AUTHOR'S NOTE - After about four chapters, I thought, since I have a lot of ideas on how to take the Night Angel's storyline - as well another idea I have - I decided to end the 'Omakes' series - at least for the time being, anyway - with this multi-part fiction, which is set sometime after the events of chapter 94 of the Hellsing manga. Plenty of spoiler material, btw, both of future OVA episodes and of my own ideas. With that said - ON WITH THE FIC XXX The acrid smell of smoke still lingered in the air as the surviving members of the Hellsing Organization - which included their leader, Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing - gathered to honor and bury their fallen comrades, which were killed in the defense of the mansion by Millennium. The service was held outside the mansion's grounds, on a patch of ground set aside as a cemetery to bury those members of the Wild Geese, as well as others killed during the conflict. Nearby, the wreckage of the Graf Zeppelin III was still seen, removal of the crashed airship being temporarily halted for the ceremony. It had been a week since the last remnants of the Third Reich struck, attacking not only London - but as far as Washington D.C. and the outskirts of Rome. It was only a small force, one thousand strong that attacked the ancient city - but they were all FREAK soldiers, who drank the blood of those they attacked, which ballooned into thousands of mindless ghouls that caused even further damage. And as if that wasn't enough, Section XIII, Iscariot Organization, who was supposed to aid Hellsing in repelling Millennium, compounded an already-bad situation further. Iscariot's leader Enrico Maxwell, newly-consecrated in the title of Archbishop, was intended to lead the five thousand soldiers of Iscariot's elite corp of paladin warriors in an effort to destroy the FREAK army and the Nazis. But Maxwell - drunk with his new-found authority - instead sent them into a crusade to eradicate the citizens of London as heretics to the Roman Catholic Church! It had taken only the intervention of Alucard - who was previously stranded in the North Atlantic Ocean by Millennium's agent, the FREAK Rip Van Winkle, and using the British aircraft carrier H.M.S. Eagle as a ghost ship for his return, to finally end the attack using his full power - with the blessing of Sir Integra. Unleashing his familiars - which were in the millions and included Millennium agents Rip and Tubalcain Alhambra - he set forth to eradicate both the Nazis and Iscariot's army. As for Maxwell, his own underling - the paladin Father Alexander Anderson - feeling that his leader and former student had forsaken God for his own ambitions, took it upon himself to kill Maxwell, then was 'killed' himself in a battle with Alucard when he used the Nail of Helena - an artifact found by Section III Mathew - on himself to try to kill the No-Life King, only to truly die afterwards. Afterward, Alucard then battled the secret traitor that was within Hellsing - a transformed Walter C. Dolnez, now a FREAK. From then on, the forces of Hellsing proceeded to end the mad Major's quest for never-ending war once and for all. However, the damage was done. By the time the fires in London had died down to smoldering embers, over 2 million innocent lives had been snuffed-out in a conflict that was to be the brainchild of The Major. There was no territories to claim, no causes to fight for or people to enslave - this was a war simply for war's sake... war just for fun! It had taken everything Irene 'Rally' Vincent had not to go into a berserker rage as she stood at attention as 'Amazing Grace' was played by a solitary bagpiper. Instead of her usual leather coat and denim jeans, she was dressed in a uniform that her master, Seras Victoria, formerly wore - a yellow miniskirt uniform with white thigh-high stockings and brown gloves as the dusky vampire saluted while the song was played. As soon as the command 'at ease' was sounded, she relaxed her stance to 'parade rest' and looked around. Sir Integra, her childhood friend, was as impressive as always, despite losing her left eye to The Major, where it was covered by a taped bandage. Several of the surviving Geese stood as well: Alfie Henderson, Rally's old acquaintance from Chicago, was there, his right arm in a sling as a result of the defense of the mansion from Zorin Blitz, as was the Australian Berttle, his head wrapped in a bandage. But the most startling sight Rally had was of Seras herself, who was standing near Sir Integra. Her master wore a similar-designed uniform as she did - but the color was now blood-red, and from where her left arm was supposed to be was now a large mass of shifting shadows that seemed to writhe on their own accord. Seras' expression was also changed; it was more serious, almost grim, as well as a newly-found bearing of self-confidence - which seem to fit her role as Alucard's successor as ruler of the undead, his form rendered into nothingness by a trap of The Major's underling Schrödinger. Rally was still not sure she liked this new aspect of her master. A small sob then caught the dusky vampire's attention. Glancing to her right, she noticed that Moria Hedgley, her friend and lover, dressed completely in black, was nearly inconsolable. Rally's rage then died down to sorrow, through the link she shared with the maid/werewolf. There were two markers near the coffins Moria was watching. They read 'Kenneth Hedgley' and 'Sir Reginald Townstead' - the last remnants of any family she had left. Not noticing her lover's attention to her, Moria just daubed the tears from under the black veil she was wearing with a tissue she had in her right hand. The Anglican bishop concluded his rites and stood aside, allowing Sir Integra to step forward. "I am not certain there can be words that can express how I feel right now," she began sullenly. "This country has seen a great tragedy." She glanced over at Moria, still tearful, "with some of us losing people that were very dear to us. I realize that some of us have doubts we can ever recover fully." However, the Hellsing leader then straightened herself out and added, "But regardless, for those of us left behind, all we can do is to learn from the past week's events, as well as remember those who have fallen. Knowing this, for our absent comrades and family, we must not let their sacrifices be in vain! For if we did, then that just means that our enemies have truly won!" Moria took note at these words and nodded. "And I, for one, will not allow myself to forget that! Dismissed!" Alfie then barked-out several commands to the surviving Geese as they began to settle-in the coffins, which were lined-out parallel to the graves dug for them. However, Seras had held-out her right hand when they approached one coffin - one marked 'Pip Bernadotte'. Kneeling down, the No-Life Queen placed her remaining hand on the lid of the coffin and said, "If you don't mind, Pip... I'd like to do this personally." After getting up, the shadowy tendrils of her left arm then wrapped themselves around the coffin, then settled it gently into the grave. Nodding to the others, she then walked away, leaving the Geese to shovel soil into the opening. As the remainder of the funeral party left, Rally happened to be passed by Moria, the young woman still in tears. "Moria?" the dusky vampire asked gently. Moria turned around. "Y-yes, Rally?" "If you need it... I'll keep my distance for a while." Rally then walked-up and hugged Moria, "But know this, I'll be always by your side if you want it." Moria smiled, who hugged her lover in kind. "Thank you, my lovely," she sobbed, daubing her eyes again. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go inside to compose myself." Releasing herself, she made her way back to the mansion. That part satisfied, Rally turned her attention to Sir Integra, who was still looking at the graves with a stoic, but sorrowful look on her face. "How's the eye, Integra?" she asked as she accompanied her friend inside the mansion. The Hellsing leader turned her attention to her friend. "Gone, I am afraid, Rally," she replied. "However, God has saw fit to give me a spare." Rally nodded, then glanced over to Seras. "To tell you the truth, Integra," she began, "I'm not sure I'll get used this new aspect in Master. With all those shadows she has in place of her left arm, she's almost twice as creepy as Alucard was." But she smiled anyway, "She does have more confidence in herself, though. I guess that makes up for that... in a way." Sir Integra nodded, then took note of Rally's manner-of-dress and said, "I suppose you will be headed back to your room and change into your usual clothes." A little surprised, Rally examined herself, then looked to her dusky friend and added, "If you don't mind, Integra... I think I'll be making this a permanent thing. After all, I think I look good in this uniform." Then her expression got serious, "And besides, you need at least a few people that are showing an official look to this place." "How will you access your weapons Rally, if you decide to wear that uniform?" Sir Integra asked. Rally didn't say anything, just smiling. Instead, she held-out her hand and materialized an irregular, circular patch of shadow out of thin air. She then reached into it and produced Purgatory, her modified shotgun. "I recently learned this little trick on my own," Rally then said to a surprised Sir Integra. "With it, I'm able to more efficiently walk through shadows than before. It's also handy for storage. And don't worry, I'll see if I can talk to Master about my concerns." "I appreciate your candor in the matter," Sir Integra noted, smiling. "Now if you will excuse me, I must be returning to my office... or rather, what is left of it. I need to see to the final paperwork on the departure of the surviving members of Iscariot. In the meantime, I want you to meet Dr. Trevelyan at the airport in supervising that matter." "Gotcha," Rally said. "It's a good thing Moria's not going to accompany me. I'm afraid if she even glances at an Iscariot agent, she'll go postal!" "Considering that Iscariot was responsible for her father's death, that is understandable," Sir Integra sadly replied as she gone up the stairs of the wrecked mansion. After watching her friend depart, Rally decided to make her way to the courtyard outside. Her Cobra, showing a bit of damage from the attack, was waiting for her. "I guess it'll be some time before I can get you fixed-up," she sighed as she ran her hand across the scratched finish. "Berttle's still has to recover from that Nazi bitch's attack before he can get to it." "I agree, Rally." Startled, the dusky vampire turned around to find Seras standing behind her. "You wouldn't mind if I accompany you?" "Uh... no, Master," replied Rally, inviting the No-Life Queen to the passenger side. As Rally made sure her safety belt - unnecessary but to assure legality - Seras glanced over to her childe and heir. "I make you uncomfortable, do I Rally?" she finally said. "To a point, Master," Rally replied. Then looking up, she added, "This is something new for me. I mean, sure we stood beside each other when Alucard cleaned-out Iscariot's and Millenium's armies, but that was before! For one thing, it's that arm of yours," she pointed to the shadows that were in place of Seras' left arm. "Why is it that it didn't regenerate into a normal arm?" "Part of it's my fault," came Seras' unblinking reply. "For the most part, I was a little envious of you, Rally - you were progressing far greater as a vampire than I was, while I was stuck at almost the same level as I started from. And I found out the reason why." Now Rally was curious. "Why's that, Master?" she asked. "Because you had accepted the fact from your rising that you were no longer human - and never was going to be one again," the No-Life Queen replied. "You were more willing to try-out your abilities and drink warm blood than I was. I did drink your blood when I turned you, that is true. But at the time, I still had this mindset that part of me was still human and that held me back." Rally took this in, nodding. Having her suspicions what her master was going to say next, she asked, "What changed your mind?" A sad look came over Seras' face. "It was after Zorin sliced-off my arm, as well as blinding and crippling me. Pip was already gravely wounded himself, but he took it upon himself to try to get me to safety - and made himself a target for Zorin's guns when she fatally shot him, as well as belittling him. I wanted him to abandon me, get himself to safety, but he wouldn't hear of it." Briefly, though, she smiled and added, "That was when he stole that kiss from me. After he asked me to drink his blood and died, I blamed myself for his death, thinking 'if I was a true vampire, then I might have been able to save him'. It was then I realized I was still thinking of myself as human - and that was what killed him! When I realized that, I took Pip's blood - and became who I am now." She indicated to the shadows, "I lost my arm before that, so I don't think it'll regenerate as normal... but if you like..." She then concentrated briefly, then the shadows formed themselves as an arm, although still black. "It's not like I'll be missing that arm, after all," she added, flexing the dark fingers. "Thanks, Master," Rally said, wiping a small bloody tear from her eye. "Like I said before, I've always been proud of you, and will be at your side as always." Starting the car, she added, "Now I suggest we get to the airport. Dr. Trevelyan will be waiting for us." Seras nodded in agreement as Rally set the Cobra in motion, carefully avoiding the wreckage of the zeppelin still on the grounds. XXX Taking off her black veil, Moria sighed as she watched the Cobra leave the grounds out a window. Steeling herself, she then proceeded to the stairs to the sub-basement level - and immedietly felt dizzy, and would've fallen down the stairs if Sir Integra hadn't caught her. "Moria, are you alright?" she asked, noting how pale the maid/werewolf was. She also noted two sets of fresh bite wounds on her neck. "You've been giving Rally and Seras your blood, haven't you?" Moria nodded. "The FREAKs that attacked the mansion had stolen all the blood reserves we had, so I have been giving Rally and Seras some my blood to nourish them. Granted, it's a lot more than I normally do for them, but they don't have the heart to raid some blood bank in the city, mostly because the remaining populace there may need it." "That is noble of them but highly unacceptable, in regards to your health," Sir Integra said, guiding Moria to a day bed in the hallway. "The landline phones have been restored, so I will make inquiries into the blood banks and hospitals to see if they can send us some of their unusable stock." "Very kind, Sir Integra - but I have a bad feeling that's gone as well," Moria replied, laying down. "All the same," the Hellsing leader continued, "I want you to get some rest and I will have Walter get you..." Then all of a sudden, a look of realization, followed by one of pain, came across Sir Integra's features, remembering the betrayal of her butler - as well as his redemption before his death. "You're... you're still not used to having Mr. Dolnez gone, are you, Ma'am?" Moria asked, curious. Sir Integra took some time to compose herself, discreetly wiping away the tear from her surviving eye, before saying, "Yes. I guess it will have to fall upon myself to get you that pitcher of water, to replace your fluid volume. In the meantime, rest here." Moria nodded. "I shall, Sir Integra," she replied, settling herself down on the day bed. Sir Integra then got herself up and made her way to the kitchen. Thankfully, it was still in working order, and water service had been recently restored, as well as the electricity. Finding a reasonably-clean pitcher and glass, Sir Integra filled it first with ice cubes, then clean water. 'It looks like I have to find a replacement for Walter,' she thought to herself ruefully. As she placed the pitcher and glass on a cart, she added, 'And I do believe I know where I can find it. But first, I must wait until Rally and Seras return from Heathrow with their duties.' XXX LONDON HEATHROW AIRPORT, AT THE SAME TIME... An assortment of construction cranes had already been placed as work began restoring the terminal after the attack. But the main point of interest was at a hidden corner of the airport, where a group of security guards were keeping an eye on one individual - Heinkel Wolfe. A sullen look was on the Iscariot agent's eyes, her mouth bandaged as a result of the facial wound the Captain had given her during the battle, after her friend and partner Yumie was killed by Walter. The cause of that look was a hearse that was driving up to a plane on the tarmac. Exiting first, Dr. Trevelyan, Sir Integra's personal physician, supervised the offloading of an oaken coffin, which was placed on a carrier and wheeled to the plane. The Cobra showed-up soon afterward, and Rally motioned to the doctor as soon as she exited. Complying, Dr. Trevelyan walked over to the trunk, which the dusky vampire opened. "I think it would be better if you handled this," Rally said, noticing how Heinkel had locked her gaze upon them. "Considering what had happened, I don't think she'll appreciate a vampire holding this." She pointed to the object inside - Yumie's katana. Rally then changed the subject, "So how was it, Doctor?" Dr. Trevelyan shook his head as he picked-up the sword. "Damned Frankenstein job it was, piecing back together that poor girl after Walter sliced her apart with his wires," he said. "Still, I was able to get her back to a state were she can be presentable in an open-casket funeral." Rally nodded. "All the same, stay close to Master while doing this," she said, still noticing Heinkel's iron stare. The doctor nodded in agreement, then walked besides Seras as they made their way to the Iscariot agent. For the better part of thirty seconds, the tension on the tarmac was plausible, but controlled. Heinkel then locked her gaze at Seras, who seemed unphased by it. Instead, the No-Life Queen had a bemused look on her face. One could say, she looked almost... smug. "Agent Heinkel," Dr. Trevelyan said, catching Heinkel's attention, "it is Sir Integra's intention that your partner should be buried in her home country with her weapon. Therefore, she had what's left of her human agents locate her sword for such a purpose. None of the vampires handled the weapon." He then respectfully presented Heinkel with the sheathed katana. Heinkel hesitated briefly before taking the sword from Dr. Trevelyan, afterwhich she crossed over to the coffin and opened the lid. When she did, it became evident about her surprise. Yumie's reconstructed body was lying peacefully, dressed in the nun's habit she was often seen in. Other than the stitching around the right little finger, there was little evidence that she had been cut to pieces, looking as if she were asleep. Ever so tenderly, Heinkel took the sword and placed it around Yumie's hands, much like a medieval crusader of ages long gone. "Your vork... is satisfactory, Herr Doctor," Heinkel finally said as she closed the lid, her words distorted from her facial injuries. "My thanks, Agent Heinkel," Dr. Trevelyan said. "Now if you'll excuse me, I must be tending to business elsewhere." Ever so slowly, he left Heinkel, who had resumed her icy stare at Seras, and returned to Rally's side. "Well, that was better than I expected," Rally sighed as the doctor returned to her side, "but I better stay here, just in case she and Master get into a fight." "Indeed. I'm heading to the mansion to check-up on Sir Integra," replied Dr. Trevelyan, a little uncomfortable from the experience. "If everything here goes well, I'll be seeing you there." "Yeah, go ahead, Doctor," Rally answered, still bracing for a battle. Dr. Trevelyan then hurried-off to his waiting car. For the next two minutes, Heinkel and Seras continued their staring match, neither giving ground. Then using her enhanced senses to scan their surroundings, the young vampire said with a smile, "I suggest you get yourself onboard that plane back to Rome, Iscariot dog. Your welcome here has more than worn itself out and I would dread to think how Sir Integra would react if you're still here, with your feet polluting Protestant soil." To Heinkel, those words stung greatly - but knowing she was not in a position to answer the challenge, she nodded. "There vill be a reckoning vne day, Nosferatu," she finally said, "make no mistake about it!" She then spun around to the waiting jet, which the workers had loaded Yumie's coffin onboard. "I'm looking forward to it... Catholic!" Seras replied in a low, dangerous tone, not taking her eyes off Heinkel as the Iscariot agent boarded. She remained where she was as Rally joined her, the two watching the jet taxi away, then taking off, maintaining sight of it as it disappeared from human view. After they were reasonably sure that the jet wasn't going to turn around, Rally glanced over to Seras and whispered, "Master... I've got a bad feeling we're going to see more of her in the future." "I wouldn't be too surprised if she did return, Rally," Seras replied. Then a wicked look came over her face as she added, "In fact... I'm looking forward to it!" Then she heard a giggle from her childe. "What's so funny?" she asked in a mock-annoyed voice. "Sorry, but I can't help but notice you're acting more and more like Alucard," the dusky vampire said. "He would've been proud seeing you as you are now, Master." "You're talking as if Master was gone for good," Seras said, surprised. "He's promised me that he would return one day, Rally - make no mistake about it!" Rally smiled. "Somehow, I've got the feeling you're right, Master," she said. Seras smiled in turn. 'Seras?' It was Sir Integra, telepathically contacted the No-Life Queen. Seras turned her attention to the call of her master's master. 'Yes, Sir Integra?' 'As soon as you are able to, have you and your apprentice meet me at my office,' Sir Integra replied. 'Moria has informed me of you and Rally's current situation and I may have a solution for the both of you.' 'Understood! We'll be there shortly!' As soon as she broke contact with Sir Integra, Seras turned to Rally - who looked as if she was distracted. "Rally, is anything wrong?" she asked. Quickly, Rally was able to bring her attention back to her master. "It was Moria," she replied. "She said that she was going to be with us in a meeting with Sir Integra, why she doesn't know." She then noticed Seras' face. "Integra told you the same?" "That she did," Seras answered. "I suggest we don't keep her waiting, Rally." She then made her way to the Cobra's passenger side. Rally didn't object, taking her place in the driver's seat. SIR INTEGRA'S OFFICE, MINUTES LATER... Dr. Trevelyan had just finished examining Sir Integra's wounds, the discarded bandage in a waste basket. For the most part, there was still a bit of damage in the office but was still serviceable. "Well, that seems to have healed-up nicely, Sir Integra," the physician finally said, "although I still wish you would allow me to fashion you a prosthetic to replace the eye." "Your opinion is greatly appreciated, Doctor, but there are always problems trying to find a perfect match on the colour. Besides, there are others in the city more deserving of such devices," Sir Integra answered as she affixed a black eye patch over what was her left eye. "Besides, I am not as vain as I appear." "If you say so, Sir Integra," Dr. Trevelyan said as he packed his instruments in a black bag. "Now I've got to get back to the refugee camp and tend to the survivors. Now remember, keep-up your antibiotic prescription until empty - and no alcohol while doing it." "I will do just that, Doctor," Sir Integra replied. Dr. Trevelyan then said his goodbyes and made his way out of the office, pausing briefly as Rally, Seras and Moria entered. He then gave a few pleasant greetings, then made his way out. As soon as the doctor had left, Seras began with, "What is your wish, Master of my Master?" "Yeah? What's up that you had to call me and Master here?" Rally added. "Not to mention why I'm here," Moria put-in. "All in good time, ladies," Sir Integra said, indicating the three to sit down. "Now Seras, before I get to why you and Rally are here, there is some unfinished business that needs taking care of." She then turned her attention to Moria. "As you realize, because of the crisis we have faced, we are currently short-staffed, many of the household staff either killed or injured. You, Moria, are the one senior member still left alive." "I would gather you want me to help replenish our staff, Sir Integra," Moria replied. "You can count on me to fill-out the replacements." "Oh I am certain you can accomplish that task, Moria," the Hellsing leader added, "for there is one vacancy I plan the fill right now - namely Walter's position - and I want you to fill it!" There was dead silence in the office as Moria blinked her surprise. "Say again, Sir Integra?" she asked. Sir Integra smiled as she said, "You heard right, Moria. I want you to take-over for Walter as the head of the household, as well as my butler." Moria continued to stare at Sir Integra. "Are... are you certain?" "I see no reason that a woman cannot be as an effective butler as a man, Moria," Sir Integra continued, smiling. "And if you like, you can continue to work nights." "Now... that's something to consider," Moria said, still a little doubtful. "I mean, it's quite an advancement, but I'm not really certain..." "I say go for it, Moria!" Rally said, smiling. "Quite right," Seras added, also smiling. "You're perfect for the job!" "Now you two," Moria pleaded, "don't rush me! There's a lot to consider here!" Sensing that the vampires were giving Moria a little too much pressure to accept, Sir Integra interrupted the proceedings with, "You don't have to reply immediately, Moria. You can take as much time as you like to consider. In the meantime," she then pulled-out a manila envelope from the desk, "the surviving membership of the London Police Authority has presented us with a problem that needs to be solved, which could also help address a problem that you two," she pointed to Rally and Seras, "have - namely how to feed you without making Moria ill as a result." Their interests piqued, Rally and Seras listened further. "Some time after the attack by Millennium ended, several juvenile gangs within the city had banded together into two 'supergangs', and are now spreading chaos during the nighttime hours," Sir Integra began. "The trouble started as random instances of looting and pillaging of shops and houses, but now it has spread to attacks upon the refugee camps dotting London. We have reports of arson, gang rape, and murder of the surviving citizens after nightfall, so much so that those trying to rebuild the city are refusing to enter." "Sound to me like these jokers think they're post-apocalyptic warriors out of 'Mad Max'," Rally remarked. "Indeed," Sir Integra added. "They believe that, since much of the police is dead, that the rule of law no longer exists... and they can cause as much chaos as they please! Well then, since they believe it so... then we will treat them as such!" She then eyed Rally and Seras steely as she said, "These hooligans have committed acts so barbaric, then they shall not be tried by human law. Your orders concerning them is... to annihilate them! Kill every last one of them as punishment for their crimes!" "Sir Integra," Seras put-in, a hunter's gleam in her eyes, "are you saying that me and Rally... are to hunt them down?" "I am saying that exactly, Seras," the Hellsing leader answered. "Not only are you two to hunt them down... you are to consider them as your lawful prey, their blood... your nourishment!" Both Seras and Rally grinned at this. "Sir Integra... if I may." Everyone turned in the direction of that voice. Moria was standing, an odd look of determination on her face. "Yes Moria? What is it?" Sir Integra asked, curious. Composing herself, Moria squared-up her shoulders as she said, "I've been giving your offer to be your butler some serious thought. And I believe the Mr. Dolnez we once knew would've agreed upon your decision. I would like to say I'll accept your offer..." she then held-up one finger on her right hand, "on one condition." Curiosity piqued, Sir Integra cocked her head and asked, "And that is?" "That I accompany Rally and Seras on their hunt... as one of the hunters... and afterwards on special occasions." Moria gave considerable thought to her words, "My father gave all of his four hundred years of his life using his werewolf abilities to the defence of these islands. I fought alongside him during Millennium and Iscariot's attack, as well as seeing Iscariot killing him with a silver bullet in the back." Walking closer to the Hellsing leader, she continued, "It would be remiss of me never to take-up his honorable mantle in remembrance. So if you want my services, please grant my request!" For the better part of a minute, Sir Integra was quiet, weighing the words carefully. "Somehow, I would believe Kenneth Hedgley would be proud of you. Very well, you shall have that opportunity." "Thank you, Sir Integra," Moria replied, bowing respectfully. "You are welcome, Moria," Sir Integra answered. "Well ladies, I suggest you prepare for your hunt." The three nodded, then turned to exit. "Seras?" The No-Life Queen reversed her course. "Yes, Sir Integra?" "Could you... stay for a bit before you go? I would like to discuss something with you." Curious about what her new master wished, Seras waived Rally and Moria outside. However, the dusky vampire sensed something odd about Sir Integra's stance. 'Master,' she said mentally, 'I'll give you Integra some privacy. I've noticed she acting weird about something.' 'Thank you, Rally.' Seras then sensed that Rally had closed the link between the two of them, as if she was not wishing to intrude upon something. "Alright, we're alone," she said as soon as the door latched, "what is it that you wish to discuss?" Sir Integra didn't answer immedietly, her back turned away from Seras. "Integra?" More silence... then, "I forgot that Walter was dead today." Curious, Seras implored further. "I suppose that was to be expected," she began, "but what does it mean?" Sir Integra hesitated briefly as she turned around, but when she did, Seras was shocked! A tear was rolling down the Hellsing leader's dusky face. "I gave your master Alucard the order to destroy Walter, once we learned of his betrayal. I thought that I was comfortable doing it," her words then began to come-out as choking sobs, "but when Moira nearly fell down the stairs after the funeral, I was only concerned about her well-being and forgot completely about it!" Slowly, she closed the distance between herself and the red-clad vampire. "I... I had known Walter all my life, and... I thought that I could always depend upon him, even in the darkest times! But seeing him for what he really was, as he stood there after he murdered that Iscariot nun..." In a heap, Sir Integra collapsed into Seras' arms, sobbing heavily. "There, there, Sir Integra," Seras said in a low, comforting voice, "there's nothing to feel ashamed of." She gently embraced Sir Integra, the shadows on her left arm looking like a normal one, as the Hellsing leader released days of pent-up grief in five minutes. "Just let it all out." It took the better part of two minutes before Sir Integra recovered, drying her single eye as she did. "I wonder what Alucard would think to see me in this state, far from being the 'Iron Maiden' of Hellsing? He would probably be having a laugh seeing me cry." "I doubt it, Integra," Seras answered tenderly, smiling as she did. "If anything, Master would just simply say it was understandable, a human reaction to extraordinary events." Then unexpectedly, she drew Sir Integra into a deep, lingering kiss. A little surprised at this, the pale-blonde woman followed along - and without even expecting it, found hers and Seras' tongues playing along as they kissed. They then parted, their tongues still dancing together for fifteen seconds. "I must say..." Sir Integra was finally able to say, "that was... stimulating. Makes me wonder how far we can take this." "Well... let's not rush it too much," Seras offered thoughtfully. "We can't let the heat of the moment take over, now can we?" Sir Integra said nothing but nodded in agreement, blushing. "I better prepare for my assignment," the vampire said, releasing herself from the embrace. "Who knows, maybe in a few days, we might do something more than just kissing." "Yes," Sir Integra managed to say, still blushing. "And Seras?" "Yes, Sir Integra?" "Thank you for understanding." Again resuming her leadership bearing, Sir Integra further said, "Now, accept the orders I gave you, Moria and Rally... and purge this city for the current menace!" Smiling, Seras saluted and answered, "We shall, Sir Integra!" Without hesitation, she marched off and through the door. Sir Integra waited until Seras had moved through the door, then said in a low voice, "Happy hunting. Just don't make it a habit, though." XXX Rally and Moria were still in the hallway across from the office door, ever mindful of the debris on the floor. Both of them took notice of Seras walking through the office door, Rally saying, "I wanted to give you two a little quality time together, so I didn't eavesdrop, Master." The No-Life Queen looked her childe in the eye. "I appreciate that, Rally." Seras then blushed as she added, "It was... sort of personal." "Well, now that's taken care of," Moria then said, "since I am now in full-time duty of your care, I suggest we have the matter on how to feed the both of you addressed." Seras and Rally looked at Moria oddly, then to each other. "I think her promotion's got the best of her," Rally began in a 'dead-pan' tone. "Looks like a 'power-trip' to me." "It does have that certain... gist to it, Rally," Seras added, in the same tone of voice. "Now that's not fair!" pleaded Moira. "I was just saying that earlier this afternoon, Sir Integra made a few inquiries about some hospitals outside London of giving us their unusable blood stocks. In the meantime," her eyes then shifted from green to bluish-white as she said, "are you girls up to a little... hunting tonight?" She also smiled, displaying her fangs. Seras and Rally also smiled... but hungrily. "We never thought you would ask, Moria," answered Rally. "Yes... why don't we?" added Seras, her face with an almost murderous gleam to it.
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