Christmas That Never Ends

a Azumanga Daioh fanfiction by GrandMoff

"Sakaki-san, Merry Kurisumisu!"  That's Chiyo, a good friend of mine 
from high school.  She's a genki young lady of seventeen, but she's 
already a practicing veterinarian.  She's quite an extraordinary girl, 

Me?  Konnichiwa, minna.  Sakaki desu.  I'm a professional athlete, a 
florist, and I moonlight as a lingerie model.  I'm 23 years old, but I 
feel much older at times.

But now I feel young, because of Chiyo-chan's energy and cheer.  It's 
infectious.  "Merry Kurisumisu," I say to her.  Today, that may be an 
automatic, unthinking greeting; but it isn't when I say it to her.

"What are your best flowers today?  What really stand out?" she asks.

"The white carnations.  They're gorgeous."  I lead her to one of the 
glass refrigerators and show her the carnations.

"You're right.  They are beautiful."  She buys a dozen of them and a 
bunch of mistletoe.  "I'm throwing a party again this year.  I was 
really hoping you could make it."

"Arigatou," I say happily.  "I would love to!"

"Great!  It's at my house; it starts at 7:00 p.m. on Christmas Eve.  
I'll see you there, ne?"  With that, she flounces out of my shop.

It may not show that I'm excited, but I am.  Last year was the first 
time I've missed one of Chiyo-chan's Christmas parties since I've known 
her.  I really missed going.  It's always something to look forward to.  
I'll see at least some of the old gang from high school.

Kagura...I don't see her very often.  She's always traveling because 
she's a TV sports reporter.  She spends a lot of time in America these 
days, covering Japanese baseball players.

Osaka...I mean far as I know, she and her husband are still 
running that fishing fleet South of Okinawa.  When I last saw her, her 
twins, Ryoko and Ryu, were only ten months old.  By now, she might have 
another child.  I'll have to ask about that before I go to the party.

Kaorin.  I haven't seen her in quite a while either.  She works with an 
advertising agency.  I think she's somewhat responsible for most of the 
coffee and tea commercials you see on TV.

(By the way, I'm neither blind nor naïve.  I knew that she had a crush 
on me in school.  She has outgrown it; that's what girls do.  She was 
dating someone pretty seriously the last time I talked to her.)

Kurosawa-sensei is still teaching, of course.  If I remember correctly, 
she's also studying for her PhD, so she can teach in college.  She's a 
busy woman, to be sure.

Her friend, Yukari-sensei, has gotten married and is no longer 
teaching.  Parenthood did what nothing else could; it calmed her down a 
bit.  She spends her time raising her son, Hideki.

Yomi and I see each other every two or three months.  She develops new 
polymers and finds uses for all kinds of synthetic materials.  As young 
as she is, she's still one of the highest-paid researchers in her 
corporation.  Her temper has finally slackened.

Tomo's done a lot of growing up, too.  There's no coincidence that she 
and Yomi get along well.  Last year, they finally admitted what the 
rest of us had guessed earlier; they are lovers.  At first, I thought 
that was kind of weird.  Now I'm cool with it.  I've seen how good they 
are for each other.

But getting back to Tomo, I see her pretty often.  Anyone who's ever 
wondered if there's such a thing as a "late bloomer" can stop 
wondering.  When she turned 17, Tomo transformed into a svelte, lovely 
young lady.  She recorded an album that went platinum within a month.  
Then there were plenty of photo shoots, of course, and people 
discovered that she also happens to be a terrific model.  She and I 
both modeled for a prominent designer just three weeks ago.  Tomo 
dragged Yomi along for moral support.  When the photographer saw the 
two of them together, he nearly had a stroke.  Before any of us knew 
what was happening, we were witnessing Yomi's first modeling job!  Yomi 
and Tomo, wearing slinky underwear and posing on a set with a king-
sized bed...they steamed up the shoot.  Everyone else left the set 
before they did.

Ano, getting back to Chiyo-chan; I see quite a bit of her.  At least 
once a month, she comes into the shop, asks me for a recommendation, 
and buys a dozen of whatever I've suggested.  As far as I know, she's 
still unattached, so I kind of wonder what she does with them.

With any luck, I'll be seeing all of my high school friends in two 
days.  I can't wait.  It's so great to see how they've all changed and 
how well they're doing.  Luckily, I'm done with my shopping already, 
including the gift for my little Miko, the black and white cat who 
loves me dearly.  She was a homeless kitten when I met her at the steps 
of a shrine a year ago.  She didn't bite me!  She's lived with me ever 

It's December 23.  Yomi comes into the shop.

"Konbonwa, Sakaki-chan," she says cheerfully.

"Konbonwa, Yomi-chan."

"Chiyo-chan's Christmas party is tomorrow.  Are you going?"

"Hai," I answer.

"Good," she says.  Her tone is almost giggly.  She looks as though 
she's trying to hide a huge grin beneath the small smile she's showing 
me.  Is it my imagination?

"You and Tomo will be there?" I ask.

"Of course.  I wouldn't miss an opportunity to sing with my Tomo-chan."

Yomi has never been a good singer, but I don't want to say anything 
about that to her.

"It was a joke," she laughs.  "I know I can't carry a tune in a bucket.  
You don't need to fear for your eardrums."

"You aren't bad," I lie.

"Sure I am," she chirps back.  "Demo, I know they're out of season; do 
you have any tiger lilies?"

I show them to her and she buys nine (she tells me it's Tomo's and her 
nine-month anniversary.)

"Have you got your outfit for tomorrow picked out yet?" she asks.


"Well, make sure it's nice, okay?"  With that last suggestion, she 

I'm still wondering what she meant when I close the shop for the night.  
I'll take her advice.


It's Christmas Eve.  It's 5:41 p.m. precisely.  I've just fed and 
brushed Miko, and now she's watching me try to decide what I'm wearing 

"Help me out here, neko," I say.

She mews very cutely at me.

"Arigatou gozimasu!"  Luckily, searching through my closet doesn't take 
very long, because I haven't got a big selection of formal clothing.  
Don't get me wrong, I like dressing up.  But I don't do it very often, 
and I'm not the type of person who buys things I won't use.

There it is, the black velvet knee-length dress with the red lace.  
I've forgotten when I last wore it, but it's a classic design that 
doesn't go out of style.  I don't think any of the gang has ever seen 
me wear this dress, either.  My forest green shawl goes well with it.  
I'll go with my silver snowflake earrings and my scarlet hair ribbon, 
too.  (That's my favorite hair ribbon.  Chiyo gave it to me six years 
ago, when she noticed how cute I thought her ribbons were.)  Now that 
I've decided on my ensemble, I can take my time getting ready.

A bath, a bit of makeup, a little work on my hair, and I'm set to go.  
Takes me just under an hour.  I'm proud of that.  Most women with hair 
as long as mine take much longer than that.  "I'll see you soon, 
Miko-chan," I say confidently.  I pick up the bag of gifts for everyone 
and head out the door.

I arrive a little early.  I'm a bit anxious as I ring Chiyo's door 
chimes.  As an introvert, I'm used to the jitters.  They go away 
quickly when I'm with my friends.

Chiyo opens the door before my finger has left the button.  She's 
looking beautiful in an emerald party dress with a short, pleated skirt 
and a crimson sash.  She has white ribbons in her hair.  She hasn't 
worn the pigtails in a while, but there they are!  Very nice!

"Merry Kurisumisu," I say.

"Come in!  Merry Kurisumisu!  Minna, Sakaki's here!"  She's genki...I 
love that about her.  She's even more cheerful than usual tonight, 
which makes sense.  It's Christmas.  Everyone's already having a good 
time (except for Ayumu and Yukari, who aren't here yet.)  Much to our 
surprise, they both arrive by 7:00.  For Yukari, that's a first.

We're all joking and catching up with each other.  We'd all have a 
great time just doing that, but Chiyo throws fantastic parties.  Soon 
we're playing games; dancing; singing (thank goodness Yomi keeps her 
word); snacking; playing with Tadakichi-san's puppies, Atsuko and 
Akira; and watching as various couples "test out" the mistletoe.  At 
9:00, the gift exchange starts.  Lots of great, thoughtful presents 
change hands.  For me, this is always the most fun.  I like seeing the 
reactions my friends have when they receive especially nice things.

Once the exchange is over, Yukari, Minamo, and Kaorin beg off from the 
party, citing various reasons.  The rest of us stay.  Karaoke follows.  
Tomo graces us with her beautiful voice.  Then...

"Ano..." Chiyo says to me, "...I want to do this next song, but it's a 
duet.  Will you accompany me?"

Usually, I just stay seated during karaoke.  But Chiyo...I guess you 
could say I have a soft spot for her.

"Sure," I relent.

The song we sing is "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me."  I've never 
really liked it, but it's fun to sing it with Chiyo.  Every time I turn 
her way, she's looking at me.  For some reason, my cheeks feel warm as 
I smile at her.

"That was great!" Yomi applauds.

"Definitely," Tomo agrees.

"Youse look so cute up there, too," Ayumu adds.  "That was betta than 
any otha time I heard that song."

"Arigatou," Chiyo says modestly.  Then she leans toward me.  "I loved 
singing with you," she whispers.

"Mm," I whisper back.  My mouth seems a little dry.

"Yeah, you two really do look kawaii," Yomi snickers.  I can't say why, 
but I blush a little and take my seat.  I glance at Chiyo.  She's also 

Ayumu sings a song then.  When she's done, she says, "I oughta get 
goin'.  The twins'll probably be wreckin' stuff at the house if I ain't 
there to tuck ‘em in."  She leaves, and we all wish her a Merry 

Chiyo clears her throat.  "Yomi-chan, Tomo-chan, could you do a song 

"Are you sure?" Yomi says dubiously.


"C'mon, sing with me," Tomo urges her.  "You know you've gotten a lot 

Chiyo sits next to me on the couch.  Tomo and Yomi sing "When I See You 
Smile."  I'm amazed.  Yomi really does sound wonderful, singing with 
Tomo.  I notice that during the song, my arm has draped itself around 
Chiyo's shoulders.  She doesn't seem to mind, so I leave it there.  
Yomi and Tomo finish the song.

"Very nice," I say.

"Awesome!" Chiyo says, clapping.  "Yomi, you've improved!"

"Only when I sing with her," Yomi admits.  "I'm still rotten by myself.  
Datte, thank you."

"Yes, thanks!" Tomo says loudly.  "We'd better get going now.  This is 
our first Christmas together.  I want it to be memorable, if you know 
what I mean..."

Everyone blushes at that.  "You don't have to just blurt it out!" Yomi 
complains, slapping her hand over her forehead.

"Gomen nasai," Tomo says, looking at Yomi with huge, tear-filled eyes.  
I doubt that she means it, and I bet Chiyo doesn't buy it either.  Yomi 

"Oh, it's all right, my sweet love," Yomi breathes in consolation.  
"You're right, we should be going."

Chiyo and I rise to see them off.

"You two have a super Christmas, ne?" Chiyo says fondly.

"And you too," Tomo says.  "I hope it's great."  She pulls Yomi close 
and kisses her.

"I'm glad that mistletoe got plenty of use tonight," Chiyo chuckles.

"Doushite?" Yomi asks.  "That was because we're girlfriends.  We aren't 
under the mistletoe..."

"...But you and Sakaki are," Tomo finishes with a grin.

We all look up at once.  My face grows pink.  So does Chiyo's.

"Come on, let's see it then," Yomi urges slyly.

"You know you want to, Sakaki-chan," Tomo half-kids.

My heart pounds wildly.  "...We got caught. it okay with
you, Chiyo-chan?" I ask quietly.  She looks so pretty, suddenly I'm a way that I've never hoped for anything...that she'll say

She bashfully makes eye contact with me and nods.  I bend slightly and 
touch my mouth to hers.  The contact is brief and innocent, but my 
heart starts working even faster!  How could a kiss that short be 

"They really are cute," Yomi says.

Tomo agrees.  "You got that right!"

Chiyo's blush gets even deeper, but I'll bet it can't compare to mine.  
I feel like my cheeks are frying.

"So, thanks for coming here, you guys," Chiyo says after a short 

"No prob!" Tomo chirps.  "So, was it fun, kissing Sa-"

"Don't embarrass them, dear," Yomi interrupts.  "Thanks for having 
us."  She pulls her lover out the door.

Another silence starts to grow.  "Ano...I guess I should go too," I
tell Chiyo.

"Oh, don't!" she says.  "It's not late yet.  Let's talk a while; we 
haven't had the chance to talk in a long time."

"I'm not much of a talker."

"Sakaki-chan, I've known you for how long?  Sure, you don't talk a lot, 
but you're the best listener I know.  That's one of the things I love 
about you.  Besides, when you have something to say, you say it very 
well.  Please stay?"

I mentioned earlier that I have a soft spot for Chiyo.  I don't think 
I've ever said no to her, actually.  Before I know it, I've made tea 
for us and we're sitting on her comfortable sofa.

"And it's too bad that Kagura couldn't make it," Chiyo is saying.  
"She's got the strangest sense of humor.  But she's a great person.  I 
wonder if she still considers herself to be your greatest rival."

"Probably," I say.  "She runs well."

"That wasn't enough to beat you.  I remember that first sports 
festival.  You bailed me out, big time."

" cheered very well.  You pulled your weight."

"Thanks for saying so, but you won it for us.  You kept your promise."


"You promised me that it would be all right.  Then you made sure it 
was."  Chiyo smiles at me and I find myself getting embarrassed...and
I don't know why.

"I try to keep my promises," I stammer.

"That's important.  But as happy as I was when we won, I was even 
happier with what came next: the folk dance.  You remember that, don't 


"Good, I was afraid you might not."  Chiyo sips her tea.  "I've always 
meant to ask you why you did it."

"I don't understand."

Chiyo's gaze penetrates me.  "I think you do," she says.  "You didn't 
have to dance, but you did."

"I...well, you know...there weren't enough guys."

Her expression is strange.  "Anyway, I'm glad you've got a pet.  Her 
name is Miko, you said?"

"Hai," I say, glad for the subject change.  "She's so kawaii!  You've 
got to meet her!"

"I'd like that.  When?"

I'm on the spot again.  I'm not used to that.  "As soon as you want 
to," I hear myself saying.

"Thank you.  I want to give her a present for helping you.  You don't 
look as lonely as you did before she came into your life."

I can't respond.

Chiyo stands suddenly.  "I've got a surprise for you," she says.  
"Close your eyes."

What can she be up to?  I'm nervous all of a sudden.  But I close my 
eyes.  I feel her hand grasp mine.

"I'll guide you," she says.  "Trust me."

She leads me through rooms and hallways, and up a flight of stairs.

"You danced the folk dance so you could dance with me, didn't you?" she 
whispers.  My eyes are still shut.

"Hai," I say, swallowing hard.

"You knew where that mistletoe was, didn't you?" she asks in the same 
soft voice.

"Hai...but you did, too."

"Open your eyes and look up," Chiyo bids me.

The ceiling of her large bedroom is totally blanketed in mistletoe, and 
we're right smack in the center of it.  What kind of courage did it 
take for her to ask me to come up here?

"You'll need to kiss me a lot to earn your way out of here.  I ask for 
one kiss per step!"

I look into her sparkling eyes.  I lean in and kiss her.  It lasts 
longer this time.  It feels very, very good.  We take a step.

"The door's over there," Chiyo giggles.  "You went the wrong way."

"No, I didn't."  I put my arms around her slender waist.  I pick her up 
and kiss her again.  I start carrying her farther into the room.  I run 
my tongue across her lips.  She takes the hint and opens her mouth.  
There's nothing innocent about this kiss now, but it feels wonderful.  
I can feel her nipples pressing into my breasts; she can probably feel 
mine, just beneath hers.

I reach the edge of her bed and set her on her feet.  Reluctantly, I 
break the fantastic kiss.  "Chiyo-chan...I love you," I say quietly.

"I've loved you since I met you," she says.  (I start breathing again.)  
" are what I need."  She looks, smells, feels, tastes so 
good...  "I have to go back home tomorrow," I begin, "but may I stay 
with you tonight?"

Chiyo gently wipes the tears from my face...tears I hadn't realized
I'd shed.  "You'd make me the happiest woman alive," she answers.

A strap that clasps behind her neck supports her backless dress.  I 
have it open before we hit the bed.

I never truly believed that I could be anyone's lover, but as I lie 
next to Chiyo, watching her sleep peacefully, I realize that it's a 
miracle.  No one expects miracles, do they?  But I wonder, as I gaze at 
the beautiful young woman I love, how I could have ever doubted.


Chiyo wakes me with a kiss.  It's new.  It's wonderful.  I melt and 
kiss her back tenderly.

"What do you want for breakfast?" she gasps after we pull away.


"I'm listening..."

"...Iie.  I mean that's my answer."

She's totally cute as her face goes lavender.  I wrap her in my arms.  
"You're so beautiful," I sigh into her ear.  I run my hands along her 
perfect, nude body.  Then I gently put her on her back and I have my 
breakfast.  In bed.  Chiyo is breakfast in bed, I think with a giggle.

Some time later, when Chiyo's been satisfied several times (can I help 
it if I'm good at anything that takes skill and patience?) we get up 
and stagger to the bath.

"Who are we going to tell?" she asks while we're getting dressed.

"Minna," I answer.

"Some people are going to be sad to hear it," she chuckles.

"Um, Kaorin's over me."

"But is Kagura?"

"W-what?" I sputter.  "She-"

"I don't know if she still does, but she's had a thing for you for 
years!  Even when I saw her and you at the Christmas party two years 

Two can play at this game.  "And how jealous will Nyamo be when she 
hears that I beat her to you?"

Now it's my turn to watch Chiyo become embarrassed.  "Kurosawa-sensei?  
She never-"

"She did!" I sing.  "Osaka may have gotten over you, but I don't think 
Nyamo ever did."

"Well, it's her tough luck," Chiyo laughs.  "Because I'm yours."

"And I'm yours," I say, grinning.  "Anyone else who wants you is going 
to have to get through me.

"I have to go see to Miko now.  Will you come with me?"

"I've done that a few times."  Chiyo snickers; then she sees my cheeks 
flush and she really laughs.

"What've I gotten myself into?" I groan.

"You have no idea," she says.  She offers me her arm and I take it.  We 
walk out of her house and into a beautiful Christmas morning.

End (possibly)

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