Jetiendo (part 12 of 38)

a Crossovers fanfiction by C. Gholy

Back to Part 11
That night every one was at their best looking for the premiere of 
Sisters' as the limousines drove for three hours. Ash and May sneaked in 
their fortune they won the night before they where rushed to hospital. 
Every one was thinking that the public and media would slag them of 
because they were not practically famous at all. Instead as they all 
walked out. Crowds where cheering on every one even though they had no 
idea who they where. Then at the premiere all the cast where famous 
actors and actresses and Cruella De Ville came along Jade Radcliffe who 
was married to Daniel Radcliffe went over to Cruella and punched her. 

" Go Jadey" an actress Danielle shouted out infact every one was 
shouting fight, fight and fight. 

After the punch up the students got themselves into groups of five or 
six and met all the stars like Whoopi Goldberg, Tom Cruise, and Kiera 
knightly. It was a night to remember. 

" Come on "Simon shouted, " Students go back to the limousines because 
tonight the drinks are on me" 

The students said their goodbyes to the actors and actress and ran to 
their limousines where they where taken to the same place where some 
four people went to a few days ago and the place where world war iii 
rumours started to hatch. 

At the nightclub every one got a free bottle of vodka and a free can of 
Stella atrois nearly every one got drunk that night somewhere so drunk 
they lost their balance. T.K and Kari in there glare of hatred and 
ignored the alcohol. Ash and May did not touch their drinks at all 
because of the incidents that have happen and where used to a limited 
country with laws, rules, order, organisation, age limits. Every 
Jetiendo was not. Jetiendo had no laws so it was a dog eating dog kind 
of place. Hence the nickname Dirty Jetiendo' 

Back to the over rewarded and spoilt unruly students from the trip with 
danger at every corner and Simon Cowell's huge mistake. The lights where 
red it was red and black. The music was slow and the pitch was low. As 
the entertainer named Angelica was singing 

Whether drunk or sober the students let their bad sides unleash Crazy 
sex, fights and crime. 

Kari still felt sober. She was drunk on hatred. Then she realised what I 
need is a friend a true friend someone to relate to' Then she found her 
Misty Waterflower drinking on a table. Kari constantly fell over. Misty 
rushed over to see if she was all right. 

Misty: are you ok? Kari: yeah I'm fine thanks very much Misty: Misty 
Waterflower Kari: Kari Kamiya Misty: so what do you doing here? Kari: 
School trip, but we got delayed because of the war 

Misty: I'm the Cerulean gym leader Kari: REALLY! Misty: Yeah Kari: oh my 
God! Misty: so what are you I'm sure I recognised you in the papers 
somewhere? Kari: Well I'm part of a team called the digidestand. Misty: 
that's the one. You where the one with Gatomon wasn't you? Kari: yeah 
there where only a handful of us back then but we've added a lot since 

After three hours of chat someone unexpected came. 

T.K: hey Kari ya prick Kari: speak of the devil. What T.K? T.K: you 
bicth I'm surprised ya not flirting with anyone. Have you turned into a 
lesbian? Kari: just go away. I don't want to talk to you 

T.K: well you are dead ya here me dead I can't stand the sight of you at 
all. Kari:" Misty, just ignore him he has had too much to drink. "Misty: 
way too much to drink the teachers should be sued 

Then unexpectedly Misty and Kari left the nightclub with no further ado. 
T.K never felt so down he felt like jumping of the balcony he has lost 
her forever and there was no one to talk too. It was his own fault he 
should of thought before he said it and hit her. Now it was too late. He 
must accept the consequences and the responsibility of his own actions. 

"Time to go" Simon Cowell announced " back in your limousines and get 
some sleep tomorrow is class day" 

Onwards to Part 13

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