Deep Down (part 10 of 22)

a Crossovers fanfiction by Vexed Fusion

Back to Part 9
"Dinner Plans"

	The trip to record office was an exhausting one and her hand ached 
from all the release forms she'd had to fill to acquire the teen's 
history.  It didn't help that entire time she was signing her name on 
what appeared to be hundreds of sheets of paper, the dark haired woman 
was second guessing herself on retrieving the information.  She kept 
thinking she ought to simply ask Makoto about it and not go behind her 
back digging.  Then, Setsuna would remind herself that no matter what, 
she needed the history so as to keep her in school. 

	Towards the end of the day the guardian decided to ask Makoto 
about her past over dinner.  She would explain to her charge that she 
was digging into her background to retrieve transcripts of her earlier 
schooling and that if the green eyed adolescent wanted to share anything 
that now would be a good time.  Setsuna believed this to be the best 
route and mustered up as much energy as possible in the drive back to 
the apartment.  Makoto's history was not taken lightly with the girl.

	The dark haired woman remembered the first, last, and only time 
she'd ever questioned the girl directly about her life before Setsuna 
found her.  All she received in return was an icy emerald glare and a 
simple retort.

	"Does it matter?  What's done is done and we can't change a 
	In the instant after she'd said it the chestnut haired teen 
swiveled on one heel and marched quickly out of the room.  Setsuna never 
sensed so much pain coming from one person in her entire life as she 
felt coming from Makoto at that moment.  The dark haired woman silently 
cursed herself after the teen had left the room.  Setsuna knew better 
than that; there were huge warning signs when she first found the 
intense girl.  Her parents died several years ago and she was placed 
with her father's brother and his wife.  That aunt and uncle of hers 
ought to have been incarcerated for the way they were treating their 

	The guardian's train of thought was derailed at the invading ring 
of the cell phone packed away in a dark green velvet purse sitting on 
the cushion of the passenger's seat.  Cursing silently, Setsuna reached 
over, prying open the purse and digging long slender fingers inside to 
retrieve the noisy phone.  After several seconds of fumbling and slight 
swerving along the road, Setsuna finally managed to pry the phone from 
the cluttered purse and flip it open, bringing it up to her ear and 

	"Moshi moshi?"

	"Setsuna?  Where are you?"

	Squinting her eyes in confusion and shock, Setsuna felt at a loss 
for words-though she doubt it would have mattered considering how dry 
her mouth became-at the sound of the voice on the other end of the 
phone.  Silently, she admonished herself for not looking at the number 
ringing in before shoving the cell to her ear.  It hadn't taken only a 
fraction of a second to know who the voice belonged to: Mizuno Hitomi.  
The question on the dark haired woman's mind now was why the doctor was 
calling her this evening.  Normally the woman became so engrossed in her 
day at the hospital that she often did not arrive home until after nine 
at night.  

	Glancing at the glowing numbers on the car dash, Setsuna confirmed 
that it was merely half past five.

	"Setsuna!  Are you still with me?  Hello?  Can you hear me?"

	Shaking her head, the guardian felt a rush of blood climb to her 
cheeks and sought out enough saliva for a reply, "Yes, I'm here."  
Magenta eyes became clear again and sought out the road with great 
clarity so as to keep from getting into an accident.  Her thoughts 
swirled around so many possibilities why Hitomi was calling her at such 
a time a day.  Any phone call at all, actually, probably would be 
considered out of the ordinary.  Setsuna recalled the few times that the 
blue haired doctor had phoned her, was usually to retrieve information 
on a patient she visited regularly at the hospital.  The tall woman was 
an information source; 'Did Yuiki seem irritable Sunday?' 'You didn't 
happen to see if Anoue-san was sneaking any candies?  Her blood sugar is 
on the rise again...'  Mizuno-sensei was without a doubt more devoted to 
her work than anything else in life.

	The even and moderate tone of the doctor's voice flowed through 
the phone and into Setsuna's ears like a beautiful melody, "I just came 
from the school.  Apparently your child, what is her name..." there was 
a pause where Setsuna heard two murmuring voices in the background.  She 
recognized Ami's voice immediately.  The dark haired woman began to feel 
something heavy weighting in her stomach as she waited for Hitomi to 
continue.  'What was wrong with Makoto?'  "Kino Makoto.  Well, 
apparently she's been kidnapped.  They've been trying to get a hold of 
you for the past couple of hours; I've only just remembered I have your 
cell number."

	The guardian stopped listening past the word 'kidnapped' and 
inadvertently slammed the breaks of her car due to the shock that was 
running through her veins.  After regaining her senses, she pulled the 
car off to the side, shifting into park and turning the key in the 
ignition so that the car was completely stopped.  Setsuna looked around 
the car, as if checking to see that everything in it was turned off and 
nothing left on before replying.

	"What do you mean she's been kidnapped?!"  The dark haired woman 
chose her tone carefully for she did not want to shriek into the phone 
like a raving lunatic, nor she did want to appear cold and uninterested 
to such news.  In fact, her insides were reeling and Setsuna felt as 
though she were going to throw up.  Her only concern was to stay level 
headed.  If she could keep a cool head, then things could be sorted 
accordingly, perhaps there was a mistake, a juvenile prank?

	Hitomi sighed exhaustedly before replying and Setsuna wished the 
wonderful woman were in her arms or vice versa, "One of Ami-chan's 
friends saw Kino-san being dragged off school grounds by two young men 
shortly after school let out today.  Unfortunately, no one else saw 
anything about it and so the police didn't do anything, saying it was 
probably a practical joke and that if she truly was taken, it could not 
be reported for 24 hours."

	Despite all her efforts to keep her mind clear, panic raged 
through the dark haired woman's body and she could only feel confusion 
mixed with fear.  There was a faint pounding in the back of her head and 
Setsuna rubbed vigorously at the sides of her forehead in a pathetic 
attempt to dissolve the impending headache.

	"The police tried calling your place to inform you, but you 
weren't home.  They'd left a message, but I thought it would be better 
if you heard this from... well, I mean, it's not very comforting to come 
home and hear over your machine that your child's been taken."  The 
guardian's terror was increasing exponentially.

	'Occam's Razor!  That's it.'  Her mind becoming clear again, 
Setsuna felt those two words push their way through the convoluted 
feelings and she knew what it had to be.  

	"You said the police called it a practical joke?"

	There was an elongated pause after the question in which the 
guardian was almost certain that Hitomi was chewing on her bottom lip, 
attempting to figure out the best way to answer.  'It's just as if I'm 
her patient and she has to deliver me some bad news,' Setsuna thought.  
Setsuna took a deep breath and pushed the feelings rising in her at the 
thought of the doctor's lips, now wasn't the time to be feeling like 

	After a deep breath, the doctor spoke, "Ami-chan told me that Rei, 
who was the girl who witnessed what happened, said she'd never seen the 
two boys before.  They wore trench coats and looked very suspicious."  
The blue haired woman stopped talking abruptly and Setsuna heard a horn 
honking along with a screech. "Shit, sorry about that.  Where was I?"

	"The boys who grabbed her looked suspicious."  After she answered, 
the dark haired woman started up her car again-being jolted back into 
reality from the sound of Hitomi's vehicle-and swerved back into 
traffic, feeling the need to get home as soon as possible.  

	"Oh right.  Yes, well, is there anything in Kino-san's background 
to confirm that something like this would happen?  Ami-chan's friend 
seems to think your girl is nothing but trouble; apparently she's very 
unpleasant to others at school."

	If Setsuna hadn't already known Hitomi as well as she did, she 
would've taken this as an insult.  But the doctor was generally out of 
the loop about school and teenagers in general; though she treated her 
own daughter very well, she was definitely not in line to win mother of 
the year award.  While the dark haired woman considered what to say 
next, she listened to the sudden quiet arguing in background.

	Ami seemed to have disagreed with her mother's choice of words on 
the subject and the two were now softly bickering about Makoto, though 
not soft enough.  Setsuna heard something about the teen being a bully 
which Ami replied that people gave her a difficult time and that she was 
new.  Silently, Setsuna thanked the small blue haired girl for sticking 
up for Makoto.  It was true that the teen was having a difficult time 
adjusting.  It seemed as though the bickering would not end, so the dark 
haired woman decided it was time to stop being nosey and let her 
presence be reminded of.

	"I don't know much of Makoto's background to confirm or deny this, 
but I can assure you Hitomi, that she is a very intelligent and polite 
young woman and though I cannot be completely confident, I believe that 
this must be a sort of mix up.  As the police said: a prank."  The 
arguing had quieted down as soon as Setsuna began talking.  Hitomi 
responded only a fraction of a second after the dark haired woman 

	"Oh, well, okay then.  I just wanted to call and let you know.  Do 
call later and let me know if you find her?  We're home now, ja ne."

	"Bye and thank you again.  I do appreciate your concern."  Setsuna 
heard a tiny snap and then silence.  She, too, had just pulled into the 
garage below her apartment building and flipped the phone shut, pushing 
it back into her purse.  The dark haired woman sat for several seconds, 
letting the information of tonight replay in her mind.

	It had to be a joke or something not so serious.  The guardian 
felt as though she knew the chestnut haired teen well enough to know she 
would not put herself in a situation that she could not control.  
Setsuna wished she'd given Makoto a cell phone so that she could at 
least call her and confirm exactly what had happened.  Worry overcame 
Setsuna again and she pressed her forehead against the steering wheel, 
calming herself through deep breaths.

	A smile crossed the tall woman's lips as she sat there, slumped 
over.  Hitomi had been worried about her.  Not overtly though, no, the 
doctor was not like that.  Her feelings were kept under a tight rein 
much like Setsunas.  It was that tight rein that gave the dark haired 
woman the edge because she could read between the lines of the blue 
haired woman, having experienced (and still experiencing) it herself.  
Anyone else listening in on the conversation would not have noticed.  
'It's about time,' the guardian laughed softly.

	Sitting back up, the magenta eyed woman gathered her things and 
exited the car gracefully, with a pleasant air about her.  Though guilt 
would ultimately strike her, telling her she was wrong to savor such 
things at the moment considering that Makoto may be in danger.  Deep 
down, Setsuna felt that everything was going to be okay.


	Everything was going to be okay, but not for Makoto, Setsuna 
thought as she exited the elevator and turned down the hall towards the 
apartment, finding her charge standing there with a blonde boy and an 
aqua haired girl.  Locking her jaw, the guardian kept walking towards 
the apartment without missing a beat, coming to stand next to the tomboy 
and giving an authoritarian look to all three teenagers.

	The blonde and his, what looked to be girlfriend, bowed politely 
towards Setsuna, which she returned.  Setsuna noticed things had quieted 
down when she neared the three and knew she interrupted a conversation 
she was not meant to hear.  Not that she minded; the older woman was 
young once and was aware how kids felt about adults hanging around their 

	Makoto broke the awkward silence by introducing the two friends, 
"Meioh-san, this is Tenoh Haruka and her girlfriend, Kaioh Michiru.  
They are students at Juuban, a year ahead of me."

	Once again, the dark haired woman watched the two girls bow their 
heads, quicker this time, greeting Setsuna politely.

	"Good to finally meet you Meioh-san."  Haruka pushed her hands in 
the pockets of her slacks and grinned like a Cheshire cat towards 
Makoto.  The dark haired woman could only assume that Haruka was teasing 
her, either probably because the tomboy did not want them to meet 
Setsuna, or because they knew the trouble the tomboy would be in after 
they'd said their goodbyes.

	Smiling politely, the guardian replied in gentle and unassuming 
voice, "Good to meet you too, Tenoh-kun.  You as well, Kaioh-kun.  If 
you'll excuse Makoto and me, we must be getting in to dinner."

	The aqua haired girl slid her arm gracefully through the taller 
girl's arm and spoke, "We're very sorry for the intrusion Meioh-san.  
Forgive us, we'll be going now."  Michiru paused before turning, "Glad 
to see you're okay Makoto."

	Setsuna watched as she thought the grin on Haruka's face could get 
no bigger, being dragged off by her girlfriend.  They were about ten 
feet from she and Makoto when the blonde turned her head, yelling back.

	"Mako-chan, I'd put an X through your evenings for the next couple 
weeks, looks like you won't be going anywhere," as she finished, she 
threw her head back in laughter which only got louder when Michiru gave 
the tall girl a dirty look, slapping at her arm.

	The guardian could only quirk an eyebrow as she watched the 
chestnut haired girl out of the corner of her eye dig through her 
pockets, seemingly unaware of the danger that lay ahead.  Turning, the 
older woman tilted her head to the side and attempted her best 
admonishing look at the teen.  She watched as Makoto covertly ignored 
Setsuna and pulled the set of keys from her pocket, slipping them into 
the lock, opening the door, and walked briskly into the apartment.

	Setsuna merely smiled and followed the tomboy into the apartment 
laughing under her breath.  Either Makoto was completely unaware of what 
was about to meet her, which was a less than hundredth of a percent 
chance considering the actions of her tall blonde friend in the hall, or 
she was hoping to draw sympathy from the older woman.  Another thought 
entered the guardian's brain as she slipped her shoes off and put on her 
slippers: this was Makoto she was talking about-the girl was probably a 
genius.  The teen would no doubt face up to her behavior.  She knew what 
she did was wrong; Setsuna was now just curious to know the reason for 

	The teen hadn't so much as acknowledged Setsuna since in the 
hallway and was now in the kitchen, pulling out pans and ingredients for 
dinner.  It was so odd to Setsuna that such a brusque and tomboyish 
young girl cooked as well as she did.  Even stranger to think she also 
enjoyed it.  Many times the guardian mentioned to the young girl that 
she needn't bother with the cooking as she could do it herself just as 
easily; but Makoto would just shrug her shoulders and say that she 
didn't mind.

	Sitting down at the counter, the older women watched mesmerized as 
the green eyed teen began mixing things, pots going on the stove and 
rice in the cooker.  She conjectured that the young girl was making a 
simple curry.  As she inspected Makoto up-close, Setsuna could see that 
the girl appeared simply exhausted; her usually vibrant emerald eyes 
were now dull and glazed over.  The teen walked around the kitchen with 
the slightest ever limp; so slight that Setsuna would admit that she 
didn't notice until that moment.

	Her actions, usually clear and precise, especially when it came to 
cooking, were still top notch, but the young woman seemingly put much 
more effort into making them so.  What she was viewing once again placed 
worry at the top of Setsuna's large list of feelings at the moment.  
This was the exact same state in which she'd first found Makoto.  No 
more than seven months ago, the dark haired woman came upon the 
weakened, bitter, and troubled young teen living in a run-down warehouse 
several miles from where she should have been residing with her aunt and 

	The sight Setsuna was viewing now brought back the memories of 
pain and sadness she'd seen before.  She wondered if she'd even have to 
ask Makoto what happened tonight; because she felt as though she already 
knew what transpired with the chestnut haired girl earlier.  Makoto 
touched base with her past.

	"Did you want to eat at the table or just here on the counter?"  
The unassuming voice of the teen broke through the silence that'd 
settled down in the apartment since the two entered.  For some reason, 
the guardian felt as though she were waiting for the tomboy to speak and 
was not at all surprised by the tonality it possessed.

	"Do you know what I received a call about no more than," Setsuna 
paused to make a show of looking at the silver watch on her dainty 
wrist, "one hour ago?"  Magenta eyes became inquisitive as they watched 
the young girl dish out curry onto two plates, not bothering to turn for 
her answer.

	Once again, the tonality of Makoto's voice became evident as she 
spoke, "My kidnapping, no doubt.  I hear it was received well."  She 
sounded amused.  And she wanted the older woman to know she was amused.

	Setsuna merely smiled-not amused-and continued, "You worried many 

	"I bet."  There was a sort of bitterness in the answer.

	"You don't sound too convinced of that."

	Turning around, the tomboy shrugged, setting Setsuna's plate in 
front of her and the other plate at the seat to Setsuna's right.  After 
the girl poured two glasses of Bertani Amarone, placing them in front of 
the dishes, she sat down, bringing her own dull green eyes to meet 
Setsuna's curious ones.

	"As I'm sure you must already know, or at least, assume, it was 
just a hoax.  The two young men... are friends of mine and I thought it 
would be quite comical of them to drag me off the grounds," the teen 
paused to take a sip of the wine, tasting it generously before 
continuing, "Had I known people other than Michiru and Haruka were 
watching, I'd not have done it."
	As always, Makoto's cooking was top notch as the dark haired woman 
nearly lost herself in the taste of a simple curry.  "Another tasty meal 
Makoto, you must tell me sometime where you learned to cook like this."

	Setsuna watched as the girl could only nod, not able to respond 
chewing on the curry in her own mouth.  Reaching for her glass, the 
older woman spoke briefly before bringing it to her lips to take a 
drink, "You will apologize to the others at school then?"

	She hated to ask because she felt as though she were admonishing 
Makoto in such a childish way and that the teen would take offense to 
it, hearing it from young adult's point of view.  The teen clutched at 
her fork just a little harder than she meant to and dropped it into the 
curry out of fear that Setsuna might notice.  But it was too late, the 
guardian did notice.


	"Of course I'll apologize."


	"What do you take me for?!  I'm not the brute they think I am!  
And you think me a brute too!"  The chestnut haired girl was breathing 
hard now and her clutched fists visibly shaking.  Setsuna was taken 
aback by this outburst, certainly not expecting this from the young 
girl.  Her wide magenta eyes could only watch as the teen tried to 
recompose, breathing deeply and slowly unclenching her fists.

	The dark haired women pulled her eyes away, giving the tomboy the 
space she needed.  Leisurely, Setsuna finished the wine in her glass and 
reached for the bottle to pour another.  This gave her the time to 
compose her thoughts and to speak to the chestnut haired girl 
appropriately.  Clearly, this was not about what Setsuna said, but 
something much deeper.

	"I don't think you're a brute, Makoto."

	Green eyes would not look up now, probably not for several days 
afterwards, Setsuna assumed.  The young girl resumed eating the curry, 
chewing methodically and scooping the fork very mechanically, as though 
very aware she was being watched.

	"I cannot know what it is like to be in your shoes.  I can verily 
say with certainty that I will never know.  Even if you told me in great 
detail, even if I experienced it myself, it would still not be the same 
as how you encountered everything.  The only thing I can offer to you is 
a loving home and for you to know, I'll never give up on you.  You're my 
best friend's daughter and a brilliant young woman.  I've come to care 
for you in such a way I'd never thought I'd care for anyone.  Even if 
you weren't your mother's daughter, I don't think I could resist adoring 
you the way that I do."  The guardian laughed happily, "Let them call 
you a brute.  You're a brute full of charm and intelligence and I don't 
think I'd have you any other way."

	Makoto still did not look at the older woman as she ate and showed 
no emotion through Setsuna's touching declaration.  There were several 
seconds of buzzing silence while the two ate.  Setsuna could only smile 
at the teen, hoping that the girl would see how sincere she was in her 
intentions and could hopefully relax her hostile stance.

	Finally the girl spoke, her voice sounding exhausted at a near 
whisper, "You've only known me for several months, so how can you 
possibly care for me that greatly?"

	Setsuna was expecting this, "It seems odd doesn't it?  You are not 
required to reciprocate such feelings, but if you wanted to, they would 
not be unwelcome.  And I do not believe there is a set amount of time 
two people must know each other before feelings begin to develop.  
Sometimes it happens so suddenly that it strikes you like a ton of 
bricks and other times it can take years before you're able to see it 

	"Like you and Mizuno-sensei..."

	Magenta eyes shot quickly towards the teen.  'How... No, it was 
obvious.'  The guardian closed her eyes slowly and sought out her voice 
for her reply, "Yes."  She took a deep breath before continuing, "But 
that is not your business."

	The tomboy reached for her glass and finished off the red liquid, 
swallowing it down in one large gulp and then coming to rest her 
piercing emerald eyes on the guardian, "I'm sorry, I should not have 
worried you with such a silly prank."

	Reopening her eyes, the guardian met the now vibrant green of 
Makoto's eyes.  A consciousness rose in Setsuna's body as she felt the 
teen looking for something in the woman; some tidbit of information or 
feeling for the girl to feed on.  After all that's what she does well; 
she reads others and their emotions.

	Continuing her eye contact with the girl, Setsuna spoke, putting 
on an authoritative air so that the teen might back off; she did not 
enjoy the scrutiny of those piercing emeralds, "I do appreciate the 
apology, Makoto.  Along with mine and those to the girls, I also believe 
you should apologize to Ami-chan's mother.  She was pulled from work 
early to be with her daughter after she and her friends called the 

	Without hesitation and without taking her eyes off the older 
woman, the teen replied, "That was selfish of me, I realize.  Perhaps I 
can make it up to both Ami and Mizuno-sensei?"  There was sincerity in 
the girl's voice and Setsuna nodded, encouraging her to continue, "Well, 
how about I invite them both over for dinner.  I'll make the dinner and 
dessert and take care of the set up.  It'll be part of the apology."

	Setsuna did not know what to say as this caught her slightly off 
guard.  Inviting the woman she with whom she is in love with and her 
daughter over for an intimate evening, she did not know if Hitomi was 
ready for this.  Sure, they had lunched together many times and even had 
gone out on several dinners together, but neither had made their move 
yet.  The doctor was often so preoccupied with her work, that she found 
very little time outside of the hospital and had expressed on several 
occasions that between her daughter and her job, there was no room for 
relationships.  Hitomi did not know of Setsuna's feelings, rather, she 
simply said it to anyone as a way of keeping people at a distance.

	Lately it appeared to the dark haired woman that the doctor was 
warming up to her and that maybe a dinner wouldn't be such a bad idea.  
At least Makoto and Ami will be there to keep things from going too 
fast.  Not that there was any chance of that; the two women had known 
each other for nearly a decade now.  The possibility of rushing anything 
went out the door after five years.

	"I think that's a wonderful idea.  Shall I call and set something 
up with Hitomi, or would you like to do that?"  Impressed, but also a 
bit skeptical of the teen's suggestion, Setsuna wanted to give the 
chance for the young girl to right her wrong.

	"Sure, I can call.  What's her number?"

	"It's on my cell phone; you can call after we clean up here."  
Both had finished their dinners and were now chatting with elbows on the 
counter, dishes pushed off to the side.  

	"Right-o then."

	Immediately the chestnut haired teen set to gathering up their 
dishes, placing them in the sink along with the pans she used to cook 
the curry.  Setsuna stood up, re-corked and placed the bottle of Bertani 
back in the rack with the other wines.  She gazed around the apartment, 
wondering if it couldn't use a little cleaning in light of having guests 
over.  A sleek, black, 50 inch wide screen TV sat on a black wood panel 
stand in the corner of the room.  On both sides of it were placed two 
mahogany end tables, one with a vase of wilting flowers and the other 
with a figurine of pan sitting on a tree stump.

	The living room was modest other than the pan figurine, containing 
a magenta couch-large and very comfortable, a black leather recliner, 
and a mahogany table.  Setsuna made a mental note to remind the teen to 
pick up the countless number of books stacked upon the table, couch, and 
floors.  The carpet was a light brick color, less red, more brown, while 
the walls were cream colored, adorned with various pieces of art and a 
couple of pictures of Setsuna's parents and her family.  Magenta eyes 
rested on the photo of Setsuna and her parents.  They were wonderful 
people, despite their being awful rich, were always friendly and very 
down to earth.

	She wondered what they would think of Makoto had they lived to 
meet her.  Mother would have loved her, father would have respected her.  
'And I bet they would've spoiled her too.'  A grin crept onto the older 
woman's face as she walked to the teen's side to dry the dishes.

	"Why're you so happy?"  There was a knowing smile on the girl's 
face as she asked the question.  Setsuna made a mental note to consider 
that smile later and grabbed the fork out of the green eyed girl's hand, 
wrapping it in the towel she had in her own.

	"I was just thinking that my parents would really have liked you."

	Makoto squinted as though she didn't understand and quickly looked 
to the sink for another dish, "When did they die?"

	"Hm? Oh, ten years ago actually.  I'd just finished graduate 
school."  The guardian sighed as she recalled the memory, "They were 
vacationing in Australia and were on their way back for the graduation 
ceremony.  Father hated flying, so they always went by ship everywhere.  
There was a bad storm in the Philippine Sea, which sunk the ship they 
were on."

	As Setsuna was talking, she'd stopped drying the pan in her hand, 
looking out the window in front of her at nothing in particular.  
Concerned emerald eyes noticed the break in their normal routine and 
turned to watch the older woman.  When the dark haired woman became 
aware that she wasn't moving, she quickly set the pan in the drying 
rack, feeling a rush of pink come to her cheeks.  The last time she had 
spoken of her parents was nearly four years ago, when one of the 
patients she'd been visiting said they remembered working for her 
father's business.

	"Hey, no worries, my parents are dead too.  Well, you already knew 
that, though."

	A smile crossed the older woman's face and without thinking, 
reached out pushing a strand of chestnut hair behind the teen's ear, 
letting her hand rest on the shoulder below.

	The young girl began to fidget a little, under the gaze of her 
guardian, green eyes not knowing exactly where to look.  Setsuna 
wondered how long it would take before Makoto warmed up to such 
affection given to her.  She then remembered Hakishu-san's advice of 
being patient and pulled her hand away, noting a wave of relief washing 
over the teen.  There was one saving grace in all of this: this being 
the first time the tomboy talked of her parents since coming to live 
with the dark haired woman.

	And it was at that thought, that Setsuna recalled what she was 
planning to talk to Makoto about earlier before the whole kidnapping 
ordeal.  A lump crawled into the woman's throat at the idea of bringing 
it up at such a moment, but was forced back down by a swallow.  After 
several seconds of evened breathing, Setsuna finished drying the last 
dish and moved to the living area as the teen wiped down the counters.

	"Where's your cell, I'll call right now before it gets too late?"

	"It's in my purse."  Magenta eyes followed the girl to her purse, 
once again noticing how tired she looked.  It's now or never.  "Makoto.  
Come sit down."

	Makoto looked questioningly towards the guardian, who was already 
seated at the couch.  Moving cautiously, the teen made her way to the 
recliner and slid into it, propping her socked feet up on the coffee 
table.  Setsuna gave a disapproving look at the socked feet, which gave 
way to the chestnut haired girl sighing annoyed and moving them off the 

	"Someone else die?"

	"What? No." The dark haired woman laughed softly and sat up to get 
a better look at the young girl, "The high school is requiring that I 
show proof of your previous education.  I know you passed the entrance 
exam; I think they are just being finicky, having you enter several 
months after the start of school.  Nevertheless, I've gone to the 
government record office and requested your schooling background," 
Setsuna paused, watching the teen for any change in her unmoving 
posture.  When she figured that Makoto was not going to do anything, she 
continued, "And so I was just curious if you'd like to share anything 
with me before I get it from the record's office."

	The only response from Makoto was another annoyed sigh followed by 
the rolling of her green eyes.  Closing her jaw, the teen looked around 
the room, seemingly looking for a distraction, but, Setsuna guessed, was 
probably thinking of what to share and how to share it.  The guardian 
leaned against the couch, going into patience mode and never taking her 
eyes off the young girl.

	She didn't have to wait long for the answer though, "The two years 
before you'd found me, I wasn't in school."

	Setsuna presumed as much, considering how she found the girl.  
"That being the case then, Juuban will require you to take a junior high 
exam, to prove you are proficient," Makoto was about to open her mouth, 
only to be cut off, "And I know that's not fair, considering you passed 
the high school examination, but let's just humor them.  I'll get you a 
tutor if you like?"

	"I don't need a tutor," replied the tomboy, waving her hand as 
though brushing the suggestion wayward, "I'll take it.  Just set me up a 
time and place."

	"Alright then," The dark haired woman rose to the notebook sitting 
on the counter next to the telephone, "Was there anything else?"  She 
tried to sound as nonchalant as possible as she wrote the note about the 
exam on the paper.

	"Nah, nothing else pertains to me staying in high school.  If 
you're curious about anything, just ask me, I'll answer to the best of 
my ability.  But I'm going to make this phone call now, considering that 
it's beginning to get pretty late and I've got a paper on the black hole 
to write."  The tall girl left the room quickly, going down the hall to 
her room, and shutting the door behind her.

	The guardian sat there, slightly stunned; stunned that Makoto had 
just given her permission to probe the secrets of her past.  For such a 
horrible beginning to the evening, everything turned out better than 
fine.  Her prediction wasn't too far off.


	"Mizuno residence, may I ask who is speaking?"

	"Um, yes, this is Makoto, Ami."

	The blue haired teen felt her heart wedge itself into her throat 
at the sound of the brutish girl's voice.  "Makoto-san!  You're okay!"  
Her voice came out much more high pitched than she meant and felt a 
blush creeping up her neck towards her cheeks.

	"Yeah.  Listen, about earlier, it was just a gag.  I know those 
two guys.  Sorry if I upset you."

	Baby blue eyes closed and a rush of relief mixed slightly with 
anger spread through the small teen.  Just as quickly as the relief and 
anger had come, they also quickly dissipated, leaving the girl with a 
feeling of curiosity; who were those two young men?  Realizing that she 
hadn't answered yet, Ami ushered out her reply quickly, "Oh.  It's 
alright.  We were just worried.  Rei'd seen it happen through a 
classroom window."

	Ami was met with silence after she finished speaking and wondered 
if she'd been disconnected.  She was about to say something when 
Makoto's voice broke in.

	"Did she now?  Ah well, just my luck, eh?"  The tall girl laughed 
lightly, offsetting the blue haired teen.  Once again, she felt like she 
was seeing 'The New Transfer' change personalities as quickly as a 
chameleon changes colors.  This was all too confusing to Ami and she 
silently wished that Makoto would just pick one way of acting around her 
and stay with it.

	"Was that all you needed to speak with me about?"  The blue haired 
girl suddenly felt self conscious.  Why would Makoto call her this late 
at night, explaining herself to the teen?  Unless what Minako said was 
true about the tall brute liking Ami, in which case she supposed a case 
of hives and hyperventilating were in due order.  

	A sigh on Makoto's end broke Ami out of her possible 
hyperventilation, followed by the chestnut haired girl's voice, "For 
now, yes.  I'd like to speak with your mother as well, if possible."

	Confusion played on the short girl's face as she wondered what 
possible reason the rogue had in talking with her mother.  Not one to be 
impolite, Ami confirmed that the conversation with her mom was likely 
and pressed the hold button on the phone, going in search of the blue 
haired doctor.

	She found her mother in the study and knocked softly just before 
entering into the crowded office.  Walking carefully around case files 
and boxes, the teen stood next to her mother, waiting until she finished 
typing on the computer.  Her wide blue eyes watched her mother, events 
from earlier still racking in her mind.  Ami hadn't argued with her 
mother like that in a long time and she felt it to be such a trifle 
thing.  Very trifle to stand up for the roguish brute who, was generally 
rude to herself and others.  But it seemed that no one gave the girl a 
chance, other than Setsuna, and why didn't Makoto deserve that chance 
from Ami?  She didn't regret what she'd done, she felt compelled to show 
her mother, and possibly others, there were other sides to the rogue.

	"What can I do for you dear?"  The teen jumped slightly, failing 
to notice when her mother turned and noticed her.  When she saw the 
gentle smile on the doctor's face, the young girl calmed and handed the 
phone over.

	"Kino Makoto is on the phone, wishing to speak with you," Baby 
blue eyes scanned over the stacks of papers laid across the desk and 
added, "If you're not too busy that is."

	Night blue eyes widened slightly at the news of the supposed 
`kidnapped girl' being on the phone and Hitomi pulled her glasses off, 
polishing them on her shirt.  "Kino-san?  She's alright then?"

	"It would appear that it was only a prank."

	"Ah."  The doctor merely shook her head and smiled.  "Well, I 
guess I should speak to her then."  Ami mentioned that she'd left Makoto 
on hold and then left the room quietly to give her mother some privacy.

	Once outside, the young girl closed the door and leaned heavily 
against it, catching her breath.  The effect that Makoto had on her 
seemed to even transfer itself over something as simple as a phone call 
and Ami found herself thinking of the image of the rogue standing in the 
hallway, arms crossed, leaning against the locker.  Much to her 
surprise, the short girl found chest swelling at the thought of how 
rather striking the green eyed tomboy was.  There was no mistake about 
the feeling inside of Ami; the lump in her throat, the aching of her 
heart and chest, and, though she would die before telling anyone, the 
longing deep in her loins.

	They were things she was only familiar with in the books she'd 
read and now she was experiencing them first hand, vividly aware that 
Makoto was her first crush.  But crush didn't seem to have the right 
meaning in it.  Feelings as deep as Ami's were not those typically 
associated with a crush, or so the blue haired teen conjectured.  
Earlier this afternoon, when she'd heard that Makoto had been kidnapped, 
the panic hit her like a ton of bricks.  She knew at that moment that 
the rogue meant something very meaningful to her and what bothered the 
most, was that she found no specific reason to support this.

	Makoto had been rude to the Ami, though also nice, but mostly 
indifferent.  Not knowing where you stood with someone had to be the 
most infuriating feeling on earth.  Why could the chestnut haired brute 
simply hate and not talk to her like she did with most of the students?  
Why must she sometimes be nice to the short girl?  Why did any of this 
matter?  The blue haired girl was now gripping the bridge of her nose, 
exasperated at all the feelings and questions flowing through her.

	It was then that the door flew open, Ami falling back a few steps 
right into her mother.

	"Ami-chan!  What in the name of?!"  The doctor caught her daughter 
rather ungracefully, the two nearly toppling backwards.  The teen caught 
her balance and pulled herself away from her mother, bowing and 
apologizing, her face an extreme shade of red.  Hitomi could only 
chuckle and run her hand through the small girl's hair.

	"It's alright; I suppose you were trying to listen in on the 
conversation."  When Ami shook her head, stately saying that she was 
not, the older woman merely laughed again.  "Okay then.  I believe you.  
What were you doing anyhow?"

	Hitomi walked past her daughter towards the living room to hang 
the phone back on it's hook.  The teen followed quickly, not answering 
and not really knowing what to say.  When her mother turned around, 
expecting an answer, Ami could only mumble that she was just thinking.

	Dark blue eyes looked over the small girl intently, feeling that 
there was much more to it than that.  When she figured that her daughter 
was not going to talk, the doctor spoke, "Kino-san has invited you and 
me over to her and Meioh-san's place this Saturday night.  Make sure 
your schedule is free.  It'll just be dinner, nothing formal, a way of 
apologizing for all the fuss she caused."  Hitomi looked to her watch 
and then back to her daughter, "I have to get back to work, come say 
goodnight before you go to bed."  

	The doctor began to walk back towards the office; she was at the 
door when she turned, looking towards the phone.

	"Was there anything else mother?"  The teen was about to go up to 
her room when she noticed the older woman looking in her direction.

	Medium-length blue hair shook as the doctor replied, "Huh? Oh, no, 
nothing, I guess."

	Baby blue eyes watched the older woman curiously as she went back 
into the office.  Ami wondered briefly what her mother thought of 
Makoto.  If anything, she'd find out after Saturday.  She could not 
believe that the rogue invited her and her mother over to dinner.  The 
knots in her stomach began to increase as so did the longing in her 
chest.  A chance to be with Makoto without her friends around again; it 
was something that made the short girl smile, then frown.  The chestnut 
haired girl excited and intimidated her; she wondered what was in store 
for her Saturday night.

	As she walked the steps towards her room, Ami heard the phone ring 
and immediately turned right around back into the living room.

	"Mizuno residence, may I ask who is speaking?"

	"This is Setsuna, Ami-chan.  How are you?"

	It was all very curious to Ami, first Makoto, and then Setsuna.  
Perhaps the dark haired woman simply wanted to confirm the dinner.  "I'm 
doing quite well Meioh-san, thank you for asking."

	"Good to hear.  Were you happy to have two days off from school?"

	'No.'  "I got rather behind, but thanks to my friends was able to 
catch up."

	"Ah, that's right; you're in the advanced programs, aren't you?  
Must be hard work."

	Ami heard the sound of footsteps behind her and turned around to 
find her mother standing out in the hallway.  Hopeful blue eyes looked 
towards the teen and the doctor mouthed the question of who was on the 
phone.  The young girl mouthed back that it was Setsuna and as she 
finished she saw the doctor almost smile, but hold back.  Ami stopped 
the confusion she felt from entering her face and continued to talk to 

	"Sometimes it is, but it will all be well worth it."

	"I'm glad to hear it.  Is your mother available?  I promised I'd 
call and talk to her."

	The shorter girl did not reply.  She was watching her mother 
intently now and was contemplating the look on the doctor's face.  It 
was several moments before she realized what the dark haired woman had 
asked her.  The teen blushed in embarrassment and finally spoke into the 

	"Yes, yes.  She's right here."

	Quickly, Hitomi made her way to her daughter and took the phone 
from her, rather excitedly.  The doctor took several deep breaths before 
bringing the phone up to her ear and speaking into it.

	"Setsuna!  ... Yes, oh yes, she called me.  Oh, yes, I know..."

	Sensing now was a good time for an exit the teen quickly left the 
living room, up the stairs and into her room, shutting the door softly 
behind her.  Once in her room, Ami fell to her bed and stared at the 
ceiling, letting her thoughts wander.  A few minutes later, the teen 
rose to her feet and set to work on reading chapters for cram school 
tomorrow evening.  Studying always clears the mind.

Onwards to Part 11

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