Trying to Let Go (part 1 of 2)

a Card Captor Sakura fanfiction by Azfixiation

Authors notes: This story is really important to me so there's just
some things I wanna say before you go off reading it. It's strictly
from Tomoyo's point of view and there's not much dialogue so you might
find it boring.. ^^;; But this is the only way I could think of to
express my real feelings for someone so hopefully she'll realize that..
It's my way of dealing and hopefully letting go of something that's
been going on in my life for a while so even if you don't like it this
story actually has a purpose.. ^^ And Tomoyo's ultra kawaii and I like
writing about her..


As I sit in class I think of her. I've always thought only of her, my
Sakura-chan. No, that's wrong, she's not mine though I wish it more
than anything else in this world. She is everything to me and I only
wish I could be more than a friend to her. I kept my promise and
finally told her of my true feelings for her. I thought maybe she was
old enough to understand them now.

She does to some extent. At the most she accepts how I feel towards her
but she couldn't possibly understand how deep my love for her is. She
is still too naive to understand. I can only ask that one day she
understand how much I love her. She is the reason I believe in love,
yet at the same time she is the reason I shall give up on love.

I let out a soft sigh as I realize I'm still in class. It's so easy to
get caught up in my thoughts of her. They fill me completely and take me
to another world sometimes it seems. I finally gave up hope of having
her as my own or her loving me in the same way that I love her. We had
our short time together. I think she might have even tried to love me
back though I'm not sure why. Maybe she only wanted to make me happy as
her friend. I only miss the simple things such as holding her hand. Now
I'm too scared to even touch her in fear that I'll feel too much and

Finally the bell rings and I rush to meet her outside of her class. I
wonder if she ever thinks it's weird that I try so hard to see her
after each class. Then I see him, and my heart sinks. I could never
compete with Syaoran. Not that it's a competition for her love. I can't
have her so I put on a smile and wish the two of them luck if she
decides that she does want to be with him. I know now they are just
friends but I feel that something more is coming of it as each day
passes. And he is my friend too I suppose, so in a way I feel silly for
being so jealous but nothing can stop the pang of hurt I feel in my
heart when I see the two of them together. She looks at him much in the
same way she used to look at me. Those intense eyes of hers that always
melt me.

When she greets me I simply say "Hi," back almost breathlessly at the
sight of her radiant smile. I walk with the two of them in silence
watching the way they talk. Does she not notice that there's more to
his simple touches and hugs than meets the eye? I guess she doesn't...

We reach her next class and I smile and say goodbye, leaving the two of
them to talk. As soon she's out of sight the smile I put on for her
fades and I clutch my chest holding back tears. I promised myself I
wouldn't cry over her anymore, that I have to be strong for her always.
Even when she's not around.

I find it easier now to make it through the days at least. I've come to
accept my destiny is the same that my moms is. I was meant to be lonely
and to love her from a distance. At least this way I can always protect
her. One thing I vow is to not let anything hurt her as long as I shall
live. Someone will win her heart, whether it is Syaoran or some other
man. But I'm happy enough just being her friend and loving her in my
own way.


When the day comes to an end I walk Sakura home as I do most days. The
silence becomes too much for me and I find myself asking her if she
likes Syaoran as I suspect she does. I didn't really want to know the
answer, unsure if I could handle it if her answer was yes. "I don't
know," she says softly blushing a little. My Sakura-chan's always so
cute when she blushes like that. Inwardly I kick myself for still
thinking of her as my Sakura. I know she's not yet I like to live in
the dream where she is.

I feel my hand brush against hers and I pull away quickly. I can't get
over how easily the simplest touches melt me. She's definitely got a
hold of me. "I think he really likes you," I say back trying to sound
happy. "I think you would be a cute couple," my heart breaks as I say
the words. I remind myself once again that I need to make her happy no
matter the hurt it causes me.

She smiles and blushes more at the thought of being with Syaoran. He
was once her enemy but now he's one of her closest friends. I notice a
sad expression come across her face and I look at her questioning the
change in her expression. "What's wrong Sakura-chan?"

"It's just, I haven't forgotten how you feel about me Tomoyo-chan and I
don't want to hurt you by being with him." I smile again and assure her
that it wouldn't hurt me.

"I like seeing you happy Sakura-chan," I say happily wondering how long
I can go on like this. She hugs me briefly saying she's happy that we
can still be friends even though there's so much between us. "I think
if you like him you shouldn't worry about me. Your bound to like
someone eventually Sakura-chan and if it's him than I'll be happy
knowing your happy."

It's the half truth I tell myself. There is nothing I want more than to
see her happy be it with me or with someone else. It's all I've wished
for all this time because I could never be so selfish as to ask God to
make her mine. The silence once again envelops us but this time I dare
not speak in fear that I'll give too much away. We finally reach her
house and I say my goodbyes. "You don't want to come in?" she smiles
softly at me. That smile I'd die a thousand deaths just to see.

"Do you want me to stay for a while? I don't want to be a bother or

"You should know by now your not a bother Tomoyo-chan. Your my best
friend and I want you around me."

I nod and go inside with her. As soon as we step inside the house she
asks me why I've been so quiet all day. "Just tired I suppose," another
half truth. I haven't been sleeping well lately scared of the dreams I
have. Well not exactly the dreams I have but more so waking up from
them and facing my harsh reality. She steps closer to me and looks into
my eyes to see if I'm telling the truth. I notice how good she smells
though I'm not sure if its her hair, the smell of her skin or just some
perfume she has on. I smiles as best as I can and start laughing a
little feeling silly.

My laugh tricks her into thinking I am okay as she doesn't realize its
just a nervous laugh hoping she doesn't notice my true feelings. I
always laugh when people look so seriously at me, especially people
with such intense and beautiful eyes. She turns away and leads me to
the living room where we sit down to watch TV. We sit so close on the
couch it drives me almost out of my mind. Sometimes I find it so hard
to resist my urges to take her into my arms and confess everything to
her and tell her how I can't live without her. But I know she'll only
say I'm not without her, as I will always have her as my friend.
Instead I settle for watching her as she watches the TV.

Every once in a while I think she notices my gaze upon her and she turns
to look at me. Sometimes I can turn towards the TV in time, others I
just smile sheepishly and get embarrassed for being caught. This is
surely the sweetest punishment I could ever have to suffer. She is like
an angel to me and I am just her servant sent to make her happy and
give her anything she could ever possibly need.

My mind screams out to me to tell her that I love her but I know I
can't. I'm supposed to be getting over her after all. I start laughing
once more as I realize how caught up in my thoughts I can get sometimes
and she looks at me curiously. "Gomen," I say for laughing out of no

"Don't be sorry," she tells me. "It's nice to see you laughing again."

I feel myself starting to blush at that and hope that she doesn't
notice. I just nod and start watching the TV as intently as I can
trying to focus on something other than her for a little bit. From then
on time seems to pass quickly and before I know it I have to go home.

I stand up to leave reluctantly and she follows me to the door to say
goodbye. I smile at her one last time and head on my way home. As I
walk I find myself wondering what exactly this hold she has on me is,
and why I can never get her off my mind. I know I should let go of my
feelings for her but how can something so strong just go away? I'm not
strong enough to will it away.

As I think more about it I realize I don't really want it to go away
because she's Sakura. I was meant to love her just as my mom was meant
to love Nadeshiko-san. Its a cycle that just can't be broken. Or else
I'm just to weak to break it.

I walk in the house and see my mom standing in the hallway. She doesn't
say anything but I know she recognizes the pain in my sad expression.
She walks up to me and hugs me and assures me that things will get
better one day. I don't believe her but I smile anyways. I'm sick of
smiling for everyone else so I go hide in my room where I don't have to
pretend to be happy for anyone.

When I sit down at my desk I pick up a picture of me and Sakura and run
my fingers over her face. "I love you," I whisper to the picture and
set it back down. My thoughts return to her and Syaoran knowing that
one day I'll have to face her being with another. I'll have to smile
for her, I tell myself. I can always smile, but how does one ignore the
pain in their heart when they see the one they love with another?

"Tomorrow," I tell myself. "I'll let go of her tomorrow." I sigh and
let out a soft laugh realizing just how impossible that is. That I've
been telling myself that for years now. Maybe if you tell yourself
something enough times it might actually happen one day.

I look over at my clock and notice it's only eight. It's still early
and it's a Friday night. I'm in high school now so doesn't that mean I
should be out having fun with my friends? Or am I meant to sit at home
and be depressed over her my entire life? I should talk to my mom about
it one day but I don't have the strength right now.

Instead I put on a videotape of her from when we were little. No matter
how sad I am those have always made smile, but this time I cry. I try
my best not to, telling myself that Sakura wouldn't want me to cry over
her but it's pointless. So I lay there and cry myself to sleep on the
couch with thoughts of her being with another in my mind. She's happy at
least... How could I ever ask for more?

Onwards to Part 2

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