The Bet

a Capcom vs SNK fanfiction by Hiei

In a corner of the multi-verse where things that can't happen 
routinely do, and where realties meet in a truly bizarre nexus there 
is now a world populated by people who are in one of two classes; 
those with martial training and powers beyond the keen of normal man, 
and those who watch them. The fighters in this world meet in 
competition constantly striving for goal they themselves cannot 
define, only hunger for. Yet these men and women are still human for 
all their powers and given to the same fallibilities that trouble the 
rest of the planet. So every once in a while the hunger gets a little, 


"The principles of Lust
Are easy to understand
Do what you want
Do it until you can.
The Principles of Lust
Are burned in your mind
Do what you feel
Do it until you find, Love."

Enigma, Principles of Lust.

Tokyo, Garcia/Masters Enterprises Arena

"No miss I'm sure, you're next."

"…" Sakura Yugure (as she had taken to calling her self) wasn't quite 
sure how to react to this. It was the 2002 Fanfic of the Millennium 
tournament, and quite to her surprise Dark Sakura (as everyone else 
called her) was in the finals. Actually she was next in line for the 
championship; there was only one other competitor. The girl in 
question was average height for an average seventeen-year-old Japanese 
schoolgirl, but she was anything but that. Sakura Yugure was the 
product of one Sakura Kasugano's stored desire, anger, hatred, needs, 
and everything else the young woman ever repressed. As a reflection of 
that her skin was a little darker than the original's, her eyes 
flashed a little more intensely, like there was something behind them, 
waiting to be let out.

After gaping for a few moments Dark Sakura found her tongue. "H…how… 
no, why… um… what happened? Ryu-san was my next opponent and I was 
really looking forward to fighting him!"

The short man looked at the young woman in front of him from behind 
thick glasses, and a thicker desk. He couldn't imagine ANYONE wanting 
to fight Ryu, but whatever… "He withdrew miss, apparently a case of 
dehydration and heatstroke took him out of the running."

Sakura Yugure gaped openly. Ryu? THE Ryu, her Ryu? Dehydrated, 
heatstroke? Oblivious to her openmouthed amazement the arranger went 
on. "Not only Mr. Ryu, but Mr. Masters, Blanka, Guy, Guile, Vega, 
Master Bison (he insists on being called that I have no idea why), 
actually the entire male Street Fighter half of the tournament, and 
most of the King of Fighters side, either withdrew or was counted as 
having lost."

After several minutes Dark Sakura regained the power of speech. "… um… 
who did they lose to?" {Was Sensei on the loose? Was it that Rugal? 
Did Terry Bogard have an evil side like Ryu-san? Or was it that Iori, 
gone Blood Riot?}

The man behind the desk checked a few things. "Hmmm, it seems that the 
ones who lost, lost to one… Shiranui Mai."

"… Oh *HELL* no!"


The arena, ten minutes later.

The finalists weren't even in the ring and the crowd was already on 
their feet. Some 30,000 people in the stadium, and more filling the 
nosebleed seats every minute. Binoculars, cameras, and video recorders 
(the later with zoom lenses) were nearly universal, even among those 
in the front row.

Three state-of-the-art whisper helicopters circled the arena providing 
aerial coverage of the fans, and soon the action all the fans had paid 
an immense amount of money to see. The images they took were displayed 
on four of six immense digital screens, as the other two blatantly 
advertised the glories of the sponsoring corporations.

In a sheltered (read: mystically and physically shielded) box in one 
of the two most optimum viewing areas a beautiful green haired woman 
in a skintight black halter-top and mini skirt shared a cup of wine 
with another woman. The second lady being taller, more obviously 
muscled, and with short blond hair, cut in a tomboy-ish fashion, and 
dressed in fabulously tailored vermilion silk suit.

"That," the blond woman said after downing her third glass of reddish 
liquid. "Is fantastic stuff. I'd make a mint on that alone at the 

"Why thank you King dear, House Aensland prides itself on the vintages 
of its wines." Replied the free willed sensual entity named Morrigan 

"Is there any way I could get a hold of a few barrels?" The kick boxer 
asked. Then, noting the hungrily evil smile forming on her newly 
discovered friends perfect lips, she hurriedly added. "That doesn't 
involve me giving over my soul or several years of servitude to you?"

Morrigan pouted adorably. "Well, after our friends finish this little 
bout we will see…"

King smiled impishly. "Perhaps a small wager is in order?"

The green haired demoness grinned back, and leaned forward, her 
breasts straining at the confines of the top. "Oh I do have a weak 
spot for gambling my dear. I assume you wish to wager on the outcome 
of the upcoming battle?"

The blond fighter nodded, still grinning, and leaning closer to the 
gorgeous demon woman, noting the hunger in Morrigan's eyes and knowing 
it was returned her own. "Why yes I do mean just that. My old teammate 
is quite the fighter you know."

Morrigan pursed her lips sensually, her expression mixed evenly 
between contemplation and invitation for a kiss. "And I myself favor 
my adopted sister, she WAS trained by Gouki and me you know…"

King was tempted to mention that both the succubus AND the demonic 
martial artist in question had been defeated already during this 
tournament, but decided not to ruin the rapidly-warming mood by doing 
so. However a blast of insanely loud drums did it anyway. True to his 
half-Japanese roots Ken Masters had hired twenty full taiko drum bands 
to produce the theme for the final combatants. Of course he had 
originally intended for himself and Ryu to BE the final combatants, 
but things had happened. Specifically Ryu had withdrawn directly after 
fighting Shiranui Mai in a hidden match, and Ken had met, and nearly 
been killed by, the Orochi fury of Yagami Iori.

Now Robert Garcia, who had elected to not participate in the 
tournament, was alone on the final stage, announcing the Mr. Masters 
was recovering nicely and was expected to be out of the hospital in a 
month or so. Both Thai boxer and demoness reflected on the comparison 
between the superbly talented, but brash and arrogant Ken, and the 
ruthless animalistic style of the Yagami heir. King shivered slightly 
in memory of her fight with the crazy guy, and felt a pang of sympathy 
for Ken, Morrigan shivered slightly in hunger of how that animalism 
could be directed to other interests and didn't give a damn about the 
loyal-to-his-wife-curse-him Ken.

The pounding of the drums continued, a full chorus of feudal Japan 
instruments heralding the entrance of Yugure Sakura, the schoolgirl 
warrior, the adopted Aensland, Dark Sakura. The dusky skinned girl 
approached Robert and bowed, and then turned to the referee, a man 
dressed totally in black like a Kabuki stagehand, and bowed deeply to 

Abruptly the drums silenced, and the three million dollar sound system 
was redirected into a barrage of rhythm and sound called "More Human 
than Human" by Rob Zombie.

In her private chair King covered her face and tried to disappear. 
"Good lord Mai…" she whispered in humiliation, then through her pall 
of shame noticed Morrigan resting her chin on one hand and tapping her 
foot with a dreamy smile.

"King luv, what is this sound akin to the roar of a thousand demons in 
the throes of bloodlust?" The demon princess asked absently. King 
blinked, then realized she was talking about the music.

"Ah, uh, techno-metal I believe is what this falls into." The 
attractive blond fighter answered delicately.

Morrigan smiled widely. "I like it!"


At the perfect moment Shiranui Mai leapt from the central most 
helicopter, her red and white silk costume flaring dangerously close 
to exhibitionism, as she fell the forty some feet from the helicopter 
to land in her position right of Robert Garcia, bowing extravagantly 
to the crowd, obviously loving the attention the crowd equally loved 
giving to her. {Her body is still something to admire,} Dark Sakura 
grudgingly admitted. Long shapely legs ending in a round, toned, and 
shapely ass. Tan skin under which hard muscle was hinted at. Her world 
famous chest bounced a jiggled freely, causing a solar flare class 
explosion of flashes from the crowd. Long, glossy, red-brown hair 
swirled around her as the ninja girl brushed her bangs from her 
adorable face and blew a kiss to the crowd. Mai then turned to the 
pony-tailed fighter/businessman and bowed in the most respectful 
manner possible, doing the same to both Korobuku (the referee) and her 

Though when she rose from the last bow, a coy, knowing smile was 
obvious on her features. Dark Sakura was not amused.

"How in the world did you get by all those fighters??" she asked the 
kunoichi. "Some of them weren't even in your bracket! What were you 
doing, *ambushing* them?"

"In a manner of speaking, I suppose," Mai giggled. "After all, all the 
fighters I 'defeated' were men..."

Yugure, shocked, took a moment to think back. {King, Vice, Chun Li, 
and back in the first round Ibuki... yup, all my opponents have been 
*girls! * But... what does that have to do with anything...} An 
unbelievable notion struck her then, but she couldn't really think it 
was possible, considering that at least one of the men in question was 
*Ryu, * who for so many years had seemed completely impervious to any 
non-combative advances.

"H-hold on now...." she stammered at the kunoichi, her usual fighting 
stance drooping in astonishment. "You can't seriously mean... You 
*couldn't!* Not *all* of them! Not even *you!!*"

Mai winked at her before turning away. "Why not, it was fun! And you 
know, that birthmark of Ryu's is *really* cute."

{Wha...?!?!} Yugure thought, before a memory registered. Back in the 
earliest days after her creation, she'd spent three days with Ryu at 
his mountain cabin and the hot springs nearby. On one of those days, 
she'd been going *to* the hot springs for a soak just when Ryu had 
been coming *out* of them. She'd seen his birthmark then, on a spot 
normally covered by his gi belt, which meant...

"And so was the way his eyes roll up into the back of his head when 
you kiss his thighs in just the right way. He's so cute!" The kunoichi 
said over her shoulder with a shake of her sexy hips.


In Tokyo's finest hospital a battered Ken Masters looked over at the 
hospital bed next to him with a truly amazed expression. Trying hard 
not to exist, Ryu covered himself with a magazine, shaking the IV in 
his left arm.

It was all the confirmation his lifelong friend needed. The dyed blond 
man looked back toward the TV.

"Damn Ryu… not bad!" He said flashing a huge grin and a thumbs up to 
the fighter.

Ryu concentrated slightly harder on wishing himself out of existence.


A quick lunge forwards took her to within striking distance.

*CRACK!!* Was the noise of Yugure's open palm meeting Mai's creamy ass 

"YOU TAKE THAT BACK!!" the schoolgirl screamed.

Mai rubbed her butt briefly, skipped away a few steps out of reach, 
smiling the entire time. "Why would I take back the *truth? * Didn't 
you know that already?"

"OOH! I just knew it!" screamed Dark Sakura. "After I saw you on that 
DVD I *knew* you were as bad as everyone said!"

For a moment the gorgeous ninja girl's eyebrow's knitted in confusion. 
"Sorry, don't quite follow…"

"Do you have any concept of how hard it was to get that away from Guy? 
He's no pushover you know! I had to teleport inside his dojo and steal 
it! I saw how easy you tore off your clothes and did, um," the 
schoolgirl warrior paused and blushed a second. "Things to Yuri, 
Chun-Li-san, and Twin Sis!"

Mai remained confused. "That's funny," She mused. "I thought Guy 
mailed me the only copy…"


Elsewhere in the arena an irate Maki, Sakazaki Yuri, and Kasugano 
Sakura summarily beat an unresisting Bushin ninja within an inch of 
his life.


Inside their private chamber King turned to her green haired hostess.

"I have to thank you for that copy by the way." The kickboxer said. 
"It was truly…"

The blond woman trailed off, already daydreaming about her former 
teammates' impossibly sexy bodies writhing against each other. 
Morrigan's eyes grew bright with hunger. Running a gloss red nail 
along the inside of the other woman's thigh she purred back. "The 
pleasure was all mine…"


The kunoichi hurriedly recovered. "Hey that wasn't all my fault, that 
sake' was drugged you know." Her face took on a mischievous smile. 
"Besides I bet you still have it, don't you? Bet you loved watching 
all that didn't you? After all Ibuki and Kasumi filled me in on all 
the details of what happened up in Makoto's dojo before you got 
separated from your 'twin sis'!"

Dark Sakura's cheeks started burning with an intensity that isn't 
normally seen outside of volcanoes. Because she had indeed watched the 
video, several times in fact, after all, it was as if everything that 
had happened during that little exercise was happening to her…

"Face it Yu-chan." Mai grinned. "You're just jealous because I've done 
things you want to, but haven't got to!"

The younger girl growled deep in her throat. Yugure Sakura now had 
*no* intention of playing in this fight, this upstart kunoichi 
(apparently forgetting or ignoring the fact that Mai was both older 
and more experienced than her) had gotten lucky and screwed her way to 
the finals, while she had to fight some of the toughest fights in her 
life! There was no way that a disciple of Gouki was going to fall prey 
to some flighty little nympho ninja girl! (Apparently forgetting as 
well that Mai was exactly right in her guess as to Yugure's wants) The 
black haired young woman shifted her customary fighting stance to a 
different one; left foot forward, right leg back, rotating back and 
forth on the balls of her feet. Her right held above her left both 
hands relaxed, it was Gouki's stance. Yugure Sakura was ready for true 

Meanwhile Mai was busy blowing kisses to the crowd.

Dark Sakura was at this point so mad at her opponent that she tapped 
into her Satsu power and Ashura warped behind the over-endowed ninja 
girl, legs bent slightly right arm dipping in preparation for a 
vicious uppercut. However when she materialized and launched herself 
forward, Yugure saw, not Shiranui Mai's exposed back, but a corner of 
her shoulder spinning away-

Then someone hit her between the shoulders with a car.

Or at least that's what the ninja girl's hooking wheel kick felt like. 
A sudden flash of clarity ripped through Dark Sakura's mind. She had 
fallen for it, just like all the other assuredly had. The skimpy get 
up, the bubble headed attitude, the flightiness, she had believed it 
all, and now was paying for it.

Mai followed through on her wheel kick, dropping her right leg just in 
front of the stumbling Dark Sakura, allowing the kunoichi to step 
forward and twist at the hips, slamming a powerful left forearm into 
the dark schoolgirl's side, then following up by hitting her left arm 
with her right, transferring the momentum, blasting Yugure across the 
arena. Dark Sakura was bent sideways as she flew, recovered, and then 
flipped (to several thousand fanboys' nosebleeding delight) her head 
over her heels. She was far too angry to be embarrassed at the fact 
that over forty thousand people had just seen the black cotton of her 
panties (unlike most of her clothes Yugure preferred undergarments to 
be real, that way they wouldn't disappear if she was knocked 
unconscious or lost focus too much…). The second the young fighter's 
feet touched the ground Dark Sakura was charging forward, only to see 
the Shiranui kunoichi's foot inbound at a high rate of airborne speed.

Mai didn't see her opponent dodge and didn't feel the impact of a 
block which meant-

The Satsu schoolgirl ended her Ashura teleport short, already focusing 
her dark ki in between her cupped hands, a ball of energy forming, 

The Shiranui kunoichi twisted her perfect hips, focusing power through 
her costume charging it, igniting-



Satsu charged fireball collided with ninja powered fire wave, and an 
explosion of ki knocked both fighters away, Mai rolling backwards 
instinctively, as the black haired girl crossed her arms and tensed 
them, deflecting the force rather than avoiding it. The two women both 
recovered at the same time though, locked gazes, and charged.

Two blurred jabs from Sakura started the engagement, both of which the 
red haired kunoichi deflected with her left hand. Mai cut loose a 
right hand slash with her steel fan aimed at Yugure's temple. The 
black haired girl ducked and came up with a short right uppercut to 
the ninja woman's stomach. The bouncy young woman deflected the low 
punch with her left knee, then snapping the same leg forward and down 
to Dark Sakura's right shin.

As much an innovator as her "sister" the Satsu girl skipped her leg 
clear of the ninja girl's kick, the snapped a left hard round house to 
the bouncy woman's right side. Unable to get clear, Mai was forced to 
drop to one knee and slam her shoulder into the kick. Dark Sakura 
grinned, and twisted around, cutting loose with a powerful left back 
kick, smiling even wider when she felt her foot connect with the 
kunoichi's stomach.

Mai rolled clear, and then to a crouch, seeing the young girl charge 
forward, bend down until her fist nearly touched the ground, the 
rocket forward and up, fist alight with Satsu fire. The copper haired 
ninja woman slid sideways, the dark schoolgirl's fierce blow just 
barely missing the red dressed ninja girl. But the kunoichi was now at 
her back. Dark Sakura knew that a ninja, (large breasted, bouncy in 
body and attitude kunoichi or not,) at your back was bad news. She was 

Though not in exactly the way she had thought.

Predictably the young fighters skirt had flared up when she began to 
descend from her uppercut, and Mai opened her fan and spun it once, 
slicing the young girl's skirt neatly open. Then the kunoichi's left 
hand swung around-

-And swatted the young girl's cute butt firmly.

"Ah! Hey!" Yelped Dark Sakura when she landed. Resisting the impulse 
to rub her stinging (kind of, in almost a good way) posterior, the 
Satsu schoolgirl dropped back into Gouki's defensive stance. "What was 

"Now we're even." Mai responded sweetly, smiling behind her fan. "And 
you should wear your skirt like that more often, with such a tight 
little butt, I bet you have to defend yourself from pinches 
constantly! And no one would be able to fight you without trying to 
get a peek at those adorable panties! Very sexy!"

A thousand insults about her opponents sex drive came to mind, but 
were quickly killed by the single memory of several nights spent in a 
particular castle in the realm of Makai. And in a penthouse in Italy. 
And before she had separated from her sister, in the Rindou dojo in 
northern Japan, and in her own room with that other ninja girl-

Dark Sakura shook her head. This was ridiculous! One swat to her ass 
and she was thinking about all that? Well, okay, one swat and the 
constant flashes of the DVD she had forcibly recovered from Guy 
showing her twin sister and this same woman Yugure was fighting in the 
most heartfelt throes of passion. It was, distracting. Disturbing was 
another word for it as well, and most things that left Yugure Sakura 
unsettled, she hit, repeatedly.

Dark Sakura roared cutely and charged again. She started with a mid 
power right hook punch to the stomach; Mai stepped back, deflecting 
with her left hand; the schoolgirl crossed her hand back in, then up 
and into a backfist; Mai parried with her steel fan; the Satsu girl 
suddenly reversed her strike into a grab, holding the Shiranui woman's 
wrist, pulling herself up, twisting, and landing both feet in the 
Shiranui woman's gut, then exploding off knocking Mai away, and 
sending the buxom fighter rolling.

The red haired woman rolled to her feet, and much to Yugure's dismay, 
the older woman was grinning.

"Now this is fun!" Mai exclaimed. "None of the guys gave me this good 
a fight!"

Dark Sakura gaped for a moment. Giggling Mai leapt into the air, a 
tight ball ready to explode. Never one to back down from a challenge, 
the young girl did the same, meeting Mai at the apex of her jump. What 
followed defied most laws of physics, not that anyone in the crowd 
minded. Because both shapely ninja woman, and lissome schoolgirl 
warrior exchanged a dizzying barrage of punches and kicks in mid air, 
continuing to fight as they began to fall. Both fighters had taken 
some light hits when Dark Sakura took a heavy roundhouse kick to the 
side that spun her around.

Adapting in her customarily frightening speed, Yugure twisted off the 
ninja girl's blow and into her custom whirlwind kick. The first blow 
caught Mai in the shoulder, rotating both young women around the 
second slammed into her back knocking her away, and by the time Dark 
Sakura was ready for the last kick they both had touched the ground. 
The world's strongest schoolgirl twisted her hips around, rotating on 
her left foot to explode her right up and out-

The mistress of Shiranui ryu ninjutsu snapped her left foot up and 
inward, a short hook kick that knocked the tomboy's blow away, 
spinning the young woman to face the kunoichi. Flowing like water Mai 
snapped her left foot down, rotated on the ball of her left foot, and 
blasted her own reverse spinning back kick into Dark Sakura's side. 
Before the young fighter could roll away the flame haired kunoichi 
shot forward, grabbed the short haired girl's blouse with her leading 
left hand and exploded forward with a brutally powerful roundhouse fan 

That stopped maybe an inch from the young girl's adorable face. 
Instead Mai snapped her fan open blinding Dark Sakura for a moment, 
then swept her feet out in her classic spinning sweep. Yugure flailed 
wildly as her cute butt hit the arena floor, her skirt flaring even 
more than it customarily did due to Mai's slash. With grace 
world-class dancers would have envied Shiranui Mai spun up and away 
snapping her fans open and posing in a phenomenal combination of 
sexual beauty and martial skill.

The Satsu schoolgirl was enraged. The ninja girl was playing with her! 
Dark Sakura knew that hit would have nearly knocked her out, and the 
kunoichi had pulled back to play with her some more! That was it!

Black ki flared around the dark schoolgirl dangerously.

First Ryu.

Then the whole tournament.

Then her attitude.

The whole skirt thing.


The world around her faded into a red haze. Her body suffused with the 
Wave of the Lethal Intent, Yugure Sakura arose, crackling with dark 
ki. She took a few steps forward and the last step she began floating. 
Mai saw the aura and inhaled deeply, this was going to be tricky…

"Mai! Ma te o!"

What the hell?

Leaping over the force barriers that separated the crowd from the 
arena came Andy Bogard. His long blond hair flying in the wind, 
muscles flexing as he vaulted in front of the red haired kunoichi 
doing his best to strike a heroic pose. The kunoichi blinked for a 
second, then got angry, very, very, very angry.

"How dare you!" Mai shrieked. "I heard about what happened, you 
withdrew the instant you heard that I was fighting! Do you have any 
idea how long I waited for you? Any?"

"Mai!" The blond haired fighter replied imperiously. "I can not marry 
you yet! My fighting study must be first until I can redeem my Art and 
myself! As such it is not your place to be in these finals I should 
be! You might get injured and I can't have that! I promised your 
grandfather I would protect you!"

The red haired woman's face drained of all color. She had gone past 
"red with rage" and was well into the "ice cold killing rage" stage. 
Then Mai looked over Andy's well-muscled shoulder. Her expression 
turned into a smile so sweet it caused cavities.

"Of course Andy, it isn't a Japanese woman's place to fight when her 
man can. Why don't you start right now?" The blond man blinked. That 
had been easy! He turned around, looking over his shoulder at Mai. He 
started to speak.

"After I have won this we wi-"

He got no further.

The sky darkened and the arena was engulfed in darkness as Yugure 
Sakura, an entity of the Satsu no Hadou, blind with killing rage, 
grabbed onto Andy Bogard and began the fabled Shun-Goku-Satsu. From 
the sphere of black that hid the center of the arena the sound of bone 
crunching impacts, lots of them, could be heard.

So could the blond man's screams of agony.


Somewhere in the crowd Terry Bogard pulled his hat over his face. Next 
to him Joe shook his head.

"Kinda saw this coming didn't ya buddy?" The world champion Mhuay Thai 
kickboxer asked his friend.

"Ni-san no baka…" Terry sighed.


With no warning both the darkness and the sounds of impact ceased. 
Dark Sakura stood over Andy's broken, bloody form, fists still 
clenched, torn fuku and headband blowing in the wind, the kanji for 
"Heaven" appearing blood red on the back of her school blouse 
momentarily. Then Dark Sakura blinked, coming out of her Satsu rage, 
and realizing what she might have done, and then what she had done.

Here eyes widened into immense pools of horrified cuteness.

"Andy no baka!" The young fighter shrieked. "What are you doing here? 
Why did you get involved? YOU IDIOT!"

A hand rested on the black haired schoolgirl's shoulder as Mai threw 
an arm across the younger woman's shoulders in a companionable way. 
Looking at Andy's unconscious, broken, and very bloody body the 
beautiful kunoichi shook her head.

"See what I have to put up with?" Sighed the ninja girl. "And people 
wonder why I say I'm lonely."

"Well geez yeah, I mean what did he think he was-" Dark Sakura started 
then suddenly remembered who she was supposed to be fighting. She 
turned to look at the ninja girl with baffled look. Mai smiled 
brightly at her, then kissed the adorable young woman full on the 
mouth, lightly grazing her tongue against Yugure's lips.

And then skipped backwards giggling the entire time.

Dark Sakura stood stunned (memories of the DVD playing through her 
mind again with the reminder from the liplock) until a feeble groan 
from Andy brought her back to reality. Silently berating herself both 
for her distraction and for dropping so far into berserker rage that 
she'd willingly hit the wrong target, she crossed one arm over the 
other in a 'T' and yelled "TIME!" at Mai, then turned to Korobuko, who 
was standing just outside the ring. "Hey! Can we get some medical 
attention out here?? I don't care much for Bogard- baka but I *DON'T* 
want to have killed anybody!!"

The black garbed man shrugged helplessly at her. "Nobody but the 
fighters are allowed in the ring until the match is over," he called 
back, nodding at the team of paramedics by the backstage doors, just 
waiting for the match to be over.

For a moment the Satsu schoolgirl dithered, unsure what to do -

- then Andy, incredibly still conscious, grabbed her leg. "you... 
haven't won... I won't let you... fight her…" he wheezed.

She scowled, then spun around, rolling backwards as she reached down 
and scooped up the grappling arm, planting a foot in Andy's midsection 
as she crouched down to his eye level. "That's NOT your decision, 
Bogard-baka," she growled at him. "If you wanted to be in this match, 
you should have had a little *COURAGE* and stayed in the tourney from 
the start."

Her foot still planted in his belly and her hands now on his gi 
collar, she continued the backwards roll.

And flipped again, rolling right over him and continuing the 
revolutions as she tumbled them towards the backstage ring edge.


Back in Tokyo's finest hospital, Ken snarfed his milk. "Grrrpphht!!"

Ryu, disturbed from his earnest wish for nonexistence, looked 
resignedly over at Ken. "What?"

Ken choked, coughed, and waved a hand wildly at the TV, reopening 
several gashes Iori had given him in the process.

Ryu looked. "Oh, she's adapting your moves now? Though her skirt makes 
the technique much more pleasant to observe when she performs the 
multiple-tumble backroll throw." With a faint blush, he looked back 
down, now forsaking the effort for nonexistence for the attempt *not* 
to imagine the schoolgirl's black-cottoned behind.


Back in the arena, Dark Sakura tumbled backwards one final time, 
bringing her close to the ring edge, and kicked out explosively, the 
force of the push combining with the momentum of the roll to send Andy 
hurtling through the air to land in an even-more-broken heap in front 
of the paramedics. "Now get him OUT of my sight!!" she roared at them, 
a command the med techs hurriedly obeyed.

Turning back to Mai, she bowed her head, shamefaced. "Ano, Mai-san, 
gomen... I shouldn't have lost my temper like that, and I *really* 
shouldn't have beaten on your boyfriend *twice.* I..." she paused, 
trying to formulate her words properly.

Mai, however, was looking at Andy's body being carted away for another 
bout with intensive care, a place he was quite familiar with. Though 
Dark Sakura missed it, lost in her own reflections, the ninja woman's 
gaze carried the full weight of a woman who had been waiting for ten 
years (since she was sixteen to be exact) and finally gotten sick of 
it. "Believe me," She sighed. "I'll live."

Yugure finally found her words. "Still, I should have better control 
than that... even *if* you were doing me *no good at all* in that 
respect, either in temper or..." she blushed. "In other ways. I... I 
*do* understand what you mean, about being lonely... Twin Sis and 
Onee-chan aside, there aren't that many people who understand all 
sides of me... the schoolgirl, the fighter, the Aensland, the..." she 
sighed. "the killer..."

The kanji for 'heaven' flickered in and out of visibility on the back 
of her blouse again as a breeze blew past - flipping her sliced skirt 
up again to the delight of the audience. A camera snapped behind her, 
and she grinned. "...But that doesn't mean I'm giving up! Happy 
flashbulbs! LUNAR FLARE!" she yelled, charging a fireball in *front* 
of her and releasing it in Chun Li's motion - snapping her whole torso 
flat forwards and *shoving* the ki sphere out ahead of her with both 

As Mai tried to jump up and evade, every flashbulb behind Dark Sakura 
went off, and the ninja woman wobbled in midair - it wasn't on the 
scale of the massively-blinding flash that Kasugano had used to win 
the inaugural Schoolgirl Deathmatch bout, but it *was* disorienting.

Unfortunately, Dark Sakura had jumped as well, trying to angle in a 
jump kick as she figured Mai would block the fireball. The two result 
however was the two women colliding in midair and crashing to the 
ground, grabbing at each other and trying for leverage. Mai didn't 
want to let Yugure get a good hold, considering the power advantage 
she could gain from anger, and Yugure didn't want to allow Mai any 
leverage to apply some of those painful joint locks or dislocations 
other shinobi and kunoichi of her acquaintance used.

They scuffled on the ground for almost thirty full seconds, their 
uniforms getting progressively more disheveled and disarranged. Then, 
just as Yugure was shooting one hand around Mai's head to grab onto 
her hair, the kunoichi changed tactics.


Mai grabbed onto Dark Sakura's right hand as she went for the scantily 
dressed ninja girl's red-brown tresses and pulled it down-

-into her top. The Satsu schoolgirl was so surprised by the maneuver 
that she couldn't react when the kunoichi twisted Yugure's arm around 
the red silk of her costume, binding the young woman, and pulling half 
of Mai's top off.

The audience went silent, wide-eyed and staring at the glorious sight 
of one of Shiranui Mai's incredible breasts. Then the nosebleed 
quotient went off the chart, several young men simply passing out from 
blood loss. Before Dark Sakura could react to the ninja girl's 
stunning move the kunoichi rolled the girl over to her back and 
pressed her full sensuous lips to the dark schoolgirl's adorable bow 
mouth. The Aensland part of Yugure kicked in without her even 
realizing it, the young woman opening her mouth, her eyes starting to 
sink shut, when suddenly she remembered where they were.

At first Dark Sakura tried to push Mai off with both hands, but found 
that moving her right hand only pulled the kunoichi closer to her, and 
ground her small, pert breasts into Mai's large, magnificent ones. 
Eventually, even though her Makai instinct was responding eagerly to 
the hentai kunoichi, the shorthaired young woman managed to separate 
her lips from Mai's with her left hand.

"*GASP* …hah hah hah … Mai-san choto… nani o… what are you… shouldn't 
we… finish fighting first… whew.. and find someplace more private?"

The red haired kunoichi sat back a little caught Dark Sakura's free 
hand, licked the girls fingers with half closed brown eyes, causing 
the young woman to gasp and start slightly. With a smile that was pure 
sexual hunger Mai slid Dark Sakura's hand underneath the strap of her 
costume, sliding the sweat and saliva slick hand to her already 
hardened nipple. Gasping with pleasure the red haired ninja girl bent 
back down to brush her lips against the schoolgirl's lobe, making the 
young woman shiver.

"No, I want you *now*, besides Robert promised us triple the original 
prize money each if we finished our fight this way…" She trailed off. 
"But most importantly let me tell you about my fight with your 
Onee-sama, Morrigan…"


"You did what!" King screamed at the succubus who flinched and looked 
as chagrined as a green haired demoness of seduction can. Sheepishly 
she looked at the wild eyed blond woman.

"Well I always thought your friend was cute and sexy and it was such a 
waste for her to be stuck on that anal retentive Bogard fellow. So I 
made a little bet with her…"

King was starting to sweat violently now as she looked out at the dead 
silent arena and her former teammate's impassioned embrace with the 
dark schoolgirl. Licking suddenly dry lips the blond woman turned back 
to her hostess.

"Let me guess, she bet that if she won the championship in way we'd 
never even consider that she would have you as a slave for one week?!"

Morrigan's eyes grew wide. "Did she give you a kiss afterwards?" The 
beautiful kick boxer looked out on to the arena her cheeks coloring 
slightly. "Well, ah, er, yes, something like that…"

The Aensland princess' expression turned just as panicked as King's 
was. "Oh dear, I never thought she'd go this far…" Morrigan whispered, 
then blanched as she realized she had just given the Shiranui kunoichi 
exactly what she wanted.


"OOOooohhh…!" Dark Sakura moaned as she heard the rest of Mai's story. 
The ninja girl was currently straddling the Satsu schoolgirl, resting 
on her knees and her left elbow, the red haired vixen was alternating 
between flicking her nimble tongue across the younger girl's ear and 
whispering the details of her plot. Mai's right hand had slipped 
underneath the black and white fuku top and was tracing her fingernail 
around Yugure's rapidly hardening nipple. For her part Dark Sakura's 
right hand was still bound to the ninja woman's top, and so could only 
pull the gorgeous woman closer, exulting in the feel of Mai's tan, 
silk smooth skin rubbing against her own darkly tanned body. The Satsu 
girl had her left hand pressed to the back of Mai's neck, caressing 
and massaging the smooth muscles there.

"I… ah! don't suppose… youoooooh! …managed to seal… oh oh OH! This 
little deal… hah hah… with a kiss, did you?" Dark Sakura gasped as 
Mai's extraordinarily sexy thigh slid up her own leg and the kunoichi 
lowered herself to gently press against the smaller but stronger 
fighting girl. The flame haired kunoichi grinned at the question, 
arcing her graceful neck into the young girl's skilled caress.

"A kiss? Mmmm… my adorable, desirable little night blossom, I tasted 
her lips so many times, before and after we made the deal… you could 
say we kissed with these lips…" And Mai gave the young fighter a long 
slow, deep kiss that left Dark Sakura gasping with its passion. Then 
she noticed that Mai's hand had skimmed down her body to slip under 
her black skirt. Before she could react to the change, the hentai 
kunoichi had pressed the black cotton *into* Yugure's moist womanhood. 
Grinning at the lithe young woman's expression of surprised, gasping 
rapture, the shinobi woman finished her statement. "…and we kissed we 
with these lips…"

{Then Onee-sama's bound by the Law of Makai!} Dark Sakura thought 
ecstatically. {There is now absolutely no reason to hold back!}

"Well then…" The black haired incarnation of cute destruction smiled 
wickedly. "I guess I'll have to make sure you win… but I won't make it 

With that Dark Sakura summoned every bit of focus she could and 
dissipated her clothing, leaving the desirable little nymph in nothing 
but her damp black panties. Mai wasted no time, she only hunched over 
and instantly brought her mouth to the younger girl's already erect 
peak. Yugure had another step in her plan but the thrilling 
proposition of the kunoichi's mouth wrapping over her nipple made her 
pause, body arched off the ground, eyes closed in pleasure and the 
desire for more, hands pressed to the solid stone so hard her hands 
were white knuckled, waiting…

…for nothing. In desperation Dark Sakura looked wildly down at the 
copper maned beauty. Mai was looking up with mischievous expression on 
her face, her open mouth so close to the painfully aroused nipple. Her 
luscious red lips brushing the young girl's pink tip with every word 
the intoxicatingly beautiful ninja woman whispered in a lust husky 

"I know all about you lovely one. I know about your abilities, your 
training by Morrigan, and I know how you can feel what someone else is 
feeling…" The young girl was wondering frantically how the kunoichi 
knew so much about her when Mai spread her fantastic legs, causing her 
thong panties to ride up in between the cheeks of her rather 
spectacular ass, and exposing a wetly dark spot on the crotch of her 
red panties.

Which she ground against Dark Sakura's thigh sending thrills of 
pleasure surging through her exquisite body.

Her voice still heavy with passion and desire Mai rotated her hips in 
an impossibly sexy manner. "So? What can you feel now? Ahhh… mmmm… can 
you feel what I do? The pleasure… the need… and what I really oooohhh… 
want to know…" The kunoichi gasped and her perfectly shaped body 
shivered, her sex soaking through her panties and onto Yugure's thigh.

"What I *need* to know… is if you can feel them…"

Dark Sakura gasped and tried to sort through the incredible output of 
passion Mai was producing. For a brief second she wondered what the 
kunoichi was talking about, then it hit her. Nearly every spectator in 
the audience was giving the two women their undivided attention, and 
almost every single one wanted them both, wanted them with a deep, 
hot, burning lust.

The desire, the passion, the wave of sexual hunger crashed through her 
like a tsunami hitting a rowboat. Yugure Sakura's body raised off the 
ground, floating, pushing Mai up with her, glowing with an emerald 
green aura, head arched back, eyes momentarily glowing red as her 
Aensland side surged into full control, manifesting in the form of bat 
wings sprouting into existence from her forehead and unfurling from 
her lithe back like a dark angel.


King stared at the spectacle with huge eyes, her mouth open and gaping 
at the eroticism of Mai's seduction. Then with eyes that threatened to 
pop out of her head as Dark Sakura revealed her true power and 
heritage. Then she heard Morrigan cooing, running her hands over her 
body desperately, grasping pert, full breasts, then dropping to the 
floor gasping and moaning in ecstasy. Finally the green haired woman 
rolled to her stomach stretched out like a cat, arced her back 
throwing her mane of jade hair back as small wings materialized from 
her forehead and large ones ripped through her halter top.

The English kickboxer stared with an expression mixed between 
curiosity and, something else...

"What you too? What the hell did Mai do to you two?" King said 
stepping closer to her netherworld hostess. Morrigan sprang upwards, 
poised to pounce on the gorgeous blond woman, gritting her teeth in 
near painful restraint.

"Shiranui did nothing herself…" The succubus hissed through clenched 
teeth. "She merely studied her opponent better than I thought she 
would have!"

The tall woman didn't back down, truth be told if the hungry look in 
Morrigan's eyes was a reflection of what was going on in the arena 
King wasn't sure she wanted to stop the demoness from her impulse. 
Still if this continued…

"What's going on Morrigan?" King said with a calm she didn't feel.

"Your friend, she is far more clever than I would have thought…" 
Morrigan said, her emerald eyes tinged with demonic red. "As a 
creature of lust and passion I am sensitive to the flux of sensual 
hunger and desire in those around me. My adopted sister is as well, 
though not so much as I am…"

The pieces fell into place for the striking kickboxer. She heard the 
silence of the crowd, and could very nearly feel it herself. A vast 
majority of the crowd was made up of adolescent to middle aged men, 
both those who fought and those who merely watched. Most were otaku, 
and had little to no life outside the lives of the fighters. And of 
all the fighting girls out there, King had to admit few were quite as 
adorably cute as Kasugano Sakura or her slightly more sensual 
"sister". Even fewer blended sensuality and cuteness like Shiranui 
Mai. So writhing together very nearly naked and in obvious pleasure 
were the two biggest sexual fantasies of several thousand people.

And around 40,000 of them were watching it live.

If Yugure and Morrigan (though the blond woman didn't know it because 
of the ring signet of House Aensland on both Morrigan and Dark 
Sakura's fingers) could in fact feel the desires of those around them, 
they would feel that passion, normally scattered and dilute, focused 
and intensified. And for Dark Sakura, about half of it was aimed 
directly at her. King gaped again. She had to hand it to Mai, the girl 
definitely understood the effect she had on people…

"Wait a second," King said, seizing on a desperate idea. "If you 
succubus types gain power from sex and lust and all that shouldn't 
your adopted sister be getting a power surge right now?"

Morrigan shook her gorgeous head, still straining to keep her impulses 
in check. " It doesn't work like that, and onee-chan, she isn't a real 
succubus anyway… She will feel all that energy, all that hunger and be 
willing to do anything to feed it, she'll be at Mai's mercy…"

The demoness swallowed hard and moaned as her hands clutched her 
breasts almost of their own accord. Fixing her attractive guest with a 
look that held enough sexual hunger to make even King flinch, the jade 
haired demoness once again spoke through clenched teeth.

"And if you sealed Mai's little deal with a kiss you are bound by the 
contract not only by your word, but by the power of the Realm of Makai 
and the House of Aensland, ruler of the same Realm!"

King looked back out at the sweaty, lissome forms of her friend and 
the dark schoolgirl writhing in paroxysms of ecstasy. A new sense of 
dread filled her. Without taking her eyes from the scene in the middle 
of the arena the gorgeous blond spoke.

"Would it be futile to pray for a miracle regarding the benefit of a 
demoness by adoption having sex in public?"


Elsewhere in the arena Sakazaki Yuri looked up from kicking the shit 
out of Guy. The stadium had gone totally silent. Her cute brow knitted 
in worry. She waved the attention of the other women.

"Hey guys I've got to step out, things have got way too quiet and if 
it's over I need to find out who won." She looked away. "I kind of 
made this little bet with Mai…"

Both blond kunoichi and adorable schoolgirl looked up at the lissome 
brunette and answered at the same time. "Hey so did-"

With a start they stared at each other in consternation.

"She offered me something I really wanted…" Started Maki.

"And she said she wanted me to serve her for a week if she won…" 
continued Sakura.

"But she had to win in way we'd never consider!" Yuri finished in 
disbelief. The petite brunette looked at the expressions on her 
companions. It was all the answer she needed. "I don't believe this! 
She got all of us?"

"It certainly looks that way…" The Bushin kunoichi said carefully. The 
trio spent another full second listening to the dead silent coliseum.

Then they ran toward the arena, as fast as they could.

All three stopped in shock though, upon seeing Yugure literally 
*levitating* in the air, Mai arching back and forth on top of her 
smiling like the cat that just ate the canary, Dark Sakura naked save 
for her now soaked panties, and Mai topless, her red silk costume 
barely concealing her sex. Yugure's hair had gone blue, the shade of 
blued steel, and the pair of bat wings sprouting from her back were 
definitely new to Yuri and Maki, though Sakura had seen her 'Twin 
Sister' in Aensland form before... though that had been a slow, 
emotional seduction, not like this, writhing and bucking while 
hovering in midair...

Sakura blushed bright red and tried not to show how wet she had 
suddenly gotten. Especially at the sight of tiny drops of liquid that 
slowly trickled down Dark Sakura's smooth thigh.


Inside the media control center of the multi-million dollar arena, 
Robert Garcia was busy grinning like a very happy madman. Every camera 
in the place was linked to this system and was currently burning the 
live play onto a DVD that could hold the entire spectacle from every 
angle. Currently the heir to the Garcia fortune was torn between 
salivating over two things, the sexy show he was being given, and the 
dollar signs rolling in his eyes.

He had never once really considered that Mai would actually go through 
with her offer, especially with how red cheeked and nervous she had 
been when she made it. He had thought that the whole intent was for 
her little deal to get out to the other fighters and eventually make 
its way to Andy, which it had. True to his rather weak character the 
younger Bogard had tried to interfere.

The pony tailed martial businessman had believed that Mai was going to 
let him win so he'd finally be satisfied and marry the poor girl. The 
ratings on something that romantic would have been great!

This was better.

As owner to all the video rights (due to a small clause that promised 
a nice share of all profits to the fighters in the invitation that 
every fighter had signed upon accepting this challenge) Robert was 
positive that what he was recording now was both legal, and pretty 
well priceless.

Okay not priceless, there wasn't a lot of profit in pricelessness, 
just really damn expensive.

Robert was so enthralled by this incredible turn of events that he 
missed the door behind him opening revealing a very feminine figure, 
dressed in a blue and white Chinese dress, and sporting world famous 
curled braids in her long black hair...


Yugure, meanwhile, was riding huge, crashing, enormous, roaring, 
GIGANTIC, THUNDERING waves of lust with little idea of how to handle 
it... except perhaps by expressing it, releasing it....

With that thought in mind, the part-Aensland schoolgirl reached up 
towards Mai...

...only to have her wrists caught by the slowly sliding kunoichi. "Ah 
ah ah! Oh no you don't. *I* am going to be the one to win here," Mai 
admonished the writhing demi-succubus, grinding a *bit* farther onto 
the younger woman's thigh, but nowhere *near* enough to provide the 
stimulation she wanted, NEEDED! Yugure writhed even harder as she 
fought for control both of herself and her captive hands at once.

"Ah... Mai... Maiiii... Please... oh GOD, please! PLEASE!" she begged, 
trying to change her angle or shift enough so that Mai's sliding 
womanhood would push against Yugure's soaked panties, surely the way 
she felt right now just one *touch* would be enough, let alone the 
pressure of slit to slit, to send her over the edge... but the 
kunoichi, skilled and balanced, kept her place precisely.

"Not yet..." Mai purred down at Dark Sakura. "You know what needs to 
happen first..."

"Know...? Mai, oh oh oh, right now I can, AH! hardly even think!! 
PLEASE! Please tell me!! What do you WANNNNNT!?"

Mai leaned down to the adorable blue-haired head. "I have to win. 
Surrender, give up, and we'll see..." she teased, her breath alone 
tantalizing Yugure's earlobe.

Dark Sakura recoiled inwardly. {Surrender? Give *UP?* I've *never* 
just given up..! But... But... I need... I *need*... I NEED!} Inner 
turmoil multiplied now by her debate with herself and the lust being 
imposed upon her, she writhed even more, then jolted in midair as Mai 
licked - hot, moist yet light - against the side of her neck. 
"Ooooaaaaaaahhhh....." she groaned, loud and long.

"I have to win...." Mai reminded and teased her at the same time, her 
breath now drifting along Yugure's side. "I can't risk you getting 
hold of me in this state until I have the victory..."

Finally persuaded, Yugure surrendered, moaning softly, "All right... 
you win... I give up..."

Mai, however, wasn't satisfied. "I could barely hear you... louder..."

"Dammit, Mai...." Yugure groaned, then spoke at normal volumes. "I 
surrender! Mai, you win! please..." she went back to groaning 
softly for that last phrase.

Mai took up a mock-stern pose atop Dark Sakura, her act spoiled only 
by her continued motion on Yugure's thigh. "Louder! The timekeeper has 
to hear you, you know!"

The Aensland schoolgirl moaned again, then cast her pride out the 
metaphorical window. "YOU WIN! I GIVE! MATCH TO SHIRANUI, DAMMIT!" she 
howled loud enough to echo in the silent arena. " finish..." she 
whispered, blushing partly in shame now.


The arena echoed with the announcer of the fight screaming. "*WINNER! 

In Morrigan and King's booth the blond kickboxer covered her face with 
both hands and sank into her chair.

"Loser, us." King grumbled to her demonic hostess.


Pulling the DVD from the recorder Robert held it up in a fingerless 
gloved hand triumphantly, and grinning with near Dan-like intensity.

"Masters, you owe me big time for this!" He crowed.

"No he doesn't." Came a quiet matter-of-fact voice behind the Kyokugen 
ryu artist. Before Robert, who was an accomplished warrior of no small 
skill, could turn around, a high roundhouse kick caught him in the 
forearm holding the DVD, knocking the disc into the air. Chun Li (of 
course), continued with the same motion, brought her kicking leg down, 
switched feet, and blasted the pony tailed man with six kicks so fast 
it was impossible to see her leg as a distinct entity. Then the 
beautiful Chinese agent span around, caught the disc, tucked it safely 
in her outfit, then, still spinning around, cupped her hands at her 
waist and pushed them forward in a manner every fighting and 
Dragonball Z fan in the world was familiar with. Those who followed 
her exploits would recognize the blue-white energy swirling around the 
world's foremost female fighter as her Ki-Ko-Sho technique, one of 
devastating power.

However when the gorgeous Chinese woman released her stored energy the 
explosion wasn't a directed cone of destruction, instead the Interpol 
agent had drawn on powers she hadn't tapped into since the battle in 
Egypt against Apocalypse. The result was a sphere of devastation that 
engulfed the room vaporizing video equipment, memory banks, walls, and 
sending an extremely battered Robert Garcia flying into the opposite 
side of the arena. Chun Li stood straight and pulled the DVD from her 
azure colored top, then blushed slightly. As she strolled toward the 
hole in the wall she had created the woman produced a double-sided 
disc case and placed it next to one simply labeled "Present".

Shaking her head the beautiful warrior sighed heavily. Dark Sakura had 
lost, time to go pay up. As she walked down to the arena Chun Li 
wondered aloud. "I wonder what Mai-ojosama is going to make me wear 
for the next week..."

"What you too?" Came a familiar feminine voice. The black haired woman 
turned to look at three women in matching skintight outfits, accented 
by heavy crimson boots and gauntlets. One had long blond hair, done 
into two braids that trailed beyond her finely shaped, and mostly 
exposed ass. The other two behind her had short hair, one blond, the 
other a brunette. All had a similar build, were very shapely and 
despite the blank expression on the pair behind the pony tailed leader 
all were very sexy.

"Cammy?" Chun Li said somewhat surprised. "Mai roped you into her 
little scam as well?"

"She got-" Started Juni

"-us too." Finished the blond headed Juli. The black haired beauty was 
about to speak when another voice caressed Chun Li's ears.

"Hold up, this is getting excessive." Said a carefully lilted and very 
sensual voice. All four Street Fighting women turned to look at the 
source. Two women in matching dresses, their outfits differentiated 
only by their respective white and red vests. The woman who had spoken 
wore her long blond hair in a carefully arranged hairstyle, while the 
other wore an almost butch style, chopping her reddish brown hair 
short, almost boyish. They were the emmisaries of the Orochi, the 
handmaidens of death, Vice and Mature.

They looked worried.

"Let me get this straight," Vice growled huskily. "The Shiranui girl 
suckered *ALL* of us into her little plot?"

"It certainly looks that way." Said Todo Kasumi regretfully, arriving 
with Xiangfei, Blue Mary Ryan, Athena Asamyia, Elena, Kanzuki Karin, 
Rose, Kagura Chizuru, Kula, Angel, Rindou Makoto, Ibuki, Minazuki 
Kyoko, (Hime)Zaki Aoi, Kazama Akira, Kirishima Yurika, Wakaba Hinata, 
Ayuhara Natsu, Mei Li, Felicia, Tenshin Kasumi (of Dead or Alive 
fame), Hibiki Ran, Leona Heidern, Whip, and Tiffany Lords.

"Rindou? How did she land you and Ibuki-chan?" Chun Li boggled.

"She didn't!" Chirped Ibuki with a huge grin. "I knew Mai would do 
anything if she set her heart to it so I didn't sign her dumb ol' 
contract! I'm not a slaaa-ave I'm not a slaaa-ave I'm not a slaaa-ave 
I'm not a slaaa-ave!" The junior kunoichi sang in obvious glee. Then 
she saw Makoto's expression and stopped, quickly. "Nani-o Mako-chan?"

Rindou Makoto was looking regretful, sorrowful, and more than slightly 
guilty. Looking everywhere but at Ibuki, the karate-ka girl dug a bare 
toe at the floor. Mumbling softly Makoto whispered "Actually you kinda 

Ibuki's already huge eyes threatened to break records. "What do you 
mean? You don't sign for me did you?"

The tomboy cringed. "Well kind of, see I didn't see the "all occupants 
of bedroom" clause in the contract…"

Ibuki cringed, blushed, and looked angry all at once. Snapping at her 
lifelong friend the pony tailed kunoichi went on the offensive. "What 
in the world could Mai-san have offered you in exchange for a week of 
servitude?" Ibuki demanded.

Makoto's eyes became somewhat distant and dreamy. "Well there was this 
picture of a deluxe multi-head vacuum with hardwood floor 

The black haired ninja girl stared for a full minute before burying 
her face in her hands and starting to cry.


Mai smirked down at the writhing Yugure. "That's better. But was that 
an *order*? You didn't ask nicely..." the kunoichi teased.

Something inside Yugure snapped - not the snap of willpower breaking, 
but the epiphanic coming together of inspiration sparked by 
frustration and anger. True, her current state of resonant lust was 
*totally* outside of her experience... but the biggest hallmark of 
*both* her selves was adaptability, and there was one card she hadn't 
played. Spreading both wings and arms wide as if to catch the air, she 
growled deep in her throat.

Mai, mistaking the noise for one of protest instead of effort, said 
chidingly, "That's not going to help! Now ask Mai-ojosama nicely to 
finish..." she glanced off at Kasugano Sakura. "Your original didn't 
mind doing it."

Kasugano went even redder.


Up in the private box, Morrigan suddenly stopped writhing, then sprang 
up to look out the window at Yugure's spread-eagled body.

"Drawing it in??" the Aensland queen asked rhetorically. Her blond 
compatriot looked up from behind her fingers.

"What's going on now? I mean, we're sunk, right? Mai got Yugure to 
concede in a way we'd never have considered... and how come you can 
move again?" King asked.

Morrigan, unexpectedly, smirked. "Why, little sister, how inspired! 
It's too late to do *us* any good, I'm afraid, but King dear, I think 
we're about to be able to see a bit of payback. Onee-chan is actively 
drawing all the emotion she can to herself."

King shook her head. "What good does *that* do? You said she can't 
power up from it..."

Morrigan's smirk only grew. "That doesn't mean she can't put it to 


Dark Sakura opened her eyes - now glowing green - and looked up at 
Mai. "You were... half right..." she panted. "I can... sense other... 
people's feelings... and make them... my own... and you used that... 
against me... and now... you've won the match... so I'm asking you... 
once more... to please finish..."

Mai shook her head. "Uh-uh! You heard what I want you to say," she 

Yugure gave her a nasty grin, her teeth gritted in effort behind it. 
"I can also... show other people... how *I* feel..." she growled, 
focusing her mind, adapting to the awesomely powerful surges of 
emotion she was riding... then screamed out, "SO ARE YOU AS HOT AS ME, 
SHIRANUI!?!?" as she slammed every ounce of concentrated lust and need 
into Mai's mind, making the red-haired kunoichi shriek and arch back 
like a bow, her fantastic chest bouncing up and around in a wild 
display of sexiness that, thanks to the audience's reaction and 
Yugure's resonant attack, only made matters worse for the hentai 

By the time Mai was even aware of her surroundings again, panting from 
the need she'd been imparted by Dark Sakura's sudden reversal, the two 
of them were standing upright on wobbly legs in the center of the 
arena, both women's underwear had been cast aside, and Yugure was 
grinding their bodies together like there was no tomorrow. "I told 
this to another kunoichi, one of the few times Twin Sis let me out 
before we separated," Yugure purred in Mai's ear. "Now I'll say it 
again. We are not finished, Mai-chan. We are going to finish. This is 
not a request!!"

Pulling back to smile at the still-reeling kunoichi, the Aensland 
adoptee thought, {It's too bad this empathic resonance trick is taking 
up almost all my concentration, though. My Aensland wings' morphic 
abilities can be very... *handy.*} Meanwhile, she was using both of 
her hands to massage and tug at Mai's huge breasts, while shifting her 
stance so they each had one leg rubbing against the other's crotch.


Back in Ryu and Ken's hospital room Ken stared at the screen of the TV 
wide mouthed as the match came to its climax. Two realizations sank in 
through his somewhat fogged brain.

One. The re-broadcast and pay-per-view rights on this was going to be 
enough for him and Garcia to re-buy their companies.

And two. Eliza was going to kick his ass more ruthlessly than Iori had 
for being part of this.

For his part Ryu was discovering that his concentration still needed 
work as the sight of Mai's sweat slick, ecstatically thrashing body 
was threatening to re-dehydrate him.


Groaning and feeling more lusty than she'd ever thought possible, the 
voluptuous shinobi girl replied in kind to Yugure's action, moving her 
hips up and down against the younger girl's leg (and not 
coincidentally rubbing her extraordinary thigh into the short haired 
girl's sopping sex with the motion) while Mai used her hands on Dark 
Sakura's breasts, which were far larger in her Aensland form than her 
natural one. The red haired ninja woman moaned ecstatically again then 
lolled her head forward, using her height to bring her luscious mouth 
onto Dark Sakura's graceful neck. As lips caressed and teeth grazed 
her upper shoulders and throat the Satsu schoolgirl cried out once in 
pleasure and fastened her bow shaped mouth to Mai's upper breast, her 
tongue flicking over the smooth skin wildly.

Then both women spread their legs apart just a little bit more, 
spreading the petals of their labia just a little father, and finally 
exposing their erect clit's to the slick skin of each other's thighs. 
Given the hyper-desirous state both women were in, the end wasn't long 
in coming.

Pun intended.

"oooooo*ooooo*OOOO*OOOAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" the two girls screamed in 
unison, their fluids spurting down each others' legs as they 
practically collapsed to the floor, still in each others' arms, Dark 
Sakura finally reverting to her normal form as she finally, blessedly, 
worked through the lust she'd been imparted with and closed off her 
perceptions as best she could, and the releasing of emotion in 
Yugure's mind likewise freed Mai, and for a moment the two women 
sighed contentedly in each other's embrace.

"More!" Cried one hardy soul from the audience, and Yugure scowled.

"All that and they're not happy? Perverts," she groused, creating a 
bathrobe and draping it over Mai, then reforming her fuku, deciding to 
chance created undergarments for now rather than put her soaked real 
ones back on. {Brrr, that'd be *cold*,} she thought with a shiver. 
Turning back to face Mai, she grinned. "Well, you won. Now the fun 
begins!" she said.

The gorgeous ninja woman pulled her hair out of the robe and tossed it 
back, grinning brightly. She bowed extravagantly to the now 
thunderously cheering crowd. Rising up she turned to her new 

"My absolutely wonderfully delicious little girl, you have no idea."

"Does this mean you'll cut me in on your 'betting profits'? I *did* 
mean to cooperate even before you pulled that very unspeakably nasty 
dirty trick on me..." Yugure asked with a smirk, and Mai smiled.

"Fair enough. I'll kiss to that!" the redhead replied, suiting action 
to word and sealing the bargain.


Morrigan knew it was time, but the mere concept of what she was about 
to do sent shivers down her infernal spine.

"Wait a second what do you mean bound by the House of Aensland?" King 
said desperately. "What will they do to me if I don't obey Mai?"

The succubus didn't look like she was paying attention, the green 
haired demoness was reaching skyward, hands together like she was 
catching something. Morrigan's street clothes then underwent a 
metamorphosis, their shape became made up of outlined bats, then the 
bats grew eyes, then they exploded into a cloud of small red eyed 
midnight black animals.

Despite everything the blond woman managed to appreciate the 
impossibly sexy curves of the succubus' cream colored body. Then the 
bats swept back onto Morrigan, forming into her midnight bodysuit and 
purple leggings with ebon black fur lined boots. The emerald eyed 
woman looked at King with an expression that was a mix of desire, 
expectation, resignation, and even a hint of fear.

"You don't understand my dear, nor do I believe your cunning friend 
truly understands what she has done." Morrigan's voice was soft, 
causing a gentle tingling at the base of the blonde's neck. "Neither 
you, nor I, nor anyone else who has made this deal with the lovely 
kunoichi will be able to resist her, you will either obey of your own 
will, or you will move as a puppet on the strings of the Realm of 

As the true implications of her "deal" began to sink in King watched 
in stunned amazement as the succubus vanished from the room.


Only to re-appear over the center of the arena, looking down at two 
victoriously grinning young women.

"Oi…" grumbled the succubus. "I hope this doesn't end badly…"

And with that the green haired woman let the full range of Aensland 
power course through her body. And a green-white glow exploded from 
the gorgeous demoness' body to spread outward, sweeping through the 
coliseum, enveloping all the involved female fighters and leaving 
them, altered.

Yugure involuntarily shifted back to Aensland form as the energy 
washed over her, feeling an unusual... *authority* in herself this 
time, the Aensland Princess for true.

Mai's robe shimmered, then changed as well, transforming into her 
normal fighting outfit, but in place of the white trim was silver and 
gold, and the red sparkled like garnets and rubies. Shimmering into 
existence, small tiara connecting to her hair-clasp in back, also in 
gold appeared, and her sandals morphed into a bizarre stiletto heeled 
sandal, shoe mix... now the Shiranui kunoichi was a true Queen of 

All those who had made the bet with Mai (or in Ibuki's case been a 
part of said bet without making it) acquired a small addition to their 
outfits... a thin leather collar with a gem suiting the woman's color 
in the front of it... the symbol of their servitude. There were other 
changes as well, some subtle, some, not so…

Not understanding what was going on, or why their matching outfits had 
gained matching accessories, (quite nice ones the blond 
assassin/secretary thought) Vice and Mature led the lion's share of 
the girls out onto the field around the arena and stopped at the sight 
of the three *more* somewhat downcast girls.

Vice's eyes got a bit wild at that. "All right, enough's enough! We 
can't ALL be her servants! Let's just rush her and thump her into 
letting us go!"

Giving out a yell of agreement, Mature, Blue Mary, Zaki, Natsu, and 
Angel broke away from the group and, alongside Vice, charged the ring. 
Seeing what looked like three-to-one odds approaching (and even *that* 
was assuming Dark Sakura would assist her), Mai did what any kunoichi 
would - took a step back preparatory to heading for a location where 
she could pick them off one at a time.

More familiar than the kunoichi with Aensland powers and bargains, 
Yugure smirked and stepped forwards. "Don't bother, this isn't even a 
concern," the Aensland Princess told her Queen of Fighters. She took 
two steps towards the edge of the ring and the onrushing fighters, 
swept her hand out imperiously, and put her new Authority behind her 


Barely ten feet from the ring edge, the foremost runners already 
preparing to vault onto the podium, the six fighters froze, wide-eyed 
in surprise now rather than anger.

"I... can't move..!" Angel ground out, seemingly making an effort to 
just force her vocal cords to work. In fact, just talking had cause 
sweat to appear on the blond woman's forehead.

A smirk both smug and haughty crossed Yugure's face as she strolled 
leisurely to the edge of the ring and, spreading her wings, drifted 
down to stand among the paralyzed women. "*Naughty* Vice, even 
*thinking* about harming your new Queen," the Princess purred, casting 
a mischievous glance back at the shiningly clad Mai. "Very *very* 
naughty, and foolish to boot. You should know nobody welches on an 
Aensland Promise… it's just not done. KNEEL."

Vice dropped to her knees as if her leg muscles had quit working, and 
for all her struggles, couldn't seem to get up. Yugure cast a glance 
back at Mai. "My Queen?" she asked, her eyes glinting mischief 
although her short bow was done quite seriously. "What should we do 
with her? And for that matter, with everybody else?" she asked.

It suddenly fully sank in to Mai "sama" just how much power she had 
over these women. The statuesque red haired woman drew herself up 
proudly, haughtily, then laughing and spinning into her "Nipon ichi!" 
pose. On a sudden inspiration Mai remembered something a certain 
blond, whip wielding did when she was victorious… the kunoichi tossed 
her gorgeous hair back, half covered her face with her hand and 
laughed haughtily. It was known, near universally, as "The Bitch 

"Ho ho ho ho ho!"

Somewhere in the crowd Kanzuki Karin grumbled something about 
trademark infringement.

"All right you… you…" Her smile lilted upward, becoming positively 
evil. "You slaves… daring to try and strike your mistress! I'll make 
sure you're all punished properly, right here, right now!" Her 
beautiful eyes narrowed. "Especially you Mary-san! With everything 
we've been through how could you!"

Dark Sakura was rapidly warming to her role as "Princess" and acted 
accordingly. "Well Mai-sama? What should we do with them?"

The gorgeous, newly crowned Queen of Fighters smiled a small, 
pleasantly evil smile. The rest of the women that were now under the 
domain of house Shiranui had formed a ring around the arena. They were 
staring at Mai with varying degrees of amazement, confusion, 
trepidation, and occasional jealousy. The beautiful red haired woman 
smiled at them all.

"All right you," Mai said pointing her now gold colored fan at the 
kneeling women. "Get up and come up here and join me. Now, line up and 
kneel on your elbows and knees, stick those cute little butts up!"

Morrigan's emerald eyes grew huge, she knew quite well what was about 
to happen… Dark Sakura was just as aware and leaped, literally, to 
stand next to her Queen. Zaki and Vice moved stiffly, still trying 
vainly to resist the invisible commands that forced them to move at 
the kunoichi's whim. The rest complied with distinctly unhappy 
expressions on their faces, but a far more willing attitude. What 
other choice was there?

"At this time," Mai said, eyes alight with amusement. "You will remove 
your pants, skirts, or both in your case," the ninja girl said 
motioning at Vice, Mature, and Zaki. "You can keep you panties on 

Blushing fiercely behind her mask the pink haired gang leader tried 
looking away and mumbling something.

"What was that? Speak up musumei-dorei!" (girl-slave) Yugure Sakura 
yelled happily. Zaki's blush went from "fierce" to "raging inferno".

"I… don't have… any."

Mai and Dark Sakura stared for brief second, then Mai turned away from 
the kneeling women laughing like crazy. The Satsu schoolgirl still 
stared in amazement.

"Doesn't all that leather chafe like crazy?" She asked, genuinely 
curious. The sexy schoolgirl flinched. Still looking away the chain 
wielding woman tried hard to vanish from the world. In quiet mumbling 
voice she answered.

"It's not leather it's Lycra, doesn't chafe and it's cheaper…"

Mai finally recovered enough to look at her "subjects", though tears 
of mirth still showed in her eyes. "Well I guess we'll all just get a 
good look now won't we? On three girls, one, two-"

"Wait! Hold it! Ya men ka!"

Mai sighed and shook her head. This voice was male, and right now the 
kunoichi wasn't all that interested in men. Especially brother's to an 
ex- fiancé who were busy fighting through a crowd of fighting otaku.

Terry Bogard finally worked his way through the enthralled crowd of 
fighting women and girls to stand on the arena in front of Mai staring 
at the alterations to her costume for a long moment before recovering 
and finding his tongue. Although before he could Joe vaulted over the 
crowd to land next to Terry. He waved cheerily at the newly crowned 
Queen of Fighters.

"Hey Mai! Genki? Hell of a crowd you got here!" The red haired 
kunoichi succumbed and laughed merrily.

"Joe-chan! Nice to see you! What do you think of all my prizes?" Mai 
waved her gold colored fan at the assembled women.

Terry had been covering his face in embarrassment at Joe's 
obliviousness, when the ninja girl said 'prizes' he looked up sharply. 
He looked at Mary's kneeling form (and noticed involuntarily how her 
current position made her cleavage absolutely-) The elder Bogard shook 
his head quickly and turned to his busty friend.

"All right Mai, I have no idea what that whole thing with you and-" 
Terry stopped and looked at Dark Sakura who affected her most 
innocent, demure smile. Which was totally offset by the fur tipped bat 
wings growing from her back. "Um, well, her. …what are… never mind I 
don't want to know."

The blond fighter paused. Running out here to save his lady love from 
certain, well, certain something anyway, had seemed like such a *good* 
idea at the time. Now, now one of the world's top ten fighters wasn't 
sure what exactly he was doing. Mai smiled at him with all the charm 
that she could muster, and the light of her charm could melt glaciers.

Terry withered quickly under the force of this charisma, his tongue 
went on hiatus, his brain stopped working. The man looked to his 
kickboxing friend for support.

"So Kasumi, I was wondering, well, um, you know you're well…" Joe 
stumbled whilst talking to a slightly bemused Todo Kasumi

Terry slapped his palm to his face. "I should have known…"

"Terry-san," Mai started, realizing that if this were to go anywhere 
she'd have to do the going. "I know you're worried about Mary-chan so 
why don't you ask her why she's bent down like that?"

It seemed to be the best idea so far the pony tailed man had to admit. 
He crouched down in front of the short haired bounty hunter, who was 
currently studying the arena floor with furious intensity.

"Mary, MARY! What the hell is going on?" Terry whispered urgently. 
Blue Mary looked around wildly, desperately trying to think of a way 
to avoid answering for a few moments, but realized it was useless; one 
of the things she loved about the man was his dedication and 
perseverance, which meant he wouldn't give up until he found out.

Still looking away the blond bounty hunter mumbled her response. "I, 
ah, kind of made a bet with Mai…"

Terry was nowhere nearly as clueless as his brother. "You bet against 
her winning didn't you?"

The bombshell bounty hunter flushed slightly darker and nodded. Still 
mumbling Mary continued. "Well she put some things in the deal that 
made it tempting, and um, well, she er, won."

There was a pause. Terry was waiting for Blue Mary to continue and the 
voluptuous hunter was simply to embarrassed to do so. Dark Sakura 
sighed and stepped in. "All right Mary-chan, tell him what you were 
about to do, *all* of it!"

The short haired blond winced again. "Er, ah, weeeeellll, these other 
girls and I, we kind of… promised Mai we'd be her personal servants 
for a week if she won." The last bit was rushed together. Terry 
boggled, struck totally speechless. Then Mai and Dark Sakura chorused 


Another wince. "And um, well, Vice gave us the idea that we should 
take Mai down and make her give us up."

The pony tailed fighting champion blinked. Terry wasn't used to this 
sort of thing. He could handle a lot, he'd been through enough 
emotional turmoil to last several lifetimes and seen things that most 
people still considered to be fantasies. Today was stretching even 
that. His kickboxing friend on the other hand saw things slightly 

"Wow, um, that's completely awesome Mai!" Joe said. "Congratulations 
on winning!" He then slid up next to Mai. "I don't suppose you could 
command Kasumi to give me a chance at dating her do you?"

The Shiranui kunoichi shook her head, laughed lightly, and patted his 
cheek. "Joe-chan, after everything we've done together, I think of you 
as a very dear friend, and as such it would not be fair of me to ruin 
your chance at romance by forcing Kasumi-chan to date you. It wouldn't 
end well." Then leaned forward and put her lips right next to the 
kickboxer's ear and whispered. "Besides, I've been looking forward to 
this too much, *I* want a taste of her, but I'll tell you all about it 
later." Joe Higashi gaped at the implication and stood there with a 
rather silly expression on his face as the gorgeous, shimmering ninja 
girl turned toward her crowd of followers, ignoring Terry who was 
still crouched next Mary looking somewhat stupid.

"Now then," Mai announced, in her best royal voice. "Chun Li-chan, 
Yurika-chan, Sakura-chan, Whip-chan… *FRONT AND CENTER!!*"

Somewhat hesitantly the four girls approached, Sakura, and Yurika 
looked the same however Chun Li and Whip's outfits had, altered. The 
gorgeous Chinese woman was dressed in a cleavage exposing leather 
bustier that exposed the top of her nipples, black lace panties, 
garter belt and stockings, her spiked bracers had been replaced by 
leather wrist braces, each of which had large metal ring attached. She 
wore six inch black stiletto heels, and her ankles wore the same 
attachment as her wrists. At her waist, making a kind of belt there 
were three sets of handcuffs interlocked.

Whip's costume resembled her old one, but now her skirt was slit half 
way up the sides, looked like it had been vacuum sealed on her tight 
butt, and ended short enough so that glimpses of her red panties could 
be seen. And her top now sported a large diamond cut out the area 
above her breasts, revealing the girl's average sized, but pert and 
attractive, cleavage. Her whip elbow length gloves, and knee length 
boots hadn't changed a bit though.

By the Darkness! Thought Morrigan. They actually *want* to serve Mai! 
Their clothes now reflect how much they want it!

Still ignoring the dumbfounded men Mai turned to the kneeling women. 
"All right then ladies, continue with your orders."

Grumbling and looking universally embarrassed (except for Mature who 
strangely enough had a slight smile on her face) the women complied, 
squirming and shaking their ass' cutely to the cheering audience's 
hentai delight. This applause turned thunderous when Himezaki Aoi 
pulled her tights down revealing her naked bottom, and smooth shaven 

However the sight of Mary's thong-clad bottom exposed for the world to 
see shocked Terry, both with how hot she looked and the instinctive 
male possessiveness that is built in at a genetic level. Honoring a 
bet was one thing, publicaly exposing his girlfriend's ass to several 
thousand people was another.

"Look Mai," Terry said getting up and wearing a very dark expression. 
"I understand she made a bet with you, and now she needs to hold up 
her end of the bargain but isn't this a little much? She is your 
friend after all!"

Mai sidled next to the handsome man and threw her arm over his 
shoulder in a buddy kind of way. She leaned in close. "Terry you're a 
very dear friend and I actually have a lot of love for you, but I went 
through a lot of trouble getting all this and I'm not giving it away 
now. Besides" And at that word the kunoichi leaned in so close her 
sensual lips were brushing his ear. "If you don't back off now and 
take Joe with you, I'll tell Mary-chan about the DVD I gave you, and 
let her do whatever she wants with you."

Terry's face burned scarlet, and without another word he walked 
forward in a mortified daze, hastily grabbing Joe by the arm and 
dragging the man with him. The Mhuay Thai champ crossed his arms and 
huffed. "Maaaaaan, you get a private video of Mai, that babe Chun Li, 
Yuri and that cute little Sakura having sex and what did I get? A 
quick kiss on the cheek, a knee to the sternum, a friggin Flame Dance, 
a fan to the back of the head, then she did something where she hoped 
over me a few times stopped and yelled 'The Kunoichi's Elbow!' before 
impaling me in the gut. Life is not fair."

Princess Yugure turned to her queen with an expression saying that she 
didn't know whether to be proud of Mai for talking her way out of 
that, ashamed that she'd black mail Terry, or just mortified that the 
ninja girl had stolen a move from some wrestler freak named 'The 
Rock'. Queen Shiranui patted her cheek and gave her a quick kiss on 
the lips.

"Later." With that the voluptuous shinobi woman turned back to her 
newly exposed 'prisoners' and grinned in a positively evil way. "All 
right ladies, Chun-chan you get Mature, Sakura-chan you get Natsu, 
Yurika-chan gets Zaki, Whip-chan you get Angel, and Yu-chan, you get 
Vice. All right girls, take position beside your target!"

Whip and Chun Li grinned and practically skipped into position next to 
their targets while the other girls rather hesitantly followed suit. 
The kunoichi turned to Dark Sakura with an impish smile on her face. 
"You wait with Vice until later, I want her to know exactly what 
coming to her."

The Satsu schoolgirl couldn't help but lick her lips in anticipation 
as she swayed her hips sauntering to the Orochi secretary. Mai turned 
back to her followers. "And now ladies, let the spanking begin!"

And with that her fan disappeared somewhere into her top, and Mai 
brought both hands down to smack Mary's mostly exposed bottom. Whip 
giggled and uncoiled her prized namesake, causing the short haired 
blond in front of her to wince.

"I suppose asking you to be nice would be a waste of time?" Angel said 
nervously. The brunette grinned and brushed bangs away from her 
adorable face.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll enjoy this, if you don't right now, you'll 
learn!" CRACK!

Meanwhile Chun Li was busily massaging one butt cheek while bringing 
her palm down on Mature's other cream colored posterior. The 
conflicting sensations of pleasure and pain wracked through her body, 
as the vibrations from the spanking shook the girl, causing her clit 
to vibrate and thrills of more ecstasy shooting through the blond 
woman's shapely form. Mature moaned and began thrusting her butt back 
into the slaps, wincing and shivering with every impact.

Yurika had rapidly warmed up to her roll and the bow of her violin now 
sang a tune of its own as it stung Zaki's cute ass. The pink haired 
gang leader's fingers were clutched to the ground so hard her knuckles 
were white, not because it hurt, even though it did, but because there 
was no way she was going to give the crowd or Mai the satisfaction of 
hearing her cry out. The student winced at another smack of the bow. 
Behind her mask the girl's attractive lips parted in a gasping sigh. 
Se couldn't be *enjoying* this could she? SMACK!

"…oooh…" Cooed Himezaki. "… Yu-ri-ka…moto…"

Blue Mary couldn't believe what was happening, her best friend was 
currently spanking her with both hands, embarrassing her before 
thousands of people, positively humiliating the bounty hunter, Terry 
had taken off abandoning her, and, and… And her thong was getting 
soaked from sweat and sex. Because Mai was spanking her in a perfect 
way, just barely causing pain, shaking the blond woman's labia, and 
after each slap, the ninja girl would spend time caressing Blue Mary's 
tight bottom, rubbing the pale skin caringly, and then smacking both 
palms down just hard enough to put an edge on the thrills of pleasure 
shooting through her muscular, voluptuous form.

"Oh… AH! God… Mai… oh oh! Mai… I can't-AH! Take… much more… AAAH!"

This dance of pain supplemented by waves of pleasure, was of course, 
not universal.

SMACKSMACKSMACKSMACK! Sakura's right hand continually hit Natsu's 
muscled posterior, making the Amazonian girl writhe and squirm with 
each impact.

"Dammit Kasugano that hurts!"

"Urusai! Mai-ojosama commanded it! Besides you shouldn't have tried to 
attack Mai-ojosama! That's-" Sakura paused in both her spanking and 
her speech. It suddenly sank into her exactly how comfortable it was 
becoming to 'serve' Shiranui Mai. Not only that, how quickly it was 
becoming comfortable. Her face turning a shade of red not often seen 
outside dying stars the World's Strongest Schoolgirl resumed her 
frantic smacking of Natsu's ass making the volleyball player moan and 
shake more.

Dark Sakura stood back watching slightly amused as the events took 
place. Finally after watching Natsu twitch in pain again she sighed 
heavily and reverted to her normal form. The dark schoolgirl walked 
next to her creator shaking her head.

"Twin sis, hold on a sec, you're not doing it right!" Sakura turned to 
her Satsu twin and sighed.

"Gomen, I'm trying but it just isn't working like it is with 
Mai-ojosama…" The short haired girl nodded toward the red haired Queen 
of Fighters and her blond subject who was currently moaning and arcing 
her back like a cat being petted. Mary's black thong was obviously 
wet, and an almost invisible trail of honey flowed down her leg. Dark 
Sakura licked her lips unconsciously before turning back to the 
volleyball player and walking to her left side.

"Okay your problem is your angle, see? It's supposed to be more like 


"AH!" Natsu screamed her already sensitive ass burning in pain, yet 
this time the vibrations shook her sex and button just so… The black 
haired woman couldn't help but cry out. "… oh DAMN that felt good!"

Sakura flushed slightly but grinned. The young woman took up position 
on Natsu's right flank. "You mean like this?"


"AHHH!" Natsu cried out, pleasure and pain mixing once again, her gym 
panties were now getting more and more wet. "No dammit! Not like 

Yugure shook her head. "Hey you! Be quiet, you're the one getting 
punished here!"

The black haired volleyball player winced and looked away. "Go… gomen 
a sai…"

"That's better." Huffed Dark Sakura. "Now then Twin Sis, it's like 


"Ooohhh!" Natsu moaned even louder, much more pleasure than pain that 

"AH Wakata!" The normal version of the schoolgirl said brightly. "Like 

"AH! AH! Oh… god… don't… stop!" The Gorin student screamed tilting her 
hips up ward and letting the schoolgirl assault her posterior in an 
incredibley erotic display.

Mature was thrusting her ass back arcing her back so that the Chinese 
woman's spanking would nick her labia sending shockwaves of pain and 
pleasure through her luscious body. The blond assassin felt her lace 
underwear soaked in her own juices, felt them trickling down her 
thighs, she was so close, just a little…

"Stop!" Mai's voice commanded. "Time for you to do your thing Yu- 

With a grin that mixed lust, glee, and outright maliciousness the 
young demi-succubus stepped forward, her wings splitting and becoming 
a total of eight knobbed tendrils. Then she sauntered behind Vice, 
(the assassin/secretary was actually trembling slightly) and looked at 
her red haired mistress. With a mock serious expression the kunoichi 
gave a dramatic nod.

And Vice's punishment began.

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