Downward Spiral (part 5 of 14)

a Azumanga Daioh fanfiction by PAEC

Back to Part 4
I know I've only gotten one comment about characters being OOC, and 
don't get me wrong, I love constructive critisism, but I want to go 
ahead and cover my view on this. What's your basic definition of a Fan 
Fiction? A piece of Fiction, written by a fan of a TV Show, series, 
anime, game, etc. If I wanted to make all of the girls in this series 
transvestites and make them be Mr. Kimuras Gay Jedi Padawan Learners, I 
could do it. I wouldn't get alto of good feedback, but if I wanted to I 
could. All this started off with was a simple YomixTomo fanfic (Tales of 
Love at Magical Land). Then I though, 'Wait, what if something different 
happened? What if everyone DIDN'T accept the fact that two of their 
friends were gay?' So I wrote on it. It's my story and I'm sticking to 
it. To Defectron, I'm not insulting your opinion of my story, I welcome 
and encourage it. I just felt that this was an angle of my writing I 
needed to cover.

And on with the story. Sorry for not writing lately. Easter Weekend and 
all that kind of thing.

The walk was longer than it seemed, mainly because of the silence. As 
Tomo Takino and Yomi Mizuhara walked the streets of downtown suburban 
Tokyo, neither spoke a word. Everything that needed to be said had been 
said earlier, back at the train station, and small talk was the last 
thing on the girls minds at this point. All of their internal focus was 
on how to break the news of their newfound sexuality to their parents. 
For Tomo, this was easy. She more or less assumed that her father 
wouldn't really care. The only thing keeping her from being absolutely 
positive was the response her 'friends' had given her and Yomi earlier. 
It'd just gone to show Tomo, and Yomi as well, that anything can happen.

For Yomi, however, the process would be much more difficult. Like Tomos' 
father, Yomi knew her dad probably wouldn't truly care, feeling that she 
was old enough to make decisions about her life, and support her 
One-Hundred Percent of the way.

It was her mother, rather, that worried her.

In the Mizuhara household, Mrs. Mizuhara was in charge of everything. 
Even Mr. Mizuhara listened to her. It didn't matter what Yomis' dad 
thought. If her mothers opinion was different, or if her judgment was 
different, that always took presidence over any decision that her father 
made. Sadly, that was just how it was, and Yomi knew that that fact 
would be of no help to her in coming out to her parents.

But both girls had decided. They were beyond the point of no return. 
They'd come out to their friends, and now, whatever the consequences, 
their family must know as well. As agreed before, it would be that much 
worse if word got to them some other way. In the end, this would be the 
best way to tell them.

But the lesser of many evils is still evil.

They came to a fork in the streets, and stopped, remaining silent. This 
was the place where the two would usually meet, before walking to school 
together. If one took the left path, then one would walk about five 
blocks before finding the Takino Household, which usually consisted of 
Tomo living alone, her mother being dead and her father being away for 
Army reasons half of the time. This was the middle, however, of a three 
month span where he was being reassigned to a different location, and in 
that time, he'd been home with Tomo. Though the two weren't exactly the 
closest in the world, they shared an above average father slash daughter 
relationship. Tomo hoped that that relationship could stand beside her 
new relationship.

If the same person had instead decided to take the right path, that 
person would walk about seven blocks before arriving on the doorstep of 
the Mizuhara Household. While only a one story house, it was still very 
nice and well kept. Mr. Mizuhara had graduated from Tokoyo University 
with an Agriculture Major and kept a very nice flower garden around the 
house. Her mother, Mrs. Mizuhara, had graduated Bible College, and held 
a PHD in Theology, and almost every part of Yomi knew what that meant 
for her near immediate future, though a small ounce of hope shined 
inside of her, she didn't know how much longer she could keep that light 
from going out. Either way, she knew what she had to do, and would do 

"Well, I guess this is a bigger choice than it looks." Tomo broke the 
silence, uttering the first words that either of them had said since 
departing the train station about thirty minutes ago. Of course, it was 
not nearly a thirty minute walk from this point to the train station. 
More like ten. But when the feeling of an impending burden lays upon 
your shoulders, you tend to take your time getting from Point A to Point 
B. At least, that was the case here.

"Does it really matter, Tomo?" Yomi countered. Since the two had met at 
the foot of Tomos' house that morning, everything seemed to have 
changed. Tomo had gone from the spunky and wild one to the thoughtful 
one. While Yomi certainly hadn't inherited those latter traits, she had 
morphed from the thinker to, at least on the inside, the hopeless 
desperado. Her optimism had been crushed, and she did not see it getting 
any better. Had Tomo not been there to keep Yomis fire kindled, this 
story probably would have been over by now.

"I think it does, and I think we should start with my house, because-"

"...because my house will be hellacious when they hear this." Yomi 
finished the sentence her girlfriend had started. This brought a smile 
to Yomis face once again, as it did every time. The fact that their 
minds were seemingly on the same track was a constant reminder to Yomi, 
and Tomo too, that for their lives, they had defiantly made the correct 
decision Tomo returned her lovers loving smile, and nodded. With a new 
found confidence, the two took the left path, and began the walk to the 
house of Takino Tomo.

Five blocks is certainly not a long walk, and with new found confidence 
and no more slouching, the two girls had arrived at Tomos' doorstep, the 
same place they had met earlier that morning, in minutes. Their 
confidence did not dwindle as the two walked up the steps, Tomo first, 
Yomi right behind her, and opened the screen door, opened the wooden 
door, and walked in, Yomi shutting it behind the two.

If one were to walk in the front door of the Takino house, as Tomo and 
Yomi had just did, that person would find themselves in the family room. 
Two blue couches, one leather and one cloth, sat facing each other, 
pushed up against opposite walls. A third couch sat facing a wide screen 
television, and two reclining chairs on either side of it, tilted in at 
Forty-Five Degree angles. In the very center sat a brown rectangular 
table, and small end tables sat to the right of each piece of furniture. 
The whole setting made for a very nice looking semi-circle set up, and 
on a whole, the room was probably the most organized in the house, 
which, looking at the two who lived in it, wasn't saying much, but it 
was still a very well-kept room none the less.

This was where the two girls found themselves, and hadn't been there for 
five seconds before the friendly yet stern voice of Mr. Takino sounded 
off to the two girls.

"Tomo, Yomi!" His voice was deep, that of somebody who'd been used to 
yelling a lot, and by that token his voice was naturally louder than 
that of your average person, but that was just aftermath of being in the 
Army for many, many years. He waited a small moment for a greeting from 
the two, but then cut them off as his memory kicked in. "Hey, wait, what 
happened to going to the Ballgame?" He didn't offer up any of his own 
suggestions, he never did. He found it helped to keep his daughter from 
lying to him, by giving her no openings outside of the direct question 
he had and the answer he wanted for it. Though on this day, he was in no 
danger of being lied to. Tomo took a deep breath and let out a long 
sigh, a final preparation for the news she was about to bear.

"No problem, sir." She'd been raised to address him with proper respect. 
Calling her father 'sir' was something she'd not forgotten to do since 
she was six years old, and she was not likely to forget again anytime 
soon. "Well, kind of..." She struggled for the words. In her mind, this 
was a lot easier. But now that it was actually happening, finding the 
words to say this just right was a challenge. The silence was uneasy, 
and Yomis eyes began to dart around the room. Mr. Takino folded up his 
paper and sat it in front of him on the table, and reaching for a bottle 
that was halfway full of some brownish substance. He took the lid off of 
the bottle before he spoke.

"No problem, yet it is a problem?" He said in a half sarcastic tone. 
"You'll have to make up your mind if you want me to help." He leaned 
forward and spat into the bottle, a small amount of brown juice coming 
out and slowly flowing down the side of the bottle. Even though her 
father was madly addicted to Chewing Tobacco, he made it clear that if 
he had ever caught Tomo with any dip in, he would 'kick her ass until 
she begged for him to stop so she could wash her mouth out', in his own 
words. Tomo understood completely, rather than seeing him as a hypocrite 
as others might have. Tomo had come to the conclusion that, in the army, 
you will eventually become an addict of one of three things. Smoking. 
Chewing Tobacco, or Alcohol. Tomo was personally thankful that it wasn't 
drinking her father had become addicted to, and thereby didn't question 
anything else he did. "Though I will say," he continued after screwing 
the lid back on the bottle. "If it's one of those girl talks, I may not 
be the best person to go to, though I'll try my damnedest."

"It is a girl thing, sir, but not in the way you'd expect." Tomo stated 
flatly. At this point, Yomi moved over and caught Tomo into an embrace, 
which was quickly returned by Tomo. "Sir, Yomi and I are in love." It 
had unfolded before Tomos' father the same way it had unfolded in front 
of Kagura, Sakaki, Osaka, Kaorin, and Chiyo. The silence this time, 
however, was short, and merely greeted by an arched eyebrow, curtosy of 
Mr. Takino. He unscrewed the lid off of the bottle, this time sticking 
his finger into his mouth to sweep out the small amount of actual dry 
crew that was left, and sat the bottle off to the side, meaning to throw 
it away later. He stood up from the couch he was on and moved over to 
the couch on the far right, motioning for the girls to sit where he had 
just sat. They quickly did so, moving from a hug to merely holding each 
others hands. When everyone was situated, Mr. Takino cleared his throat, 
and began to speak.

"Now then, it sounds like you two have a story to tell. Tomo, you know 
not to keep anything from me, so I expect to hear the truth, the whole 
truth, and nothing but the truth." He leaned back into the couch and 
propped his feet up on the table. "I'm listening."

And so the story was told. Yomi recalled first, telling about how her 
invitation of Tomo to Magical Land had been her plan to find the perfect 
place to confess her feelings to Tomo, and about how it had worked. Tomo 
took up next, explaining that the recent change in the habits of both 
girls had been due to this newfound love, and how they had successfully 
kept the secret for two weeks.

When it came to the point of what had happened that day, there was no 
set person to tell it. Tomo would start a sentence, Yomi would finish. 
One would be talking, the other would add in quick details. Either way, 
collectively, the story was told in detail, neither girl having anything 
to hide at this point.

"...and then we came here, and that's pretty much how it happened." Yomi 
finished the tale, and once again, the silence was short lived. Mr. 
Takino simply nodded. He leaned back forward, stretching his arms, 
cracking his neck to either side, before he once again cleared his 
throat, as he seemed to do every time he spoke.

"Okay, and this is everything?" He looked his daughter in the eyes and 
questioned her.

"Yes sir." Came the respectful reply from Tomo. No matter what followed, 
she would always see him as her father, and always would address him as 
she was taught.

"You've left no relevant detail out?"

"No sir."

"And you, Yomi?" He looked at the other young woman in the room.

"She's telling the truth, sir." Yomi felt that she should be giving out 
the same kind of respect here. Anything that didn't give him a reason to 
go off was beneficial in this situation. Mr. Takino nodded again.

"Alright, then here's my two cents on it. I didn't interrupt you during 
your story, so like it or not, you get to hear my opinion on this." He 
paused, and those words didn't sound good to either Tomo or Yomi. 
Fortunately, this was the first time that day that they would be 
pleasantly surprised. "It is not my place to tell you this is something 
you can't do. Your gonna be a Senior in High School, Tomo. I'd like to 
think you're old enough to start making your own decisions Yomi, you're 
not mine, but you've hung around here so much, I'd like to think that I 
know you well enough to say the same."

"Thank you." Yomi bowed while sitting. Both girls had expressions of 
hope on their faces. Finally, something was going their way.

"No problem. That being said, I would gladly support you two. If you two 
think this is what is best for you two, or what you want, then I'll be 
right there beside you." That was it, that was something they'd finally 
wanted to hear. It wasn't all in vain after-all. "However..." They 
should've known it wouldn't be that easy.

"However?" The girls said in Unison. They were dreading this. Why could 
Tomos' father not have finished there?

"However, it turns out I cannot." He held up a hand to silence the 
questions he knew were coming. "I got a letter today. I'm being sent 
back to America, and I have to head out tomorrow. It's a long term 
reassignment. I'll be stationed in four different cities over the next 
Two Years. Tomo, this should be nothing new to you."

"It's not, sir." Tomo sighed. This would mean he couldn't support them, 
even though she knew he wanted to.

"However however." He said to jokingly contradict himself. "The two of 
you are welcome to this house anytime you want. Tomo, you already know 
that since I can't be here half of the time, bills are drawn from my 
Military Check, which at my rank is a rather large sum. Now that doesn't 
mean that you two can take advantage of that, it just means you can call 
this your home. Anything new you want to buy that would require bills, 
the money will have to come from you two. As for what we already have, 
it's already covered, and will stay that way." He finished, and Tomo and 
Yomi did indeed look pleased. "Now then, did that brighten your alls day 

"Yes sir!" Again, their reply was in unison. Mr. Takino smiled.

"Well, good." He stood up. "Now then, I imagine y'all are hungry. Want 
to come help me cook up some lunch?" The answer almost came out as the 
affirmative, but then, they remembered. Tomo and Yomi likewise stood up, 
bowing respectfully.

"We'd love to, sir," Tomo started. "But now we have another set of 
parents to tell." Mr. Takino didn't quite look as happy as the girls did 

"You're going to tell Koyomi Senior?" He stated, referring to Yomis 
mother, whom she was named after. Her technical name was Koyomi Mizuhara 
Jr, but seeing as how she went by the nickname 'Yomi', that technicality 
never came into play.

"Yes sir, we are." Yomi sighed halfway, trying to keep the hope alive. 
Mr. Takino caught this, and silenced himself.

"I see, well, good luck with that girls. Remember, you two are always 
welcome here." He smiled, and the gesture caused Yomi and Tomo to smile 
back, as they once again bowed.

"Thank you very much, sir." For the third time, they had spoken at the 
same time. With that, the two laced the fingers of their hands, and 
walked out the door, this new ray of hope finally present. Maybe Yomis' 
parents would be the same way. I mean, they had living proof now, that 
not everyone would hate them. As they walked back in the direction of 
the fork in the path, the two had almost reassured themselves that 
Yomis' parents would react in the same way Tomos' dad would. It happened 
once against small odds, maybe it could happen again against bigger 

Somebody should have taught these girls why lightning never strikes the 
same place twice in a row.

Authors note: I was doing my best to keep the parents unnamed, but in 
this situation, I didn't see a way I could keep her nameless without 
excluding the Dialog from Tomos' dad. So for this fan fiction, Yomis' 
mother is Koyomi Mizuhara Sr. Hey, it's never named in the series, so no 
reason I can't toss out a name. Anywhoo, now that my writing drought is 
over, stay tuned for Chapter Six, Coming Soon! Same Azumanga Time! Same 
Azumanga Channel!

Onwards to Part 6

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