Prince Prince!
Utena Tenjou strode along the walkway towards school,
feeling the eyes of the students resting on her. Her
short pink hair blew gently in the breeze, her build a
bit more boyish than most due to her athletics and her
handsome face looking determined.
"Utena-kun," the older woman nodded a greeting,
waiting by the front gate as they had arranged
"Ma'am," Utena nodded to her respectfully, her uniform
skirt swirling as the woman looked her over.
"Welcome to Ohtori girls academy," she said briskly as
they started off, the lady sneaking glances at Utena
through her odd triangular glasses.
'Wonder if I have something on my face?' Utena
thought, feeling the other students looking at her
intently too. "Glad to be here," Utena said flatly.
"It's too bad you had to transfer after opening
ceremonies," the older woman noted, "but I'm sure
you'll receive a warm welcome, Utena-kun."
"Maybe if I was a boy," Utena shook her head as they
walked down the hall.
A faint smile tugged her lips, "You obviously aren't
used to a all girl's school, but you'll see." With
that odd pronouncement they reached the classroom,
"Here you go, and I hope things go well for you."
"Thank you," Utena blinked, wondering what she had
meant as the teacher strode off.
Walking in to the room Utena could have sworn she
heard the girls give a dreamy sigh, all of them
focused on her intently as she stood in front of the
class for introductions. "This is Utena Tenjou," the
buxom beauty of a teacher purred, "a she's
transferring here due to family issues. I hope you'll
welcome her."
"Thank you," Utena bowed.
"You'll sit by Miss Mizuno," the teacher said even as
the students murmured to each other excitedly, gazing
at Utena with faint blushes on their cheeks.
'What's with this place?' Utena wondered as she walked
to her seat, then nearly froze when she saw what
looked like a boy sitting beside her.
"Welcome," Ami Mizuno nodded, her short blue hair and
boy's uniform giving her a almost masculine air.
"Ah, right," Utena smiled back with a little
confusion. 'Why is she wearing a boy's uniform?' she
"Miss Utena," several girls rushed over as lunch
started to ask, "would you like to have lunch with
"Ah," Utena was startled by the girls' aggressiveness
as she answered, "actually, I have to go to the
cafeteria for something."
"I'm going to lunch there too," Ami said as she got up
from her seat as she asked, "do you want to go with
"Please," Utena said.
"See you later," several of the girls called as they
They walked off together, and Utena noticed that Ami
was drawing even more adoring looks than she was. "Ah,
Miss Mizuno?" she started tentatively.
"Call me Ami, please," she smiled with what seemed
like almost instinctive charm.
"Ami," Utena smiled nervously as she tried to find a
tactful way to ask. Finally she just blurted, "What is
going on here?"
Ami smiled as a girl squealed and nearly fainted as
they passed. "It's a bit complicated," she admitted,
"but you know how girls are naturally inclined towards
"Not all of us," Utena thought of herself wryly, "but
Ami flashed a smile as she said, "Well, in a all girls
school that inclination can get frustrated, unless
you're naturally interested in girls."
Utena nodded, "Makes sense."
"To help deal with that desire our student council
came up with a innovative solution," Ami explained,
"each year, we have two freshmen dress as princes."
"Princes," Utena repeated dubiously.
"Yes, they're given boys uniforms and help with
special events," Ami shrugged, "they become a kind of
focus for the school body."
"And you're one of these princes?" Utena guessed as
they reached the cafeteria at last.
"And I suspect you will be too," Ami said as they
entered, nodding respectfully to the squealing
"Ehh?" Utena blinked in surprise.
Ami gave her a amused look as they ordered, "You
haven't noticed how the girls are reacting to you?
You're nearly a perfect prince candidate and I suspect
the student council is already meeting to discuss it."
"Oy," Utena sighed, wondering what that might mean for
her hopes of a quiet student life. Retreating to a
spot on the roof they ate their lunches in relative
peace, though a few random fangirls snuck peeks as
they ate.
Returning to class they blinked as they saw a blonde
haired girl waiting impatiently for them. "There you
are," she said, her golden hair flowing as the smaller
woman said, "the council wants to see Miss Tenjou."
"Told you," Ami murmured. Louder she addressed the
girl, "Do you think they'd mind if I tag along,
"Please do," Nanami smiled slightly, "it might help
with explanations."
"What if I don't want to do this prince thing?" Utena
asked Ami softly.
"They'll be consequences," Ami conceded.
"Lovely," Utena murmured with a frown.
They soon arrived at the student council room, Nanami
sliding open the door to reveal several very
attractive students from the higher grades. Looking
over the striking band of young ladies Utena could
almost believe they had been just chosen for their
good looks, rather than any other qualifications.
"Welcome," the tall, orange haired leader of the
council rose gracefully from her seat, "I'm council
president, Juri Arisugawa."
"Ma'am," Utena nodded politely.
"Such nice manners," a pretty blonde noted, "and such
"Tina," a black haired girl frowned, "she'll think
you're a pervert."
"Sorry Aoi." Tina Foster said with a blush.
'These people are stranger than I thought,' Utena
"Has Ami explained why you're here?" Juri asked as she
politely waved them to a seat.
"Some," Utena admitted, "this whole prince thing. But
I don't really see why I should do it, even if you
chose me..."
"Anthy?" Juri nodded towards a dusky skinned girl on
the council, her purple hair flowing over her
"Becoming a prince has a great many benefits," Anthy
smiled as she looked over Utena, "you see, of our club
budget the prince program receives the most money."
"Oh?" Utena sat up, interested despite herself.
"First of all, you will be excused from any late or
tardy incidents," Anthy wrote on a chalk board, "we
will reimburse you for books and uniforms..."
That made Utena sit up and take notice! Since her
parents death she had been much more concerned with
money matters, and knowing the student council would
be paying for her books and gear would be a great
Anthy continued, "We'll also be providing you with
thirty free lunches in the cafeteria."
'That'll add up,' Utena noted.
"Look at the eagerness in her eyes," Nanami noted
quietly to Juri.
"Our research into her financial situation payed off,"
Juri nodded as she whispered back, "and now for the
killing blow."
"And there's another thing," Anthy noted. "The school
pays a small fee to students who appear in official
photos for sale at the shop. As a prince your photos
would be very popular, and you could make a tidy few
yen at it."
"I'll do it," Utena said eagerly.
"Hook, line and sinker," Juri whispered with a smirk.
With a charming grin she said aloud, "Thank you,
Utena, you won't regret it."
"I'll do my best," Utena nodded.
"Now, who do you want as your bride?" Juri asked
"Bride?" Utena squeaked.
"Oh, I forgot to mention," Juri smiled a bit like a
shark this time, "the prince is paired with a bride,
to provide a perfect couple for everyone to daydream
about. You can pick any of the council but me."
"Why not you?" Utena had to ask.
Firmly Ami said, "She's mine."
"Ah," Utena nodded. She looked over the other four
women and sweatdropped as they all looked like they
wanted to eat her up. "Can I have some time to think
about it?" she begged.
Juri smirked, "Certainly, but just don't take too
To be continued...?
Notes: Based off the manga Princess Princess, with a
Utena-like twist. Also, Aoi and Tina Foster are from
Ai Yori Aoshi and Ami is from Sailor Moon.
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