More than a Thousand Flowers

a Card Captor Sakura fanfiction by Spheeris1

First off, I know that this will be silly and short ^^;;
It is Tomoyo thinking about Sakura...yes, it's all been done before,

But! I had to have fun with it...

The song is by one of my fave groups, Cibo Matto


/I want certain words more than a thousand flowers/

Tomoyo sat in the car, listening to the soft hum of the 
lulled her almost to sleep. But when I close my eyes...Sakura.
Always Sakura.

Someday, I wish I could just get over the emerald-eyed girl.
Move on.
Maybe even find someone else....

/memory rubs in my heart like sand on my feet/

But then I think about her, all the time spent loving her without her 
knowing it...and I can't give it up.
Like I am addicted to her. Tomoyo had to laugh.

/my heart is frozen tonight like blue coral in the sea/

And if someone else liked me?
Would I even notice? No....
The car stop and Tomoyo stepped out when the bodyguard opened the 
"I want to be alone for a while." Tomoyo said.

/you are my twilight though not always right/

The ocean lapped at her feet as she walked along the shore...
The stars shining bright..a beautiful night. 
Too bad I cannot share it with her.

/you are so kind like the tide by my side/

I have to make a stay or leave?
And if I leave, I have to decided to be happy.
With or without Sakura.

/because of time we lost our pride for love/

I want to tell her how I feel...
But I am tired of thinking about it.
I need a's hard to even hear myself admit that.

/I feel I'm alone again in the heat wave/

So...then it's final.
I'll leave for awhile...a respite from my longing.
Tomoyo walked into the ocean, enjoying the water and the coolness of 
the waves.

/I wish we could meet again, you are already miles away/

Bye, Sakura.
For now anyway...Tomoyo smiled and went back to the car.


Silly, ne? C and C is welcomed...I know, a bit OOC? 

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