Dragon Lady of Macross (part 1 of 30)

a Crossovers fanfiction by Calamity-Queen of Cordite


This Story will be a Robotech/Ranma 1/2 x-over. I have to say that while 
the idea plagued me for quite some time, the two mix about as well as 
oil and water. The reason for this is that Robotech is pretty much 
exclusively technology based. There is no precedent for magic in it, so 
bringing in Ranma, who just isn't Ranma without a Nyannichaun curse, 
sort of clashes with the Robotech Universe. I did it anyway, as my muse 

While I will try to adhere to the Robotech Macross Saga timeline, I 
haven't been very religious about the rest of the details of the 
Robotech Universe. Things that were changed were done to increase that 
realism, particularly in reference to the military. I have converted the 
RDF command structure to a Naval model structure (except for the 
Marines). The ground units will be called Marines, as they are based on 
a Naval vessel. The Veritech squadrons will start out in the traditional 
four plane flight format with two or more flights forming a squadron. 
They will go to a three plane flight later in the story, although some 
squadrons will still use the four plane format.

Other changes were made to update the Robotech Universe to a more modern 
model, ala the SciFi Channel's update of Battlestar Galactica. Namely, 
there will be female combat pilots from the very beginning. This will 
also be an enlightened military in which sexual preference doesn't cause 
everyone to freak out. WARNING: Lesbianism ahead!

A word on clichés...the Ranma universe is one of the most popular 
universes to write fan fiction in. That means that after you read about 
the first ten or so stories, everything is cliché afterward. The 
challenge is to put the clichés together in an original way. I hope I 
have done that here, but given the limitations of the Robotech Timeline, 
it's very difficult to do something totally original. All I can say is 
that I took the same set of situations from the Robotech canon, that 
others have written about before, and tried to put a unique spin on 
them. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. Hopefully the over all 
story made up for the times it didn't.

The Ranma in this story is NOT the canon Ranma. This Ranma was changed 
by the events surrounding the crash of the SDF-1 on Earth. This was a 
huge wake up call for him and he made choices about where he wanted his 
life to go early on. He is more educated than the canon version and 
knows how to use his brain. He is also more pragmatic that the canon. 
Ranma is 23 when this story begins and as such is much more mature. What 
does this mean? OOC! Consider yourself warned and don't whine about it. 

This story contains very harsh language and citrusy scenes. If such 
things offend you, don't read it.

And lastly, but not leastly grin, I don't own Ranma or Robotech. They 
belong to their respective copyright holders as do the various song 
lyrics that appear in potions of the story. I used it all without 
permission for non-profit non-monetary purposes. It is meant as a 
tribute to the original creators of these brilliant anime.


As always, I wrote this story for my enjoyment and am sharing it with 
you for yours. Comments are welcome. If you want a reply, leave an email 
address or email me directly. It also bears mentioning that this story 
is for all intents and purposes complete in its entirety. The chapters 
(30 of them) will be posted as they come out of final proofing. Changes 
to the story itself will be unlikely, but if you wish to point out 
errors in chronology, grammar, or typos, they would be welcome.


Chapter 1

June 2008...

Lieutenant Ranma Saotome stared pensively out the window of the 
transport aircraft as it orbited Macross Island, awaiting clearance for 
approach. She absently played with the crimson end of her French braid 
as she got her first view of the object that put her life on a very 
different path over 8 years ago.

When the Visitor, now called the SDF-1 crashed on Earth those many years 
ago, it had been during one of Ranma's short periods of attendance in 
school. That event was all anyone was talking about, be they students or 
teachers, and it was also the thing that caused Ranma to realize that 
there was more to life than just martial arts, in spite of what his 
father said. This was something Ranma wanted to be a part of, maybe even 
going out into space. He had talked to his teachers about it at the time 
and one thing became clear, if he wanted to do anything, he would have 
to get an education. So he made arrangements to continue his education 
via correspondence when his father eventually decided that they needed 
to be back out on the road. He convinced Genma to allow his studies by 
telling him it would keep the authorities off their backs for Ranma not 
being in school. What he didn't say is that he was doing much more than 
basic studies. He also didn't tell the old fool the real reason why he 
was determined to finish his education.

Ranma applied his genus, heretofore only used in learning new martial 
arts techniques, to his studies and completed his college preparatory 
high school education by the end of his fifteenth year. Then his world 
was shattered.


It was early June of 2003 when, after traveling around China for a 
couple of years learning whatever martial arts techniques he could by 
day and studying a few hours by night, the old man led them to the 
accursed place called Jusenkyo. Ranma, able to read Mandarin reasonably 
well by this point, knew the springs were supposed to be cursed but 
being firmly grounded in science from his studies, discounted the curses 
as something that didn't exist. It was something he would learn to 

When he and his father left Jusenkyo, it was as a petite redheaded girl 
and a fat panda bear. To make matters worse, while warm water would 
change his father back, the water required to change Ranma back to birth 
form was required to be just below boiling, causing painful burns in the 
process. A small rain shower as they left the valley of the Springs of 
Sorrow ensured that Ranma would remain in female form for the 
foreseeable future.

And thus they came to the village of the Amazons where the guide said 
they might find more information on the curses. The guide told them they 
were lucky that they had arrived on the day of the village tournament. 
Unfortunately, when Genma is involved, ill luck seemed to be the only 
luck they had. As Ranma watched the fighters and talked to the guide, 
Genma had spied a table laden with food and had begun to chow down. When 
Ranma glanced around for the panda, she saw her father at a table 
clearly labeled 'First Prize'. Ranma rolled her eyes at the old man's 
stupidity, rapidly becoming disgusted with the man. In a state of 
depression already because of the curse and the negative impact it would 
have on the future she had worked so hard on, she decided, this time the 
old man could deal with his own mess. She wasn't going to allow him to 
put it off on her anymore. As the purple haired winner of the tournament 
leaped down from the log and attempted to brain the fat panda, causing 
the coward to run and hide behind Ranma, Ranma decided it was time to 
break away from the old moron.

The purple haired girl stalked up to Ranma and stood menacingly before 

"Is this your panda who was eating my prize?" the girl demanded. Ranma 

"Is not panda," Ranma said in broken Mandarin. "Is man with Jusenkyo 
curse. Get hot water and girl see proof. Girl fight with him. Ranma not 
have anything to do with it." Ranma stepped aside from in front of the 
panda and the other girl fixed the beast with a glare.

"Seize him!" she yelled and several of the warrior women grabbed the 

Ranma's words were soon confirmed as hot water returned the old fool to 
his birth form. The purple haired girl approached him and glared at him 

"Why did you eat my prize, foolish male?" she demanded, lifting a 
bonbori menacingly.

"(She want know why Mister Customer eat her prize for winning 
tournament)," the guide translated in broken Japanese for Genma.

"(Prize, huh)?" Genma said thoughfully, then brightened as an idea came 
to him. "(Boy, challenge her for the prize then it will be 
mine...er...ours and there won't be a problem)." The guide was about to 
translate for the girl, but Ranma's grip on his arm stopped him. Ranma 
glared at her father, furious that he had tried to involve her in this. 
She then smirked wickedly before turning to the girl.

"Fat panda-man say is just weak womans," Ranma told the purple haired 
girl. "Say it not matter, he take whatever want and no weak womans stop 
him." An angry murmur ran through the gathered crowd and Genma began to 
sweat under the hostile glares being directed at him.

"Take this trash away," the purple haired girl commanded. "He will be 
judged and punished for his crimes against the Amazons."

Genma was knocked unconscious and carried off.

"You no kill him, yes?" Ranma asked the girl.

"Most likely not," the girl said. "He will probably be sentenced to be 
whipped for his offences."

"Is good then," Ranma said relieved. "Ranma not like old fool, but not 
want to see die."

"I am called Xian Pu. It is traditional that the winner of the 
tournament share her feast with the other warriors of the village," the 
girl said. "You have the look of a warrior and you also look as though 
you have traveled far. Would you like to share the feast with us?"

"Ranma hasn't eaten in over a day," Ranma said. "Ranma is in Xian Pu's 
debt for generosity. Ranma will join you for you feast and then would 
ask if it be possible to obtain some supplies for journey home to 


During the journey home to Japan, Ranma thought long and hard about what 
would become of her dream now that she had the curse. She knew that most 
organizations would be hesitant to take her because of the weirdness of 
the curse and special considerations her gender changing would bring. 
Her dream of going into space was now beyond her reach, as a man anyway. 
She realized given the temperature of the water required to change her 
back to male that she could conceivably hide the curse if she lived as a 
female. As it was, living as female was now the only way for her to live 
anything like a normal life.

The Amazon's had told her that there was no cure for a Jusenkyo curse. 
They considered her to be blessed because the springs found her worthy 
of being a woman. Ranma made allowances for their bias and found that 
she was indeed blessed to an extent. She could have changed into 
something not human like her father, or worse, something not human and 
helpless, like a cat or a pig. That would have eliminated any 
possibility of achieving the dream she had worked so hard for. As it 
was, all she had to do was decide if pursuing her dream was worth giving 
up her manhood indefinitely.

She was realistic enough to know that part of said manhood was already 
gone. She wasn't as uncomfortable as a female as she thought she should 
be. Her mind told her this body was wrong, that she was a man, but it 
didn't feel wrong. It didn't feel any different to her than when she was 
male. The Amazons had told her that the reason for this was that the 
curse came with the instincts native to the body received. While it 
didn't change a person's mind or the type of being they were attracted 
to, it did come with a sort of buffer, in the form of instincts, that 
would allow a person to live with the new form and not go insane from 
the sense of wrongness.

By the time she reached the shores of her homeland, she had decided in 
her typical fashion that she wouldn't allow the curse to stop her from 
achieving her dream. Researching the matter she determined that the best 
place to start working toward her goal was the newly formed RDF Academy. 
She managed to get signed up with a full scholarship with the provision 
that she join the UNEDF as a pilot upon graduation.

So it was, Ranma Saotome found herself in America, attending a 
prestigious military academy as a female student in the aeronautical 


Ranma was shaken out of her reverie by a familiar voice coming in from 
Macross ATC.

"Macorss ATC, Pacific 5-8 heavy, you are cleared to begin your approach 
to runway 27 right. After rollout, proceed to ramp zero-niner south for 
off loading."

"Pacific 5-8 heavy, Macross ATC, Roger," the pilot said as he and the 
co-pilot began to put the large transport aircraft into landing 
configuration while Ranma looking on with professional interest from the 
observer's seat.

"Don't worry, Lieutenant," the co-pilot grinned at her after noticing 
her watching. "We'll have you on the ground in no time and you'll be 
back up here with your own set of controls soon." Ranma smiled vaguely 
at him as he turned back to his job.

'That sounded like Lisa Hayes on the ATC,' Ranma thought. 'I haven't 
seen her in a long time.' Her mind drifted back to the time when she met 
Lisa Hayes while the flight crew continued with their approach.


Ranma found that, for all that she was comfortable living in her female 
form, she was not comfortable socializing in that form. Not only did she 
not have any interest in men, but she also felt like she was somehow 
being vaguely dishonest. So she largely kept to herself and devoted 
herself to her studies, pursuing a grueling course load that having any 
sort of social life wouldn't have allowed for. It was this that allowed 
her to graduate with honors after only two and a half years.

Not that she never had any friends. She had a roommate that shared her 
dedication. Lisa Hayes was the daughter of several generations of 
military tradition. She was dedicated and hard working and strived to 
exceed the expectations of her family. Through her, Ranma met an 
idealistic young man named Karl Riber. Lisa and Karl were an item. She 
got along well with Karl, sharing his dream of going into space, though 
she wondered how he would fit in the military with his non-violent ways.

They also knew of her curse. It had happened about six months into the 
academy. Lisa had been out with Karl and was supposed to be out for most 
of the night. Ranma had decided that she needed some male time and opted 
to hang out around the dorm room in his male form for a while. He had 
just taken a bath and was preparing to change back to female form when 
the bathroom door opened. Ranma saw Lisa standing there just as the cold 
water descended onto his head. The transformation occurred right before 
the young brunette's eyes and she soon hit the floor in a dead faint as 
her world view was shattered.

When Lisa awoke, explanations and demonstrations followed. Unable to 
deny the evidence of her own eyes, Lisa was forced to accept the 
existence of magic and curses. She was also persuaded by a tearful and 
pleading Ranma not to tell anyone outside of Karl and only then if Karl 
swore not to tell anyone. Lisa felt bad for her friend, who had worked 
so hard to get where she was. She knew that if this got out that Ranma's 
chances of reaching her goals were remote at best. She also realized 
that the curse would in no way effect Ranma's abilities or dedication. 
So rather than destroy her friend's life she agreed to keep her secret.

Ranma felt much more comfortable around the pair after that, and for 
their part, Lisa and Karl took Ranma as she was. The three became quite 
close friends. Karl would laughingly tease Ranma by truthfully 
mentioning that all the other guys were jealous of him for having the 
two prettiest girls in the Academy all to himself. They all had a good 
laugh over that.

Thanks to Ranma's hard work and the less demanding nature of her 
curriculum Ranma managed to graduate at the same time as Lisa and Karl 
who had been attending the Academy longer. She felt terrible for her 
friend when Lisa was heartbroken after finding out that Karl was leaving 
for Mars Base Sara. She had intended to follow him but her father who 
was high in the chain of command had her assigned instead to the SDF 
project. Ranma comforted her as best she could until she had to ship out 
to attend flight school. She had heard later that Lisa had thrown 
herself into her career with a vengeance in an effort to take her mind 
off her broken heart. She was greatly saddened later when she heard that 
contact with Mars Base Sara had been lost.


Ranma gathered her gear and prepared to deplane as the flight crew went 
through their post flight checklist. She was the first one down the ramp 
when the loadmaster dropped the ramp. She moved away from the noise of 
the aircraft's APU and paused to stretch out the kinks from the flight.

"Excuse me, Ma'am," a man with Chief Petty Officer tabs approached her. 
"Would you happen to be Lieutenant J-G Ranma Saotome?"

"That I am, Chief," Ranma replied.

"Outstanding, Ma'am," the chief said. "I'm Chief Smythe. I've been 
assigned to pick you up and show you to your barracks and then take you 
to the CAG to report in. I have a Humvee right over there. May I take 
your gear, Ma'am?"

"Thanks, Chief," Ranma grinned as she held out one of her duffles to 
him. The chief reached out and took the duffle bag...and it was 
immediately pulled to the ground when Ranma let go.

"Crap, sorry, Ma'am," the chief said giving her a strange look. "It was 
heavier than I expected." Ranma just smiled as the noncom wondered at 
the hidden strength the petite redhead must have to handle that much 
weight so casually.

"Don't sweat it, Chief," Ranma shrugged. "Please, lead the way."

"Yes, Ma'am," the noncom grinned ruefully. "Right this way, Ma'am."

They tossed Ranma's gear in the back of the hummer and after about a ten 
minute drive they arrived at a large building situated in the shadow of 
the enormous SDF-1. Ranma tried not to gawk too much but it was clear 
she was riveted.

"She's amazing, huh, Ma'am," Smythe asked in an amused tone.

"No kidding," Ranma grinned. "I guess I was staring."

"No worries, Ma'am, we all did the first time we got this close to her," 
Smythe chuckled. "Anyway, this building is the female BOQ. This is where 
you'll be staying. You go get checked in and drop off your gear. You 
have time, if you want, to freshen up a bit before meeting Commander 
Fokker. I'll wait right out here for you."

"Roger that, Chief," Ranma acknowledged and got out, collecting her gear 
before entering the building.

Once in the lobby, she approached the desk sergeant and introduced 
herself. The woman checked her information and led Ranma to her 
quarters. They were more luxurious than she was used to, actually being 
a small suite complete with a small galley style kitchen and a private 
bath. The living room had a set of glass sliding doors that opened on to 
a balcony with a nice view of the ocean not too far away. The main room 
also had a moderate flatscreen TV and a stereo housed in an 
entertainment center in front of a couch and a coffee table. Going 
though the other door, Ranma found herself in a bedroom with a double 
bed, and a desk. She dropped her gear on the bed and took out her kit 
before heading to the bathroom.

Ranma smirked at her image in the mirror as she touched up the little 
bit of makeup she wore. She had been resistant to the idea of wearing 
makeup at first, but Lisa had convinced her it was a good idea. Besides, 
if one had to be a girl, it was nice to look like an attractive girl. So 
Ranma took Lisa's advice and took pride in her appearance. The next stop 
was in front of the full length mirrors on the closet doors. Ranma 
smoothed out her black skirt which fell to a couple inches above her 
knees and then straightened her black tunic with gray stripped lapels 
with purple piping. She adjusted her ribbons and rank insignia and 
nodded to herself, satisfied that everything was in order. Grabbing her 
paperwork out of the pocket of her duffle and pocketing her key card, 
she went back down to rejoin Chief Smythe.


Ranma knocked on the door with the sign reading "CAG -- CDR Roy Fokker". 
She heard a muffled response to enter and opened the door.

"Lieutenant Junior Grade Ranma Saotome reporting for duty, sir," Ranma 
said crisply, standing at attention and issuing a precise salute to the 
man with shaggy blond hair seated behind the desk. The man returned the 
salute and stood. At six foot five, he towered above Ranma's five foot 
four height, nearly giving her a crick in her neck from looking up at 
him. He smiled at her.

"At ease, Lieutenant," he said. "I don't stand on ceremony too much 
around here. Only when the brass is around. I'm Commander Roy Fokker, 
the CAG around here. Call me Roy and welcome to Macross Island." He put 
out his hand. She took it firmly and his eyes widened as he felt the 
strength of her grip in spite of the fact that her small hand was 
engulfed in his.

"Thank you, Sir, it's good to be here," Ranma said with a smile of her 

"Please have a seat," he said, taking her orders. He glanced over them 
and then took a file off the edge of his desk and began to look though 
it. "Says here you are some sort of flying prodigy. In flight school 
they determined that your g-loading limits exceeded the aircraft 

"Yes, Sir," Ranma said with a hint of pride. "It's the product of a 
childhood of intensive martial arts training. I've got perfect muscle 
control and I can control most of my bodily functions, like heart rate, 
blood pressure, and the like. My style is aerial so it's hard for me to 
be disoriented by violent maneuvers."

"Good, that'll be good for you because what you will be flying here has 
no structural limitations," Roy grinned, looking back down at the file. 
"Hm...you have quite a service record too. Flew mostly CAS in F/A 18-E 
Super Hornets...six air-to-air kills, two of which were SU-27's...two 
Distinguished Flying Crosses, one Navy Cross...impressive. Tell me about 

"Well, Sir, I was just doing my job," Ranma said blushing. "I got the 
first Cross for saving a Marine mechanized infantry unit that was pinned 
down and about to be overrun. They were cut off and pinned down in a 
valley by two Hinds while a tank company moved in on their position 
supported by two infantry companies. They were calling for air support 
and my flight was in the area on its way to hit another target. I 
requested permission to go in and help and Command okayed it. I took the 
first Hind out from beyond visual range with an AMRAAM. They never saw 
it coming. I splashed the second one with my gun as I made the first 
pass. As I flew down the valley, I got targeting lock on two of the 
tanks and took them out with a pair of Mavericks. I nailed the third 
tank with a Maverick on the return. The last tank I got with a GBU. 
After I dropped a CBU-87 on the infantry positions and they retreated in 
disarray allowing the Medivac's to get in and remove the wounded Marines 
and the rest to be extracted via helo. I stayed in the area until the 
choppers pulled out to cover them." Roy nodded.

"The second Cross was for the two SU-27 kills," Ranma went on. "My 
flight was headed back to the fleet after dropping our ordinance when we 
got a distress call from the JSDF AWACS supporting our operations in the 
area. They had 4 hostile aircraft closing on their position and there 
wasn't time to send anything up to intercept. We were close so my 
wingman and I requested permission to help in spite of the fact that we 
only have our two AMRAAM's and Sidewinder's plus guns. We got the nod 
and made to intercept. I got the first kill with an AMRAAM. My wingman's 
shot missed but we closed and engaged the remaining 27's. My wingman 
managed to take the second out with a Sidewinder and after another 
minute I got the third with the gun. The last one bugged out and we 
didn't pursue because we were fuel critical. That's also how I got my 
ejection patch and my Purple Heart. When they sent out the refueling 
bird, I let my wingman tank up first since my fuel indicator said I had 
plenty. The problem was, my indicator was mis-calibrated and I ran out 
of fuel while I was waiting. I glided the aircraft to within 10 miles of 
the fleet before I lost enough altitude that I had to eject. I also 
managed to slice my hand on something as I did so. Fortunately, the 
tanker orbited me the whole time and it wasn't long until the helo 
arrived to pull me out of the water."

"So how'd you manage the Navy Cross?" Roy asked, impressed with the 
young woman before him.

"That one was scary," Ranma admitted. "My wingman was shot down as we 
were on our way to feet-wet. It was a pretty brutal mission. We had had 
to fight our way in when we were jumped by a flight of Migs. We had a 
very basic air-to-air load out and I had used all my missiles on the way 
to the target. We dropped an entire load out of mostly GBU's and Cluster 
Bombs on target before strafing enemy positions. My wingman took some 
ground fire and since we were all low on 20mm ammo, we made for egress. 
About 10 miles from the beach my wingman's plane failed and he punched 
out. I began to orbit the area, waiting for the extraction team, when I 
saw some rebel forces moving in on my wingman's position. I strafed 
their column, taking out several vehicles before my gun when dry. They 
didn't know that so they fell back. Then a couple of attack choppers 
came in. I managed to hold them at bay. I even caused one to crash with 
a highspeed close pass that disrupted the airflow over his rotors. I 
kept the last one busy until the CH-53 came in with its Super Cobra 
escorts and the enemy chopper bugged out. They awarded me the Navy Cross 
for staying in the area and covering my downed wingman even though I was 

"That definitely took some guts," Roy said.

"I've got nothing on you, sir," Ranma said, blushing. "108 air-to-air 
kills...loads of decorations...you're a hero, Sir. I'm just a pilot 
doing my job."

"That's all I was doing, Lieutenant," Roy grinned. "I've been at it a 
little longer than you and I was fighting in a full scale war. You're 
record will be just as impressive as mine if you keep it up. I see you 
flew some Iron Hand too. That takes some serious intestinal fortitude." 
Roy shuddered as he thought of purposely allowing hostile SAM's to lock 
on to you so you could hit them with HARM's. "That's something I never 
did. Never wanted to. And you volunteered for it in between carrier 
deployments while most people take it easy, taking the opportunity to be 
at home with family and friends."

"Well, Sir, I don't really have family and not much in the way of 
friends either," Ranma said a little somberly.

"I bet you have a lot more friends than you think, Lieutenant," Roy 
remarked. "Anyway, the only dark spot on your record was near the 
beginning of your career. It says her you broke a superior officer's 
jaw. You wanna tell me about that one?"

"The bastard wouldn't leave me alone," Ranma growled darkly. "He kept 
flirting with me and wouldn't take the hint when I ignored him. Finally 
one day he crossed the line and groped me. I popped him in the jaw and 
put him down. The bastard turned around and tried to press charges 
against me, but a witness came forward and told the Board of Inquiry 
that he had groped me and had been sexually harassing me leading up to 
that point. The charges were dropped. I was fuming for weeks afterward 
and that's when my CO at the time gave me my call sign, 'Dragon Lady'."

"How come you didn't report him before that?" Roy asked.

"As much as he was a bastard, he was good at his job," Ranma admitted. 
"I can take care of myself so I figured I could handle it if he got out 
of line. Which I did. I just never figured on the shit storm that 

"Well, in this unit, I want you to come to me before things get that 
far," Roy said seriously. "Understood?"

"Yes, sir," Ranma said then grinned. "What if the problem is WITH you? 
I've heard you have a rep as something of a playboy." Roy chuckled. The 
phone rang, interrupting his reply.

"CAG," Roy said, answering the phone. "Well, if it isn't my favorite 
Lieutenant Commander...Yes, dear...Yeah, we're still on for 
tonight...yeah, as soon as I finish up with my new pilot, Lieutenant 
Saotome here...Yes, Ranma Saotome..." At this point Ranma could hear the 
excited squeal over the phone as Roy pulled the receiver away from his 
ear with a wince. "Okay, okay, I'll ask her...Roger...See you in a bit." 
Roy hung up the phone shaking his head. Ranma looked at him 

"That was the person you need to go to if you have a problem with me 
flirting with you," Roy grinned. "That was Lieutenant Commander Claudia 
Grant, my significant other. She seems to know you."

"We were stationed on the same base together when I was flying the Iron 
Hand missions," Ranma grinned. "It seemed to bug her that I kept to 
myself and didn't get out much. I guess I sort of became her pet 
project. She made it her mission to get me a social life. She also is 
the one that told me all about you, Sir."

"Yeah, that sounds like my Claudia alright," Roy laughed. "Anyway, we 
were going out tonight. She asked you to join us. Said she has a 
surprise for you and that you better not even think about declining 
because she'll drag you kicking and screaming if she has to...like the 
first time." Ranma rolled her eyes.

"I guess I'm going out then," Ranma sighed.

"Good choice," Roy laughed. "Come on, I'll drop you off at the barracks. 
We'll be around to pick you up around 6."

"Roger that," Ranma said with resignation.


Dictionary of Acronyms and other Jargon

(As requested by Lerris)

2IC--Second In Command

AMRAAM--Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missile

APU--Auxiliary Power Unit

ATC--Air Traffic Control

AWACS--Airborne Warning And Control System

BDU--Battle Dress Uniform (fatigues)

BOQ--Bachelor Officer's Quarters

CAG--Commander, Air Group

CAP--Combat Air Patrol

CAS--Close Air Support

CBU--Cluster Bomb Unit

CO--Commanding Officer

ETA--Estimated Time of Arrival

GBU--Guided Bomb Unit

HARM--High speed Anti-Radiation Missile

JSDF-- Japanese Self Defense Force

LAV--Light Armored Vehicle

SAM--Surface to Air Missile

SDF--Super Dimensional Fortress

UNEDF--United Nations of Earth Defense Force

UNEDC--Untied Nations of Earth Defense Command

RDF--Robotech Defense Force

XO--Executive Officer (second in command)

Angels in reference to altitude is a navy thing, and is a way of saying 
flight level, which basically means adding three zeros on the number for 
the altitude reference. (JRA)



Onwards to Part 2

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