A Few Steps More (part 1 of 3)

a Bubblegum Crisis fanfiction by Baka Gaijin30

Note: I had enough fun writing One Step at a Time that I decided to 
follow up with a few one-shots. This first one takes place three months 
after One Step.

-Turn the Page-


"Ugh..." Nene groaned as she carried one end of a large box, "These 
stupid decorations are heavier than they look."

"I didn't hear you complaining when you volunteered us to help," Priss 
quipped as she held the other end of the box, "What was it you said? 
'Gee Sylia, Priss and I would love to help put up the Christmas 
decorations'," she said as she imitated Nene's high-pitched voice.

"Stop teasing me!" Nene snapped as she stomped her foot on the floor, 
"Besides, we're the Night Sabers, remember?" she answered back, "And the 
Knight Sabers stick..."

"Nene," Priss interrupted, "You say that stupid saying one more time and 
I'm going to stick my Knight Saber boot up your scrawny Knight Saber..."

"Now, now children," Daley mock scolded as he stood on top of a ladder 
in the middle of the room while he hung mistletoe from the ceiling, 
"It's not like any of us had anything planned on Christmas Eve anyways. 
Besides, considering that this will be Sylia's first Christmas without 
Nigel and with Linna..."

"Speaking of the two lovebirds," Leon said as he finished securing the 
Christmas tree in the tree stand in the corner of the living room, 
"Where are they?"

"Well," Nene answered, "Linna is at work, and Mackie said that Sylia had 
some sort of unfinished business she had to attend to."

"Unfinished business?" Priss asked as she cocked her head to the side, 
"What sort of unfinished business?"


She walked the cemetery grounds, her breath showing before her in the 
coldness of the winter's afternoon. The dark blue suit she had on, while 
still elegant looking, was far more conservative than what she normally 
wore. As the snow under her feet crunched softly, she finally saw the 
grave stone. As a snow flake landed on her wide-rimmed hat, she removed 
her sunglasses to wipe away a tear forming at the corner of her eye.

Placing the dark glasses back on, she stuck the stick of incense she had 
with her into the ground. The snow around her started to pick up as she 
lit the incense. She then placed the bouquet of flowers she'd brought 
with her in front of the stone marker, and sighed.

"Nigel," she said softly, "We need to talk."

The tombstone stood silently before her as she swallowed, "It... It's 
been nine months since you passed away. At the time, it felt like we 
both died," she whispered as a cold breeze blew by, "You were my rock, 
my anchor. When I would tear myself up with guilt over my part in my 
dad's boomer experiments and my need for revenge, you were there to keep 
me in check. When I would start to drink too much or reach for one too 
many pills, you would tell me to lay off it. Without you, it felt like 
my conscience was gone. Part of me felt like it had died with you, and 
I... I wanted to die too, I guess..."

She stopped as she looked away for a second, trying to reign in her 
emotions. As the snow continued to fall around her, she took a deep 
breath, "Without you around, I became a mess. I didn't want to feel it. 
The pain, the loss, the guilt, any of it. I tried to build up a wall 
around myself so no one could ever hurt me again. I would drink myself 
numb, over and over again, until I didn't think I could feel anything 
anymore. I thought it was impossible for anyone to ever break through 
and touch me again. And then..."

She turned back to the gravestone as she continued, "Nigel, you remember 
Linna? You know, the country girl who Priss convinced me to let join the 
Knight Sabers. At my lowest point, she reached out to me. With her help, 
I... I sobered up. I've been clean and sober for three months now in 
fact. She was there for me when I needed someone the most and..." she 
looked away once again from the grace marker as she looked up at the 
sky, feeling the tiny snowflakes delicately landing on her face. She 
watched silently as the smoke from the incense stick trailed up, born 
away by the breeze of the cold afternoon.

"Nigel," she finally said softly after several more minutes went by, "I 
love her. We love each other. She's good to me Nigel, so kind and so 
sweet. Do you know," she said with an almost amused tone, "She opens the 
door for me when we go out. And, when I have trouble getting to sleep, 
she actually sings me to sleep. It's just about the cutest thing, I..." 
she stopped as she stared again at the grave for several seconds, "This 
doesn't mean I've forgotten you Nigel. I'll always love you. But... But 
I have to live. I have to live, and I have to move on. No one can ever 
replace you, but I'm finding that no one could ever replace her either. 
I... I guess what I've been trying to say is, wherever you are, I've 
found love again. I never thought I would or could, but now that I have 
I want to go forward. I... I've decided that I want to take our 
relationship the next step, but I just felt I needed to tell you 
first..." she took her sunglasses of as she was unable to hold the tears 
back anymore, "I have to let you go," she finally whispered, "I hope 
that, if you can hear me, you'll understand. I'm happy again, and I'd 
like to think if you were here you'd be happy for me too."

Suddenly, the breeze picked up again. The sandalwood incense blew 
towards her, surrounding her in its wisps and, for the briefest of 
seconds, Sylia thought she detected the smell of tobacco and aftershave.

Then, the breeze died. Sylia stood there a few seconds more before 
turning away to head back to her car.


Linna looked at her watch with a smile. She got up from her station and 
went to the coat room to get her jacket and scarf. She could just 
imagine the ribbing she was going to get from Priss for being absent all 
day while the singer and the others were decorating the Christmas tree 
and drinking eggnog. No problem though, she'd be over to join in on the 
fun soon enough.

"Need a lift home?"

Linna turned around and smiled at her friend Misae, "Thanks," she said, 
"But I'm already taken care of."

"If you mean that moped of yours, you're crazy," Misae said with a shake 
of her head, "The roads aren't all plowed yet, and even the ones that 
are have ice patches."

"Misae," she answered as she wrapped her scarf tightly around her neck, 
"I'm not about to attempt going home on my own. A... friend is picking 
me up."

Misae made a face as she crossed her arms, "You know, you're always 
either alone at your apartment or hanging out with those weird friends 
of yours."


"Meaning you're never going to find a guy that way," she said matter of 
factly as she put an arm around Linna, "Look, you're a cute girl, and 
you've got that whole 'country girl naiveté' thing going that guys 


"Look, a few of the other office ladies and I are going over to this bar 
in the Ginza district this weekend. There's always hot singles there. 
Why not come along and..."

"Yamazaki-san?" a mechanized voice asked. Linna and Misae both turned 
around to see their boomer manager standing in the hallway, "A Miss 
Sylia Stingray is downstairs in the lobby waiting for you."

"Saved by the bell," Linna mumbled under her breath, "Sorry Misae, but 
my ride's just arrived," she said with a smile as she left her and 
headed for the elevator."

"No problem," Misae said, "Don't worry Linna; I won't rest until I see 
you on the arm of a nice guy," she called over with a wink, adding 
"Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas," Linna answered, rolling her eyes slightly as the 
doors closed and her elevator descended.

A few minutes later she and Sylia were driving down the snow-covered 
streets in a sleek red sports car. As the wipers swept the snow from the 
windshield and the car came to a stop at a red light, Sylia glanced over 
at her passenger. "So how was your day?" she asked.

"Long," Linna answered, "First I had to help with the quarterly reports, 
then during my lunch break the stupid vending machine boomer took my 
money and didn't give me my snack, and..." her voice died off as she 
noticed something, "Um, Sylia?" she asked, "I thought we were going to 
help the others put up the decorations. The Silky Doll's that way," she 
said as she pointed to her left.

"We're going out to dinner first," she answered softly, "We need to 


The box fell to the ground, the sounds of shattered glass and china 
filling the room. The four people in the room stood looking down at it, 
no one in any sort of a hurry to acknowledge what just happened or open 
it to see what sort of damage had just taken place. Finally, after a few 
more minutes of silence, one of them spoke.

"Sylia is going to kill us," Nene groaned. Priss brushed her dark bangs 
out of her eyes with an irritated look on her face. Both Knight Sabers 
then turned to glare at Leon.

"Don't blame me," he said defensively, "If you two hadn't left that one 
box in my way..."

"Okay everyone, calm down," Daley said, "What exactly got smashed?"

Priss opened the cardboard box and looked in, "Let's see... Okay, it's 
not as bad as we thought. Just some glass balls for the Christmas tree 
and a snow globe," looking closer, she added, "The junk in the globe 
spilled all over the non-broken decorations, but we can clean them off 
easily enough..."

"Hey guys," Mackie said cheerfully as he came in, "What's going on?"

"Mackie," Leon said with a smile as he walked over, "Just the guy I was 
looking for. Could you grab us some paper towels to clean up a little 

"Sure I... What's that junk all over Sylia's Persian rug?" he asked. The 
group looked down to see that, sure enough, the contents of the snow 
globe had seeped through the box and stained a rather expensive rug 
Sylia owned.

"Sylia is going to kill us," Nene whined yet again.

"Shit," Leon groaned, "I need some coffee to deal with this."

"Make it two coffees," Priss added.


Linna and Sylia soon found themselves at the same expensive restaurant 
where they'd shared their first date. The leader of the Knight Sabers 
smiled fondly as her love opened the door for her. It was such a simple 
gesture, but it was just one of a multitude of little ways in which the 
younger woman showed her affection for her.

Once inside, they were quickly shown to a private dining booth in the 
corner. Linna watched as Sylia gave their orders to the waitress. As the 
young redhead left, the office lady leaned forward, "Sylia," she said 
softly, "Now that we're here, what did you want to talk about so badly?"

Sylia looked silently at her for a few seconds before reaching across 
the table to place her hand over Linna's, "I went to visit Nigel's 
gravesite today," she said nervously.

"What?" Linna asked, "Sylia, you shouldn't have gone alone. I would've 
gone with you to..."

Sylia shook her head, "I had to go there alone. There was something I 
had to do... Before tonight."

Linna was slowly becoming nervous, "Sylia, what's going on?" she asked, 
"Why are you being so mysterious?"

"Linna," Sylia said as she gave her girlfriend's hand a gentle squeeze, 
"I... I love you, with all my heart. And I realize I have more than my 
fair share of shortcomings. Heh, way more in fact. I'm a control freak, 
demanding, obsessive-compulsive... But... But somehow you're able to see 
past all that. No, not just past; you see me for the mess that I am and 
love me anyways."

Linna was about to speak up in protest when Sylia motioned for her to 
wait, "Please, let me finish. I... I can't promise you that the future 
will always be rosy, but... but I do promise you that I'll never take 
you for granted. You're more than just a lover to me; you're my best 
friend. I want to spend the rest of my life with you Linna, and I want 
to make it official."

With that, the attractive older woman reached into her pocket and pulled 
out a small case, opening it to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. Linna's 
breath caught in her throat as Sylia then got out of her chair and knelt 
down on one knee, "Linna," she said tenderly as she looked into her deep 
blue eyes, "Will you marry me?"

Linna's eyes widened as she looked at Sylia kneeling before her. She 
brought her hand up to her mouth, unable to speak as tears of joy began 
to run down her cheeks. She finally nodded her head as she pulled Sylia 
into a tight embrace. The two women held onto one another as they both 
savored the moment.

Finally, Sylia pulled back slightly as she took Linna's hand in hers. 
She placed the ring on her finger, and then leaned forward as they 
kissed each other passionately.

"I love you," she said again as they separated.

"I love you too," Linna finally managed to say, adding "Merry 

Sylia smiled fondly, "Merry Christmas," she whispered back as Linna 
moved over slightly in the booth so she could sit next to her. The two 
held one another tenderly as Sylia ran her fingers through her love's 
short brown hair.


"Any luck yet?" Priss asked the blonde searching through various sites 
on the state of the art computer Sylia had installed in the pit.

"Well," Nene answered as she looked away from the computer screen, "From 
what I can figure out from these sites, most snow globes are filled with 
a mixture of water and antifreeze..."

"Antifreeze?" Leon groaned, "How in the hell are we supposed to clean 
antifreeze out of an antique Persian rug?"

"That's your problem," Priss said as she scowled at him, "You're the one 
who went and broke it, and Sylia and Linna are going to be home any 
moment, so..." the singer was cut off as the elevator doors opened and 
Daley came in, followed by Mackie.

"It's okay," Daley said with a self-satisfied smile, "The emergency has 
been taken care of."

"Huh?" Nene asked.

"How has it been taken care of?" Priss asked suspiciously.

"Simple," the AD Police officer answered smugly, "We simply stashed away 
the rug and put another one down in its place."

"Daley," Mackie asked nervously, "Are you sure sis isn't going to catch 

"Relax," he answered, "Before she has time to notice, we'll have taken 
it somewhere to be professionally cleaned and put back where it belongs, 
so..." he stopped as the elevator doors opened and a very happy Sylia 
and Linna entered the room, the younger woman's arm resting in Sylia's 
as she rested her head on her shoulder.

"Hey Sylia, Linna," Priss said as she noticed the expressions on her 
fellow Knight Sabers' faces, "You two look happy."

"Yeah," Nene said as she quickly exited out of the computer before 
either woman could see what she was looking at, "What's up?"

Linna smiled practically from ear to ear as she held her hand up to show 
her engagement ring, "Sylia asked me to marry her," she answered 

"Really?" Leon asked with a smirk, "And what was your answer? Ow!" he 
whined as Priss elbowed him in the side.

"Jerk," she said out of corner of her mouth.

"Good for you," Daley said happily as he came over and shook their 
hands. The others soon joined in as they likewise congratulated the 
couple. Once things settled down a bit, Sylia turned to Linna with a 
smile, "Linna dear," she said, "Could you go upstairs with Mackie and 
bring down our gifts?"

"Of course," she answered, quickly hugging Sylia once again before she 
and Mackie headed for the elevator. As the doors closed and the elevator 
headed up, Sylia turned back to the others.

"Well now," she said as her eyes narrowed ever so slightly, "Who wants 
to explain why, when Linna and I arrived and I went to put away our 
coats in the closet in my office, there was an expensive rug rolled up 
in the corner behind Henderson's grey overcoat?"

"Busted," Nene sighed as Priss gave Daley a dirty look.

"Hey," he said defensively, "How was I to know she was going to look 
there?" He then looked with the others over to Leon.

"Sure, throw me under the bus," he grumbled, adding "I could really use 
another cup of coffee right now."


End Notes- In the English dub of Bubblegum Crisis 2040, there's a 
hilarious part where the Knight Sabers beat the AD Police once again to 
the scene of a rogue boomer. Leon growls out, "Damn those Knight Sabers! 
I need a coffee." Somehow the idea of Leon needing coffee to deal with 
bad news struck me as funny, so I decided to use it here.

Onwards to Part 2

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