Deep Down (part 5 of 22)

a Crossovers fanfiction by Vexed Fusion

Back to Part 4
"Cookies Never Tasted This Impassioned"

	Brown eyebrows lifted themselves from dark brown eyes, as the overweight 
nurse watched down the hall.  A short, but very sweet looking young girl, 
lead the way towards the pediatrics counter; followed by a tall, scraggly 
looking teen, both of whom looking as though they'd rather be anywhere else 
than here.  Yumi Utashin knew them both.

	Ami, the daughter of one of the hospitals most prominent doctors, Hitomi 
Mizuno—who has recently been under consideration for the head of the e.r., 
and a very brilliant young girl who is always respectful to everyone.  Then 
there was Makoto; the disrespectful miscreant who mouths off without a care 
in the world.  She'd recently begun visiting the patients with her new 
guardian, Setsuna Meioh.  If Yumi had to pick two people who she thought 
she'd never ever see in the same room, let alone walking together, those two 
would be it.

	The nurse straightened herself up as the two approached her; the taller one 
still looking hesitant about being here in general.

	"Good afternoon Utashin-san.  How are things going for you today?"  Ami 
allowed herself to lean against the desk, bringing one foot up on its toes, 
letting her calf support the rest of it.  The blue haired girl clasped her 
hands together smoothly, letting her elbows and forearms support her upper 
body weight.

	Makoto felt her brain short out.  She stared unapologetically at her 
picturesque school girl leaning innocently against the pediatrics desk.  
Emerald eyes felt no rush as they lingered greedily from the pristine white 
tennis shoes, up the smooth calf towards a navy blue skirt which seemed to 
have shortened considerably.  She was vaguely aware that the conversation 
had shifted towards her.

	"Kino-san!  It's so good to see you again!"

	Emerald eyes widened in surprise, shooting upwards from her previous spot 
of interest.  Feeling like a child who'd just got caught with her hand in 
the cookie jar, Makoto willed her face not to blush and tried to contain the 
spots of redness to her ears and neck.

	"Are you okay child?  You look a little flushed..." Nurse Utashin looked on 
worriedly towards the tall teenager.

	'Damnit,' the chestnut haired girl scolded herself for getting so lost in 
such thoughts.  She took a moment to gaze at the shorter girl next to her.  
Ami hadn't turned to even look at Makoto; nor had she even so much moved 
from her spot at the counter.  No one else seemed to notice where Makoto's 
eyes and thoughts had been.  Taking this as a good sign, Makoto hastened her 
resolve and hurried out a convincing reply.

	"Oh, I'm fine Utashin-san.  It's just a little colder up here than in the 
elevator."  Silently, the tall haired girl prayed that her lie would be 
convincing enough for everyone.  Its not as if Makoto had any problems with 
finding the baby blue eyed beauty attractive, she just didn't want this 
nurse to do any annoying teasing... especially at her.  As if upon hearing 
that prayer, Ami stood up suddenly from the desk.

	Freeing her hands from their grip, the blue haired girl smiled sweetly as 
she spoke, "Is there anything that I can help with today?  Mother is quite 
busy upstairs and I thou..."

	Ami didn't get to finish her sentence as the portly nurse in front of her 

	"Oh your mother!  She needs to take a break sometimes, and you can tell her 
I said that.  Hee hee!"

	Makoto definitely noticed the forced grin on the small girls face this 
time.  Emerald eyes had been glaring at the pediatrics nurse for 
interrupting the blue haired girl.  But when Ami had moved a step back, the 
taller girl couldn't help but watch her with concern.  There was definitely 
some animosity between the blue haired teen and her mother, Makoto was sure 
of that.

I'm going to have to personally thank Meioh-san for this one later.


	After they dumped their trays and placed them above the trash cans, the 
three women made their way to the elevator.  Makoto couldn't seem to get the 
blue haired girl out of her head, try as she might.  And try she did.  Every 
time baby blue eyes even glanced in the tall girl's direction, Makoto would 
turn the other way or make conversation with her guardian.

	'Even Setsuna isn't helping,' Makoto noted with a glum nod.

	At every attempt by the chestnut haired girl to steer any attention away 
from herself or Ami, Setsuna would only give one word answers or not even 
answer at all.  Makoto was beginning to get frustrated; it clearly began to 
show.  Her agitation only frightened Ami further into being even more quiet 
and ghostlike.

	Once inside the elevator, Setsuna turned slightly towards Ami, noticeably 
not making any acknowledgement of the tall teen behind her.

	"Ami, where are you headed off to?"

	Feeling several sets of eyes on her, Ami blushed lightly as she spoke, "To 

	Nodding, Setsuna turned to face the elevator doors as they opened at the 
first floor.  She watched one person walk off the elevator and waited to see 
if anyone else would get on.  After several moments, the doors closed and 
the elevator started back up again.

	Magenta eyes turned around to face emerald, "Makoto, have you been to the 
pediatrics ward?"

	Makoto, who'd been watching Setsuna with great fervor since they entered 
the elevator, knew this question was coming; and knew exactly where it was 
leading.  She quickly responded that had been up there several times over 
the course of the last two visits and that she wasn't planning on visiting 
the children until later this afternoon.

	Setsuna's face softened into a firm resolve as she spoke again, "I bet the 
children are just itching to see you again Makoto.  Why don't you and Ami 
head up there?  You can keep each other company, too."

	Opening her mouth to protest, the emerald eyed girl was cut short as 
Setsuna turned quickly to step out of the opened elevator.

	"Have fun you two!"  Setsuna waved and smiled as she began to walk down the 

	All that the chestnut haired teen could muster was a mumbled grunt that 
slightly resembled 'Yes'.  She was not planning to spend her day in awkward 
silences with her peer.  Looking over, she saw Ami lost in her own thoughts 
as well.  Makoto wondered for a moment if the shorter girl was regretting 
this decision as well.


	"Is Miki still here?"

	Ami's mind suddenly came back to life at the sound of the other girl's 
voice.  After what the nurse had said about her mother, the blue haired teen 
suddenly felt very horrible, and sad, and she couldn't seem to hold it back. 
  Everything around her had become blurry for a moment and she was vaguely 
aware that she was still standing there smiling, her hands clenched into 

	Unclenching her hands, Ami allowed them to fall at her side.  She looked 
over at the tall girl behind her and became slightly disturbed upon seeing 
the cold, expressionless look in her eyes.

	Why do I have to be stuck with such an uncouth person?  Ami silently 
berated herself a moment.  She reminded herself that everyone has a story to 
tell and that Makoto's story probably wasn't a good one.  Still, blue eyes 
pondered, its irritating the way that she practically looks right through 
me, as though she knows everything.

	"Oh, yes, he's still here, dear.  He was actually asking for you earlier.  
Would you like to go see him?"

	Ami watched as emerald eyes lit up with excitement.

	"Alright.  Same room?  I know the way."

	Yumi merely smiled as the disheveled teenager walked quickly down the 
hallway and made a right.

	Letting out a breath the blue eyed girl didn't know she'd been holding in, 
she turned back to Nurse Utashin expectantly.

	Brown eyes softened sadly, watching the shorter girl, "I'm sorry Ami, the 
board of directors was frequenting the area earlier and we've all been on 
our toes trying to impress him.  It wouldn't do much of an impression for 
him to see a teenager helping us out.  I mean," Yumi sat up staring directly 
at Ami with a poster pasted smile, "I know you're a genius at this kind of 
stuff and we all know who your mother is, and it's just that he wouldn't 
understand at all."

	The young girl nodded glumly, that was the reason mother was in such a 
fuss.  Baby blue eyes then looked back up with a glint of curiosity in them.

	"Which room is Miki in?"


	Ami was curious, to say the least.  When she'd seen those cold emerald eyes 
begin to dance vividly at the prospect of seeing this 'Miki', it was as 
though she was seeing a whole new part of Makoto.  Ever since the 
interrogation at lunch she had not been looking forward to spending another 
moment with the towering girl.

	She could see right through me.  I felt as though I was standing naked 
before her, despite the fact I was completely clothed.

	Shaking her head slightly, the blue eyed girl let out a tiny sigh as she 
brought her fingers up to squeeze the bridge of her nose.  This was 
something she had never encountered before.  Keeping herself guarded was 
something she had developed as a young child when all the others were 
jealous of her good grades and studious nature.  But it was possible that 
Makoto didn't know everything; it was more possible, in fact, that she was 
just good at deceiving others into believing that she knew their every fear, 
their every belief, their every thought.

	Blue eyes solidified into resolve as the young girl decided to find out 
just exactly how much the chestnut haired girl was actually aware of.

	"Konnichiwa Ami-chan!  I just saw your mother, she looks stressed."

	Ami looked up taking in a tall young man with neatly combed black hair and 
friendly blue eyes.  His arms were stretched upwards with his hands resting 
behind his head, looking oddly relaxed considering the state of the 
hospital.  The scrubs he wore fell loosely around his thin frame and were 
donned with spots of blood.

	"Ohayo Mamo-kun.  How are things going down in the e.r.?"

	Blue eyes closed themselves as the boy's head fell downward, resulting in a 
half frown and half smile across his face.  "They're getting better, we 
haven't lost anyone yet," pointing to the blood stains on his shirt, Mamoru 
continued, "That was inadvertently my mistake.  I tried to give an IV to 
some guy who was thrashing like mad, screaming that some monster attacked 
him and that the 'end of the world was near'.  Of course, he managed to pry 
his arm out from two nurses."

	Giggling, Ami reached out and patted the young doctor on his shoulder, 
"Really Mamo-kun, you ought to be more careful."

	Several loud beeps rang out from the young man's hip and Mamoru hastily 
grabbed the beeper from his waist band.

	"Ah well, duty calls Ami-chan, I'll see you around!"

	Baby blue eyes watched as, what Nurse Utashin once referred to as, 'The 
Tall Drink of Water', strode assuredly down the hall and in the direction of 
the elevators.  Mother is down the e.r., she can't be that busy.  Though the 
way Mamoru spoke it seemed as though he just caught a glimpse of her.  Ami 
took several short breaths and shook her head lightly, feeling her eyes 
soften.  Her thoughts about the e.r. and Mamoru were short lived, as the 
young girl turned back towards her destination at hand.

Ami found herself thinking of her classmate again and how drawn she felt 
towards her.  'I'm unconsciously pulled towards her... no... That isn't 
right.  I'm very well aware that I'm getting pulled, but I can't seem to 
communicate to my feet to stop.'  Ami had never been so bold as to nearly 
invite herself to lunch with anyone before.  Though Setsuna often said she 
was welcome to join her anytime she was visiting in the hospital, the young 
girl had never found herself wanting to intrude.

	Let's go see if I'm dealing with the real deal or a fake then.  Solidity 
returning to baby blue eyes, Ami took several more steps forward, stopping 
just outside Miki's room.  'Why do I feel as though I'm just making this up 
to see her?  No... That can't be right.  She seems to know something and I 
just want to find out how much.'  She stared at the numbers on the door, 
522, for what seemed like an eternity before raising her hand upwards to 
knock on the door.  White knuckles stopped just short of rapping as the blue 
haired girl suddenly found herself unable to breathe.

Onwards to Part 6

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