Senshi Sabers (part 19 of 24)

a Bubblegum Crisis fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 18

Ami Mizuno fought back a sigh, the ice blue armored
figure slogging along with her companions. "What is it
Minako?" she asked her a bit tiredly, feeling her
darker blue hair sticking to her forehead beneath her
helmet from sweat. 'I really must improve the cooling
system,' she silently mused.

"I think I stepped on a rat," Minako Aino groaned as
the lamps added to the shoulders of her golden armor
lit up the darkness of the sewer they were slogging
through. Thankfully the hardsuits kept the stench out,
bit it still was an entirely unpleasant experience.

"Considering how big your butt is," Rei noted dryly,
her blood red suit dingy with mist and mud, "the rat
never stood a chance."

"Rei," Minako squeaked angrily.

"My girlfriend's butt is not big," Makoto said firmly,
her dark green suit looking oddly at home in the murky

'Why do I feel more like a baby sitter than a team
leader?' Ami wondered mournfully. "Minako, sensors
picking up any sign of that Bio-boomer we're
tracking?" she asked, reminding them of why they were

"I'm picking up heat sources," Minako sounded
disgusted, "but they're too small to be the target.
Probably more rats."

"Is it a combat type, or just a normal rogue?" Rei
asked, ducking beneath a dangling piece of moss as
they slogged onward.

Ami sounded businesslike as she answered, "Reports on
the attack say it was a standard type, but it was
acting odd."

"You mean besides trying to kill someone?" Makoto
asked as they turned, the tunnel tilting downward a

"Besides that," Ami fought back a slight smile.
"Apparently it tried to steal the heart-crystal from
another Bio-boomer before fleeing," she said.

"That's weird," Minako said, sounding more than a bit
surprised. However, she was so surprised that she
wasn't watching where she was going, her booted foot
coming down on something large, gooey and alive.

"Look out..." Makoto started to warn her, but it was
already too late.

"AIEEEE!" Minako squealed as she lurched back, waving
her arm and shaking her leg frantically to get
whatever it was off her.

'Oh, give me strength,' Ami thought as Minako careened
right into Rei and sent both women crashing to the
muck and fluid covered base of the tunnel.

"MINAKO!" Rei roared, coming up covered in filth.

"Whaaa!" Minako wailed, dripping brown water and other
stuff that should probably not be mentioned.

'Glad I was walking over here,' Makoto thought just a
bit guiltily.

"Let's just get this over with," Ami strived to keep
any amusement out of her voice as she told them, "the
sooner we're done, the sooner we can go home and get
cleaned up."

"And the sooner we can hose down these suits," Rei
growled as she forced herself to her feet, a long
strand of what looked like seaweed clinging to her
gun-arm which she picked off with obvious distaste.

"Something's showing up on sensors," Minako tottered a
bit as she reported, "though it might be a ghost from
all the gook stuck on me."

"Location?" Makoto asked warily, her eyes sweeping the

"Up ahead, maybe a hundred yards," Minako confirmed.

"Let's go, people," Ami ordered as the wet, messy and
somewhat slimy group continued on down the tunnel.

Up ahead of them the sewer turned, and from around the
corner a faint, flickering of light could be seen. As
they grew nearer a odd splashing sound reach their
ears, as well as what almost sounded like tearing.
Slowing down a bit they cautiously approached, then
peered around at a most unusual sight.

The female bio-boomer looked perfectly normal, her
long pink hair falling in a shimmering wave down her
back as she cheerfully splashed in the puddle of goo.
Hanging up against the wall was a captive bio-boomer,
it's arms secured to the wall as the woman carefully,
lovingly cut it open. She peeled back the outer
layer's of flesh as her captive passively watched,
it's white blood dripping into the water.

"This is sick," Rei murmured, faintly surprised at
feeling a bit ill.

With a final cut the heart-crystal was revealed,
pulsing with life as it was carefully removed from the
now dying bio-boomer. She cradled it reverently a
moment, then raised it to her mouth, opened wide and
swallowed it whole.

"Ugh," Makoto groaned softly.

"Makes a odd sort of sense." Ami murmured, "it's mouth
and digestive system couldn't hurt the crystal

"Do we stop it?" Rei asked as the female walked away
up the sewer tunnel away from where they hid.

"I can't promise I'll be able to track it if we lose
sight of her," Minako anticipated the question before
Ami could even ask, "there's too much interference and
sensor echoes from the quake damage down here."

Ami made a fast decision, "Then we stop it. I want to
examine it and see if we can find out why it's doing
what it's doing."

"Then let's go," Rei broke cover and took off, the
artificial muscles of her hardsuit sending her racing
down the tunnel with incredible speed.

Makoto, Ami and Minako hurried after her even as Ami
thought irritably, 'When am I going to remember she
doesn't wait for orders?'

The bio-boomer wheeled around as she heard Rei near,
her eyes glowing red as she quickly assessed her foes.
With remarkable ease she ducked under Rei's punch then
struck, hammering Rei in the gut and sending her
reeling backwards.

'Not a normal bio-boomer,' Makoto thought as she
closed with her, throwing a cautious jab and watching
her react. 'Programmed with unarmed fighting
routines?' she thought as the bio-boomer did a perfect
block, 'interesting.'

Minako detonated a flash bomb, knowing that Makoto's
visor would automatically protect her, then took the
opportunity to do a close in scan. "Ami," she used
their radios to report, "it's much denser than a
normal bio-boomer!"

"Look out," Ami warned as she closed in, extended arm
blades trailing ice, "it's probably much stronger than

"I kind of guessed that," Rei growled as she pushed
herself up from where she had hit the wall. Raising a
dripping arm she waited till Ami was done her rapid
slashing strike, aimed at a gap in the thing's outer
skin then fired.

The needle zipped through the air, imbedding in the
shoulder of the bio-boomer, slowing it a moment. Then
it exploded, shredding artificial flesh as the
bio-boomer gave a very human howl of pain, it's
severed arm dropping smoking to the tunnel floor.

"Yes," Makoto seized her chance, the cutting cables of
her hardsuit lashing out to sever the bio-boomer's
head from it's shoulders.

"Mistress..." the bio-boomer hissed as it's head
bounced to rest against the wall, then stopped as the
light in it's eyes went out. At the same time it's
body stiffened then dropped, much like a puppet who's
strings had been cut.

"Well that was creepy," Minako murmured. "Could
someone else please carry the head?" she asked

"Wimp," Rei said as she walked over and picked up the
now soggy head from where it had fallen into the

"And proud of it," Minako agreed even as her lover
picked up the bio-boomer with a soft grunt of effort.

"Let's get back to the surface," Makoto said as they
all headed back the way they came, "I think my suit is
sticking in places I don't want to think about."

'Was she going to say Mistress Nine?' Ami wondered,
walking along with the others and ignoring their
somewhat joking banter. 'If so, does that mean she was
gathering the crystals for Nine? And if so, why?'

"You all right?" Rei asked as they slogged slowly

Ami gave Rei a look, "I should be asking you that very
same question. That was quite a hit you took."

"I'm fine," Rei said quickly. A hard look from Ami and
she conceded, "All right, I'm sore, but I'm fine."

"I'll look you over when we get back to the van," Ami
said, not letting on how her heart raced at the idea
of looking Rei over like that.

"Thanks," Rei said quietly.

Onwards to Part 20

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