Traditions The bath had been an absolutely sinful delight. The simple white shirt and brown skirt that Makoto had loaned her were fresh and clean. They smelt of mint. Oh god, she felt ogrean again. And now she was sited to a generously loaded table with Donkey Pelt (who was - Alleluia! - also clean, although the pelt seemed even more ruffled than before), Ami and Makoto. The ogress, the dwarf and the giant were blinking in disbelief when the human began to literally ravage the dishes. It was like watching a tornado destroy a land. It was like watching a black hole swallowing a galaxy, in accelerated motion, of course. They instinctively inched away from the girl, in fear of being mistaken for the food. Michiru turned to Ami. So, I hope you dont mind my asking, but how come that a dwarf lives so far from her people and where theres no gold mine no less? A sad smile appeared on the blue-haired girl. Makoto wrapped an arm around her delicate figure and squeezed her reassuringly. Stormy green eyes pinned down apologetic ones. Ami reached out and hugged the giant back. This is alright Mako, I shouldnt be so sensitive. Makoto was about to protest when Ami covered her mouth with a hand, tenderly silencing her. She turned back to their guests. You have maybe noticed that I am not exactly the most common specimen of the dwarfish specie. Dwarves are naturally inclined to science, they are usually more attracted to engineering, physics and geology. I am no exception, but what really interested me was medicine, chemistry and, well, letters, which is quite unusual in our society. The fact that I mastered all of these disciplines made up for it, though. And a doctor always comes in handy in a mine. She took a shaky breath. However, what really made an outcast of me were my frail constitution... And the fact that I dont have any facial hair. She finished in a tiny voice. Michiru was shocked to hear this. There was someone else who had suffered a similar fate as hers. Nuuh? Shoaunds likre Miglifu!!! Acckkk!!! Exclaimed Donkey Pelt before choking on a piece of bread. The ogress patted her on the back, maybe a bit more strongly than necessary, until the piece of bread shot out of her mouth and landed somewhere in the crowd. Someone yelled. Someone else yelled back. Soon sounds of fights were heard and Makoto had to go settle the situation, which she did by using one of the brawlers to knock the other down. In no time she was back, her arm wrapped protectively around Ami as if nothing had happened. Ami was curious now. Were you kept apart because you didnt have any facial hair too? Hum... Ami dear, I dont think thats what she meant. Having facial hair is not very common among female ogres or humans... Interjected the tall brunette. The dwarf frowned. But many human women in this village do have a moustache, some even have a beard... Err... Michiru quickly came to rescue the giant. Actually, it is more because Im what you could call a neat freak, that and I love arts. My greatest wish is to become a renowned violin player. Her eyes were downcast when she added. It is absolutely unacceptable for an ogress to behave like that and I have been banned. And all the other species are afraid of ogres... The three other women didnt miss the sheer loneliness in her voice and offered her comforting smiles. Ami patted her hand. I used to feel like you do. I thought that because of my difference I would be alone all my life. I used to think that nobody could love me, that I was an error. Until I met Makoto. She told me I was beautiful. She told me she loved me, and more importantly, she made me understand that I deserve happiness too. A collective Awww... came from the crowd. Blushing, she continued. I am certain that there is someone for you out there! Yeah! Love is blind! Donkey Pelt enthusiastically supplied. The others face-planted. When Makoto finally recovered, she added. And in the meantime, I would be honoured to be counted as a friend of yours. Hey, you could even come and play violin here... She extended her hand. Michiru stared at it a long time, taken aback. Then her face blossomed in a beautiful smile. She took the hand with her own, a tear rolling down her cheek. You dont know how happy it makes me. She said softly. The two others solemnly joined their own hands to Michirus and Makotos. Another collective sigh was heard. An over muscled barbarian warrior even shed a tear. Sissy! Someone spat. Who said that? Bellowed the barbarian. I told you it would happen if you dressed like that! A fully armoured knight beside him added, sounding annoyed. Really, leather strings are so cliché! But... But its traditional! And you werent complaining yesterday night! His lower lip was trembling. Oh, look! The big barbarians going to cry! The same voice than before said. BARBARIANS DONT CRY!!! And with that, he went berserk and head-butted the first patron under his reach, starting the equally very traditional brawl in a tavern. Soon enough, the tavern was a furious battlefield. Fists, elbows and knees connected with temples, eyes, jaws, solar plexus and family jewels. If they werent already flying by themselves, teeth, or fangs sometimes, sank in calves or throats. People were sent crashing on chairs and tables. Chairs and tables were sent crashing on people. In the confusion, the women got separated. Michiru had seen Donkey Pelt crawling away, hopefully she had found some shelter. She had also had the time to see Makoto beating to a pulp a brawler who had stupidly attacked Ami before they disappeared out of her sight. She herself had no difficulty to dispose of her few aggressors. Being an ogress had its advantages. But she was getting quite pissed. Luckily, the fight was coming to an end. LOOK OUT! A voice near her suddenly shouted. She looked around her curiously. Finding nothing, she finally looked up to find that the large, heavy wooden wheel that stood as a chandelier was about to fall, and that she was just under it. Before she knew what happened, something collided with her with enough momentum to throw her safely out of the way just as the chandelier crashed down, making the whole inn shake and creating a large cloud of dust. When she opened her eyes, it was to meet the two most beautiful blue orbs she had ever seen (A.N: Now, it would improve the storytelling a lot if you could listen to Blue Eyes by Elton John while youre reading. Or at least imagine it, you know, Blue eyes... Babys got blue eeyyees.... Thank you.). She also realized that she was tightly cradled in strong arms. She liked this feeling a lot. Are you alright? A sensual voice purred, sending chills along her spine. It took the ogress a moment to realize that the question was addressed to her and that the voice was owned by the same person who was still holding her. Yes, yes, thank you, Im fine... She cursed herself when the person let her go and took a step back. But now, that she wasnt so close, she could take a good look at this person. The first word that sprang to her mind was Handsome. The second and third, after a split second, were Giant cat?. The giant cat in question was standing on its two hinder legs, like a humanoid. Like that, it was maybe taller than Makoto herself and had a beautiful sandy fur. It wore a stylish black hat with a fluffy white feather pinned in, a black cape, an immaculate white shirt, black gloves, black pants and black leather boots. A large black leather band with a buckle ran from its right shoulder to its left hip where a duellist sword was comfortably hanging. Michiru quickly averted her gaze when she realized she was ogling this stranger like a five years old would ogle an ice-cream. Im glad... The giant cat purred again, sounding amused. It would be a shame if such a gorgeous ogress was hurt. The statement was accompanied by an utterly devastating grin. Michiru felt her knees go week. Gorgeous? Her brain literally melted. She stuttered. Yes... I mean, no... I mean, it wouldnt have done me much harm, being an ogress and all... She doubly cursed herself. Oh, smooth, Michiru! Really smooth! You dolt!!! A gloved hand reached out and lightly stroke one of her furiously blushing cheeks. Then Im glad I didnt know... Before she could reply, she heard Ami, Makoto and Donkey Pelt call her worriedly. She turned around to wave them over. Im here! Im fine, thanks to this gentleman... Who? They asked, looking in the general direction where Michiru was pointing. She span around. Gone... A.N: You can stop the music now. So, like it? Dont like it? Please, tell me!!!
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