Night Angels (part 32 of 32)

a Crossovers fanfiction by Elwin Blain Coldiron

Back to Part 31
"Okay, don't slam it this time, Moria," Irene 'Rally' Vincent said soothingly, handing Moria 
Hedgley a shot glass filled with Speyside single-malt scotch whisky into her trembling 
hands, "just quietly sip it." The maid nodded, remembering the last time she tried to drink 
the amber liquor.

It had been five minutes since Moria had inexplicitly collapsed after showing off her 
birthday present that Rally and Seras Victoria had gotten her. But when she woke-up, she had 
related a terrifying story to those gathered - Rally, Seras, Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates 
Hellsing, Kenneth Hedgley, Alucard, Walter C. Dolnez, and Pip Bernadotte - the story of how 
she witnessed a speech by a Nazi to his FREAK troops, as well as her encounter with the 
catboy Schrodinger.

Moria took the shot glass to her lips and gently drank, her face shuttering because of the 
taste of the alcohol. "I'll be fine," she was able to say, "although I wasn't exactly 
prepared for that first drink!"

"Well, you shouldn't have drank it so fast, Moria dear," Seras said, remembering how Moria 
choked and gagged upon slugging the shot.

"Moria, are you certain about this vision of yours - about a war coming to England," Sir 
Integra asked, uncertain if she wanted to know.

Despite the disorientation the scotch was starting to have on her system, Moria managed to 
look her employer in the eye. "As certain as if I'm sitting with you right now, Sir 
Integra," she said. "I had a little trouble making-out landmarks in the dark, but I have no 
doubt the zeppelin I was in was headed for London." A look of anger then came across her 
face as she set the shot glass down on the table, "I especially remember how that miserable 
catboy Schrodinger had taunted me, saying that there was no way Hellsing was going to stop 
this war. I'll tell you this much, though... provided I'm not occupied at the time, if I 
ever see that smirking creature again, I'm going to rip that smirk off his face and shove it 
in a place I rather not mention right now!" She then slowly, if unsteadily, got up from the 
couch she sat on. "Rally, Seras, I think it's time I've got myself to bed."

"You do just that, Moria," Sir Integra gently said. "Take as much time as you need to 

Moria smiled as Rally and Seras moved to both sides of her. "My thanks, Sir Integra... but I 
believe I will not take that much time." The three then walked to the stairs leading to the 
sub-basement levels.

Once the three were away, Sir Integra then addressed the others gathered. "Gentlemen," she 
began, "this incident puts new emphasis on the warning Natasha Radinov had given us. 
Walter," she said, turning to her butler, "I want as much of our resources used to try to 
locate this Millennium she warned us about. I need to know as much of our enemy as we can!"

"I will get to it immedietly, Sir Integra," the old butler replied, bowing before leaving 
the room.

"What about us, mon commander?" Pip asked, curious. "What are we to do until then?"

Sir Integra carefully eyed the leader of the Wild Geese and replied, "For the moment, not 
much. Continue drilling your men until you are certain about their performance."

"Zat I shall, mon commander," answered Pip, saluting before exiting.

"And as for myself," the Hellsing leader added, "I should retire for the evening as well. 
Mr. Hedgley, I am certain you can find your way out?"

"Of course," Kenneth said, picking up the scotch bottle. "Mind if I take this with me?"

"Go right ahead. Until the morning." Sir Integra then stretched and headed for her room.


It had only taken a few minutes for Kenneth to traverse the path to the bungalow Sir Integra 
had set aside for him. Exhausted from the stress over his daughter, he searched the bar that 
was there for a clean shot glass. Then as an afterthought, he got another glass, then set 
himself down, opened the scotch and poured himself a glass.

"You know that it's dangerous to be drinking by yourself, do you?" Alucard's mocking voice 
said out of thin air. And almost immedietly, the person of the No-Life King made himself 
known, emerging from the shadows. "Of course, since you have a second glass, I suppose you 
might want to invite me for a drink, now do you Kenneth?"

Kenneth looked at the red-clad vampire, chuckling. "Just knowing your habits, that's all, 
Vlad. Come, care to sit with me?"

"By all means," Alucard answered as Kenneth poured a second glass.

For the better part of two minutes, neither of them spoke, instead taking sips of whisky in 
the darkness. "She saw him, you know that?" Kenneth finally said. "Somehow, I'm not certain 
about the why's or what-for's, that damned Major had survived!" He put his head on the 
table, sighing. "I never wanted Moria to even know that such a creature even existed - but 
now she does! Vlad, how can I explain to her about that monster's motivations?"

"Try not to think too much of it, my friend," replied Alucard, taking another sip. "Besides, 
you know that England is only second on his sights." Kenneth turned his head to the vampire, 
an eyebrow raising. "Of course you do..." he said, grinning madly, "he's after me! Among the 
three of us that crushed his plans during the war, that insane little Major wants to destroy 
me most of all!"

"If I recall correctly, Vlad," Kenneth put-in, "you and Walter did the majority of the 
damage to their labs in Warsaw. I was just there to pick-up the stragglers that tried to get 

"But you did all so well," Alucard crowed. "Even Walter had to admit that you were as adept 
in fang and claw as he was with his wires!" Then a somber look came over his face, "But then 
again, you were having... issues at the time and needed some way to vent it out."

"We arrived too late to save the Jews that were fighting for their lives in the Warsaw 
Ghetto," Kenneth said sadly. "All they wanted to do is live... and the damned Nazis executed 
them behind their backs!" He poured another shot and slugged it down. "I had to make them 
pay for that!"

"I would be careful not to drink too much of that stuff if I were you," replied the vampire, 
a note of concern in his voice. "I hate to think what your daughter would think of you if 
you were hung over in the morning."

"Thank you for your concern, Vlad," Kenneth grumbled as he sealed the bottle, "but even I 
know my limits." Setting the bottle on the bar, he stretched and added, "Now if you'll 
excuse me, I should be getting to bed now."

"Then I will not be keeping you then," said Alucard, disappearing as he stood. "Until 
tomorrow night."

Kenneth just sighed as his old friend faded. Placing the glasses in the bar sink, he paused 
to watch the waning gibbous moon. "What are your plans, Major?" he growled in a low voice. 
"And why did you have to involve my daughter in your sick ideas?"


Outside the mansion's walls, Schrodinger, wearing civilian clothes and a cap to cover his 
ears, smirked as he glanced over the walls. "I hope I didn't vorry you too much, Frauline 
Hedgley," he giggled, "but I had to find out about this prophecy ability you seem to have! 
Don't vorry... I von't trouble you anymore!"

"Schrodinger!" Wincing, the catboy tried to slink away, only to be grabbed by the collar by 
the Doctor, who had an irate look on his face. "Vhat in the vorld vere you doing in that 
girl's mind?" he growled. "You could have ruined everything ve've been working for!"

"Calm down, Heir Doktor," another voice - the Major's - said. "I had authorized 
Schrodinger's intrusion into the maid's mind. I had to know vhat she vas capable of, and 
frankly, I'm satisfied vith the results."

"But Major," the Doctor interjected, "ve are currently at the final stages of our plans. 
Vhat if your curiosity about Hellsing's preparations jeopardize it all?"

"Don't let that concern you, Heir Doktor... they still don't know anything, if the 
information from our hidden ally is of any indication," the Major corrected, who was then 
distracted by his cell phone vibrating. Quickly switching it on, he took the call. "Ja, vhat 
is it?" His eyebrows peaked, "Really? I did not know that they vould move so soon. Very 
vell, keep me notified about any further activities from them." He then switched off the 

Curious, the Doctor looked at his commander and patron. "Some news, I venture?" he asked.

The Major nodded. "Indeed. That vas from our contact in Rome. It seems that activities in 
and around Iscariot are picking up at a surprising pace. It vould not surprise me if those 
Catholic fools got involved as vell."

"Like you expected and planned, Heir Major," Schrodinger smirked. "So... vhat are you going 
to do now?"

The Major then turned his attention to the catboy. "Schrodinger, return to headquarters and 
tell Zorin and Alhambra to make the final preparations. However, the vord to begin vill be 
mine... and mine alone."

"I vill be vaiting for you vord, Heir Major!" the catboy replied, taking off immedietly.

"The Colonel vill not be happy about your decision," the Doctor advised after seeing 
Schrodinger leave.

"Oh who cares about that old fuddy-duddy!" the pudgy blonde dismissed. "You know - I vas 
thinking about doing a little... house cleaning vithin the organization after ve return." 
Seeing the Captain, who was dressed in civilian clothing as well, the Major walked besides 
his silent bodyguard.

"Come to think of it," the semi-mad scientist expounded, deeply thinking, "the current 
leadership of Millennium is, in my opinion, a little long in the tooth, and is vay too 
conservative to share your 'grand vision'. Perhaps a change in the guard is the best option 
for vhat ve have. I believe, Major, that you are the best choice for leading us."

"I'm glad you agree, Doktor," the Major replied. "I like to see the look in the Colonel's 
face vhen he finds out he's about to be... er, retired. But right now, I'm feeling like a 
tourist, so how about ve take in the sights!"

The Doctor walked besides him, asking, "Are you sure it's vise?"

"Of course!" the Major gleefully said. "I vant to have my fill of this vonderfull city...", 
then in a low, sinister hiss, "before ve burn it down!"


The two vampires could only look sadly at their companion, who was sullenly brushing her 
hair after getting undressed. "And it all started as a nice night," Seras began, all three 
of them dressed in robes, "then that damned vision happened."

"Some birthday this turned out to be," Rally further grumbled. "I've what that Ratzi catboy 
looked like through her mind, and if Moria isn't able to destroy him, I will!"

Seras nodded, then looked back at Moria. "She only smiled once all through this episode," 
she told her childe. "I just want to see a happy smile from that beautiful face of hers! She 
deserves to be happy tonight!"

"I know you two are talking about me," Moria finally said, not turning around. Surprised, 
the two vampires turned around. "I wouldn't blame you. This night hasn't been the most 
pleasant of them."

"Moria," Rally began, "we only want what's best for you."

"Yes," the Draculina added. "Me and Rally love you very much."

"Of course I know, Seras," the brunette replied, standing up but not turning around. Then 
quite suddenly, she undid the belt on her robe and allowed it to drop to the stone floor. 
Totally nude, she finally faced her lovers, a single tear in her eyes as she crossed the 
distance between them.

"Moria... what are you...?" Rally began, but Moria gently shushed her as the maid undid the 
belts on both hers and Seras' robes, undressing them the same.

"I don't want to hear anything right now," Moria said tenderly. "My heart right now is heavy 
with this burden I have right now. Rally... Seras... all I want for you to do... is to help 
me lift it. Please... all I want to feel... is your love!" She then leaned over and 
passionately kissed Rally. She then parted and did the same to Seras.

No more words were needed to be said as the two vampires led their love to the coffin/bed 
they all shared, Rally and Seras gently laying Moria down. Over the next three hours, the 
three passionately made love, Moria losing count of the many orgasms she and her lovers 
experienced. Each time Moria came, it seemed as if another weight had been lifted from her 
heart, and that same feeling when she brought the women she loved to climax.

It was a few minutes before sunrise. Rally was behind Moria, fondling her large breasts, 
while Seras was plunging her fingers into the maid's wet womanhood. Moria was moaning 
continually, her head thrashing to-and-fro as she felt the next orgasm building. "Rally... 
Seras..." she gasped, "please....uh... when I come... take my...AH... blood... please!"

"Are you certain, Moria dear," Seras purred, her hand still pumping into Moria.

"Oh yes, nourish yourselves upon me!" pleaded Moria. "Take my essence as part of yours! When 
you do, it'll send me over the edge of ecstasy!"

"As you wish... my lovely," replied Rally in a sultry voice, nuzzling Moria's neck.

So for the next two minutes, the vampires intensified their efforts, Rally steadily kneading 
Moria's breasts, occasionally pinching the hardened nipples, while Seras continued to pump 
away, sometime with her entire hand disappearing inside Moria. At the same, Moria began to 
fight against their efforts, hoping to extend the sweet agony she was in right at this 
moment. Hoping to further delay climax, she transformed into her lowest form, eyes changing 
from green to blue-white, with fangs extending in her mouth - which her moans and grunts 
became frequent, almost non-stop. Finally, she reached the tipping point. Rally, sensing the 
onset of Moria's orgasm, quickly bit into her neck, while Seras chose the inside of Moria's 
left breast.

"AHHHHHHHHH!!! AH-AH-AH-AH-AHHHHHHHHHH!" Moria began to thrash about, but the vampires held 
her firm, continuing to drink her blood. Finally, Seras finished, licking the wound as she 
did. But Rally continued to drink, the loss of blood causing the maid to go limp in her 
arms. As soon as she was satisfied that Moria was asleep, the dusky vampire stopped feeding, 
sealing the wound as well. Gently, Rally then laid Moria down - and noticed that the young 
werewolf has a satiated smile on her face.

Seras noticed as well, smiling as well. "Well, I guess we were able to take the sting out of 
tonight," the Draculina said, licking Moria's secretions from her hand. Rally nodded, 
although Seras noticed that the dusky vampire had a look of concern on her face. "What's 
wrong, Rally?" she asked.

"I'm not really certain, Master," Rally answered as she and Seras positioned themselves 
between Moria. "She seemed so vulnerable tonight... after that vision she had."

"I understand. You wish to protect her," Seras mused, seeing her childe nod. "So do I, but 
you have to understand that Moria's no longer the china doll we thought she was. She's 
powerful now, almost as much as us vampires. I'm confident she can look after herself, 
should something happen."

"I hope so, Master. I hope so." Taking up the covers, both vampires moved themselves closer 
to Moria, with Seras activating the lid. Gradually, as the sun began to break over the 
horizon, they found themselves deep asleep as the cover closed on top of them.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE!?!" Sir Integra bellowed over the phone, 
her face red with rage.

"Please, stop yelling!" the hapless lab tech pleaded on the other end. "What I mean is the 
chemical composition of the pills you submitted do not match anything on our pharmacopeial 
database! This might be some sort of new drug that we don't know about!"

DEPEND ON IT!!! She then slammed the receiver down into its cradle. For the better part of 
two minutes, the Hellsing leader sat in her chair, trying to center herself before deciding 
to get-up and leave the office.

Her exit startled Kenneth, who was standing outside the office doors. "Are you alright, Sir 
Integra?" he asked. "You were yelling so loud I was afraid you might throw something if I 

Sir Integra then looked at the 400 year-old man, sighed and said, "My apologies, Kenneth. It 
was just that... those idiots operating the forensics lab we sent the pills Rally found on 
that FREAK we destroyed at Silverstone. They gave me a report saying the composition never 
matched anything on their databases."

"Try not to be too hard on them, Sir Integra," the man offered. "There are, after all, there 
are hundreds of new designer drugs being released on the black market weekly. It would be 
natural that they found something that they never saw before."

Briefly, Sir Integra removed her glasses, rubbing her eyes before replacing them. "You might 
be right. I guess I was a bit hard of those lads." She paused for a bit. "Another renegade 
chemist, trying to outdo Goldie Muso. Dreadful."

"Goldie Muso?" Kenneth looked confused.

"A drug lord from the Chicago area," Sir Integra offered. "Her damned Kerasine was the 
scourge of that place. And her twisted obsession with Rally made her my friend's ultimate 

Kenneth made the connection. "Ah yes," he said as he and Sir Integra walked down the 
corridor. "I heard that after she died, the price for the remaining stock went through the 
roof. Many of the dealers were so desperate to profit from the stuff, they took too many 
chances and ended up with the law on their behinds. Now the drug is virtually non-existent."

"It was a small favor for society that Rally killed her. Unfortunately," Sir Integra 
observed, "as history has proven time-after-time, there will always someone willing to 
fill-in the vacuum left by someone of Goldie's stature."

The two had made it to the landing downstairs when they were met by Walter, who was 
ascending. "Oh pardon me, Sir Integra," he began, "am I interrupting something?"

"Not at all, Walter," Sir Integra replied. "Myself and Kenneth were just talking absently."

"Then I hate to spoil a pleasant conversation," the butler added, producing an envelope, 
"but we had received a rather interesting letter in the post this afternoon."

"Really? Let me see it." Quickly, Walter handed Sir Integra the letter - which caused her to 
scowl harshly!

"Is there anything wrong?" Kenneth asked, noticing Sir Integra's change of mood. Quickly, he 
looked at the envelope - and his face fell. "My god!" he whispered.

The envelope bore the red wax seal of Section XIII, Iscariot Organization! The name on the 
return address - Father Enrico Maxwell!

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