Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Revolution (part 22 of 26)

a Crossovers fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 21
Explosions lit up the battle line, bright stars
flaring up then fading as they were snuffed out.
Swiftly Juri swung her Gundam around just as the
Tallgeese class Mobile Suit slashed in again. The
shield held against her energy lash, lightning
crackling as they met then parted in a burst of light.

"Dorothy," Juri hissed softly, her long orange hair
tied back and concealed by her flight suit's helmet.

"So we meet again," Dorothy Catalonia's amused voice
came over the radio, startlingly clear in the depths
of space.

The attack against the colonies had been swift and
brutal, a powerful force made of maybe all the mobile
suits in Fortress Barge striking without warning
against a single colony. It's defences couldn't take
the strain, and using a powerful bean cannon used by a
Tallgeese suit they had blown the colony out of
space...taking the thousands of men, women and
children aboard with her.

"Why the escalation?" Juri asked, her red, blue and
white Gundam floating in the void, beam saber ready,
"You know the colonies won't forgive this."

"We've never wanted forgiveness," Dorothy answered
with amusement, "the stakes of this war are higher
than you can imagine."

"I know what OZ gets out of this," Juri asked calmly,
"but what about you, Dorothy? What do you want?"

"What everyone wants, power," Dorothy answered. A beat
of silence, "You might say the power to revolutionize
the world."

"What?" Juri blurted, stunned to hear such familiar

It was in that frozen moment of surprise that Dorothy
struck, her energy lash racing in to burn the arm of
the Gundam, melting even the unique alloys of the suit
and sending Juri reeling back. With a proud cry
Dorothy raced in for the kill...

But like any good fencer, Juri was fast on her feet.
Swinging her damaged shield arm back she parried with
her beam saber. Suddenly it was like she was back in
the fencing arena, flicks of her blade deflecting
weapons strikes with frightening ease.

"Damn you..." Dorothy cursed, trying to press home her
attack against that semingly perfect defense.

"Ma'am!" the panicked voice came over her
communications gear.

"What!" Dorothy hissed angrily, cursing the

Juri, sensing her lapsed attention scooted away,
bringing her rifle into play and forcing her back even
farther. "Sorry to fight and run, but I've got repairs
to make," Juri said with a slight smile as she raced
away into the confusion of the battlefield.

"Do you know what you've cost me?" Dorothy roared at
her helpless subordinate.

"Ma'am," he cut her off before she could continue,
"Fortress Barge is under attack!"

"The colonies don't have that kind of force," for a
moment Dorothy was stunned by her own disbelief.

"Ma'am it's a unknown Gundam," he said, "and it's
massacring our defensive force! I don't know how long
it can hold!"

Making a snap decision Dorothy hit the emergency band
and connected to all her Mobile Suits. "Tellgeese
Wing, Specials, full retreat! Retreat back to Fortress
Barge immediately," she commanded, wheeling her suit
around and racing back to their carriers, hanging out
on the edge of the battlefield.

"They're running," Wu Fei Chang sounded dreadfully
eager as the Asian boy asked, "should we pursue!"

"No," Quatre Winner's voice, as always, was a voice of
reason as the blond boy continued, "we aren't strong
enough to defeat them, and we'd suffer terrible losses
if we make them stand and fight."

"You're welcome to pick off any stragglers, though,"
Hilde's voice came from their colony base,
"communications that we intercepted show they're not
waiting around for anyone, right now."

With that a flight of Colony Leos lead by Trowa Barton
and Wu Fei raced out to swarm over the Specials that
fell behind, even as the remaining Colony forces
assembled into a sentry force and the rest returned to

Juri gracefully guided her Wing Gundam into place on
the docks, the hatch opening as she flew out into the
zero gravity chamber. As space suited repair crews
swarmed over her Gundam she felt a pang of regret at
the livid burns that ran along one arm.

"Sorry old girl," Juri murmured as she headed to the
airlock at the base of the massive dock, "I promise to
do better next time." The airlock cycle open and Juri
stepped in, unable to hear the hiss or air pumping
into the room. Once pressure light went green she took
her helmet off in relief, shaking out her long hair.

"Are you all right?" Releena Peacecraft demanded a few
moments later, the brown haired young lady having
hurried to meet her in the hallways. She slid forward
and kissed Juri lingeringly, only pulling back to look
her over carefully.

"I'm fine," Juri quickly reached out a hand as she
reassured her, "Dorothy just tagged the arm of my
Gundam, is all."

"Considering how many pilots she killed reaching you,
I was worried," Releena said, looking up into her eyes

"I heard," Juri's voice was flat, "we're going to have
to do something about Dorothy very, very soon."

"Nice one," Due Maxwell said cheerfully as the brown
haired young man reached her side, his braid bouncing,
"no one else has survived against Dorothy."

"I'm sure any other Gundam pilot would have done as
well," Juri shrugged that off. She looked curious,
"Does anyone know why they took off?"

"Hilde has news," Duo gave Releena a mildly apologetic
look, "I'm sorry, but she's called a meeting."

"I know, I'm going too," Relena smiled, "I thought I'd
meet Juri and let her know."

"So that's what you were doing," Duo chuckled. As he
was turning away he added, "You two might want to fix
your lipsticks, first."

Juri blushed even as Releena chuckled, "We'll do

Not long after Commander Hilde faced the room of
senior pilots and staff, her short brown hair falling
into her eyes. "We got lucky today," she revealed,
"intelligence reports suggest that Catalonia stripped
Fortress Barge of every available suit in a attempt to
crush our resistance once and for all."

"We would have won, even if they hadn't left," Wu Fei

"The Gundams might have survived but we'd have lost
most of our conventional forces," Trowa corrected
flatly, "crippling our defense."

"So why did they leave if they thought they coulkd
win?" Quatre asked mildly.

"We don't have outside confirmation of this but it
appears that Fortress Barge has come under attack,"
Hilde paused, "by a Gundam."

Onwards to Part 23

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