Tomoyo Naoko leave, after a quiet breakfast, and was worried about how abruptly Naoko wanted to leave. Naoko assured Tomoyo it was only because she was planning to tell Rika, but Tomoyo still felt unsure. She was now sick in the pit of her stomach, although her face showed no such emotion. She was with Sakura, at the airport, waiting for Shaolan. His plane had just landed. Sakura had a grim face in comparison with Tomoyo's false happy one. She was afraid. She loved Shaolan, but she was never herself around him. His prescense ennerved her, as did her's to him. It was only when her eyes fell upon Shaolan that the nervousness was washed away. She found herself running towards him, embracing him, and looking into his eyes, filled with just as many tears as her's. Tomoyo followed, slowly, immersed in worries, which, unlike Sakura's, increase with Shaolan's arrival. Tomoyo was alone with Sakura. Shaolan and Sakura went directly from the airport to Tomoyo's house, and after hours of conversation, mainly between Sakura and Shaolan, Shaolan left to his hotel to settle in for his week's visit. Sakura looked out into the quickly darkening sky, and contemplated leaving. Before she could ask for a ride home, Tomoyo spoke. "Sakura, I have something very important to tell you." Sakura, sensing the tension, turned away from the window, and to Tomoyo, sitting on her bed, "What, Tomoyo?" Tomoyo took a breath. "I mean....I want to tell you...but.... I'm afraid you won't....that we won't be friends anymore if I tell you." She began to feel the tell-tale lump in her throat. Sakura walked to Tomoyo, taking her hand. "Tomoyo, we've been best friends since ever, nothing can change that." Tomoyo felt a surge of confidence. "I love you Sakura. Not just as a friend, I love you Sakura. I want to be with you always, together......" An invisible hand squeezed her insides. Sakura's mouth had slowly fell open, and now she shut it quickly, and looked away. "S...Sakura...." But the hand clenched tighter. "Tomoyo....I...." She ran for the door. Tomoyo got up to follow, but stumbled, as tears streaked down her face. Sakura was too afraid for tears. They would come later, when she realized that she had just done the worst thing she could ever do to her best friend. She left the room, and ran headlong for the mansion's door. Sonomi, Tomoyo's mother, just happened to be about to visit the girls when Sakura burst into the hallway. Seeing Sakura's flight, and hearing her daughter's cries, she ran into the room to find out what had happened, but something inside her already knew. Outside, Sakura summoned Windy, and her wings took her into the air. Without Tomoyo, she had no one to talk to, no one to go to. Flying she aimed for the one who knew the two girls best, the one who had seen them together the most, the one she loved most. Sakura was grateful that Shaolan's room had a balcony, for she did not want to explain herself to a receptionist. She banged on the locked door, and when Shaolan opened it, Sakura fell tearfully into his arms. Shaolan took her gently, hearing her speak between tears, trying to explain. He led her to his bed where they sat togeaather. He grabbed her by the shoulders and looked her in the eyes. She drew a breath, and spoke quickly. "Tomoyo just said she loved me, not like a friend, she always has. I never saw it, and now I just ran away from her when she needed me most." Her head collapsed into Shaolan's lap. Shaolan started stroking her short, brown hair. This was too much to be explained in one long sentence. He tried to sort it out. "She loves you?" He felt Sakura nod in his lap. "Well, there's pmly one other question. Do you love her?" No reaction. Shaolan sighed, for he knew what he had to say. "I can't help you Sakura." Sakura's head shot up. "Sakura, Tomoyo my friend and your best friend. I can't say anything that'll hurt either of you." Sakura interuptted, "But..I can't" Shaolan continued. "You can't what, Sakura? Do you even know what you're going to say to Tomoyo? I can't tell her anything. Only you can talk to her. I love you Sakura,....but Tomoyo loves you too. I won't bad-mouth her, because you'll hate me for it, and if I help you, it won't be your'll be mine. It should only be your's, not mine or Tomoyo's. I'll always be here for you Sakura, and I'm sure Tomoyo will be too, but after what I think youjust did....." Shaolan ran out of words. Sakura looked at Shaolan. "Can I stay here tonight?" Shaolan fidgeted. "My father is on a trip with the university, and my brother is working late.....I don't want to be alone." Shaolan took Sakura in his arms, and the fell back onto the bed. He continued stroking her hair, as she fell asleep against his chest. He could not sleep as easily thoug. He kept going over what he had told Sakura, trying to convince himself it was the best thing to say.
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