot noted.

"She's a true warrior," Optimus Prime said calmly as
he watched the spot of light that was her engines fade
into the distance, "I just hope the other stories
about her aren't true." A sound very like a sigh, "I'd
hate to have her as an enemy."

Sometime later the Veritech descended to the deck, the
nets helping it slow to a stop. Izzy climbed out
gracefully, saluting as she recognized the figure
waiting there. "Welcome back," the commander nodded,
her brown hair flowing down her back.

"Ma'am," Izzy nodded as they fell into step on the
deck of the carrier Fortress One, out in the Gulf of

Lisa Hayes had been bumped over into command of one of
the new RDF stations here in the former United States
while Admiral Gloval was now in charge of overall
defense, a arrangement that generated some debate. The
world government had been aware of the Robotech
project but for most of the planet's military it had
been a secret, so haviing the officer in charge bumped
over other worthy candidates had been a little hard to

'Like from Lisa's father,' Izzy recalled.

"I note we haven't gotten any complaints from the
Autobot force, so I assume things went well," Lisa
said, studying the younger woman thoughtfully.

"It went fine," Izzy said flatly. Her hatred of the
Transformers in general was something that most of the
crew knew about, but Lisa was one of the few that she
had really confided in about how hard she struggled to
remain in control. "I met him," she added softly.

"Who?" Lisa looked curious as the lift brought them
into the guts of Fortress One. The massive vessel made
a aircraft carrier look small, armor plating covering
it so thickly it could even survive multiple
Decepticon assaults.

"Optimus Prime," Izzy answered her softly. She looked
up towards the roof, the metal armor plate that had
saved their lives more than once as she said, "I
remember that he was there when we dug Chase out...
hearing his empty condolences." She clenched a fist,
"You have no idea how much I wanted to kill him."

Lisa put a hand on her arm, looking at her with gentle
sympathy. "I'm glad you did't, if only for the sake of
your career," Lisa said dryly.

"Not to mention the Autobots are our only ally against
the Decepticons," Izzy sighed, "but I don't have to
like it." She yawned suddenly, then looked embarrassed
as she mutered "Sorry, ma'am."

"Rest up," Lisa said, "you'll have more chances to
kill decepticons soon enough."

"There's something to look forward to," Izzy laughed
as she strode away. She nodded greetings to several
pilots, making her way from the hangers towards the
pilot's quarters upship.

Behind her Lisa Hayes sighed to herself softly,
turning to return to her place on the bridge. The
small set of stations and monitors was a hub for
activity, young woman and men watching local airspace
for enemy activity while monitoring their allies
actions, too.

Captain Claudia Grant looked up as Lisa entered, the
ebony skinned officer's face lighting up in a smile.
Claudia was in command of the vessel and in the
overall tactical situation, while Lisa ran the fighter
and mecha component, a devision of reponsibility that
worked well. It also helped that they were old
friends, so any conflicts that did arise were easily
smoothed over.

"So how's your latest pet project?" Claudia asked
teasingly as Lisa took her station beside the
captain's seat.

"Izzy's fine," Lisa sighed, wishing that Claudia
didn't feel the need to tease her so much, "and she's
not a pet project."

"How about crush, then?" Claudia smirked.

"Aren't you forgetting about my boyfriend?" Lisa

"Who's up on Mars Base Sara," Claudia pointed out
quite reasonably, "helping keep an eye on Decepticon
activity off Earth." A pause as she added gently, "And
whom you haven't seen in I don't know how long."

"Claudia," Lisa's voice dropped to a low growl.

"I'm just saying that he's not much of an excuse,"
Claudia said.

"Fair enough," Lisa sighed. She took up her position,
checking her board for updates as she added, "I
suppose I just want to help her... she's so wounded."

"Fair enough," Claudia decided to stop teasing Lisa
for now. Focusing on the pilot she asked, "Do you
think Izzy knows how many people are aware of her
story now?"

"I hope not," Lisa answered, "she doesn't need any
more pressure on her."

"I'm just glad the PR devision for the Earth
Government haven't figured out her background yet,"
Claudia added, "it has all the drama and patriotism in
it they could want."

"No," Lisa shook her head, "Izzy is in this for
revenge for her dead lover." A sigh and she added
softly, "I just prey she doesn't loose her soul in the

End, Two.

Notes: I've had semi regular requests to do a
continuation, and I finally got inspired. This
alternate universe is developing in interesting ways,
and is a merger of Robotech and Transformers history.
Time period is clearly mid 21st century, though what
year exactly is harder to guess. I've has a Arcee/Izzy
romance suggested (tho I'm not sure how that'd work)
and I'm laying down the possibility of a Lisa/Izzy
thing, too.

Onwards to Part 3

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