Adventures in Time and Delinquency (part 6 of 6)

a Bubblegum Crisis fanfiction by Baka Gaijin30

Back to Part 5
Author's note: Rated for language and shoujo-ai content. This is a 
comedy, so turn your brains off, sit back, and relax.

Warning: If you are pregnant, suffer from dizzy spells or vertigo, or 
are operating heavy machinery, the ending to this little story may be 
too much for you to handle.


Inside the large auditorium hosting the Annual Inter-School Cosplay 
Event, security was tight and tension high. It seemed that every year a 
fight of some kind broke out, if not a full scale riot. And every year, 
one group of anime fans always seemed to be the cause of it. The three 
saps, er, judges this year certainly had their hands full.

"Damn it!" one of the judges moaned, "What the hell's wrong with those 
retarded Bubblegum Crisis fans? Every friggin' year one of those idiots 
has to start a fight. They're all a bunch of sub-moronic creeps!"

"I know." The second judge put in, "Why can't they be more subdued and 
even tempered like the Devilman fans? I mean, other than the chanting 
and the pentagrams, they're easy to get along with."

"Oh shit." The third one broke in, "Some zit-faced girl with braces 
dressed like Linna from 2040 is starting something with a Ranma fan." He 
quickly picked up his walkie-talkie, "Hello, security, code blue, 
repeat; code blue!"

Someone just then handed the second judge a paper. After reading it, she 
let out a groan and slammed her head down on the table.

"Keitaro, what is it, what's wrong?" The third judge asked.

"Destrade Technical and Cromartie High have both arrived."

"Destrade? You mean, they're actually being allowed back after the 
Overfiend incident?"

"I don't think I've ever been able to look at bratwurst the same way 
since then." The first judge put in.

"What are they showing up with this year; Kekko Kamen or Cutey Honey?" 
the third judge asked sarcastically.

"No, worse; they're both putting in Bubblegum Crisis entries!"

"What? Shit! Security!" the third one yelled again into the walkie, 
"That code blue is now a code red! Repeat, code red."

"Do we get hazard pay for this?" the first judge asked.


Priss was sticking close to the gang from Cromartie as she held her 
tracer in her right hand. She winced as she saw the dweebs, geeks and 
nerds in the auditorium dressed up in all sorts of stupid costumes. A 
dork with buck teeth dressed up as Captain Harlock was complementing her 
on her costume (and trying to pick her up) when her tracer finally 
picked up a signal. Following it, she strode up to the gang of thugs 
from Destrade Technical High, and locked eyes on quite possibly the most 
ridiculous things she'd ever seen.


Nene was tired, embarrassed, and wanted to be anywhere other than where 
she now was. Yamaguchi and his gang had her surrounded, and she was 
dressed in an incredibly stupid looking Dr. Stingray costume. Through 
her fuzzy vision caused by the glasses she was being forced to wear, she 
now saw some stupid high schooler dressed like Priss carrying something 
in her hand that was beeping. Ishikawa strode up to her.

"Hey, what the hell you think you're doing here, punk? Go back to your 
own group."

"Nene, is that you?" the girl in the costume asked, completely ignoring 
the Destrade student.

"P... Priss?" Nene asked, the first glimmer of hope in over a week 
finally starting to spring up in her heart, "How did..."

"Sylia and Dr. Raven fixed the dimensional do-hickey and sent me here to 
find you. We've got your hardsuit hidden in the ladies room of a local 
gas station."

---Meanwhile, At The Ladies Room Of A Local Gas Station---

"Come on already, my kid has to go."

"Yeah, you've been sitting in that stall for the last hour!"


"So, you ready to go back home?"

"You bet! I..."

"Whoa, no one's going anywhere!" Ishikawa said. "Nick 
Romanovskiavitchowski Von Burger here is ours!"

Priss tilted her head a bit, raised her right hand, and poked him in the 

"Aaaa! My eyes!"

"Nowyou ready to go?"

The group from Cromartie now came up, and began facing off against the 
Destrade group. Security began filtering in through the rear exits.

"Mick," Yamaguchi yelled to Nakao's hand puppet holding a small billy 
club, "Do something!"

Mick began hitting Priss' hardsuit with his club. "Take this, punk!" 
Priss grabbed the puppet and swiftly kicked Nakao in a very tender spot, 
sending the teen ventriloquist to the floor. A full scale turf war began 
on the auditorium floor, as a four hundred pound gorilla was used one 
Destrade student as a bat to hit another Destrade student. Takashi and 
Mechazawa were taking on two others, as Shinjiro and Yutaka were 
starting fights with other contestants for no reason, knocking out one 
unlucky student in a Pikacho costume. Now a full-fledged riot, a young 
girl dressed like Utena and another dressed as Lum ran for their lives 
as the security staff found they had no choice but to throw in the tear 
gas bombs, one of which went off directly in front of Takeshi Hokuto.

"What the... my eyes!" Hokuto yelled, just before being knocked out with 
a chair by a senior student from an all girl's school dressed like Major 
Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell. Hokuto's lackey, trying to see who 
knocked out his boss so he could get revenge, accidentally knocked out 
judge number three.

"Wow." Priss said, visibly impressed, "Who would've thought a bunch of 
losers like these could fight so well."

"Yamaguchi was reaching for Nene's arm to try to pull her away, when 
Freddy appeared in front of him. The hulking muscleman grabbed Yamaguchi 
by the shoulders and proceeded to headbutt him. They both fell to the 
ground unconscious.

"Nene, hold on." Priss said, as she grabbed the redhead's wrist and 
began fighting her way to the exit. Nene winced a bit when Priss knocked 
out the poor kid dressed as Inuyasha, before finally getting the two of 
them out of the auditorium. Priss then picked Nene up, and used her 
thrusters to bring them to the gas station where Nene's hardsuit was.

Fighting through the line of angry women waiting outside the stall, 
Priss brought Nene in, and she, Nene and the pink hardsuit disappeared 
in a terrific flash of light.


"How did I end up in this stupid jail cell with the rest of these 
delinquents?" Judge number two asked.

"Because you were the idiot that sponsored the cosplay event." The guard 

"Hey, why is everyone in the same cell? Why couldn't you put us all in 
separate cells?" Akira asked.

"Quit shoving!" Ishikawa yelled.

"Aaa! Get off my foot!" Shinjiro griped.

Shut up, the lot of you! We don't have room for individual cells. You'll 
all have to deal with it!"

"Excuse me, sir, but there seems to be some mistake here. My name is 
Takeshi Hokuto, and my rich and powerful father is sure to want his son 
in his own cell."

"Yeah, that's right! Especially since his dad's the head of the shadow 
government here in Japan, and..."

"Shut up! Pay no attention to my lackey, he breathed in a bit too much 
of the tear gas, and it seems to be affecting him in weird ways."

"Kid, my fellow guards and I are going to drag your ass out here and use 
our clubs to affect you in weird ways if you and your fellow delinquents 
don't shut the hell up!"


"...And then they dressed me up as Sylia's dad, believe it or not, and, 
hey, stop laughing, it wasn't funny."

"You're right," Linna managed to get out as she was gasping for air, 
"It's not funny; it's hilarious."

"You... Ha ha... You should've seen her wearing those coke-bottle 
glasses and that trench coat! And... And, a Groucho Mustache! Ha ha ha!"

Sylia and Dr. Raven were laughing now as well. Finally, Sylia wiped the 
tears of laughter out of her eyes and addressed the group.

"Well, it seems like poor Nene here had quite the adventure. It's 
getting late; Nene, I need you to stay behind to brief me further on 
some of your story. Linna, Priss, Dr. Raven; I'll see you again tomorrow 
for Nene's coming home party."

"Sounds good." Linna said.

"Shee you there." Dr. Raven added.

"Priss," Sylia said, turning away from the young woman and facing her 
desk "Thank you."

Priss smiled, "Any time. See you later, Nene."

"See you, and thanks again."

As Priss left the room, Nene walked over to the door in Sylia's office 
and locked it. She then turned to her leader, still facing away from her 
and toward her desk.

"Sylia, they're gone now."

Sylia turned around, tears in her eyes as she rushed over and embraced 
the youngest Knight Saber.

"Oh, Nene, I thought I'd lost you forever."

"And I you." Nene answered back, just before they kissed.

---The End---

End Notes: First off, thank you to everyone who has read and reviewed 
this little farce of mine. Second, people who have the guts to dress up 
and do cosplay are cool in my book. This is a parody, and not meant to 
hurt anyone's feelings.

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