On other news, I didn't do it! ... .o.o.o.o.o.o.o. Escape from the Sea "Words cannot describe love. Love cannot be explained, it merely exists and is, and everyone understands it the moment they chance upon this world." unknown source .o.o.o.o.o.o.o. The child kneeled close to the figure lying on the ground, tears running down her cheeks, a tortured expression upon her lips. Rain fell in torrents, and the great crashing of waves could be heard in the distance. "Hatako-chan..." Misaki whispered, but there was no reply. Her ghostly form was disconnected from the world, and yet, bound to it. Her heart throbbed greatly, seeing Hatako so miserable, seeing her lonely and distraught. "No person should ever have to feel what you are feeling now, Hatako-chan." Misaki looked down at her spirit self, only to find that her form was bare of any clothing and accessories. Her silver hair blew in a chaotic fashion, as if the wind had its own spirit form, but she could not feel it. Rain fell through her image, but she could feel its coldness. The thunder crashed around her, and the sound echoed in her ears. Hatako wept, and the tears felt like acid, burning through her heart. Glancing back to her body, Misaki noticed it floating into the sea, only to disappear soon after. She floated down to the water, only to find that moments later, Hatako was running toward the beach. Misaki screamed with all her might, but Hatako did not stop. The waves knocked her down, but she did not stop, and Misaki raced after her, plunging what remained of her into the seawater. It was then that Misaki saw it... a softly glowing light coming from Hatako's heart. It pulsed with the waves, growing stronger with each cycle. She looked at herself, only to find the same effect. They were all in unison. Misaki found herself thinking of Hatako, that child she had met not to long ago. She found herself thinking of the love they shared, and what it had driven them to at this point in time. Hatako was trying to kill herself for her, and Misaki soon realized that their love was more powerful then life itself; Hatako was not dying. "Misaki?" called the child. It was then that girl realized she was not drowning. "Why haven't I drowned?" Did Hatako know she was there, thinking about her? Misaki watched as Hatako picked up a shell from the sand, and cut herself with it. "Hatako-chan is so smart," mused Misaki, "when she's sane." She moved closer to Hatako, wanting to touch her, but each time she cast her arm through Hatako, she felt nothing. Hatako dropped the shell and placed her hand over her heart, "My heart is still alive." Hatako paused slightly, "No, both of them are alive. And Misaki's, she has lost one, but the other..." Misaki mused once more, this time to herself that she would float around Hatako's heart for all eternity. As soon as she had finished that thought, however, Hatako called out to her. "Misaki!" cried Hatako, and a jolt of pain ran through Misaki as she gazed at the lonely child. What would Hatako do, now that she was gone? Misaki already knew the answer, and it was no more fair then her own murder. She had to do something. "I will be with you forever, Hatako-chan," whispered Misaki, floating gently to Hatako's heart, only to find that she could feel it. It was quite obvious Hatako felt it, and Misaki soon found Hatako asleep under the waves. "I still miss holding you, Hatako-chan, but I am happy you are with me," thought Misaki. "I would not leave you, even after death." Quite abruptly, the vision ended, and Hatako came back to her present surroundings. She was still hidden in the seaweed, and Misaki's presence still warmed her. She found small tears forming in her eyes, and they drifted off into the water. "Misaki-chan... Why? Why us?" Hatako cried softly, as memories of last night flooded her thoughts. "We... we haven't done anything wrong." Misaki concentrated her feelings so Hatako could receive a message. "That... be why..." came Misaki's thoughts a short while later. "Are you saying we are being punished for being good to each other?" Hatako asked quickly. "No..." "Then what?" Hatako's eyes were glimmering under the water, and Misaki felt sorry for her. "Test," came the sound of the ocean, "Love... Test..." "What makes you think it is a test? Misaki-chan, you were murdered..." "Breathe... Water... Dreams..." Hatako didn't respond for several minutes, and she finally began to piece together the information. Misaki stroked Hatako's black hair, but could not feel it. However, just by chance, her hand ran into the ribbon binding it. She soon found that it actually could be felt in its entirety. "Feel... Ribbon..." Hatako felt behind her, only to find that the ribbon Misaki had tied into her hair was missing. She looked desperately around for it, only to find it right in front of eyes in the shape of a heart. "The ribbon, you can touch it?" Hatako questioned, now interested in what Misaki had found. Misaki, after a moment of thought, wrapped it around her right hand like a glove. Hatako reached forward slowly, and the ribbon moved forward, only to meet and hold each other. "That is Misaki-chan's hand..." whispered Hatako, a great smile forming on her face for the first time since the incident. Misaki released her grip shortly after though, to Hatako's dismay. "Misaki-chan..." Hatako began, but she watched in curiosity as the ribbon unwound and was pulled straight. Moments later, it rushed at her. It reached her lips, and Hatako soon felt Misaki's on the other side. Hatako shed new tears, of joy and of longing. Misaki cried too, and she lifted the ribbon to wipe away Hatako's tears from her eyelashes, freeing them into the ocean. "This ribbon must be special," Hatako said softly, "It is a link between you and this world. Perhaps the only link." Voices could be heard above the water now, and the sound of watercraft could be heard rumbling in the distance. They were looking for Hatako. "Misaki-chan, they are coming for me! Come with me to the surface, quickly!" Hatako requested desperately. Misaki conjured another vision to appear in Hatako's thoughts. It was short, but Hatako quickly learned something as she watched Misaki trying to float away from the waves. They kept pulling her back into the water. The vision ended, and Hatako's eyes gazed out into the ocean, emotionless. "You cannot come with me then..." Hatako cried softly. Misaki wiped away the tears once more with the ribbon. Hatako's eyes opened wide. A thought had just chanced upon her imagination. "Misaki, float inside of me and tie it around your chest, quickly! When I leave, the ribbon will anchor you to my body. If the sea is not persistent, you will be with me instead, as long as we are bound." Hatako instructed, and Misaki complied in a heartbeat. Hatako was so smart, when she was sane of course. The ribbon was wrapped somewhat tightly around Hatako's chest, and Misaki drew a bow between her nipples. "Close..." whispered the sea. "I think I will enjoy it," replied Hatako, blushing as she thought about it. She untied her bathing suit from the seaweed, and slipped it over the ribbon, hiding it completely. The ribbon, while broad and long, was thin enough to be almost invisible under the one-piece. "Love... You..." Hatako continued to blush, even as she swam to the surface of the water. Once her head popped above the swells, she breathed in the air several times to remove the water from her lungs. Having people 'rescue' her while she was breathing underwater seemed like a bad idea. Once she found herself buoyant again, she began to swim with the swells back to shore. "Hope... with you..." called Misaki, and Hatako heard her, and even though they were not underwater, it sounded as such. "Me too, Misaki-chan... With all my heart, me too." Hatako replied. Several people on the shore saw her coming, and they called out to her. She ignored them, however. Upon reaching the dry sand, she just smiled sweetly and moved on, even as they crowded around her, asking if she was okay. She made her way to the cottage, and closed the door behind her. Hatako turned around after flipping the lock, only to be greeted by Misaki's mother. A sad look was on her face, but it was strong, and Hatako knew what she was thinking. "Something has happened to Misaki, hasn't it?" Shuuko asked quietly. Hatako nodded. "I had a dream, it was a dark dream." "I know what you mean, Shuuko-san..." Hatako replied in the same manner. "There is someone that can help you. They live in the sea off the coast of Gibraltar. Their name is Resona Yano. The dream told me this." Shuuko continued, and Hatako listened intently. Shuuko cringed, but maintained herself, "You must go, with Misaki. I cannot help you further." A few tears rolled down her cheeks. "Excuse me, Hatako-chan, I must have some time to myself," and with that, Shuuko stood, unlocked the door, and left, closing it softly behind her. Hatako could feel sadness in Misaki's heart, and she looked down at the floor. "She knew as well," Hatako murmured. Misaki didn't reply for awhile. "Look... High. Hope... Happiness... Remember... Be this..." Misaki whispered. Hatako knew she was right, being sad about it wasn't going to do anything now. They were going to find out a way to bring Misaki back, and hindrances were uncalled for. "Misaki-chan, take a bath with me." Hatako said, moving towards the tub, "This seaweed is annoying." "Ribbon... Idea... Love..." "I couldn't leave you behind, Misaki-chan. Never could have... Ever..." Hatako replied as she turned on the hot water. She relocked the door and made sure the curtains were drawn before carefully removing her bathing suit. She could feel Misaki tugging gently on the ends of the bow, making sure it was still snug. Misaki then placed her hand on the ribbon, applying a soft pressure. The warmth within Hatako reached through the ribbon, and Misaki could feel it washing over her hand like sunshine. The bath filled soon, and Hatako sunk in, letting the water cover her entire body, letting it enter her lungs. Her hair drifted freely in the clear water above her head, and Hatako helped the seaweed free, dropping the larger pieces on the floor next to the tub. Misaki longed to lift the seaweed from Hatako's hair, to cleanse her body with a soft sponge, to hold her... She closed her eyes and wished for things to be simpler, for things to be right, for freedom. Misaki knew a mere wish wouldn't grant those things to her now, but she still wished, and dreamed. In the past, she had taken the ability to embrace Hatako for granted. But now, it was different, and she promised herself she would never take things such as these again. The longing passion of withheld love had lit her soul once more, and now it consumed her. "Love... you... Hold... you..." Misaki whispered. Hatako stopped fidgeting with her hair. "Me too Misaki, me too." Hatako proceed to clean her hair again after a few moments, but couldn't finish. A new wave of warmth raced through her body, and she found herself drifting off to dreams. ... "You mine Misaki-chan... All mine..." whispered Hatoko while squinting her eyes trying to be evil looking. Misaki stared at her for a moment. "You goofball... Hatoko-chan... You mine... All mine..." whispered back Misaki. Hatoko slowly let her arms fall from beneath her and she soon rested atop Misaki once again as their legs hung over the side of the bed. "Now Misaki-chan... What do you want to do today? You the guest! I am at your service my master..." said Hatoko and she hopped of the bed and bowed. Misaki smiled her own evil smile this time. "Hmm... maybe I will play witch and boil you in big iron pot..." suggested Misaki. "For dinner?" asked Hatoko, playing along. "Yes. I'll eat you for dinner." replied Misaki. She showed her teeth to Hatoko in a big evil grin. "Oooo... can I be a bunny rabbit please?" said Hatoko. She bent down on the ground and hopped around on all fours. "Yes... but first, you must be caught cause you're a wild bunny rabbit..." replied Misaki. Hatoko responded by moving away from Misaki by hopping. "Trying to get away so soon? I'll get you my furry dinner... I'll get you..." cackled Misaki as though she were a witch. She got off of the bed and put up her arms like she was trying to scare away a bear. Misaki followed Hatoko. When she was near, Hatoko would dart to the other side of the room. Eventually Hatoko wore out however, and Misaki came at her. "Finally... oh pretty bunny, you mine!" and with that Misaki jumped on Hatako's back. She wrapped her arms around Hatako's abdomen and rolled onto the floor to avoid hurting Hatoko from being on top of her. Hatoko was now on top of Misaki instead. She squirmed around while Misaki held tightly onto her prey. Hatoko ran out of energy and lay on Misaki's chest while they rested. Misaki didn't want to move. Hatoko was on top of her. She felt warmth from Hatoko, but it was more then that. It was love. Misaki closed her eyes. She was tingling all over... ... Hatako's dream was a memory from long ago, and while Hatako slept peacefully under the water, Misaki wept ghostly tears as she read the child's dreams. "Look at what fate has stolen from us, Hatako. Look at what it has taken..." Misaki mumbled softly. .o.o.o.o.o.o.o. Author's Notes: Next chapter be coming soon... Me promise. Finished revision 15 minutes after completion. I choose you, fanfiction! Go! .o. Munkii
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