Uneasy Thoughts
It was a cool, relaxing summer day where the descendant of dragons,
Ryu and his companions traveled together. As the group continues it's
pace, Katt stretched out her arms and yawned. "How much further is
Simmerfort?" Katt asked impatiently. Ryu glanced at the map, and came
to realization that the map was upside-down. Ryu has yet again pulled
another faulty situation amongst his traveling buddies. He brought a
forceful grin on his face as he turned towards his companions.
"Well guys... don’t this beat all? We’re lost!" Said Ryu in an
optimistic tone. Rand, the hybrid armadillo-unicorn groaned at the
blunder of his "leader". Nina shook her head in disappointment and
Katt just smacked herself on the forehead. "Oh well, we can all take a
break around here... right?"
Nina smiled at Ryu and nodded slowly. "Of course, anything you say
sir." The day was simply a good break from all the monster slaying
they have been doing for the past couple of days. It was nice to relax
in an open field with no worries. The sun was radiating a warm,
comfortable glow and the soft, cool breeze blew gently. The Wyndian
princess loved the scenery as well as the former Woren gladiator.
"All right! Now, let's do some fishing Rand!" The cheery young man
said. The bulking Shell clansman shrugged and joined along with Ryu on
his little fishing expedition. Both the Woren and the Wyndian watched
the two figures disappear. It was just Katt and Nina, together with
each other. Nina looked shyly at the pretty cat-girl that flashed a
warm grin.
"Oh c'mon Nina, I don't bite." Katt said to comfort Nina. "Well...
that is if you piss me off, I do. But anyway, lighten up!"
"I'm sorry, I'm just...." Nina hesitated to answer. She felt
uncomfortable around this feline gladiator for some strange reason.
She wasn't intimidating or anything, in fact, Nina admired her
friendly attitude. Every now and then, Katt may brashly smash someone
who seemingly provokes her, but she emits a sweetness that's
undescribeable. If that's so...then why do I feel nervous whenever
she's around me? Nina asked herself.
Katt glanced at Nina out of concern. Sure she was a shy girl, but she
was a very gentle and kind person. A little worried that she was
intimidating her, Katt tried to think of something to relax the winged
princess. "Nina, let's talk all right?"
Nina nodded slowly. "Sure."
"Remember that one time you were at that cave? That Joker jerk whom
kidnapped your sister yeah?"
She nodded again. "Of course, it's hard to forget a thing like that."
"Uh huh, I thought that your magic spells were really cool." A small
pink flush appeared on Nina's face.
"Thank you." She was still a bit pink. Katt grinned at her. "You were
really brave to help us out. With yours and Ryu’s help."
Katt smirked at the blond princess. "Of course, well... neither of us
was really thinking though, we just kinda barge in there."
"Well... that was admirable of you to save my sister and me..." Nina
replied. "I just wanted to say thank you..."
"Gee golly, it was nothing... Ryu kinda helped too you know." Katt
laughed nervously. The young worren fighter had a strange sensation;
it was so unusual to feel this way and around Nina? She placed her
hand behind her head and tried not to think about it. The words she
said were quite flattering; she was never felt this strange, not even
around Ryu. "It's just one of those strange days." She muttered
quietly to herself?
"Strange? How so?" Nina asked, a spark of curiosity sparked into her
eye. Katt tried to ignore her as Nina continue to prod her, wondering
what she was up to. Katt just gave her a slight smile.
"Nina, just don't worry too much. It's not like I'm love with you."
After realizing what she said, Katt burst into a deep shade of red, if
she wasn't already red enough. Nina's cheek also turned into a bright
pink. "Ahehehe... I say strange things Nina that’s all! Don’t mind me!
I'm just... I'm just saying dumb stuff!" Nina nodded slightly, her
face now emits a rosy color.
"Indeed, it's just silly isn't it?" Nina agreed with a hint of
nervousness was detected in her voice. "I mean, you could love me as a
friend right? There can’t be any other possible meanings now?" Katt
nodded with an uneasy glance. Everything came back to sense when a
voice called out to them.
"NINA! KATT!" Ryu shouted, dragging a bag of fish. "Let's some lunch!
I'm starving!" Katt's little tiger ear's perked up when she recognize
the smell of fish.
"So...ummm... Katt, shall we eat?" Nina asked courteously.
"Sure! Let's cook up supper now!" The worren replied happily. The four
started up a fire and began to roast the fish over the fire. At that
moment, Nina and Katt glanced at each other again, but instantly
jerked their heads away.
"Why do I feel this way?" That was the question they both had in their
train of thought.
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