It is now quite apparent to all reading that reading the original story is an absolute necessity. If you have started reading this story without reading the original fanfiction, I highly recommend you click on my name, scroll down, click on 'Conceptions of Love', and read it! Furthermore, I love tea. .o.o.o.o.o.o.o. Stolen Spirit "Evil will always have the innate ability to see good, and take it away from those it rightfully belongs to. In times like these, you must trust your heart, and will your destiny to be good and whole." unknown source .o.o.o.o.o.o.o. A sudden air of awe could be heard from the children, the glowing vial catching their attention as it swung it the air. The light had gone from a brilliant white to a crimson red, and it pulsed faster then normal. "Please, return it to me..." wished Hatako wordlessly to herself, but the teacher turned around and strode to her desk. "Come to me after class." She said coldly, dropping the vial carelessly among the pencils in the middle drawer, and closing it. "Children, get back to your writing, please." The dazed class, not wanting be the next target, began scribbling out words on their papers as the accursed teacher finished roll. Hatako, however, was not writing. She stared at her paper, tears beginning to form in her eyes. "I was supposed to protect you Misaki-chan..." she thought sullenly. She looked towards the desk, only to realize it was making the faintest noise. So busy trying to write a few words, the rest of the class hadn't noticed. "Fighto..." called Misaki, as audibly as she could. Regardless of what anyone happened to be doing at the time, the entire class dropped their pencils. The teacher only glared at Hatako. "Stop making noises or you will be sent home, without the vial, Kobayashi," demanded the teacher sinisterly. "I didn't say anything!" Hatako exclaimed, her temperature rising now. "Teacher... Evil..." called the voice, and 21 pairs of eyes turn to glance at the teacher. She stood silently, contempt brewing behind her dark eyes, but had no time to say anything: the voice spoke again. "Class... Dismissed..." Misaki called. The teacher scoffed at this, only to be cut short of a laugh. The top drawer in the desk was thumping now. Oscillating in tune with the waves. The class bent forward to watch, and the teacher took a few steps back. The noise went from a quiet rumble to a loud shaking noise in several moments, seconds later splintering into a thousand pieces. The teacher was now sitting on the back counter, and Hatako knew it was safe to approach the desk. She stood and strode forward resolutely. "Kobaya.." the teacher started to warn. "Stop me you witch." Hatako called, knowing full well the teacher wouldn't. The vision Misaki had sent to her only minutes earlier was proof enough that she didn't like 'unnatural' things to a point of total fear. She stood over the vial now. It glowed brightly upon the floor among the splinters. Hatako picked it up, only to find water was dripping from its exterior. At first, she thought it might be a crack, and peered at it intently, but it wasn't. "Tears... Love... Powerful..." Misaki's voice came, but this time, it was only Hatako that heard it. "I believe this is mine," Hatako said defiantly as she returned to her seat. The children watched her carefully, the teacher watching her even more so. Hatako bent the broken clasp around the other side of the chain, and seeing that it was strong, slipped it around her neck, the vial tucked away in its hiding place. "Danger... Leave..." Misaki called again, and Hatako saw the teacher pacing toward the phone. Misaki concentrated her feelings once again, and water began to leak from the base of the device, electronic popping noises heard from within. "Class... Dismissed..." Misaki called loudly, and Hatako stood up, grabbed her bag, and strode for the door. "I'll have you expelled child," cried the teacher. Hatako turned, confident now. Confident like Misaki had been just a year ago. "Misaki-chan taught me that I could do anything I wanted, quite literally, anything. And now, I will be leaving this school. Who are you to think that you can stop me?" Hatako replied, and left through the classroom door quickly, running at full speed. The door opened moments later, and the teacher appeared, pulling a metal compass from her pocket. She began to run at Hatako, who was already down the stairs on the first level, running outside into the school grounds. "Misaki-chan, she is following me!" Hatako cried softly in a bit of a huff. "Faith... Love..." Misaki replied, "Sky..." Hatako looked up, only to find the once sunny sky had clouded over with the darkest clouds she had ever seen. So busy thinking about fleeing from the sinister teacher, she didn't notice she could barely see the ground. Rain began to pour, first slightly, then in torrents. The ground, still warm from the sun, vaporized the water, and a mist settled over the asphalt. Hatako was halfway to the gate, she turned, only to find the enraged teacher twenty feet behind her. "I shall finish her job myself," She called, ten feet way now. "You will fall as well, hell child." "No..." Misaki called, almost simply. A hailstone the size of a golf ball slammed into the teacher's foot, another hit her shoulder. "I... Cannot... Let you..." The hail did not stop. Another cascaded down from the heavens, slamming into the teachers back, knocking her to the ground. She fell, the compass dashed upon the ground. The lady reached for it, only to have her hand pegged by an icy meteorite moments later. A crunching sound could be heard as Hatako slowed and looked back. Blood dripped onto the concrete, and the woman cried in agony. "What is this black magic?" she called, only to be answered by Misaki. "My Power... Protect... Hatako-chan... In Need..." Misaki replied in a strong voice. "Aggression... Of Yours... Death... To You... I Will... Promise..." "How is it... You live, hell child..." called the teacher weakly. "Did She fail to kill you?" "Love... Lost None... Gained More... Soul... Live Forever... Love... Forever..." Misaki answered, her voice clear and unwavering. "You are not a god, you foul demon from below." "Love... Infinite Love... Infinite Life..." "I cannot believe you, for what you have done... The world hates you. The universe will fall apart because of you. You have no idea what a single action on your part can do to this world. How many people it will hurt. How many might have lived had it been different... You have no idea. No idea how wrong you are, and now, your friend will die to make it right." The frail woman reach with her left hand into her dress jacket, only to pull out a pistol. A shot, a crash of ice, and another shot. Hatako slumped to the ground, clutching her side in shock. The dark woman's head was now a mess of blood and ice, a hailstone had ran straight into her left temple, and quite unexpected, a bullet had pierced her chest from the side. Men could be heard in the distance, running to the scene. "Call an ambulance, Yu-san," the officer called, and another began to talk to the dispatcher over the radio. The officer bent down next to the child. "Stay calm, someone will be on the way to take you to the hospital shortly. Don't worry, you haven't done anything wrong. Your classmates went to the classroom next door when they saw this teacher pickup a compass and chase you." The officer moved to inspect Hatako's wound, only to find none. A charred hole in Hatako's uniform was all that could be found. Hatako didn't even notice the officer, she didn't even hear his voice. The rain above splashed against her face and drenched her clothes, and the wind tossed her hair around whimsically. An ambulance pulled up, and paramedics popped out the back ready to carry away Hatako, but she did not see it. All she could feel was her heart beating in her chest, and her mind going numb. Her thoughts a mess at the sight of the teacher, of the rapid events unfolding. However, one thing was clear in her mind, her heart, her soul... She want Misaki to hold her, to comfort her, to tenderly embrace her heart with love... "Officers... Medicine... Give None..." called Misaki, and every single one of them stopped in their tracks. Their eyes turned to Hatako. She jumped into life at Misaki's voice, lulled into alertness by its distinctive song, and power. "Miss, what was that sound?" asked a patrolman. "The voice of someone very dear to me, it is best not to pursue the matter further, I'm sorry, I must go home now." And with that Hatako stood and turned around to leave the grounds. "Miss, I must take a report." he persisted. "At least... tell me..." "Love... Conquers... Hate..." Misaki called back to the gathering, even while Hatako continued to walk on, the dark clouds only getting darker, and the rain beginning to fall forcefully once more. "Hatako-chan..." Misaki started. "Hatako-chan..." The rain fell so thickly, the officers were no longer visible. Even as Misaki's words echoed in her ears, Hatako couldn't find any more of her own words to speak, and no thoughts to think. Her breathing was erratic, and her heart still beating strangely. She continued to walk. .o.o.o.o.o.o.o. The door closed behind Hatako, and she collapsed on the floor. The streets outside had begun to flood, and the rain continued to pour. Hatako was soaking wet, down to her skin on every inch of her body, but it did not bother her. The cold water did not bother her either. "Why?" Hatako started softly. "Misaki-chan... Why can't you be here with me?" "Lonely..." Misaki replied. Hatako nodded slowly, tears streaming down her face in torrents now. "The teacher. The blood on the concrete. Flesh upon the ground. Her vacant stare... I need you Misaki, more then anything in the world, I need you." "Loneliness can kill these special bunnies. Be careful, Usako-chan..." Misaki recited, straining to keep her words together, pushing feelings and emotions through her mind as fast as possible. "That was from the story I told you awhile ago, Misaki-chan..." Hatako replied quietly. "Story... Was... Not..." "Misaki-chan, you're right, it was not a story originally. It was a strange dream of mine, I had had it the night before that one, but that is all of the dream I remembered." "Premonition... Hatako-chan... Possible... Destiny..." Misaki explained, and Hatako glanced up a bit to stare out the window, finding herself sub-consciously wanting to see Misaki in front of her, for perhaps the millionth time. "Are you saying loneliness... Will kill me?" Hatako asked. "Only... Thing..." Misaki responded softly. "It is hurting me right now, Misaki-chan. I am only half whole... Only half of you is here now..." "Kill... Still... Possible..." the voice warned. "Another test, isn't it?" Hatako questioned, sincerely now. "Of Heart... Hide Fear... Head High... Love... Forever..." "That I must do... But it does not change the fact I miss you. Does not change the fact I am lonely, and incapable of escaping it without perishing from it. People in this world wish for immortality when they have happy lives, and I, I want to die simply, quickly. I want to be with you now... Is this right? Immortal when sad? Trapped without you on this world, waiting a painfully long time... just to die?" Hatako cried, contempt for the situation they were forced into edging deeply into her voice. "Our Price... For Eachother... Our Tests... Of Dedication... To Be With You... One Minute... I Would Happily Wait... Ten Thousand Years..." A chord was struck in Hatako, and she pulled the vial from under her shirt, holding it in her hands before her eyes. She stared at it for several moments. "Misaki..." Hatako cried softly. .o.o.o.o.o.o.o. "There have been many reports of flooding in the Downtown Tokyo district, authorities have issued flash flood warnings to the entire region. Rainfall was closing in at nearly 30 centimeters an hour just thirty minutes ago. Reports of large hailstones have also been received, only to be confirmed by a police officer. "In related news, tsunami like waves have been sighted at all major beaches in the Pacific Rim. Officials have closed all public beaches, and vessels under 40 meters long are being asked to dock immediately. Eyewitnesses claim to have seen the waves nearly 'appear out of thin air'. Scientists are baffled as to how they are appearing, their have been no recent earthquakes or platonic plate movements recently. "The National government has called a state of emergency, while only one death has been confirmed, and the irregular weather pattern seems to have mostly resided along with the waves, emergency crews are being assembled for standby. It is advi..." Hatako turned off the television. "Hatako-chan... You..." Misaki started. "I must have the same influence over water as you do... My emotions made this mess..." Hatako confided quietly. "Mine... As Well... Careful... Must Be..." "Yes... We know well now... We are more then human..." A vision appeared for Hatako, it was back a year ago, it was her story about the bunnies... "Remember this: Once you find that other bunny, you will be forever happy, forever young and spirited, forever together. And then, as the bunnies you called your friends die, you will realize that you and your soul bunny are more special then any other bunny alive. Remember this, and don't be scared when it happens. Take care, Usako-chan." Hatako heard herself saying, many months ago. There was no doubt about it now. They were indeed special. Lonely, and sad... But special. Another tear escaped Hatako's eye. .o.o.o.o.o.o.o. Author's Notes: There appears to be some massive failure with the review system every once in awhile. I have a feeling it happens when a database server goes down, because the fanfictions are still available, but appending the database is not. I have a feeling reviewing functions are locked because of database issues because I have chanced upon similar problems at random times of the day when I am trying to edit my profile. In the case you have a problem submitting a review, you can either wait for the database server to come back up, or you may send it to my email box. My email is available on my profile page. If you send it by email, I ask that you include that you want me to post it for you, and for what chapter. I refuse to post any review that does not include a request, per chance that the reviewer did not want the review posted. Thanks for your continued interest, and enjoy the show. Move along now please. Revised July 30th, 2004 .o. Munkii
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