Hilltops and Flowers
"Ty Lee, this is so stupid."
"Come on, you haven't even given it a chance yet!" Ty Lee happily dragged her reluctant
friend further up the hill. "Trust me, Azula, this is just what you need."
"I need to be fixing what's wrong with my firebending!" Azula groaned. "I know what
everyone's trying to do and it's not going to work."
"Now now, you remember what the physician said," Ty Lee scolded. "No more firebending until
you're all better."
"And that's another thing, I'm sick of everyone treating me like I'm recovering from some
really terrible sickness," Azula said.
"Well, you kind of are," Ty Lee said. "Ah, and here we are! Isn't it beautiful, Azula?"
"I guess it's nice, if you enjoy that sort of thing," Azula sighed, sitting down on a patch
of grass that looked dry enough.
"How could you not?" Ty Lee plucked a fire lily from the ground. "It's so peaceful, you can
see for miles and miles and the flowers are just bursting and alive with color..."
"Yeah, it's...it's not so bad," Azula said. "So we just sit here and look at the flowers all
"I was hoping we could, y'know, talk a little." Ty Lee sat down beside the princess and
nonchalantly tucked the flower behind her ear. "But if you'd rather sit and look at the
flowers that's okay too!"
Azula blushed, reaching up to poke her new accessory.
"And how is this supposed to help me again?"
"The physician said the best cure for your condition is spending time with someone who loves
you, that's how!" Ty Lee said, and kissed her before she could make any further protests.
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