In the Middle

a Card Captor Sakura fanfiction by Teresa Kaiju


"Yes, Shoaoran?"

"I've come to a decision.  I'm going back to Hong Kong."
"Oh.  Okay.  How long are you going to be gone?

"I'm not coming back."

"Don't joke about things like that!  It's not funny!"

"It's not a joke.  I think you will be happier without me."

"How can you say that?!  I love you!"

"And I love you.  But it's obvious that I'm just keeping you away from 
Tomoyo.  I can see that you love her more than you love me." 

"Tomoyo?  No!   Sure I love her.  But as a friend!  That's all!"

"No, Sakura.  That's not all.  She is a lot more than just a friend to 
you.  When you haven't seen her for even a couple of days, your eyes 
lose their sparkle.  And your voice changes too.  It gets dull and 
lifeless.  You can't live without her."  Sakura wanted to say this 
wasn't true, but she knew that she did miss her friend a lot when they 
were separated.  

"But Shoaoran!  I don't want to live without you..."

"And I don't want to live without you.  But I really think that Tomoyo 
can make you happier than I can.  She loves you so much.  You are the 
center of her life.  Losing you would kill her.  I can't let that 
happen.  So I'm going.  Come and visit sometime.  I'm going to miss you 
a lot, but I will survive."

"Sakura.  You said on the phone that Shoaoran left you?  When?  Why?"

"I got a phone call from him this morning.  He said that I loved you 
more than I loved him and that you couldn't live without me and he 
didn't want to take me away from you."

"That baka!  He loves you as much as anyone could possibly love anyone 
else.  I'll bet he's really miserable right now."  Sakura was surprised 
at how angry Tomoyo was.  It was really unusual for her.

"Well, I miss him too.  So what should I do?"

"Go to Hong Kong and bring him back.  There is still a week of summer 
break left.  And I'll go with you just in case you weaken."


Shoaoran agreed to see the two girls but he was adamant about Sakura 
staying with Tomoyo.  "But Shoaoran, Sakura is straight.  She needs a 
guy.  I can't possibly give her what you can!"

"Have you two done it together?"  Tomoyo was shocked while Sakura had no 
idea what Shoaoran was talking about.  So she watched quietly while 
Tomoyo and Shoaoran talked.

"NO!  We haven't done it.  Why would you ask such a thing?!"

"Well, don't tell me how straight she is until you've done it. I heard 
that two girls can have more fun than a girl and a guy."

"Shoaoran!  I am not about to do anything improper with Sakura.  And 
that is final!  And I ought to tell your mother about the things you are 
saying to us."

"There is no need to tell me.  I heard.  The walls here are very thin 
and you are both talking very loud.  So how about if I settle this 
disagreement for you?  I have some magic that will show just how much 
Sakura loves each of you.  And how much you love her.  Would that be 
acceptable?"  After some hesitation, all three parties agreed.  


"The first thing you must remember is that love and sexual attraction 
are two entirely separate things.  And they are both important.  Thus, I 
have a test for each.  First we will test Sakura and Shoaoran.  Take one 
of these little squares of paper and put it in your mouth.  Just keep 
them on top of your tongue.  Try not to get them too wet.  Now sit here 
facing each other and take each others hands and hold them.  Now look 
into each others eyes for a moment and think of how you feel about the 
other person."  A few seconds later she continued speaking.  "Very good 
now, Sakura, take your paper and place it where it says "Sakura's love 
for Shoaoran".  Good.  Now Shoaoran, you put yours where it says 
Shoaoran's love for Sakura.  Now here is another piece of paper for you 
Sakura and here is one for you Tomoyo.  Sit and do as Sakura and 
Shoaoran did." Again there was a pause before she continued.  "Now I 
would like to try one more test.  Sakura, you can get up.  Shoaoran, you 
take Sakura's place.  Now here are two more pieces of paper."

"But why are you doing this?  We aren't a couple?" Shoaoran wanted to 

"My own curiosity?  Why would two people who both love Sakura, each be 
trying to make her pick the other person?  Hum?  Now go ahead and take 
each others hands and look deep into each others eyes.  Come on, 
Shoaoran, do it please?  That's better...  Now place yours, Shoaoran, 
here where it says Shoaoran's love for Tomoyo.  And yours, Tomoyo, goes 
here of course."

After the love part of the test was done they all went through the same 
thing with yellow papers instead of white ones.  

"There, now that we have all the results, let's look at love first. 
Unfolding each paper will reveal the result in the form of a red, blue 
or a mixture of the two colors.  The size, shape and color of the mark 
appearing on each paper shows the degree, the purity, and to some extent 
the sort of feelings.  A larger mark generally means a stronger feeling.  
A pure red mark signifies pure unselfish love.  Blue indicates 
possessiveness.  We won't go into other colors, as I don't expect to see 

Shoaoran's love for Sakura showed a wide pure red bar straight across 
the paper.  "A good, very strong, very pure love."  Was Shoaoran's 
mothers verdict.  Sakura and Tomoyo both nodded as it was just as they 

Sakura's love for Shoaoran looked just about the same.  Also no surprise 
to anyone.

Sakura's love for Tomoyo however was a very large red spot that was 
fuzzy around the edges.  "Ah less clear and direct love, but still very 
pure and very strong."

But when she unfolded Tomoyo's love for Sakura, the whole paper was 
blood red.  "Ah.  This I have never seen before.  I would say that 
Tomoyo's love for Sakura is very special indeed."

"See?"  Shoaoran said firmly.  Sakura just stared with her eyes really 

The paper for Shoaoran's love for Tomoyo had another pure red bar about 
two thirds the size his for Sakura.  "Ah, as I suspected.  This would 
explain why Shoaoran doesn't want to hurt Tomoyo."  Shoaoran just looked 
at the floor while Tomoyo looked about as surprised as Sakura.  Now 
let's see how Tomoyo feels about Shoaoran.

This paper had a red spot, only a little smaller than Sakura's for 
Tomoyo,  except it had sharp edges.  "And this would explain why Tomoyo 
was so adamant about Sakura staying with Shoaoran.  She not only didn't 
want to hurt Sakura but she didn't want to hurt Shoaoran either."  Now 
it was Tomoyo's turn to look at the floor.  And Shoaoran's turn to look 

"So it seems we have three people here who all love each other quite a 
lot.  Now let's check for sexual attraction.  The rules are just about 
the same." 

Sakura's attraction for Shoaoran was a very large red spot.  "Ah, an 
impressive amount of attraction."  Tomoyo smiled while Shoaoran just 
looked at Sakura who was looking at the floor.

Shoaoran's attraction for Sakura was a spot about half the size of 
Sakura's.  "A smaller but still respectable attraction."  Now it was 
Shoaoran's turn to look at the floor.

Sakura's attraction for Tomoyo showed a spot about the same size as 
Shoaoran's for Sakura.  "Ah, that's interesting." Tomoyo looked really 
shocked while Sakura got really red.

Tomoyo's attraction for Sakura was a very large red spot, even larger 
than Sakura's for Shoaoran.  As Tomoyo blushed and Sakura looked 
shocked, Shoaoran's mother commented.  "You must have a lot of self 
control, Tomoyo."  But Tomoyo didn't comment.

Then came Shoaoran's attraction for Tomoyo.  A red spot as large as 
Sakura's for Shoaoran.  Now Shoaoran was blushing a lot while both 
Sakura and Tomoyo looked shocked.  "Interesting, but don't be too 
concerned about this Sakura, remember Love is separate from sex.

Finally came Tomoyo's attraction for Shoaoran.  A spot about half the 
size of Sakura's for Tomoyo.  "Small, but not insignificant."  
Shoaoran's mother concluded.  "The solution to your problem Sakura is 
simply to keep both of your loves.  Ordinarily this wouldn't work, but 
in this case your two loves love each other.  So the relationship should 
work as a triad.  The three couples can take turns going out, or all 
three of you can go out together."  Sakura and Tomoyo looked stunned but 
Shoaoran protested.  

"Wait a second here!  You say I alternate going out with both of them?"

Exactly.  And every third time your two girls should go out with each 

"That's weird." Shoaoran complained.

"Perhaps, but I think if you all work at it such an arrangement could 
make all three of you happy."

"What about marriage?  Three people can't get married." Tomoyo brought 

"Not legally.  Only one ceremony would be legal.  But I still think you 
should still have three separate ceremonies, to marry the three couples.

"So I could make matching wedding gowns for Sakura and myself and we 
could have a ceremony with the two of us."  This thought took Tomoyo out 
of the discussion with stars in her eyes.

"If you are uncomfortable with this arrangement, Shoaoran, think of it 
this way.  You get to marry Sakura, and have Tomoyo as a concubine to 
have sex with."  This quieted Shoaoran right down.  "How about you, 
Sakura?  What do you think of my idea?"

"I like it.  This way I get to keep both of them."  She smiled.

"True.  But you saw the sexual attraction readings.  I'm sure you won't 
have any problems with Shoaoran, but are you comfortable letting your 
friend Tomoyo have sex with you?"  Sakura only hesitated for a moment 
before answering.

"I guess so.  It seems kind of perverted but kind of exciting too." This 
got Tomoyo's attention.  

"You would really do it with me, Sakura?" she asked hesitantly.

"Yeah.  I know you really want it from me, and," she continued 
hesitantly, "it does sound kind of exciting..."

"Good enough."  Shoaoran's mother continued.  "And are you comfortable 
with your husband having sex with your best friend?"  This caused a 
slightly longer hesitation.  

"I guess so.  As long as he doesn't neglect me.  Tomoyo?  How do you 
feel about having sex with Shoaoran?"

"I don't really have a problem with it as long as it doesn't bother you 
Sakura."  This got a smile out of Shoaoran.  Then Sakura got smiles out 
of everyone with her announcement.

"I sleep in the middle!"

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