Mai Kisaki (part 7 of 22)

a Crossovers fanfiction by Ange Sinistre

Back to Part 6
The Empress Wakes
- - -

"They called her the Queen of Heaven. She was the last HiME to truly 
walk through the Gates of Valhalla to meet the Obsidian Lord face to 
face. Though his defeat was not by her hand alone, the Queen of Heaven 
has the distinct honor of being the only member of the Last Ikusahime to 
stand tall and proud without having been slain or corrupted. She was the 
last and, for better or worse, truly managed to usher in a new era after 
the Obsidian Lord's defeat – something that each winner of the Carnival 
was promised but never received until that day." -- HiME Historical 
Figures Database, introductory article on Kagutsuchi users.

- - -

Haruka had a bad habit of cracking her knuckles when she was impatiently 
waiting for something. Yukino had reprimanded her about it thousands 
upon thousands of times, but it was a little quirk of hers that had yet 
to be fixed. She'd only gotten about five hours of sleep, and she had 
expected the Emulator to be up and running by then. At least, that was 
the ETA the Otome themselves had given them about how long it would take 
to fix the thing. To everyone's dismay, the machine still refused to 
work. Apparently the EMP weapon had been stronger than anticipated, 
which meant that the Otome had piled themselves into defensive trenches 
with guns in order to prevent the HiME from gaining ground.

She'd been woken up early by Natsuki herself, who said the ship was 
ready to leave, and was then taken away to a small landing strip where 
the vessel that would be taking her back through the Lalande gate was 
waiting, engines up and running. It took less than a half an hour for 
final preparations to be completed, and she was blasted off, a magnetic 
rail propelling the ship into the air at amazing speeds. She fixed her 
gaze on the city and then the planet below, depending on where she was 
during the ascent, and couldn't help but continue to mentally beat 
herself up over her earlier failure.

"Yukino," she hissed through clenched teeth. She damned the HiME for 
making her so utterly useless as a meister.

Though hesitant to leave her master and the others behind, she really 
had no choice in the matter. Natsuki had made up her mind, and once she 
had done that, there was no debate. The headmistress was punishing her 
by forcing her out of combat for a time, and they all knew it. 
Humiliated, she simply told the pilot to land outside Garderobe, and 
spoke only enough to give him directions on where to go. Her silence, 
such a rarity in someone so loudmouthed and bullheaded, was proof of her 
deflated ego. The flight took three hours, give or take, and they were 
greeted by awed Corals and Pearls.

She exited the vehicle with a stately appearance, not willing to let any 
of them see her in a less than confident state. Marching up the main 
stairs that led into the academy, she passed by familiar faces and new 
cadets alike. She paid none of them any attention, even if someone 
called out to her. She had a mission, and she was going to complete it 
come hell or high water. Most were rightfully surprised to see her back 
so soon.

Sara Gallagher had rushed down from the headmistress' office without 
hesitation, her face naturally showing confusion and worry. Haruka stood 
at attention once the Column stopped, and Sara instantly got to the 
topic at hand. "Why are you back so soon? Where are the others?"

"I'm here for reinforcements. It's more war torn than we were led on to 
believe," Haruka said sternly. "Natsuki's given me orders to bring back 
twenty Otome. She sent you a sealed and signed letter with the list of 
people she wants."

Haruka handed it over, and Sara opened it, quickly gazing over the 
letter's contents and zooming right past the obligatory official 
bullshit at the beginning. "Shit, President Chrysant and Shizuru have 
been captured? We're going to have to keep that quiet. I'll call out the 
ones on her list, though I'm none to happy about losing Yukariko and the 
other members of the teaching staff. We'll have to have bring in alumni 
to teach, or put Pearls in charge."

"No time for protests. We need them right now. Those are just the 
immediate problems. Midori's gone, Mai and some of the others are 
missing, and who knows what's happened since I left!" Haruka growled.

"And I know how much you love waiting around for things," Sara managed 
to chuckle, despite her concern. "Chie's counter terrorism unit, Shiho, 
Akane, Yukariko... some of them are nearby so it won't take long. I'll 
call the others first. Follow me back up to the office."

Haruka marched in front of her, finding her pace far too slow for her 
taste, hoping that her speed would make Sara move a bit faster. Corals 
and Pearls stared at them as they made their way up to the headmistress' 
office, all whispering to one another about what could have possibly 
happened to the volunteer team sent in only a day and a half ago. The 
gossip ceased when irritated teachers ushered them to class, and life 
continued as normal, the secret of their failures safe for the moment.

- - -

It was not often that Chie Hallard got a day off of work. Her counter 
terrorism Otome unit, each member of her team using a specially designed 
GEM linked up to one another, had watched over the Aries Republic since 
the incidents two years prior. Haruka Armitage, to her dismay, continued 
to receive the grand and epic tasks concerning the nation's defense. As 
for Chie? Every day was a crisis, but it was only a mediocre threat at 
best once all had been said and done. Try as she might, she never did 
manage to even see into the league Haruka was in when it came to the 
nation's love of their Otome. She shifted in bed. Damn that blonde woman 
and her infernal popularity – and female fans. Damn it, why didn't she 
have a thousand young women practically throwing her panties at her in 

Well, okay, there was one who did. She was happy enough with that. 
Giving up on sleep, she shifted again and managed to nuzzle up against 
Aoi, who was on holiday in Mashiro's absence. There was nothing to do 
but lie in bed all day, and Chie fully intended to see that through. She 
smiled almost drunkenly in her half-awake stupor and sighed. Warm 
blankets. Soft pillows. Bitchin' hot babe. Life couldn't get much 
better, and it was little moments like this that kept her sane – 
regardless of what the Aries military threw at her.

Oh, but fate was as cruel as a puppy murdering sociopath.

Aoi's eyes flickered open and she gave Chie a gentle shove, clearly not 
amused with all this shifting around that Chie was doing as she tried to 
get to sleep. "Really, now, must you fidget so much?"

With a devilish little grin, Chie rolled over and pinned the other woman 
by the shoulders. She tilted her head down to trail butterfly kisses 
down her neck. Between each gesture, she spoke. "Yes, I must, but I 
swear I'll make it up to you. Can you find it in your heart to forgive 

And then the world was lost as Aoi certainly forgave Chie for any 
irritation she may have caused so early in the morning. Light kisses 
transformed themselves into nothing less than expressions of true lust 
and carnal desire. Bodies pressed roughly against one another, both 
filling the silent morning with sounds of moaning and pleading.

"Oh, Chie..."

"Chie Hallard, do you copy?!"


In that instant, the hot world of passion froze faster than a winter at 
the poles, leaving the room frigid and frightening. Livid eyes stared up 
at the Otome, and Chie could barely grasp what had just happened. Aoi's 
nails, which had been lightly pressed into her back, were now 
threatening to break skin and it was not because the young maid was 
getting freaky. "What?"

"The GEM! Oh, god, it's the GEM! Meister Gallagher, she just... I..." 
Chie faltered, and then pressed a hand to the jewel on her ear. 
"Meister, I'm busy, you'll have to..."

As Aoi glared at her from below, Sara's voice once again invaded their 
privacy. "There is a serious issue concerning the volunteer team and 
President Chrysant. I need you to report in to Garderobe immediately 
with the rest of your unit. Over and out."

Chie stared into space, wondering just what in the hell had happened out 
there. Then, she once again turned to the other female, and grinning 
innocently. God damn it. "I... It's not what you think, I swear!"

- - -

"You'll be accompanied by Leucosia, the mistress of Yatagarasu," Shizuru 
was informed by some faceless underling. "The First has ordered her 
along to make sure that you don't try anything funny. We understand 
Windbloom has no anti-air defenses or orbital satellites, and our pilot 
will take caution to avoid the few nations that do. You may have to help 
with navigation. You will not have your GEM, or a weapon of any kind. 
Ensure all prisoners survive."

A white haired young girl with eyes full of laughter and a devious smile 
upon her lips stood next to him, no more than fourteen years of age. Her 
skin was almost as pale as her hair. The albino child looked a bit like 
a devilish specter, almost defining the age old 'creepy child' 
stereotype. She gave Shizuru a gentle little bow, and it was then that 
Shizuru remembered who she was. She had seen her during the battle that 
had gotten them all separated. She was the one who played that haunting 
melody on the flute, which in turn controlled that raven Child.

"A pleasure to meet you, Shizuru-san," she said, her voice light and 
almost sing-song. She was reminded very much of Nagi. The red eyed 
Windbloom native did not trust her.

Shizuru gave her a gentle bow, still a bit out of it and not properly 
healed, and fell back to her polite diplomat's voice. "It is a pleasure 
to meet you as well, Ms. Leucosia."

A playful smile was the child's response, and the pair were ushered out 
of the complex and into the woods. They marched for about a kilometer 
before they came to a clearing where a small shuttle capable of vertical 
takeoffs was waiting. They entered, and before long, they too were 
headed for Earl. Once they had reached the Lalande gate, the pilot 
turned back around to them after a quick look to her displays.

"Looks like someone went through about two hours ago. It wasn't one of 
ours. The Otome must have sent another team in," she said. "You might 
have to be extra quiet when you try and bust our people out."

Shizuru nodded but said nothing, and her diminutive companion merely 
smiled at her worried response. Red eyes fixed on the stars, she 
wondered just briefly if it was Natsuki leading them back. It wasn't 
logical. The headmistress wouldn't abandoned a post so quickly, 
especially not with people missing. It was likely to be a call for 
reinforcements, which already seemed sorely needed. Whether or not 
Natsuki had sent any of the volunteers back or if she had sent more 
Earth natives to ask for more soldiers was another story. She hoped for 
the latter, and the former would only result in more people to 
potentially brand her a traitor.

Three hours passed, and she had not said much to her escort, who was 
entertained enough by the ride. They broke through Earl's atmosphere and 
landed about ten miles south of Windbloom's capital, the landing quick 
and made after a very low pass above the treetops. Shizuru had directed 
them to a barren location to avoid being seen, and from there they would 
be walking. It would make extraction difficult, but it would have been 
impossible to get any closer without raising alarm.

She descended down the boarding ramp and the young girl followed behind, 
a light bounce in her steps. The girl took a deep breath and observed 
the minor differences between her planet and this new colony world. 
Leucosia smiled up at Shizuru innocently and said, "Lead the way!"

She complied, leaving behind the shuttle and taking long strides through 
the a forest path that she had ventured down many times. Natsuki at her 
side, she had often taken long walks through the area during what little 
free time she had. It was always calming – a wonderful break from 
paperwork and classes. She shook her head as she walked. Only a day and 
she was getting lovesick. What was wrong with her? She was used to long 
missions away from the headmistress. This was nothing.

She turned her attention to the rather young teenager next to her, who 
was easily keeping up despite her fast pace. "You're awfully young to be 
partaking in such bloodshed."

The girl looked up to her and managed a small laugh. "Ah, but I'm one of 
the more experienced members of the Twelve! I've been fighting quite 
incessantly for the last five years or so. I may not be much in a 
physical fight, but I've yet to suffer a defeat thanks to my strong bond 
with Yatagarasu."

"If you willingly went into battle so young, then you surely must hate 
my kind," Shizuru responded. "It must be a chore to work with an Otome."

"Not at all," she said in that same childish voice. "In fact, I find you 
quite interesting! You don't seem to act quite like those arrogant 
little savages, which is shocking enough on its own. The fact that you 
are from a colony world makes things all the more fascinating."

"I guess I should be glad that I'm amusing." It was slightly sarcastic, 
but Shizuru was sure most of it didn't transfer over to the girl. They 
walked on quietly for a brief time before the silence was broken once 
again by her young traveling companion.

"What is the name of this country?" She inquired, her eyebrows raising 
up as she saw the main capital in the distance.

"This is the kingdom of Windbloom. I grew up here," Shizuru said, her 
pace not slowing down in the least after having traversed a mile, still 
injured or not. "You will find that very few people other than Otome 
speak your language. You will have to let me do the talking. I don't 
think you can pass yourself of as a native of Zipang, which is the only 
region that speaks your particular tongue."

"I would not have it any other way. This is your world, not mine." 
Leucosia did not slow down once over the next several miles, and perhaps 
even outclasses Shizuru in her ability to travel. Perhaps the 
Archmeister had underestimated her abilities. As a member of the Twelve 
she should have expected the girl to be quite strong – even more so than 
Garderobe Corals her own age.

As they neared the outskirts of Windbloom, Shizuru held out an arm, 
forcing Leucosia to stop. Garderobe was as easily seen as Windbloom 
castle from their position, and she caught sight of something that 
usually was not outside the academy – a vessel much like the one she had 
used to return to Earth. Again she wondered just who had returned, but 
without her robe the journey to investigate would take far too long. 
They would have to head immediately to the detention center in the 
underground of the castle and then head straight back. She started to 
lead the way once more, but then sighed as she heard Leucosia's next 

"My goodness. A castle shaped like a sunflower. How... interesting."

"An eleven year old was in charge of the design," she defended. Lord 
knew how many foreign dignitaries had made fun of the thing over the 
last few years.

"Oh, I can see that."

- - -

Archmeister Viola strolled into Windbloom with little difficulty, and 
she was moving so slowly and was such a familiar face that no one seemed 
to even notice her or her diminutive companion. The woman weaved her way 
through traffic and took back alleys to stay out of sight should anyone 
bother to approach. The white haired young teen beside her followed 
along dutifully and without question. One would have thought that 
Shizuru Viola was babysitting a friend's child for some reason or 
another. The fact that the child could have killed Shizuru in an instant 
was lost on everyone.

Yet, even still, one person caught sight of Shizuru, and she knew 
vaguely that the Archmeister had been on the volunteer team dispatched 
to Earth – such a momentous occasion, of course. In her hands was a bag 
of recently acquired goods that had come from one of Windbloom's more 
expensive retailers. She clutched it as she followed behind, curious and 
worried about the senpai's presence in the city.

- - -

To say that the diplomatic relationship between Ashura and Natsuki was 
strained was a contender for understatement of the year. The 
headmistress was being watched by both Ashura and many of the Column's 
armed personnel. Natsuki had caught onto it not long after her failed 
seize of power. She tried to pay it little mind. Ashura had kept her 
distance since then, and so the headmistress was thoroughly surprised to 
see the Column leader marching up to her a few hours after the younger 
woman had woken up. Ashura's expression was all business, and Natsuki 
mirrored it perfectly. Ashura hesitated for just a moment before she 
began to speak.

"A few Iolites who were in the field captured some interesting video 
footage. They just reported it an presented it to me, and I think I 
would like to ask you a question or two," Ashura said sternly. She 
slipped a small drive into the computer terminal nearby and Natsuki 
turned her head as the captured images began to play.

What she saw did not make her happy. Appearing on the display was the 
foreign yet familiar sight of Kagutsuchi the dragon Slave, bathing the 
Otome defenses in fire and flame. Behind him was a giant spider that was 
successfully capturing and stunning soldier after soldier, it's HiME 
having disembarked long enough to fight hand to hand with gauntlet 
weapons. A small and agile hydra was ripping through anything that was 
in it's path, woman with a giant red bardiche apparently controlling it. 
She paused on that image for quite sometime, feeling peculiar, before 
the video shifted to the skies, where a large red beast flew. That 
was... Natsuki felt her jaw drop. That was no HiME Slave. That was 
Gakutenou, and on board was Midori, holding her blades skyward in 
victory. Kagutsuchi dropped the EMP device that had left the Otome 
helpless, and Midori left with the enemy. She was not there to stop 

"Apparently, your team does not want to forge an exclusive alliance with 
my people." Ashura took another step towards her, trying and succeeding 
to become an intimidating force in the room. "Why did you not inform me 
that your world is trying to become friendly with our enemies? Are you 
intending to grow rich off of what materials each side has while 
condemning us all to hell? Perhaps you're hoping to annihilate us both 
and take the home world for yourself, colonist."

Natsuki glared and stepped in, leaving only a few precious inches of 
space between the both of them. Natsuki was never one to back down, and 
would certainly not stand to be accused of such a thing. "The nations of 
my world are independent. What they do is their business. My team is 
only meant to escort them."

And yet... And yet she couldn't help but feel as if she was losing yet 
another vital member of her team. Midori was not simply a diplomat. She 
was a warrior who had helped Garderobe against Artai during the war. 
Like Akira, she was a valuable soldier. To side with the HiME, a still 
largely unknown power and a dangerous force that had taken Shizuru – and 
Yukino, of course – captive... was Midori out of her mind? With the 
relations between the two Otome groups already tense, this would only 
further serve to complicate things! She had been turned on. Her soldiers 
were beginning to abandon her. Her fist tightened and her jaw clenched.

"You're doing a damn fine job of protecting them, I must say," Ashura 
said coolly, purposefully biting at such a vulnerable spot of Natsuki's 
psyche – her fear of failure.

She tilted her head to the side and narrowed her eyes. "As good a job as 
you're doing with your own forces, I'd say. How long have you been 
trying to take this single city? Months? Years?"

"This is holy ground. This is where the Last Ikusahime fell and where 
the first Otome were brought into existence. You could not possibly 
understand the tenacity that both sides have when it comes to trying to 
seize Kyoto-shi." Ashura's voice was becoming low, as if threatening 
Natsuki or baiting her into doing something that would give Ashura a 
reason to fight.

As if sensing that such a fight was surely going to take place if the 
two were left to their own devices, Mashiro ran in from the hall and put 
an arm between them, hoping that neither would be stubborn enough to 
push the little girl aside in order to brawl. "Stop this right now, the 
both of you! You're both representatives of the Otome, just... hug it 
out! I mean it!"

The two just glared at each other. Natsuki clicked her tongue in 
distaste. "Blödes arschloch."

Ashura, of course, did not understand but was right in assuming that it 
was not the most pleasant phrase in Natsuki's verbal arsenal. She turned 
away sharply and began to head out of the room to attend to her other 
duties. Before completely exiting, however, she managed to get the last 
word it. "Your people are betraying you and defecting to the enemy. I 
will be watching each of your soldiers for anything suspicious. It will 
be on your head if there are any more disturbances. The Otome here 
aren't terribly kind when it comes to such matters."

- - -

There was a rumble, and Shizuru found herself looking skyward. There, 
she saw the vessel that had been at Garderobe take off and streak 
towards the heavens. Leucosia watched as well, and Shizuru found herself 
breathing a sigh of relief. There would not be as much resistance from 
Garderobe should they be caught, then. It would take them a while to 
reach the Lalande Gate, but they certainly wouldn't turn around now. She 
turned to Leucosia, who was waiting patiently and saying nothing. For 
some reason or another, Shizuru found herself adjusting the slightly 
crooked collar of the girl's coat. She had to look presentable for 
Windbloom Castle, but maybe it was to sooth her own nerves.

"That would have been reinforcements, I imagine. I doubt they'd just 
send a messenger back this soon. This is good for us, however, so let's 
move a bit quicker," she informed.

Leucosia bowed her head and once again allowed Shizuru to lead the way. 
Shizuru's longer legs allowed her to cover more ground at a faster pace, 
essentially forcing Leucosia to jog along behind her just in order to 
keep up. It wasn't terribly crowded at this time of day, as most people 
were at work, but they kept to the alleys to avoid trouble. All the 
while, Shizuru planned for an extraction. Civilians wouldn't pay the 
group much mind, but any stray Garderobe students would. The way they 
were heading in seemed safe enough. It would prove effective on the way 
out. If not that, then there was the sewer system, as disgusting as it 
was. Having Leucosia fly them out on Yatagarasu would be entirely 

It was at the castle gates that she was forced to directly encounter 
people, who were rightfully shocked to see her. Sneaking around would do 
no good at all, especially in her weakened stated. Vaulting a wall did 
not seem likely. A guard naturally queried about her presence. 
"Archmeister, what are you doing here?"

"My stay on Earth was a temporary one. I have duties to attend to here. 
Open the gate," she ordered. He stepped aside and opened it as 
commanded, but trained his eyes on the small figure next to her.

"Who is she?" He asked.

"She is a Coral from Garderobe, and is accompanying me for 
apprenticeship purposes." Shizuru walked into the castle without 
hesitation to leave no room for conversation. The young guard let them 
go, returning to his own tasks. Had he been a little more observant, he 
would have noticed the absence of a GEM on Leucosia's ear. Luckily for 
him, however, he was the blissfully ignorant sort. She would have hated 
to force her way in.

The two marched through the castle, Leucosia keeping silent, as Shizuru 
had requested earlier. The Archmeister gave courteous nods to noblemen 
and politicians who were visiting the castle on business, but went 
straight down to the lower levels of the building. She worked her way 
beyond another set of guards with no difficulty and began the trek to 
the detention area. Leucosia looked up at her, finally speaking.

"What did you have in mind for the journey back?" The girl was calm, of 
course, but displayed a required amount of curiosity should she be 
forced to leave Shizuru behind for whatever reason. As Midori and Yukino 
depended on Shizuru's cooperation, she answered.

"The same way, if you let me do the talking," Shizuru spoke. "If things 
become difficult, then there is always travel by sewer system. It runs 
from the castle to beyond the city limits. There are many underground 
structures we can take advantage of if necessary."

"I see. Very well." Leucosia kept pace with her as Shizuru slowly 
descended another flight of stairs. Halfway down, she stopped, detecting 
a familiar odor. She inhaled the air again, and widened her eyes. 
Leucosia, hardened warrior in her own right, was just as, if not more 
so, familiar with the metallic and stomach churning stench. "It seems 
there was some kind of fighting further down."


Shizuru descended down the stairs rapidly, Leucosia hopping along after 
her, and rounded the corner that led towards the prison cells. Three 
guards were dead on the ground, a pool of blood around each of them. The 
guards all sported a very heavy laceration. One in particular had his 
arm entirely severed, and it was several feet away from his body. None 
were moving. Shizuru stepped over them, and concluded that the attack 
had been recent. Artai? No, they wouldn't have had the power. Leucosia 
was oddly calm. Perhaps the HiME had escaped for themselves? Or, 

"Stand back. I don't have a key, but I have a much better alternative," 
a voice declared in the Zipang language.

Shizuru poked her head around the next corner, which was where the main 
line of cells was located. There she saw a woman around her height and 
build, though a few years old, holding a massive black claymore with 
brilliant blue symbols that seemed to glow under their own power. A 
second stood next to her, wearing a HiME uniform. The Archmeister was 
about to move forward when Leucosia took Shizuru's hand, holding her in 
place and allowing this woman to bring the sword over her head.

The figure stepped forward and swung the blade with the force only a 
HiME or a meister Otome could ever hope to muster. The blade, made of 
some otherworldly metal, was able to slice the door of the prison cell 
in two. The top segment fell in, and the woman kicked the other free, 
leaving an open doorway. Instantly, the three inmates rushed into the 
hall. They were without their Diadem devices, leaving them vulnerable. 
The woman with the sword grabbed hold of one.

"Are you all right? The Otome dogs did not mistreat you, did they?" She 

"The Otome on this world don't seem the type to resort to such things." 
The woman with the sword spun around in shock, not expecting such 
company. There was Leucosia, standing and speaking casually. A small 
grin was on her face, and the other woman curved her lips up into a 
smile as well. "We were sent here to break you out, but I see you've 
managed to do that on your own. I don't suppose you had a plan for 
getting out of here, did you, Sharvari?"

This Sharvari person rested her mighty blade against her shoulders, 
apparently not in a rush despite the severity of the situation. She must 
have infiltrated without being seen. "You know me, I never have a plan. 
Who's she?"

Leucosia patted Shizuru on the shoulder. "This is Archmeister Shizuru 
Viola of this world's Otome organization. She's been conscripted to help 
me. It's a prisoner exchange operation, as they don't seem to want to 
fight with us. We have a few of their people held, you see. She's 
without her GEM, so there's no need to worry."

"Working with an Otome, are we?" Sharvari's dark features tightened into 
a look of suspicion. "If she doesn't have a GEM, that's fine by me, so 
long as you watch her. I do not want to suddenly find myself with a 
knife in my ba--"

Footsteps were approaching, no doubt guards from above spotting their 
fallen comrades. To confirm such an a notion, a voice called out, 
signaling that Windbloom personnel were closing in. "Form up! Secure the 
detention facility at all costs!"

Damn. Shizuru found her body tensing, not sure what would happen. 
Perhaps she could smooth talk her way out of this, saying that she was 
conducting a prisoner transfer. Ah, but... the sliced door. That she 
could not explain. I'm sorry, gentlemen, I was having a rather stressful 
day and I used my katana to open it. She had a feeling that would not 
work. With no weapon, she planned for quickly disarming her countrymen 
using hand to hand techniques. The HiME had other ideas, however.

When the first guard rounded the corner, Sharvari pierced his heart with 
her obsidian blade. The other HiME rushed forward as well, Diadem device 
present or not. He fell down dead, and when she slammed the blade in the 
floor, causing several spikes to shoot up from the stone below, his 
comrades followed him into the afterlife. An alarm was sounded. The 
fight was on, and her cover was lost.

- - -

In a daze, she saw flashes of similarly dressed superheroes on a 
children's television show forming up and leaping through the air. She 
felt her body bounce in excitement as she sat on a couch, notably 
shorter that she was supposed to be. "I want to be a person who upholds 
justice," she heard herself state, though her voice was so high pitched 
that she must have been a child. She did not remember this, did she? 
This had never...

"Yoko, you crazy whore, slow down! Oh, god, I'm going to die!" She 
screamed at the top of her lungs. Yoko was beside her, lovely as ever, 
yet she did not carry herself in the same manner as the one she had 
grown up with. They were drifting along a coastal road at what appeared 
to be over a hundred miles an hour. Yoko loved cars, sure enough, and 
was not to be trusted with them, but when had they been driving on a 
coastal road?

She was digging in the desert amongst many ruined structures, but it did 
not look like her homeland. Beside her was a charming older man with a 
heartfelt smile that spoke of love and admiration. She found herself 
smiling back. The scene shifted. There was Reito as a teenager, but in 
some sort of odd looking school uniform as he sat and drank tea with 
someone who looked an awful lot like the Archmeister. There was 
Gakutenou charging through the land, heading towards a giant stone 
beast. "Spiral Dasher!"

And then, there was Mikoto the cat goddess, holding a black sword. In 
that moment, her heart felt as if it was broken. Gakutenou went up in 
green smoke and her will to live went with him. Miyu was rising 
triumphantly from the confines of some machine. A flash later and she 
was charing in against a glowing star on the back of her Child, many 
others surrounding her. The Archmeister, President Chrysant, that 
redheaded Column member...

A young blonde woman with sky blue eyes in tears, body convulsing with 
sobs as she mourned for her lost son. In the next instant she found 
herself trapped in a room with a few others, her body trying in vain to 
escape from metal bonds as she once again saw Gakutenou fade away. She 
felt a sting in her chest, and the world faded to black.

Midori al-Aswad screamed and felt herself once again launched into the 
real world. A few feet away, Yukino collapsed after viewing similar 
images. Minako stood before her, along with a second HiME she hadn't met 
yet. What had happened. Minako turned to this pale haired HiME, who held 
an amused expression about the whole thing. Beside her was a large horse 
with glowing red eyes. The glow faded and he too vanished into thin air. 
What was... where...?

"What's going on?" Midori asked.

"A little interrogation. Don't be alarmed. It shouldn't have hurt." 
Minako was still speaking to her with a cold tone. Ah, but it did hurt. 
Her chest and head were on fire. Why had everything looked so damned 
familiar and yet so foreign at the same time. Yukino scrambled to her 
feet and stood next to Midori. "Well, Medea, what is your evaluation?"

"My Child has looked into their souls, and I must say, I'm quite 
stunned." The woman approached Midori and began to push aside locks of 
her red hair. A mark was revealed, bright red and in the distinct shape 
of a tailed comet. "Very stunned. Do you know who you have captured, 
Minako? Or who you have sent to Earl with my sister?"

"Tell me." Minako crossed her arms.

"Their souls are very old. This is not their first lifetime spent in 
this mortal realm," the Medea woman said calmly. "Yukino and Midori are 
from the same spiritual cohort, if you will. They are the same age. With 
them is the third one you captured, the Archmeister. I see many people 
in their hearts, all of which date to the period of the Last Ikusahime. 
St. Vlas has told me this. Do you know who you've captured?"

Minako had little patience for the repeated phrase, but her mind was 
already laughing a the implications of the statement. "You say I have 
HiME or Otome here from the days of the Last Ikusahime?"

"The Mistress of Gakutenou and the Mistress of Diana stand before you," 
Medea informed with a smiling face. "They are the last true HiME. I saw 
it through Vlas and you know as well as I that he is always correct! 
They are the ones who destroyed the Star. Do you realize what this is? 
This is destiny fulfilled. They've come to destroy the Otome like they 
did the original Five Columns."

"You're out of your mind," Minako hissed. She looked at Yukino's arm and 
Midori's head, both of which were hosts of HiME symbols. The leader 
sighed and put a hand to her head. "How could that be possible? It's 
crazy talk."

"HiME Sentai... how quaint." Medea chuckled to herself as the others 
looked on in confusion.

"What?" Minako asked. She then waved the comment off. "Nevermind. You 
say there are more of them? All twelve should be of the same general 
age? They have no memories, what good are they to us? I just cannot get 
my mind around this kind of statement. Your Child must be having some 
kind of malfunction. I am sorry, but I simply cannot..."

Medea looked at her, not understanding the pause. Midori furrowed her 
brows in confusion as Minako put a hand to her chest. It looked as if 
she was short of breath, but she was so healthy, wasn't she? She 
couldn't be having a heart attack or something of that sort. Midori took 
a step forward but Medea held out a hand. The Mistress of St. Vlas spoke 
up. "Minako, what is wrong?"

It hurts. That was all Minako could think of. She held an arm out and 
sank to the ground, and Medea rushed to her side. From elsewhere, Azumi 
came charging in, demanding to know what was wrong. Oh god, it hurts. 
Her spiral Elements formed around her arm and everyone took a step back, 
not knowing what was going on. In one instant, the weapons were there.

In another, they vanished into green dust. Minako collapsed on the floor 
of the Altar of the Ikusahime, powerless and once again a mere mortal 
standing amongst the goddesses.

- - -

Nao opened her eyes and saw broken glass. Her head hurt like a bitch. 
Her body ached. She felt disoriented, and almost felt like throwing up. 
Her vision began to clear, and she found herself upside down. Her body 
was still strapped into her seat within the turned over vehicle, and 
beyond the smashed window she could see a very large crack in the road. 
At once, her memories flashed back. It had happened in just an instant. 
An antitank gun emplacement had fired. She barely heard the whistling 
shell before it slammed into the ground in front of the car, causing her 
to swerve and crash. So lucky that it had not been a direct hit.

She twisted her body around to see Mai and Mikoto next to her. Mikoto 
was on the ceiling of the car, now essentially the floor, and was 
crumpled into a ball. Mai, like Nao, hung from her seat upside down. She 
was still unconscious. Nao reached out and gave her several shoves. 
"Tokiha. Tokiha, wake up. Let's go."

Mai's eyes fluttered open and she spent the next few seconds finding her 
bearings. She reached down to Mikoto and repeated Nao's calls, and it 
was then that Nao's thought process became lucid enough for her to 
realize the danger they were in. The gun could still finish them off and 
hit the car. They were probably reloading. She unbuckled her seatbelt 
and began to climb out. "Let's go, come on! Out of the car!"

Mai was left reeling, but both she and Mikoto managed to follow suit, 
along with the Iolites they had with them who were seating in the 
backseat. The group crawled onto the pavement outside of the vehicle, 
and sure enough, the antitank gun was aimed right at them. Though still 
out of it, they scattered. The gun never fired. Instead, they found 
themselves surrounded by a host of HiME loyal troops, whether they were 
Heirs or just militia members. Guns were raised. Swords were drawn. 
People moved from positions inside buildings to the streets. They were 
now entirely outnumbered. Nao hissed in frustration. No way in hell was 
she going to captured.

Mai, however, was not so reckless, despite being the only one with 
accessible Otome powers. She held up her hands. "Please don't shoot! We 
mean you no harm!"

"What are you doing?" An Iolite grumbled to her. The woman took out her 
standard issue pistol and seemed intent on fighting to the death. She 
fired once, but it was wide. A HiME leapt in and elbowed her in the 
face, knocking her to the ground. They swarmed the other Iolites as they 
too tried to fight. It was over instantly. Mai, Mikoto and Nao stood 
firm, but did not attack.

"Surrender your GEMs," a HiME Heir ordered.

With great hesitation, Nao released hers. Mai followed. The GEMs were 
pocketed, and the Otome were left helpless. Mai preferred to keep things 
peaceful, so she cooperated. Mikoto, however, threatened to ruin their 
chance for survival. The youthful woman gripped her staff, which she 
kept with her at all times, and rushed forward to attack. Mai reached 
out to try and stop her, but failed. "Mikoto! Stop!"

The dark haired 'goddess' tripped one with her weapon and leapt over an 
incoming counterattack. She met another incoming blade with her staff 
and pushed it away. She was firm in the belief that the HiME were vile 
creatures who would murder them all if they were taken prisoner. People 
like the HiME had no mercy, so she had been told. Mikoto would not let 
that happen to Mai! She fought on, taking them one by one. She was doing 
quite well, given her one versus thirty odds. Nao threw a left hook at 
another, while Mai stared on in confusion.

It was in that moment that she saw a militiaman lining up a shot with 
his sniper rifle from a distance, aimed right at Mikoto. Eyes widening 
in fear, Mai rushed forward, but did not think she would make it in time 
to stop her companion in time. "Mikoto, move!"

The girl looked up and turned around, but did not see the weapon at 
first. Then, slowly, she came to realize the gravity of her situation. 
The other HiME around her kept her cornered. Nao broke right, trying 
along with Mai to get there in time. The man gently squeezed the 
trigger. A single shot rang out on the street.

Mikoto opened her eyes, and saw that everyone around her was looking 
forward in awe. She was not wounded, so had... oh god! Mai wouldn't have 
taken a shot for her, would she? Mikoto snapped her head around and then 
dropped her jaw. Even the HiME were staring in shock. One removed the 
Fire String Ruby from her pocket. "But... I have her GEM..."

There, in the middle of the street, a crumpled bullet lay. Above it 
stood Mai Tokiha, arms held close to her body in equal confusion and 
surprise. Her mouth was open. The sniper several hundred yards away had 
dropped his rifle at the display. The major glow slowly faded. It was a 
skill she had used a thousand times before. Her ear was barren of a GEM, 
and yet she had managed. No Otome had ever been able to naturally summon 
up such things.

In front of her, a large glowing ember danced elaborately.

The powers of the legendary Queen of Heaven had awakened. The soul 
belonging last true mistress of Kagutsuchi once again came to possess 
the powers she was meant to control like no other before or after her. 
Her body fell to its knees and she looked skyward, and all were frozen 
in the presence of the true Last Ikusahime, even if she was not yet 
aware of her destiny.

- - -

My LJ will have some notes for this chapter, unlike the last couple. 
Feel free to check it if you're curious about my inane babbling. Mai 
will certainly not be the only one to get her powers back. Others will 
soon follow. ;)

These have been insanely jumpy and for that I apologize. I will be 
bringing the groups together soon. Or at least some of them. Miyu got 
bumped to the next chapter, I'm afraid. As for my promised ShizNat, it 
will certainly happen. This is still in the 'build up' phase before the 
next major arc. I'll probably put an interlude up to mark the change. 
The next arc will feature Shizuru vs. Natsuki as Garderobe splits into 
war. Yup.

Onwards to Part 8

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