Eternal City, Crystal Tokyo (part 2 of 48)

a Crossovers fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 1
"Usagi," Erica yelled. The tall, pink haired teen turned to her and 
smiled, waving happily as Erica ran up to her. They hugged, and Erica 
asked, "So how's my big sister treating you?"

Usagi grinned impishly, her hair falling in two pink streams down her 
back as she said, "You have no idea." The long summer dress she wore 
was white, and when the light shone down on her, she really did look 
like a princess.

Erica laughed, "I probably don't want to know."

They walked through the palace garden to sit down on one of the 
benches. They and Hotaru were going out later, and had agreed to meet 
here. She and Usagi were about the same age, and had become friends as 
little girls, even though Usagi had spent months away in the past.

Which reminded Erica, "Usagi, what was it like visiting the past?"

"Fun, except for the memory blocks," Usagi shrugged.

"Memory blocks?" Erica blinked.

"Each time I went back in time Setsuna would put a series of memory 
blocks in place to prevent me from revealing something that could 
change history," Usagi shrugged.

Erica looked at the pink haired girl thoughtfully, "Like what?"

Usagi looked thoughtful, "The first time, I couldn't talk about the 
Outers at all, of course, because the earlier Senshi had not met them 
yet. Them, and all the immortals that were helping us out against 
Nemesis at the time."

"I remember," Erica nodded thoughtfully, "I asked my Moms if I could 
go out and see the younger Senshi, but they said no. I guess that's 

"That's why my dad only showed them the new part of Crystal Tokyo, 
too," Usagi nodded her agreement. "He thought that seeing the whole 
city would have given them too much information about what was 
coming," she smiled.

Erica shook her head with a sigh, "Time travel gives me a headache."

"Join the club," another voice firmly agreed. They looked up to see 
the dark haired woman standing there by the bench.

"Hotaru," Usagi yelled happily, jumping up and throwing her arms 
around her older lover.

"Usagi," Hotaru sighed happily.

"Hey, big sister," Erica waved, taking her time to get up and dust her 
black pants off. Her white shirt fit snugly, and she tugged on the 
bottom while watching the two of them together.

"Hey," Hotaru smiled to Erica while keeping her arms around Usagi. The 
dark haired woman was normally such an enigma, her expression remote 
and thoughtful, but around Usagi or her family, a sweet smile could 
light up that serious face.

It couldn't have been easy for Hotaru, watching Usagi growing up. The 
woman she loved, but who didn't love her yet. It would take Usagi 
several trips to the past to meet and fall in love with the younger 
Hotaru. Only then could Hotaru approach the grown up Usagi in her 
time, to be reunited with her love after being centuries apart.

A few moments later Usagi asked, "Do you want to stop in at the 

Hotaru kept an arm around Usagi's shoulders, "Might be interesting."

She came around the corner, her long orange locks flowing over her 
shoulders. Her military uniform was crisp, hugging her tall, athletic 
form and bringing wistful little sighs from many of the ladies that 
she walked passed. Arisugawa Juri paused when she saw them, nodding to 
the three with a little smile, "Good afternoon."

"Juri-sama," Erica smiled up at her happily.

Juri gave them a casual wave as she strode off down the hallway, her 
golden ring catching the reflected sunlight.

Once she was gone Usagi smiled, "Setsuna is one lucky woman."

"So's Juri," Hotaru agreed with an little smile.

"Oh, yeah," Erica sighed softly. 'It's too bad I just can't seem to 
get lucky,' she thought to herself ruefully.

"Sucks to be single around so many couples, huh?" Usagi asked her 
quietly as they all started walking again.

"Tell me about it," Erica groaned. She flipped her black hair back 
with one hand, "Not that I don't get a few offers, but..."

Hotaru gave her a wry glance as she said, "I hate to say this, but 
sometimes you just have to wait until the right one comes along." She 
gently held Usagi a bit closer to her, who seemed quite willing to 
snuggle, too.

'Hope it's not as long of a wait as Hotaru had,' Erica was wise enough 
not to say aloud. They reached the large double doors, and the young 
man there gave them a nod.

"Do you have business with the Court?" he asked them quietly.

"We're just visiting," Usagi shook her head no. He quietly opened up 
one of the doors and waved them all inside. They kept quiet, knowing 
that one of the funniest things to do at court was to eavesdrop a bit.

It wasn't that crowded as they moved through the people, eventually 
getting a view of the thrones and the proceedings there. Neo-Queen 
Serenity sat on one throne, her husband King Endymion on the other, 
both looking as noble and beautiful as ever.

The purple-black haired King had a gentle smile on his face as he 
gazed at his Queen. His purple suit fit him well, his athletic body 
easily filling it out. He was handsome, but there was also a feeling 
of strength about him, too.

Erica had a crush on the Queen, along with most of the other citizens 
of the massive city. Her white-gold hair, her grave yet amused 
expression, the kindness that shone from her blue eyes, it was 
terribly easy to fall for that combination. 'And since she's 
completely unattainable, she's completely safe,' she thought 

Standing beside the throne was Kaoru Miki, efficiently organizing the 
petitions and requests to the throne. The handsome, blue haired man 
looked completely business-like, but Erica remembered with pleasure 
the last big jam session he had with Minako and Rei. He had blown 
everyone away with his skills at the piano!

A interesting conversation nearby got Erica's attention. Two tall, 
busty blonde catgirls were standing together with a dark haired young 
woman dressed in a police uniform. She moved a bit closer to listen 

"... but Leona!" the one catgirl protested.

"No, Uni, we can't have a quickie while we're waiting," the woman 
named Leona went red.

"But me and Anna have been waiting so long," Uni protested.

"Yeah," Anna chimed in. Both catgirls stepped closer to Leona, 
bracketing her.

Erica just had to smirk at the panicked look on the dark haired girl's 

"The Puma sisters," Hotaru murmured, coming up beside Erica quietly, 
"they're notorious."

"Sounds fun," Erica grinned back.

"You have been single too long," Usagi smirked. 

Onwards to Part 3

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